[75] Zhao Yan falls into a dream

Chapter 4 Everyone Works Together to Sell Boxed Lunch

Brother Zhou arrived before he had finished his breakfast. Last night he agreed to come and help clean up the sheep pen and chicken coop.Seeing Big Brother Zhou busy in the backyard, Mu Yan was beside him handing tools.The two talked about the situation in the county while they were busy. Brother Zhou would go to work in the county during the slack season, and he was familiar with the situation in the county. The two talked about the issue of working and eating. Brother Zhou said that he usually works with Dry food, if you are hungry, buy a bowl of tea at the tea stand and eat it.Fortunately, in summer, in winter, the dry food freezes so badly that the teeth can be knocked out.

"Dry food, knock out your teeth. Brother Zhou, why don't you even sell food in the place where you work?" Mu Yan asked puzzled. "I work on the wharf, where there are so many people and so much goods, how can someone put a food stall there? There is a restaurant, but we coolies will not let in even if they are rich and smelly." Brother Zhou said while working I didn't realize that Mu Yan's face instantly beamed with joy, because Mu Yan thought of a simple meal that can be seen everywhere in modern society-box lunch.

In modern society, construction sites or other crowded places, there will be people riding tricycles, with a large pot of rice and several large pots of various stir-fried vegetables on the side of the cart, and people hawking along the street.A few small tables and small benches are placed around the table. A group of people sit around and eat their own food. After eating, they can drink a bowl of free soup to rinse their mouths. The dishes are rationed. You can add rice and drink soup as you like. The price of meals is affordable and the venue is flexible. maneuver.

The more Mu Yan thinks about it, the more she feels that this business can be done, but it needs to be investigated on the spot.Since he wanted to do business, he had to be fully prepared, otherwise the savings at home might not be enough to pay for himself in a few days.However, this plan still needs Brother Zhou’s help, so he mentioned to Brother Zhou that he wanted to see where he worked. Brother Zhou agreed to Mu Yan’s request after pondering for a while, but it was also strange.After tidying up the pigsty and chicken coop, and making an appointment to go to the county together tomorrow, Brother Zhou packed up and went home.

Early in the morning of the second day, Mu Yan and Brother Zhou met at the entrance of the village and walked all the way to the county town, and they didn't arrive until the sun was noon.After entering the city, I went straight to the pier in the north of the county. The pier was bustling with people carrying jobs.But just as Brother Zhou said, there is no food seller, only a small stall selling tea.At noon, many workers in the shop ate their own dry food with big bowls of tea.Mu Yan knew that workers could get 35 to [-] copper coins for carrying bags a day, so Mu Yan set the fast food price based on this.

Just do what you say, Mu Yan went to the market to buy two catties of fat meat, and went to the grain store to buy five catties of rough noodles and five catties of white rice, and there were so many vegetables and eggs in the village that she didn't need to buy any more.Returning to the village with the help of Brother Zhou, the sun was already setting when we got home. Mrs. Liu was obviously a little unhappy when she saw Mu Yan buying so many things again. After taking her food, she went back to the room and closed the door and never came out .

After eating in a hurry, Mu Yan couldn't help laughing when she saw Liu's closed door.After seeing each other for a day, Mrs. Liu lost her temper.That's fine, it's better than being submissive, and besides, she needs her permission to go out to sell food, after all, she is the elder of the family.Knocking on the door of Liu Shi's room and telling her about his plan, he was going to spend a lot of time talking, but Liu Shi said without any objection and let Mu Yan decide.

If you want to do business, the women and children in Guang Muyan's family will definitely not do it.After thinking about it, I think Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou are good candidates. Aunt Zhou cooks and stir-fries at home every morning. After cooking, Mu Yan and Uncle Zhou go to the pier to sell.After thinking about it, he went to Uncle Zhou's house to discuss with him. Uncle Zhou firmly believed in Mu Yan's gift from heaven, so he treated her like a god.Hearing that she was willing to bring her family to make money, there was no reason why she disagreed, and she also made many suggestions, and then contacted Niuche and agreed to rent it on a monthly basis, and the price would be three hundred yuan per month.

On the second day, I prepared the stove, bowls and chopsticks, etc. Since I just started to do it, I don’t know what the situation is, and Mu Yan didn’t dare to invest too much, so I could only make do with the existing bowls and chopsticks of my own and Zhou’s, and prepare the stove. Things like tables and chairs.Before dawn on the third day, Mu Yan, Mrs. Liu and Aunt Zhou were busy washing, cooking, cooking, steaming steamed buns, and preparing the food for delivery to the ox cart. Mu Yan and Uncle Zhou hurriedly followed the ox cart. to the pier.Because Brother Zhou told the companions at the dock about the fast food the day before, the workers gathered around the cart as soon as the food cart was put on a corner of the dock.

The food was sold out in half an hour, because I didn't know how much grain, rice, vegetables and meat were used on the first day of cooking, and even if I cooked less, it would not be enough to sell.Amidst the workers' complaints, Mu Yan smiled and promised everyone to bring more food tomorrow.While Uncle Zhou was cleaning up the tables and chairs, Mu Yan went to buy the grain, rice, and pork in the future. With today, Mu Yan knew what to expect. She ordered a large amount of grain and rice, and agreed with the butcher to order five catties of fat every day. Meat.

Back home, Mu Yan made up her mind.Today, I sold 350 meals a day, and sold [-] more dishes and [-] meals.A set of meals costs five cents each, including three dishes, one meat and two vegetables, one serving of rice or two steamed buns plus one cent for extra rice or steamed buns;A total of [-] Qiwen coins were sold.

Deducting the ninety yuan for meat and rice, the vegetables are picked in their own fields, which is about fifty yuan at the market price, and the toppings on the five eggs are twenty yuan at the market price, plus the daily car rental Counting ten wens and firewood five wens totaled 170 and five wens, with a net profit of 180 and two wens.If I don’t have enough food today, I’ll estimate that I’ll be able to double the amount of food tomorrow. In this way, I can earn about 350 cash per day, and I can earn more than [-] cash per month. That’s ten taels of silver.

Time flies, and one month passed, as Mu Yan calculated, earning 11 taels of silver plus [-] Wen.On the last day at the end of the month, Mu Yan settled the account in front of the Zhou family and handed out four taels of silver to Uncle Zhou, saying that it was the share of this month. You must know that the harvest of grain for a year is only ten taels of silver, which is not considered tax payment. There are four taels of silver a month, and the Zhou family is very grateful.

In a blink of an eye, the end of the year is approaching, there is no more goods on the wharf, and there are fewer and fewer workers. Uncle Zhou and Mu Yan discussed that they would stop the fast food business and continue it after the next year. Yan has also handed over the business of selling food to Uncle Zhou and Brother Zhou, and she and Aunt Zhou are cooking at home and taking care of Mrs. Liu.Today is the last day of the year before the stall, and everyone can have a good year after the accounts are settled and the money is divided tonight.

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