?For Li Cu, this kind of experience is extraordinary and unpredictable. At first, he was disgusted, because this kind of life brought him some pain that he didn't want to experience, but gradually, his heart began to rise gradually. He developed a sense of mission, and sometimes even felt proud, for which he was a little grateful to Wu Xie, but not anymore.Because this is not a novel or a movie after all, and it will not save the protagonist because of the aura of the protagonist when he is on the verge of life and death. His choice is closely related, maybe if he didn't do that at the beginning, he would have died long ago. The fear of facing death and the unknown is unbearable for ordinary people.However, among them, it cannot be denied that every choice and decision of Li Cu has the shadow of Wu Xie.

Okay, let's check it out, but how to start, where to start, Leng Tang half-closed his eyes, looked at the soft light above his head in a daze, and fell into deep thought.

Is it just a symbolic expression?Leng Tang is not sure, but no matter how Xiao Hua arranges it, the first thing she has to do is to find some clues that may be able to find Xiao Hua, but why, to the outside world, Master Hua'er is already a dead person, doesn't the other party believe it? It doesn't seem right, since Xiaohua is planning to fake her death, she won't easily reveal her flaws for the other party to notice.Now everyone knows that Xie Yuchen is no longer here, so what exactly does Master Hua want her to investigate, or where does he want to take him?

Leng Tang stared at the ceiling like a dead fish, but her brain was about to explode.

"Xiaotang, in my opinion, don't think too much about it. Master Hua'er is gone. It's useless for you to do anything else. Besides, he also wishes you well. The deceased is dead. Listen to him. Give up." Wan Liqing said.

When Leng Tang heard him say that Xiao Hua was gone, his eyes froze immediately, and he glanced at Wan Liqing's face, staying for only two seconds, Leng Tang's eyes suddenly became a little erratic, and then softened.

"It's not that I don't listen to him, but that there are some things that I have to do. Although he doesn't want me to do it, I understand that he needs it." Leng Tang closed his eyes and spoke firmly.

"But what are you going to do?"

"He's dead, and he won't let me find him, but I have to find out where he left this world. Up to now, we haven't even found his body. I think, as his former subordinate, I should look for it." Leng Tang looked out the window.

Wan Liqing was silent for a while, and said: "Okay, since you must look for it, I won't stop you anymore, but if you go out now, they will definitely follow you, and you are not afraid of being discovered by them. arrangement?"

"I'll be careful, Master Hua'er is dead, so there's nothing to be afraid of." Leng Tang said with a blank expression, nonchalantly.

Suddenly, Leng Tang raised his head, stared at Wan Liqing for a while, and said, "When was the last time you saw him?"

Leng Tang looked at Wan Liqing, and she suddenly felt that something was wrong. At this moment, his appearance was inevitable in a certain way, but after thinking about it, she felt a little uneasy. Is it too appropriate, or that he came here? It was just right, Wan Liqing didn't show up when Leng Tang stayed in Banai for so long, but Wan Liqing appeared as soon as she returned to Beijing, maybe the matter itself wasn't as complicated as Leng Tang thought, it's just that in this special situation During this period, Leng Tang became very nervous, suspicious, and his thinking made it difficult for him to understand.

Thinking about it carefully, when Leng Tang didn't know what to do, it was Wan Liqing who suddenly appeared and told Leng Tang Xiao Hua's order before leaving, which led Leng Tang to look for clues to Xiao Hua. This seemed to be a reminder and a problem. Eye.

Leng Tang approached Wan Liqing, his eyes were piercing, and Wan Liqing's heart felt cold when he saw it, only to hear Leng Tang speak slowly: "Tell me, when and where was the last time you saw him?"

Wan Liqing avoided her gaze, turned his face and replied, "I don't remember exactly, it was about two months ago."

Leng Tang grabbed his collar and said viciously: "You are not Wan Liqing, I don't want to tear off your mask, but I want your head now!"

After speaking, he pulled out the dagger from behind and slashed at Wan Liqing's neck.

Blood splashed everywhere, on the sofa, on Leng Tang's clothes, there was blood, Leng Tang regretted a little, shouldn't be here, soiled Master Hua'er's place, was regretting, suddenly someone shook her.

Wanliqing again!

Leng Tang opened his eyes, instinctively pushed him to the ground, and pressed his elbow against the man's Adam's apple.

Wan Liqing yelled, and Leng Tang came back to his senses, just now, she fell asleep, and in her dream, she killed Wan Liqing.

Looking at Wan Liqing's terrified face, Leng Tang was sure that this person was not disguised, it was Wan Liqing who was right, Leng Tang let him go and sat on the sofa without saying a word.

It was already dawn, Wan Liqing rubbed his neck and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Leng Tang shook her head, said it was nothing, it was just a nightmare, she raised her head, just when she saw Wan Liqing, her mind suddenly shook, she stared at Wan Liqing for a while, then lowered her head again.Seeing her like this, Wan Liqing was a little worried. He felt that there seemed to be something wrong with Lengtang's mind, so he asked tentatively, "Xiaotang, are you alright?"

Leng Tang raised his head again and said, "Didn't you say you want to take me away? Where will you take me?"

It's over, it's really crazy, Wan Liqing was so surprised that he couldn't speak, so he said: "Xiaotang, you, no, if you don't want to go with me, it's fine, but you have to be more open."

"Stop fucking nonsense, tell me, where will you take me?" Leng Tang's face began to show anger again.

Wan Liqing felt a little surprised, so he stammered: "Um, I can't go back to the previous place, I think, we can go..."

After speaking, type two words with the mobile phone.


Leng Tang glanced at him with a strange expression, then nodded.

Leng Tang is not crazy, but she has discovered the problem. The dream just now was a bit too much, but her thinking is correct, Wan Liqing did not appear in front of her for no reason, it is true that Wan Liqing is good, and this time At that time, the only person who actively contacted Leng Tang was him, maybe Wan Liqing was a lead that Master Huaer had left for her.

Changsha, once the center of all turmoil, the old nine gates started here, and it also fell from here. When Lengtang saw these two words, he seemed to smell a familiar smell. He stopped recalling and packed up his luggage. Wan Liqing boarded the plane bound for Changsha.Not much to say, there must be several tails behind them, even on the same flight as them, maybe the person sitting behind Leng Tang on the plane is one of those tails, but it doesn't matter, since it can't be shaken off, Then take it with you.

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