"Could it be here?" Cao Laosi asked.

Leng Tang walked a few steps forward, came to Xiaohua's side, and said, "Do you want to go in?" Unconsciously, her eyes were a little gentle, like a tamed spirit beast asking for advice from its master, but this strangeness did not It is not easy to be noticed by others.

Xiao Hua looked at the 'Big Mouth' in front, and replied: "According to the previous light, there is only this tree hole when we come here, and it is probably here."

"This tree is very poisonous. People with traumatic injuries should not go in, even if there is a small hole. Others, cover your mouth and come in with me." Cao Erdaozi turned to those guys and said.

But for the temptation of money, many people can't help it. Some of the guys still have to follow him to death. Cao Er Daozi has no choice but to let them all follow.

A group of people walked slowly towards the tree hole, Cao Erdaozi took the lead, Xiao Hua and Leng Tang were in the middle, the two brothers of the Cao family were behind, and many fellows.

The inside of the tree hole is full of mud, and you can’t pull it out with your feet. Fortunately, the smell is not bad. It should be that the tree is poisonous, and few animals come close. There is no feces or anything. There is a very large space inside the tree hole, just like an animation. See the tree houses of those little birds in the film.

"Dig the mud, it must be below." Cao Laoqi said.

All the people started to work and sent the mud out. After digging for a few minutes, they finally found a stone slab.

"This is strange, is the door open here?" said the fourth child.


Several people used crowbars and daggers to pry open the stone slab alive.

They thought there would be a secret passage or something down there, but what appeared in front of them made them break out in cold sweat.

The stone slab is not big, at most one square meter, close to square. Under the stone slab, it is not a dark passage, but human hands, snow-white human hand bones, that kind of white, which is very dazzling in this dim environment.

A fellow yelled in fright when he saw it. Although they are grave robbers, the people here are not the same as Fatty and the others.

"Shut up!" Cao Erdaozi scolded, "Keep digging."

A few brave guys came over and continued to dig, so half an hour later, a pile of bones were dug out one after another. The guys were still digging, but it seemed that they could never finish digging. Another batch continues.

Leng Tang squatted down, put on his gloves, and pieced together the bones. Judging from these bones, there were at least a dozen people, and bones were being pulled out continuously.

Cao Lao Si next to him turned pale with fright. What frightened him was not only those white bones, but also Leng Tang who surprised him. She was not afraid of the scene that big men were afraid of. This woman, no, this goddess, completely captured his heart.

Leng Tang stood up, took off his gloves, took a sip of water, glanced at Xiao Hua, and said, "We can't count, we can only wait and see how far we can dig."

Xiaohua nodded and said, "Well, you go to the back..."


The guy digging below suddenly yelled, and the rope on his body was suddenly tense, and the people above quickly pulled the rope tight to prevent the rope from going down any further.

"What's wrong!" Cao Erdaozi yelled at the entrance of the cave, shining a flashlight into it.

"There is a hole below, pull us up quickly!" The man shouted.

Several people worked together to pull the two people below up. The guy sat on the ground with a pale face and said, "The place we were standing on has collapsed, and there is a big hole underneath."

Cao Laoqi looked at Cao Erdaozi, nodded and smiled and said, "Second brother, it seems that this is here!"

Cao Er slapped the guy with a knife, and said with a smile: "What are you afraid of, this is the road to the God of Wealth, hahahaha...."

Leng Tang and Xiao Hua looked at each other, but didn't speak.

"Come on, put me down!" Cao Erdaozi ordered the man.

"No, Second Master, the rope is too short. I'm afraid it won't reach the bottom of the hole. The hole is so deep that you can't see the bottom. It's scary." The man said.

"Connect the rope, we have to take a look." Cao Erdao hesitated for a moment, then looked at Xiao Hua, smiled, and said, "Brother Wan Liqing is very skilled, why don't you explore the way first?"

"Let me go." A woman's voice sounded leisurely.

They turned around and saw that it was Leng Tang, Xiao Hua immediately shook her head and said, "You girl, we need to find the way, we old men, you should stay on top." Saying that, she walked towards the man who was splicing the rope.

Leng Tang strode in front of Xiao Hua, looked at him, moved his lips, but didn't speak.

Xiaohua smiled at her, and said, "It's okay, if I'm really confused, I'll come up." Then she walked past Lengtang, tied the rope tightly around her waist and back, and jumped into the hole.

The best skills here are Leng Tang and Xiao Hua, who have the most experience and can deal with emergencies in a timely manner. A job like this must be one of them.

Leng Tang lay on the side watching, shining the wolf-eyed flashlight into the cave.She suddenly remembered the scene of the blind man in Qiqihar going down into the Tai Chi pool alone. At that time, she was also very worried, but at this moment, she was not worried, but afraid. For some reason, in recent years, she always I was very scared, and always felt that Xiao Hua would disappear if she didn't pay attention. This feeling may have something to do with Xiao Hua's previous disappearance. In fact, she should ask Wu Xie for advice on how to deal with missing persons. Xie has a lot of experience.

"Xiao Tang, don't worry, it's fine." Fourth Cao reached out to pat Leng Tang on the shoulder, but at the same time, his face was stuck in the mud and his arm was twisted so painfully that he didn't know what happened. What, the other hand has already been stepped on by Leng Tang, screaming in pain.

"If you don't want to die, just take care of your claws." Leng Tang looked ferociously, as if he wanted to trample him to death.At this time, other people came to their senses, and the seventh child hurried over to pull up the fourth child, and said a few words to mediate.Leng Tang didn't care to listen to what he had to say, turned around and went back to the entrance of the cave.

At this moment, the rope suddenly loosened.

Leng Tang's face turned pale immediately, what happened to Xiao Hua just now, regretted that she should not talk to Cao Laosi just now, Leng Tang yelled at Xiao Hua, only to hear Xiao Hua's voice coming up slowly.

"Everyone come down."

Leng Tang was overjoyed when he heard that, turned over and climbed down the rope with the flashlight in his mouth.

The bottom of the rope was still a certain height from the ground. It seemed that Xiao Hua cut the rope to reach the bottom. With a plop, Leng Tang fell beside Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua pulled Leng Tang up and said, "I knew it was you, look." He shone a flashlight into the distance, and Leng Tang couldn't help but gasp. ?

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