Back home, before he had time to wash up, Zhan Zhao was invited by the yamen servants to Mr. Bao's study to discuss matters, and he dragged his tired body into the house until Haishi.Mu Yan looked at Zhan Zhao's frown like a lump of iron and knew that something was wrong, she urged him to take a bath, while Mu Yan went to cook a bowl of noodles for Zhan Zhao to satisfy his hunger.After eating a bowl of noodles, Zhan Zhao's complexion improved, and then he began to tell the reason Master Bao told him to go.

About ten days ago, an old man named Kong Cheng'an came from Zhongmu County to beat the drums and complained that his son Kong Fei was wronged when he was convicted of killing his wife, and he begged Mr. Bao to save his life.In fact, this case had already been sent to Kaifeng Mansion by the magistrate of Zhongmou County in the form of an urgent document before the old man came. After Mr. Bao reviewed it, there was no problem.However, someone complained that Mr. Bao still went to the hall to ask the case, and the whole story was the same as the record in the file. Mr. Bao thought it was the old man who loved his son so much that he fell into obsession, so he warmly comforted him.But the old man said that his son did not kill his wife, and he did not plead guilty after being tortured for a long time. The fingerprints on the file were pressed by the county magistrate himself while his son was fainting. None of them were popular, neighbors can testify, and the two went to Yue's house as guests on the day of the crime, there was no contradiction in talking and joking all the way, and there was no motive for killing at all.Now that his son is sentenced to kill his daughter-in-law, don't say that he is the parents of the Yue family, and he doesn't believe it.

That being the case, Lord Bao sent Wang Chao Mahan to re-investigate. The two of them took a trip, and the result of the investigation was exactly as the old man Kong said, not to mention the neighbors, even the parents of Kong Fei's wife Liang. I also don't believe that Kong Fei killed his daughter, thinking that the murderer was someone else, but the evidence of the on-site investigation is that the doors and windows of the house are closed, and the property has not been stolen. But the victim, Mrs. Liang, died on the bed without a sound, with her throat torn.

According to the autopsy report, there was no wound on Liang's body, and the cause of death was that his throat was torn to death. Liang's penis still had remnants of yang essence, indicating that he had intercourse with others before his death.This was confirmed by Kong Fei, the two did have sex that night.He fell asleep after a simple cleanup, and the head arrester of the county government also found relevant evidence.According to the officer in charge, it was Kong Fei's neighbor who reported the case. When he arrived at the scene, he was the only one in the house. Kong Fei's father and two children were locked out, and the officer broke in. Seeing that her emotions were on the verge of collapse, she hugged Mrs. Liang several times and cried until she passed out.It doesn't look like a fake.

After the investigation, the county government confirmed that Kong Fei was the murderer because there were a lot of splattered bloodstains on Kong Fei's bedding and pajamas at that time, but Kong Fei himself could not explain the reasons for the formation of these bloodstains.Moreover, when the yamen servant saw Kong Fei for the first time, there was an inconspicuous blood stain on Kong Fei's jaw, which seemed to be left after he had not wiped it clean.Kong Fei himself knew nothing about it, and he refused to confess even under heavy punishment.After the county magistrate Qin Min investigated, he also felt that Kong Fei had no motive for the murder, and the case was at a standstill for a while.There was a lot of discussion about this case in the public, and there were all kinds of opinions. Some people even said that the evil spirit wanted to marry a wife, so he took over the body of a living person, murdered him in the middle of the night and took his soul to become a ghost wife. People were panicked for a while.In order to quell the people's rumors, the county magistrate Qin Min took the fingerprints of Kong Fei and closed the case when Kong Fei fainted after the torture.

Mu Yan listened to Zhan Zhao's narration.I had no idea for a while, this case is quite weird.Generally speaking, there must be a motive for killing, it is impossible to kill for no reason, and it is also a pillow person with deep love between husband and wife, unless this person is intermittently schizophrenic, but if he is mentally ill and still has violent tendencies, his family will not Maybe I don't know!After much deliberation, he still had no idea, so he urged Zhan Zhao to rest first and talk tomorrow, but Zhan Zhao couldn't persuade her to just lie on the bed as promised.In order for Zhan Zhao to rest earlier, Mu Yan gave Zhan Zhao a massage, and before the set of techniques was finished, Zhan Zhao fell asleep with a light breath.

Zhan Zhao fell asleep, but Mu Yan couldn't sleep, thinking about this weird case.Although she had no feelings for Conan in her previous life, she liked to watch programs such as telling stories about cases. Now she began to search carefully for all the cases she had seen in her mind. After thinking about it several times, she still had no clue. He decided to ask Zhan Zhao tomorrow to see if Kong Fei had been brought to the Kaifeng mansion, and if he was in prison, he would go to see him together with Zhan Zhao to see if there were any flaws.

When he woke up, Zhan Zhao was already dressed and ready to send Mr. Bao to court.Seeing Mu Yan wake up, she smiled apologetically: "I woke you up? It's still early, so get some more sleep. I told Chunhong to cook millet porridge for you. Didn't you say you had an upset stomach yesterday? If you feel uncomfortable, rest more " Mu Yan listened dazedly to Zhan Zhao talking a lot, and seeing him go out, she remembered her thoughts from last night, and hurriedly jumped off the bed to chase after Zhan Zhao.Chasing out the door with bare feet, Zhan Zhao heard the footsteps behind him and turned around to see Mu Yan rushing over naked, he hurriedly caught her and carried her back to the bed, and said helplessly, "Run out if you're dressed like this." What if it’s cold?” Mu Yan didn’t care to chatter with him, and hurriedly asked him where Kong Fei was now.Zhan Zhao knows that Mu Yan's identity is strange, and she helped solve the last corpse rape case.Master Bao instructed her to tell her the whole story of the case yesterday, hoping to use her knowledge to get some useful clues, and immediately told her bluntly that Kong Fei had already referred to the prison in Kaifeng Mansion.If she wants to see her, she can visit the prison with her when she comes back from court.

Watching Zhan Zhao go out, Mu Yan fell asleep again, and didn't lazily get up to wash up until Chun Hong came to ask her to eat.Before she had finished her breakfast, the servants of the government office came to ask Zhan Zhao to invite her over.After finishing their meal in twos and threes, they arrived at Kaifeng Mansion with the guards. Zhan Zhao was already waiting on the way to the cell.The prison was gloomy, which made people feel a little chilly, Zhan Zhao saw that she was afraid, so he took her hand.Kong Fei is a death row inmate and was locked in the deep part of the prison. When he heard someone visiting the prison, Kong Fei sat up from the messy straw mat and looked at the two of them.Zhan Zhao called the yamen servant to open the door, and went in first to tell Kong Fei his official rank and purpose of coming, and then signaled Mu Yan to come in.

Kong Fei suffered a lot. His white prison clothes were covered with blood, his skin was covered with welts, and his hands and feet had traces of sticks on his back.Mu Yan sighed in her heart, the criminals in ancient times were really powerful, no wonder everyone said that San Muxia couldn't ask for such a thing.Mu Yan asked Kong Fei's injuries in a warm voice, asked about the situation of Kong Fei's family, whether someone took care of his children, etc. Kong Fei was in tears.Mu Yan looked at his performance and felt that this man had a strong sense of family responsibility, and he didn't seem like a malicious person.Then the conversation changed, and the topic changed to the case, asking him to repeat the whole story of the day when the crime happened.

According to Kong Fei, Kong Fei's family is in Zhongmou County, and his ancestors have been farming for generations, and after several generations of management, there is still a small amount of land.His wife, Liang Shi, is his uncle's niece. The two have known each other since they were young, and they can be regarded as childhood sweethearts.There is a three-year age difference between the two, and the families of the two families are quite similar. Liang Shi and Ji then became his wives as a matter of course.The day before the incident was the father-in-law's birthday, the whole family drove the mule cart to the father-in-law's house early in the morning to give gifts and have a feast, and stayed until the afternoon before returning home together. There was no abnormal sound along the way.When they got home at night, they settled down for the children to rest, and the two of them lingered for a while before falling asleep. Who knew that when they woke up, their wife was lying beside him covered in blood, and he became a murderer identified by the yamen.

There is no discrepancy between what he said and what was recorded in the dossier.When Mu Yan asked him if he was suddenly irritable, Kong Fei also denied it, saying that he had a gentle temperament and would not be hostile to others.This is also consistent with the confessions of neighbors, relatives and friends.After Mu Yan finished listening, she signaled Zhan Zhao to leave, leaving the bewildered Kong Fei in the prison at a loss.

Mu Yan met Kong Chengan, Kong Fei's father, again, and asked Kong Fei if there was anything unusual, and Kong Chengan said no.Mu Yan wandered around Kong Cheng'an's guest room for a long time and then asked him if anything strange happened at home on weekdays.For example, things that were obviously there on weekdays suddenly disappeared, or things that were obviously not there suddenly appeared and other strange things.Kong Chengan was stunned for a long time when he heard the words, and then said that there were several times when the water in the water tank was obviously used up, and the next day he woke up early to fetch water, but found that the water tank was full. , There are also several times when the door is well inserted at night, but the door is wide open when I wake up the next day, but there are no burglars in the house.He didn't feel it once or twice, but if there were too many times, he thought there was something unclean in the house. He even went to ask for a charm.

After listening to Kong Chengan's words, a strange smile leaked from the corner of Mu Yan's mouth.He went out of the guest room with Zhan Zhao, and Zhan Zhao asked her why she was smiling so pervasively, Mu Yan tricked her and asked him to take her to see Master Bao.When she arrived at the study, Mu Yan told Mr. Bao firmly that the murderer was Kong Fei, but he himself did not know that he had killed someone.Master Bao and Mr. Gongsun were shocked, how could such a thing happen.If a murderer doesn't know that he has killed someone, is he really deluded by evil spirits?Mu Yan shook her head and talked about a case that she thought of before.

One morning, A Ming stood in the courtyard screaming with blood on his hands.And on a bed next to him, two bloody people lay silently.Hearing the sound, the people rushed to send the two injured to the hospital.The doctor found that Xiao Ai was dead, and Xiao Wu survived, but suffered serious brain injuries.Who is the murderer?After the people treated the injured, they began to question Amin, who was still in shock, because he was the first witness.

"I don't know what happened. When I woke up, I found that my hands were covered in blood, and the two people around me were also covered in blood. They stood upright. I was terrified, so I shouted." Ah Ming's words made everyone feel incredible. "How did you come to the yard? How did you sleep in the yard?" Facing this question, Amin shook his head and said he didn't know, but soon jumped up and shouted hysterically: "Killed! Killed!" !" Amin's elder brother hurriedly found the local security guard, and under the reminder of the security guard, he took Amin to surrender.

Knowing nothing about the process of committing the crime, but turning himself in, this was the first time the Yamen encountered such a case, and felt very strange.After a large number of forensic investigations, the Yamen determined that the perpetrator was A Ming.After investigation by the police, a steel drill was found at the scene, about one meter long, thick as a thumb, with a lot of blood stains on it, and the bloody fingerprints left on it were consistent with Amin's fingerprints.

It is speculated that after getting up, Amin walked to the courtyard with a steel rod in his hand, and hit the heads of the two sleeping victims respectively, resulting in the death of the victim Xiao Ai's skull rupture and Xiao Wu's severe head injury.Based on a large amount of evidence and identification, the Yamen made such an inference about the process of A Ming's crime.But what is distressing is that no matter how much he asks, Amin insists: "I don't know how to kill people."

Was Amin unwilling to reveal the process of committing the crime, or did he really know nothing about the process of committing the crime?Just when he was puzzled by this, Amin's brother said, "Amin has often sleepwalked during this period of time, and this time the murder may have been due to sleepwalking." He also said that neighbors and family members could prove that Amin had "sleepwalked".Sleepwalking is a type of sleep disorder, which is caused by behavioral disorders in dreams (sleep suppression, imbalance of waking), also known as somnambulism.During sleepwalking, the client is unconscious and responds involuntarily to people and things, and the purpose of the behavior is unclear.There is often the behavior of getting up and walking during sleep. During sleepwalking, the patient's facial expression is dull, and he basically does not respond to the stimulation of others, so it is difficult to be forcibly awakened.After waking up, most of what happened during sleepwalking is forgotten.

According to these statements, there are two evidences that best explain Amin's "sleepwalking".Once, when an apprentice of Amin's father was sleeping with Amin, he saw him sitting up in the middle of the night, walking straight out, and then walking back straight away. ignore.Another time, when it was getting dark, the family asked A Ming to buy oil, but he didn't buy it all day and night. Later, a neighbor found him in the wheat field and asked him why he didn't go home. He said he couldn't find it. way home.These few things really fit the characteristics of sleepwalking. Could it really be sleepwalking killing people?

"But soon I felt something was wrong." The specialist said: Sleepwalkers are half asleep and half awake during sleepwalking, and their behavior is relatively simple. Generally, they don't make difficult coherent movements. Killing or hurting others with a steel rod is extremely dangerous. rare.Feeling that the matter was difficult, the yamen asked their superiors for instructions, but there was no case of sleepwalking murder in the whole area, so they commissioned a professional appraisal agency to conduct a mental appraisal of Amin.

At the same time, the neighbors also discovered Amin's "strangeness".Once, Amin tied his feet with a rope, walked up to a neighbor and said with a strange expression: "No one did anything bad, it was him..." The neighbor asked him what was going on, and he just stared at him viciously. with neighbors. "These are just 'weird' performances in the eyes of ordinary people, but they are the performances of schizophrenia in our eyes, and they are already very obvious." The doctor said.After ruling out the possibility of Amin committing the crime due to various objective factors such as vendetta and love killing, they turned their attention to the identification of Amin's mental state when he committed the crime.

In the end, combining the case file, on-site investigation, Amin's mental examination and auxiliary medical examination, after discussion, the experts unanimously made an appraisal conclusion: Amin was determined to be suffering from "mixed schizophrenia"; Psychiatric symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions dominate and are carried out without recognition.At the same time, experts made a legal assessment of Amin as "incapable of criminal responsibility".

In order to let Lord Bao and the others understand better, Mu Yan simplified the plot and changed some background and titles to existing titles.So after the case is finished, everyone expresses their understanding of the case.I was just amazed by some professional identification knowledge, and I was amazed to learn that there is such a superb skill in the future that can identify the mental state of criminals.With this case, Bao Zheng added another direction, asking Mu Yan how to verify the possibility of what she said.Mu Yan said that it can only wait for him to get sick next time.

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