Things started to change with a piece of news.

A great battle broke out late at night, and All Might appeared on the battlefield of the great war, attracting the attention of about 55% of the people in the country.

Even those who have no way to distract attention can't help but listen to the people around them or refresh facebook and twitter to get the latest news.

In such a much-anticipated battle, All Might's opponent seemed to have a lot of power, which made their battle come to a stalemate.

This caused many people to burst into exclamation after another, and many people keenly noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with All Might's physical condition and combat effectiveness.

Although he was as strong and brave as ever.

Just when he was worried about All Might's physical condition and whether he could cock the very powerful and destructive enemy in front of him, something unexpected happened.

The faceless or headless enemy who was cursed by many people suddenly shrunk under the watchful eyes of everyone, and became a child who took a long time for the camera on the helicopter to lock on to the target. It looked like a child who was only about three or four years old.

The whole world was shocked.

This clip was played back non-stop by many video sites, and everyone wanted to know what happened in the blink of an eye, making this enemy who made All Might fight so hard, suddenly become A young little devil head.

There was even a rumor on the Internet that the previous enemy was turned from this little devil, and that All Might couldn't even beat a three or four-year-old child.

However, no matter what.

That enemy has been apprehended, things seem to be over, and everyone's life is back on track, even the hero who had the problem this time is back to normal.

No one has any other guesses or opinions about this. Even people who know that this matter is related to the world, they just think that the teeth of the world continue to function as usual, and there is nothing particularly strange.

However, this incident is just the beginning.

On this day, Izuku met a confused-looking child on his way back from the hospital.He seemed to be looking for something, staring around with two eyes of different colors.

Huh, the color scheme of these eyes seems familiar?

He didn't pay much attention to it, and glanced at the child again, his ribs were wrinkled, and his eyes suddenly fixed on the exposed hair under the other's hat.

Wait, the color of this hair?The color of the eyes?

Looking intently at the child's face again, Izuku Midoriya's mind went blank.

Could it be that!

Lvgu Izuku immediately took a step back in shock, his mind was rapidly reeling over what Hong Jiaodong had said to him, a thought flashed through his mind, and soon occupied the very center of his consciousness .

I didn't expect Andwa to be such a person!

In addition to Mr. Hong, he actually has other children who were bred through personality marriages!

But Mr. Hong doesn't seem to have a younger brother... Could it be, could it be!

I couldn't help but look at the child a few more times. After finding that the child seemed to have found his destination and ran away happily, Lugu hesitated for a while, but still didn't catch up, but returned home in a daze.

Bakugo Katsumi, who happened to pass by the apartment building where Izuku Lvgu lived downstairs, keenly noticed that Yutaoran was out of his mind, but after scanning the other party up and down to make sure there was no wound on him, Bakugo Katsuki ignored this trivial matter indifferently.

What does what is on Chijiu's mind have anything to do with him?

It's better to hurry up and buy what that nagging old woman wants to buy.

Thinking this way, Katsuki Bakugo quickly turned two more alleys, and the one inside met a child who ran past him.

He glanced casually, and suddenly felt that the other party looked familiar.

These dry drooping eyes, this messy scarf—look at this face again, isn't it the appearance of their head teacher when magnified several times?

Aizawa Shouta actually has a son?

This thought flashed through Bakugo Katsuki's mind, and was quickly thrown away by him.


Andrew is actually such a person.

What should I do, how can I let Mr. Hong know about this and not make him sad...

The relationship between the two of them was already so rigid, wouldn't I add fuel to the fire if I told him about it again?

Izuku Midoriya hesitated for a moment, but quickly shook his head, throwing away this thought.

No, for a scumbag like Andewa, his son's Mr. Hong and his mother must know about this kind of thing!

As relatives, they must have the right to know, after all, it is such an important matter.

Midoriya Izuku stuck his head out of the pillow, his eyes were fixed, a little dazed.

How should I properly tell Mr. Hong about this matter?If he is stimulated and doesn't want to be a hero, then it must be bad...

"Xiao Jiu! Let's eat!"

"Come on Mom!"

Green Valley Izuku turned over quickly, made a decision from the bed, and continued to think about it after eating.

It's a pity that I don't have the contact information of other relatives in Hong Jun's family, otherwise I might be able to think of other ways... Izuku Lvgu thought so regretfully.

However, this problem was quickly resolved.

Because at the dinner table, Lugu's mother came back together after eating, and went to the parents' meeting hosted by All Might today.They even talked about it, and the parents of other students in the class soon involved Hong Jiaodong's family members.

"Is this child's family..." Lu Gu's mother dragged her cheeks, a little worried, "The person who came to hold the parent-teacher meeting is neither father nor mother, but his sister..."

"Hong-kun, he..." Lugu Izuku hesitated for a moment, and still told everything about Hong Jiaodong's house and the child he saw this afternoon.

He believes that his mother is more experienced than himself in the world, and may be able to come up with some good ideas.

"That's right." Lu Gu's mother put down the bowls and chopsticks, lost in thought, "Actually, I also talked with Mr. Hong Jiao Dong's sister today, and because both of them thought she was a nice person, they left their contact information."

"Toumi-san seems to be a very strong and stubborn person." She thought seriously for a long time, and chose to directly take out her mobile phone to make a call.

"Mom?" Midoriya Izuku was surprised.

"If this kind of thing really happens, it's better to let them know as soon as possible, otherwise they will be kept in the dark. It's not a short-term luck, but a longer-term misery..."

She sighed, although she knew that as an outsider who is not particularly close, it is not easy to interfere in this matter, but...

Still can't bear it.

The big deal is to let yourself be blamed in the end. All in all, it can't affect Xiao Jiu.

Green Valley's mother dialed the phone, and quickly explained everything that happened to the person on the phone without adding any guesswork.

Their communication was very fast, and it didn't take long for the call to hang up.

Green Valley's mother frowned worriedly, turned her head and said to Green Valley Izuku: "Fuyumi said that that street happened to be the place where Mr. Hong Jiaodong would pass by this afternoon, and she hasn't waited for Hong Jiaodong until now. When you go home...he must have just seen that child, right?"

No way!

Lvgu Izuku's heart suddenly trembled, and his whole body trembled.

If everything is true...

Andrew, this scumbag!Even though he is a real hero in many things, it still doesn't prevent him from being a scumbag!


At the same time, it was on the dinner table of Baohao's family.

Bao Haoguang hung up the phone call from his little sister, and beckoned to his son.

"Why? Are you calling your son or the dog in the yard next door?"

As soon as Bakugo Katsuki saw his mother's posture, he knew that there was something troublesome. Impatiently pouted, he let his buttocks sit firmly on the chair reluctantly, then kicked his feet forward and approached up the dining table.

Ms. Baohao Guangji's face immediately darkened: "Why are you doing it? Is this the way you talk to your mother? Are you trying to rebel?"

She slapped the table very vigorously with her hands, trying to make this unfilial son pay attention to her.

"Old woman, if you have anything to say, just tell me, don't gossip here!"

"You actually called your mother an old woman?"

The atmosphere between the two of them was suddenly tense, and it seemed that they were about to turn their eyes to the martial arts. Baohao's father, who had been sitting by the side and pretended that he didn't exist, immediately went up to coax his wife first, and then coax his son.

"Didn't you just say that there is an urgent matter with Liangzi? It's better to solve this matter quickly, so as not to make people wait on the other side of the phone for a long time."

Then he pulled his son's arm again: "Just listen to your mother this time, okay?"


Bakugo Katsuki smacked his lips impatiently, trying to listen patiently to Bakugo Katsuki.

Bakugo Mitsuji just recalled the source of his anger: "Hey son, let me ask you, is the head teacher of your class just the elimination hero, whose real name is Aizawa Shouta?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"How is he usually?"

Bakugo Katsuki looked at his mother in surprise, and subconsciously recalled the child he saw in the afternoon: "Why do you ask such a thing?"

"No, Ryoko is too old and has never been married. It's not a way. She went on a blind date a while ago and happened to meet Mr. Aizawa she called me to ask if I knew him. "

The child he saw in the afternoon appeared again in Bakugo Katsuki's mind.

They look exactly the same, so there shouldn't be any mistakes.

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