Ican't see the shore.../Ah, I can't see the shore...

WhenwillIseetheshore/When will I see the shore?

IwantyoutoknowwhoIreallyam/I want you to know whoIreallyam

IneverthoughtIfeelthiswaytowardyou/I never thought I was going to follow your direction

Andifyoueverneedsomeonetocomealong/But if you need someone to come along

I will follow you and keep you strong/I will follow you and keep you strong

旅はまだ続いてく/Travel still continues

穏やかな日も/In the ordinary and stable days

つきはまたNew しいcycleで/Another round of cloudy and sunny moon

船を照らし出す / irradiated on the traveling boat

Pray りをささげて / Pray devoutly

新しい日を待つ/Looking forward to a new day

鲜やかに光る海/sea shining brightly

その果てまで/ until the end

AndeverytimeIseeyourface/Every time I see your face


Youmakemewannastrainattheoars/You make me nervous when rowing

AndsoonIcan'tseetheshore/I can't see the shore in an instant

Destiny の 船 を Cao ぎ / swing the boat of fate

波は次から次へと/Although the waves wave by wave

私たちを相うけど / Come to me

それも素敵な旅ね/This time is still a beautiful and wonderful trip

どれも素敵な旅ね/Every time is a beautiful and wonderful trip

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