Across the Red Mansion: Qingwen Upgrade Road
Chapter 53
[Zhou Jiyi] It took 35 years to start with Yongshetige, and to do everything in Xuanyi and poverty.
The 23rd year of King Weilie (Wuyin, [-] BC)
At the beginning, Jin Dafu Wei Si, Zhao Ji, and Han Qian were appointed princes.
Chen Guang said: I heard that the duty of the Son of Heaven is nothing greater than propriety;What is etiquette?Ji Gang is also; what is the point?Monarchs and ministers are also; what is a name?Gong, Hou, Qing, and doctor are also.With the vastness of the world and the multitude of the people, controlled by one person, even though he has unparalleled strength and wisdom, he would not dare to run around and serve. Isn't it the rule of etiquette!That is why the Son of Heaven governs the Three Dukes, the Three Dukes lead the feudal lords, the feudal lords control the high officials, and the high officials govern the scholars and common people.The expensive is to face the cheap, and the cheap is to inherit the expensive.When the superior makes the inferior, it is like the confidant transports the siblings, and the root governs the branches and leaves; when the subordinates do the superior, it is like the siblings protect the confidant, and the branches and leaves protect the root.Then the top and bottom can protect the country's security.Therefore, it is said: The duty of the son of heaven is no greater than courtesy.
King Wen's preface to "Yi" is headed by Qian Kun.Confucius said: "Heaven is respected and the earth is humble, and the universe is fixed. The high and the low are the same, and the high and the low are the ones." The position of the monarch and his ministers is like the immutability of heaven and earth. "Spring and Autumn" restrains the princes and respects the Zhou family. Although the king is small, the order is above the princes.There is no such thing as the violence of Jie and Zhou, the benevolence of Tang and Wu, the return of people, the destiny of heaven, the distinction between monarchs and ministers, it is just that they should abide by the festival and die.Therefore, if Wei Zi is used to replace Zhou, then there will be soup to match the sky; if Ji Zha is used to replace Wu, then Taibo will eat with blood.However, the two sons would rather subjugate the country than do it. Sincerely, the great festival of propriety cannot be messed up.Therefore, it is said: There is nothing greater than courtesy.
Husband etiquette, distinguishing between high and low, ordering relatives and estrangements, arranging groups and things, and regulating common affairs.It's not famous, it's not in shape.Destiny by name, distinction by utensils, and then the up and down are in harmony with each other, this is the great scripture of etiquette.If the famous utensils are gone, then Li'an will be left alone?Uncle Xi Zhong, Yu Xi, made great contributions to Wei, resigned from the city and invited Fanying, Confucius thought it would be better to give more to the city.Only the utensils and the name should not be fake people, and the ruler is also in charge of it.When the government dies, the country follows it.King Wei treated Confucius as a government official. Confucius wanted to rectify his name first, thinking that if his name was not correct, the people would be at a loss.Fu Fanying is a small thing, but Confucius cherishes it; rectification of names is a small thing, and Confucius is the first.Sincerely, since the name and utensils are chaotic, there is no reason for the relationship between the upper and lower.Husband's affairs are not born in a small way but in a great way.The sage is far-sighted, so he can treat it carefully; the knowledge of the people is close, so he must wait for it and then save it.To cure the weak ones, one needs to use less force and achieve more results; to save the serious ones, one does one's best but cannot reach them. "Yi" said: "Walk on the frost, the ice is as hard as it can be", and "Book" said: "Ten thousand a day or two", which is the same.Therefore, it is said: There is nothing greater than name.
Alas!Secluded and severe, morality is lost, Zhou Dao is declining day by day, guidelines and disciplines are scattered and broken, mausoleums are replaced by mausoleums, princes specialize in conquests, and officials are good at governing.In general, the etiquette is very mournful.However, the sacrifices of Wen and Wu still belong to each other continuously, because the descendants of Zhou can still keep their names.Why do you say that?In the past, Duke Wen of the Jin Dynasty made great contributions to the royal family, so he asked to tunnel to King Xiang, but King Xiang refused, saying: "Wang Zhang also. There are two kings before there is a generation of virtue, which is also the evil of my uncle. Otherwise, my uncle has land and tunnels, and then Why do you ask me!" Duke Wen was afraid and dared not disobey.Therefore, the land of Zhou is not larger than Cao and Teng, and the people of Zhou are not as numerous as Zhu and Ju. However, after hundreds of years, the suzerain ruled the world. Although Jin, Chu, Qi, and Qin are strong, they dare not add, why?It is only because of the name that it still exists.As for the Ji family in Lu, Tian Chang in Qi, Bai Gong in Chu, and Zhi Bo in Jin, all of them are powerful enough to chase the emperor and do things for themselves.It is because of the fear of adultery and crimes that the world will punish them.Today, the officials of Jin slander their lords violently, and divide the state of Jin.The rites of the former kings are exhausted here.Or think that at the right time, the Zhou family is weak, and the Three Jins are strong, even if you don’t want it, can you get it?It's a big deal.Although the Husband and the Three Jin Dynasties are strong, if he disregards the punishment of the world and violates righteousness and etiquette, he will not ask the emperor and stand on his own.If you do not ask the emperor to stand on your own, you will be a rebellious minister.If there is a king of Huan and Wen in the world, he must be recruited according to propriety and righteousness.Today, please ask the emperor and the emperor promises it. He is ordered by the emperor to be a prince, and whoever gets it will ask for it!Therefore, the ranking of the Three Jins among the princes is not the bad etiquette of the Three Jins, but the self-destruction of the Son of Heaven.
Alas!If the rites of the monarch and ministers are corrupted, the world will be able to thrive with intelligence, so that the sages and sages will be princes, and the society will be wiped out, and the harm of the living and the people will be wiped out. Wouldn't it be a pity!At the beginning, Zhixuanzi will take Yao as his queen.Zhiguo said: "It's not as good as Xiaoye. Five of Yao's talents are worse than others, and one person is not good at it. If you have beautiful temples, you will be a virtuous person. If you have good archery and foot power, you will be a virtuous person. If you have mastered tricks, you will be a virtuous person. You will be a virtuous person if you are skillful and intelligent. If you are strong, resolute and courageous, you will be virtuous, and if you are like this, you will be very inhumane. If you use your five virtuous people, but do it with inhumanity, who can treat him? If the fruit makes Yao, Zhizong will be destroyed." Listen, don't be wise. The family Yu Taishi is the auxiliary family.The son of Zhao Jianzi, the elder is Bolu, and the younger is Wuxie.I don't know where to stand.He wrote the words of precepts in the two slips, and taught the two sons: "Know it carefully." After asking for three years, Bolu couldn't cite his words, but if he asked for the slips, he had lost it.Ask Wuxie, he is very familiar with reciting his words, ask for its simplicity, and play it out of his sleeves.So Jian Zi regarded the lack of shirts as a virtuous person, and made him his future.Jianzi made Yin Duo Jinyang.Please ask: "Do you think it is cocoon silk? Is it for security?" Jian Zi said: "Security!" Yin Duo lost his number of households.Jianzi said that Wuxie said: "There are difficulties in the state of Jin, but Yin Duo is not the least, and Jinyang is far away, and he must return." And Zhixuanzi died, Zhixiangzi was in charge, and had a banquet with Han Kangzi and Wei Huanzi blue table.Zhi Bo played Kang Zi and insulted Duan Gui. Zhi Guo heard about it and remonstrated, "If the Lord is not prepared, difficulties will inevitably come!" Otherwise. "Xiashu" has a saying: "One person loses three times. How can the blame lie in the light? It's not a picture." I dare not make troubles, nothing is impossible! Ants, ants, bees, and gnats can all harm people, so what's the matter with you!" Fu listened.
Zhibo asked Han Kangzi for land, and Kangzi wanted to give it to him.Duan Gui said: "Uncle Zhi is fond of profit but is stubborn. If he doesn't give it to him, he will cut me down. It's better to give it to him. If he wants to gain land, he must invite others; if others don't give it to him, he must attack him. Then I will be free from danger." But wait for things to change." Kangzi said: "Good." He sent an envoy to Zhibo, who was a town of thousands of families, and Zhibo was pleased.He also asked Wei Huanzi for land, and Huanzi wanted to give it to him.Ren Zhang said: "Why don't you give me?" Huanzi said: "There is no reason to ask for land, so I don't want to give it." Ren Zhang said: "If you ask for land without reason, all the officials will be afraid; the land I gave, the wise man will be proud. He is proud. If you underestimate the enemy, you will go on a blind date in fear. Treat those who underestimate the enemy with a blind date, and Zhi's life will not last long. "Book of Zhou" says: "If you want to defeat, you must help him; if you want to capture, you must aunt With it.' It is better to be proud of Zhibo with him, and then you can choose to make friends with Zhizhi. But why do you only take me as the quality of Zhishi!" Huanzi said: "Good." .Zhibo also asked Zhao Xiangzi for the land of Cai and Gaolang, and Xiangzi Fu gave it to him.Zhibo was furious, and ordered Han and Wei Zhijia to attack the Zhao family.Xiangzi was about to go out and said: "Where am I going?" The follower said: "The eldest son is near, and the city is complete." The follower said: "The warehouse in Handan is real." Xiangzi said: "The anointing of the people is real, and they are killed because of it. Who will be with me! It is Jinyang, and the former master belongs to it. Yin Duo If it is lenient, the people will be at peace." He went to Jinyang.
The three families are surrounded and filled with the people of the country, and the city is not soaked in three editions.Shen Zao produces frogs, and the people have no intention of rebellion.Zhibo travels in the water, Wei Huanzi drives, Han Kangzi rides.Zhibo said: "I now know that water can destroy a country." Huanzi elbowed Kangzi, and Kangzi walked on Huanzi's tarsus. The Fen River can irrigate Anyi, and the Jiangshui can irrigate Pingyang.Zhibo said: "Han and Wei will turn against each other." Zhibo said: "How do you know it?" Qizhen said: "Know it from personnel. If you attack Zhao with the soldiers of Han and Wei, it is difficult to reach Zhao's death. Han and Wei Yi. Today, it is agreed to win Zhao and divide the land into three parts. If the city is not lost, there will be three parts. The people and horses will eat each other, and the city will fall in a day, but the two sons have no ambitions and worries. What is right and wrong?" Tomorrow, Zhi Bo said The two sons said: "This husband is slanderous and wants to lobby for the Zhao family, making the master suspicious of the two families and slack in attacking the Zhao family. Otherwise, the husband and the two families will not be able to divide the Zhao family's land day and night. Do you want to do something that cannot be done in danger?" The two sons went out, and Zhen Zai entered and said, "Why did the Lord tell the two sons what the minister said?" Zhibo said, "How do you know it?" Conversely, he said, "The minister sees that he regards the minister's position and does not know it." If you are getting sick, the admiral will get his love." Zhi Bo was not disappointed.Please envoy Yu Qi for the flaws.
Zhao Xiangzi sent Zhang Mengtanqian out to meet the two sons, saying: "I heard that the lips are dead, and the teeth are cold. Now Zhi Bo is in command of Han and Wei and attacks Zhao. When Zhao dies, Han and Wei will be next." The second son said: " I know this in my heart, and I am afraid that if the end of the matter is plotted, disaster will be imminent."Zhang Mengtan said: "How can it hurt to seek out the mouth of the two masters and enter the ears of the ministers?" The second son Naiyin made an appointment with Zhang Meng and sent him for the date.At night, Xiangzi sent people to kill the officials guarding the embankment, and flooded Zhibo's army with water.Zhibo's army rescued the water and caused chaos. Han and Wei Yi attacked them.So he killed Zhibo and wiped out the Zhi clan.Only auxiliary fruit is there.
Chen Guang said: "On the death of Zhi Bo, only then can virtue prevail."Husband talent and virtue are different, but the world can't distinguish them, and they are commonly called sages, which is why they lose people.A man who is wise and perseverant is called talent, and a man who is upright and neutral is called virtue.Those who are talented are the capital of virtue; those who are virtuous are also the commander of talent.The bamboo of Yunmeng is the strength of the world, but if it is not pretentious and feathered, it cannot be made strong; the gold of Tangxi is the benefit of the world, but it cannot be made strong if it is not melted and forged.That's why a person who is full of talent and virtue is called a sage, a person who has both talent and virtue is called a fool, a person who has virtue and virtue is called a gentleman, and a person who is talented and virtue is called a villain.All the art of taking people is not enough to give them to sages and gentlemen. It is better to get fools than to get villains.why?A gentleman thinks it is good to rely on talent, and a villain thinks it is evil to rely on talent.Those who rely on talents to think of goodness will do everything good; those who rely on talents to think evil will do everything evil.Although a fool wants to do bad things, his wisdom cannot be perfected, and his strength cannot be conquered. For example, if a suckling dog fights a human, the human can control it.A villain is wise enough to commit treachery, and brave enough to repel violence. He is also a tiger with wings, so how much harm he can do!Virtue is strict with people, but talent is loved by people.Those who love are easy to kiss, and those who are strict are easy to sparse,
The 23rd year of King Weilie (Wuyin, [-] BC)
At the beginning, Jin Dafu Wei Si, Zhao Ji, and Han Qian were appointed princes.
Chen Guang said: I heard that the duty of the Son of Heaven is nothing greater than propriety;What is etiquette?Ji Gang is also; what is the point?Monarchs and ministers are also; what is a name?Gong, Hou, Qing, and doctor are also.With the vastness of the world and the multitude of the people, controlled by one person, even though he has unparalleled strength and wisdom, he would not dare to run around and serve. Isn't it the rule of etiquette!That is why the Son of Heaven governs the Three Dukes, the Three Dukes lead the feudal lords, the feudal lords control the high officials, and the high officials govern the scholars and common people.The expensive is to face the cheap, and the cheap is to inherit the expensive.When the superior makes the inferior, it is like the confidant transports the siblings, and the root governs the branches and leaves; when the subordinates do the superior, it is like the siblings protect the confidant, and the branches and leaves protect the root.Then the top and bottom can protect the country's security.Therefore, it is said: The duty of the son of heaven is no greater than courtesy.
King Wen's preface to "Yi" is headed by Qian Kun.Confucius said: "Heaven is respected and the earth is humble, and the universe is fixed. The high and the low are the same, and the high and the low are the ones." The position of the monarch and his ministers is like the immutability of heaven and earth. "Spring and Autumn" restrains the princes and respects the Zhou family. Although the king is small, the order is above the princes.There is no such thing as the violence of Jie and Zhou, the benevolence of Tang and Wu, the return of people, the destiny of heaven, the distinction between monarchs and ministers, it is just that they should abide by the festival and die.Therefore, if Wei Zi is used to replace Zhou, then there will be soup to match the sky; if Ji Zha is used to replace Wu, then Taibo will eat with blood.However, the two sons would rather subjugate the country than do it. Sincerely, the great festival of propriety cannot be messed up.Therefore, it is said: There is nothing greater than courtesy.
Husband etiquette, distinguishing between high and low, ordering relatives and estrangements, arranging groups and things, and regulating common affairs.It's not famous, it's not in shape.Destiny by name, distinction by utensils, and then the up and down are in harmony with each other, this is the great scripture of etiquette.If the famous utensils are gone, then Li'an will be left alone?Uncle Xi Zhong, Yu Xi, made great contributions to Wei, resigned from the city and invited Fanying, Confucius thought it would be better to give more to the city.Only the utensils and the name should not be fake people, and the ruler is also in charge of it.When the government dies, the country follows it.King Wei treated Confucius as a government official. Confucius wanted to rectify his name first, thinking that if his name was not correct, the people would be at a loss.Fu Fanying is a small thing, but Confucius cherishes it; rectification of names is a small thing, and Confucius is the first.Sincerely, since the name and utensils are chaotic, there is no reason for the relationship between the upper and lower.Husband's affairs are not born in a small way but in a great way.The sage is far-sighted, so he can treat it carefully; the knowledge of the people is close, so he must wait for it and then save it.To cure the weak ones, one needs to use less force and achieve more results; to save the serious ones, one does one's best but cannot reach them. "Yi" said: "Walk on the frost, the ice is as hard as it can be", and "Book" said: "Ten thousand a day or two", which is the same.Therefore, it is said: There is nothing greater than name.
Alas!Secluded and severe, morality is lost, Zhou Dao is declining day by day, guidelines and disciplines are scattered and broken, mausoleums are replaced by mausoleums, princes specialize in conquests, and officials are good at governing.In general, the etiquette is very mournful.However, the sacrifices of Wen and Wu still belong to each other continuously, because the descendants of Zhou can still keep their names.Why do you say that?In the past, Duke Wen of the Jin Dynasty made great contributions to the royal family, so he asked to tunnel to King Xiang, but King Xiang refused, saying: "Wang Zhang also. There are two kings before there is a generation of virtue, which is also the evil of my uncle. Otherwise, my uncle has land and tunnels, and then Why do you ask me!" Duke Wen was afraid and dared not disobey.Therefore, the land of Zhou is not larger than Cao and Teng, and the people of Zhou are not as numerous as Zhu and Ju. However, after hundreds of years, the suzerain ruled the world. Although Jin, Chu, Qi, and Qin are strong, they dare not add, why?It is only because of the name that it still exists.As for the Ji family in Lu, Tian Chang in Qi, Bai Gong in Chu, and Zhi Bo in Jin, all of them are powerful enough to chase the emperor and do things for themselves.It is because of the fear of adultery and crimes that the world will punish them.Today, the officials of Jin slander their lords violently, and divide the state of Jin.The rites of the former kings are exhausted here.Or think that at the right time, the Zhou family is weak, and the Three Jins are strong, even if you don’t want it, can you get it?It's a big deal.Although the Husband and the Three Jin Dynasties are strong, if he disregards the punishment of the world and violates righteousness and etiquette, he will not ask the emperor and stand on his own.If you do not ask the emperor to stand on your own, you will be a rebellious minister.If there is a king of Huan and Wen in the world, he must be recruited according to propriety and righteousness.Today, please ask the emperor and the emperor promises it. He is ordered by the emperor to be a prince, and whoever gets it will ask for it!Therefore, the ranking of the Three Jins among the princes is not the bad etiquette of the Three Jins, but the self-destruction of the Son of Heaven.
Alas!If the rites of the monarch and ministers are corrupted, the world will be able to thrive with intelligence, so that the sages and sages will be princes, and the society will be wiped out, and the harm of the living and the people will be wiped out. Wouldn't it be a pity!At the beginning, Zhixuanzi will take Yao as his queen.Zhiguo said: "It's not as good as Xiaoye. Five of Yao's talents are worse than others, and one person is not good at it. If you have beautiful temples, you will be a virtuous person. If you have good archery and foot power, you will be a virtuous person. If you have mastered tricks, you will be a virtuous person. You will be a virtuous person if you are skillful and intelligent. If you are strong, resolute and courageous, you will be virtuous, and if you are like this, you will be very inhumane. If you use your five virtuous people, but do it with inhumanity, who can treat him? If the fruit makes Yao, Zhizong will be destroyed." Listen, don't be wise. The family Yu Taishi is the auxiliary family.The son of Zhao Jianzi, the elder is Bolu, and the younger is Wuxie.I don't know where to stand.He wrote the words of precepts in the two slips, and taught the two sons: "Know it carefully." After asking for three years, Bolu couldn't cite his words, but if he asked for the slips, he had lost it.Ask Wuxie, he is very familiar with reciting his words, ask for its simplicity, and play it out of his sleeves.So Jian Zi regarded the lack of shirts as a virtuous person, and made him his future.Jianzi made Yin Duo Jinyang.Please ask: "Do you think it is cocoon silk? Is it for security?" Jian Zi said: "Security!" Yin Duo lost his number of households.Jianzi said that Wuxie said: "There are difficulties in the state of Jin, but Yin Duo is not the least, and Jinyang is far away, and he must return." And Zhixuanzi died, Zhixiangzi was in charge, and had a banquet with Han Kangzi and Wei Huanzi blue table.Zhi Bo played Kang Zi and insulted Duan Gui. Zhi Guo heard about it and remonstrated, "If the Lord is not prepared, difficulties will inevitably come!" Otherwise. "Xiashu" has a saying: "One person loses three times. How can the blame lie in the light? It's not a picture." I dare not make troubles, nothing is impossible! Ants, ants, bees, and gnats can all harm people, so what's the matter with you!" Fu listened.
Zhibo asked Han Kangzi for land, and Kangzi wanted to give it to him.Duan Gui said: "Uncle Zhi is fond of profit but is stubborn. If he doesn't give it to him, he will cut me down. It's better to give it to him. If he wants to gain land, he must invite others; if others don't give it to him, he must attack him. Then I will be free from danger." But wait for things to change." Kangzi said: "Good." He sent an envoy to Zhibo, who was a town of thousands of families, and Zhibo was pleased.He also asked Wei Huanzi for land, and Huanzi wanted to give it to him.Ren Zhang said: "Why don't you give me?" Huanzi said: "There is no reason to ask for land, so I don't want to give it." Ren Zhang said: "If you ask for land without reason, all the officials will be afraid; the land I gave, the wise man will be proud. He is proud. If you underestimate the enemy, you will go on a blind date in fear. Treat those who underestimate the enemy with a blind date, and Zhi's life will not last long. "Book of Zhou" says: "If you want to defeat, you must help him; if you want to capture, you must aunt With it.' It is better to be proud of Zhibo with him, and then you can choose to make friends with Zhizhi. But why do you only take me as the quality of Zhishi!" Huanzi said: "Good." .Zhibo also asked Zhao Xiangzi for the land of Cai and Gaolang, and Xiangzi Fu gave it to him.Zhibo was furious, and ordered Han and Wei Zhijia to attack the Zhao family.Xiangzi was about to go out and said: "Where am I going?" The follower said: "The eldest son is near, and the city is complete." The follower said: "The warehouse in Handan is real." Xiangzi said: "The anointing of the people is real, and they are killed because of it. Who will be with me! It is Jinyang, and the former master belongs to it. Yin Duo If it is lenient, the people will be at peace." He went to Jinyang.
The three families are surrounded and filled with the people of the country, and the city is not soaked in three editions.Shen Zao produces frogs, and the people have no intention of rebellion.Zhibo travels in the water, Wei Huanzi drives, Han Kangzi rides.Zhibo said: "I now know that water can destroy a country." Huanzi elbowed Kangzi, and Kangzi walked on Huanzi's tarsus. The Fen River can irrigate Anyi, and the Jiangshui can irrigate Pingyang.Zhibo said: "Han and Wei will turn against each other." Zhibo said: "How do you know it?" Qizhen said: "Know it from personnel. If you attack Zhao with the soldiers of Han and Wei, it is difficult to reach Zhao's death. Han and Wei Yi. Today, it is agreed to win Zhao and divide the land into three parts. If the city is not lost, there will be three parts. The people and horses will eat each other, and the city will fall in a day, but the two sons have no ambitions and worries. What is right and wrong?" Tomorrow, Zhi Bo said The two sons said: "This husband is slanderous and wants to lobby for the Zhao family, making the master suspicious of the two families and slack in attacking the Zhao family. Otherwise, the husband and the two families will not be able to divide the Zhao family's land day and night. Do you want to do something that cannot be done in danger?" The two sons went out, and Zhen Zai entered and said, "Why did the Lord tell the two sons what the minister said?" Zhibo said, "How do you know it?" Conversely, he said, "The minister sees that he regards the minister's position and does not know it." If you are getting sick, the admiral will get his love." Zhi Bo was not disappointed.Please envoy Yu Qi for the flaws.
Zhao Xiangzi sent Zhang Mengtanqian out to meet the two sons, saying: "I heard that the lips are dead, and the teeth are cold. Now Zhi Bo is in command of Han and Wei and attacks Zhao. When Zhao dies, Han and Wei will be next." The second son said: " I know this in my heart, and I am afraid that if the end of the matter is plotted, disaster will be imminent."Zhang Mengtan said: "How can it hurt to seek out the mouth of the two masters and enter the ears of the ministers?" The second son Naiyin made an appointment with Zhang Meng and sent him for the date.At night, Xiangzi sent people to kill the officials guarding the embankment, and flooded Zhibo's army with water.Zhibo's army rescued the water and caused chaos. Han and Wei Yi attacked them.So he killed Zhibo and wiped out the Zhi clan.Only auxiliary fruit is there.
Chen Guang said: "On the death of Zhi Bo, only then can virtue prevail."Husband talent and virtue are different, but the world can't distinguish them, and they are commonly called sages, which is why they lose people.A man who is wise and perseverant is called talent, and a man who is upright and neutral is called virtue.Those who are talented are the capital of virtue; those who are virtuous are also the commander of talent.The bamboo of Yunmeng is the strength of the world, but if it is not pretentious and feathered, it cannot be made strong; the gold of Tangxi is the benefit of the world, but it cannot be made strong if it is not melted and forged.That's why a person who is full of talent and virtue is called a sage, a person who has both talent and virtue is called a fool, a person who has virtue and virtue is called a gentleman, and a person who is talented and virtue is called a villain.All the art of taking people is not enough to give them to sages and gentlemen. It is better to get fools than to get villains.why?A gentleman thinks it is good to rely on talent, and a villain thinks it is evil to rely on talent.Those who rely on talents to think of goodness will do everything good; those who rely on talents to think evil will do everything evil.Although a fool wants to do bad things, his wisdom cannot be perfected, and his strength cannot be conquered. For example, if a suckling dog fights a human, the human can control it.A villain is wise enough to commit treachery, and brave enough to repel violence. He is also a tiger with wings, so how much harm he can do!Virtue is strict with people, but talent is loved by people.Those who love are easy to kiss, and those who are strict are easy to sparse,
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