?Beijing, 04:30 am.

Xiao Hua couldn't sleep, so she got up, went to the yard, looked at the sky, and saw that the east of the sky was starting to turn white, and a new day was about to start. Could it be that Xie Yuchen really guessed wrong?Those people won't attack him at all, they just want to destroy the strength of Xiejia's southern line?He didn't wash up, just put on his coat and walked out of the yard.

Three days later, Chongqing Hospital.

Leng Tang stayed in the hospital for three days. Since she became conscious, she has been calling Xiao Hua's cell phone, but no one has answered.She really wanted to fly back to Beijing immediately, but the police and doctors watched her together and didn't let her move. In fact, these are not the main factors that can stop her. The key is that she really can't get up.

The policeman often came to see her, and asked for clues about those people. Now she could barely sit up on the cushion. On this day, Leng Tang made another phone call to Beijing.

Someone picked it up this time.

"Is there a problem?"

It was Xiao Hua's voice, not from the phone. Leng Tang raised his head and saw a person walking into the ward.

"I saved you again, how do you repay me?" The policeman closed his phone and smiled at Leng Tang.

Leng Tang felt that the hairs all over her body stood on end, is there really something wrong with her head?She looked at the policeman quietly, did not answer, and did not know what to answer.

"I had no choice but to pretend to be like this. Now we can go back." The policeman said.No, it should be said to be Xiaohua.

"You? Master Hua'er, I really don't want such a surprise anymore." Leng Tang said weakly.

"It's not a surprise, it's helplessness. In a few days, you can be discharged from the hospital, and I'll take you back."

Leng Tang remembered that the voice he heard that night was really him, so let's talk about it, in such a wild place, the police car came at the right time, but why did he come, what about Beijing?It's not like singing an empty city plan, is it?Zhuge Liang can empty the city, but Xie Yuchen's empty city is equivalent to handing over the core of the Xie family to others.Leng Tang didn't know how Xiao Hua dealt with it, anyway, it looked like it was over.

Back to three days ago, when Leng Tang could only lie down, 'Xiao Hua' walked out of the yard alone at 04:30 in the morning.

As soon as he walked out of the yard, a group of men in black appeared in front of him, very similar to those who attacked Leng Tang. 'Xiao Hua' smiled at them and said, "It's finally here. I thought it might not be right this time." This voice was not Xiao Hua at all.

But the other party didn't hear it, and was about to surround them soon. The same tactic was used to surround them like an umbrella, but before those people jumped up, a lot of flashlights suddenly appeared around them.The flashlight was another group of people, also dressed in black, but different from these people.In the middle of the circle is Xiao Hua, then the man in black, and the outermost circle is the man with the flashlight.

A man walked out from among the men with flashlights. He pulled out a dagger from his boots, swung it with his backhand, and nailed it to the man in black in the middle. The man fell to the ground immediately and was killed with a single blow.Looking at this man again, he grinned and said, "I have to dispose of the corpse again, I'm sorry." After speaking, he pushed the sunglasses that had slipped a little, and it was time to repair them again.

'Xiao Hua' was a little scared in the middle, so she shouted: "Master Hei, save me!"

"Don't worry, I'll give you a pension if you die." After finishing speaking, the blind man pulled out another knife from the other boot, this one was obviously longer than the previous one, and then shuttled to 'Xiaohua' at an unresponsive speed. 'side.

After that, it was a bloody storm.

Although those people were eliminated, there were not many black blind men left, and the rest were seriously injured. The blind man was also injured, but that 'little flower' was fine.


Xiao Hua changed into casual clothes and took off her mask.After completing the discharge procedures for Leng Tang and Wan Liqing, he took them back to Beijing.

"How did you do it? You transferred all your staff to the southern line. How did Beijing deal with it? Who did you hire?" Leng Tang asked.

"How do you know I hired someone else?" Xiaohua replied.

"I don't know how many people there are in the Xie family, but there are only a few who can fight and use..." Leng Tang suddenly remembered something, and continued: "Isn't it the people who invited the Huo family? "

"Yes, they invited people from the Huo family." Xiao Hua nodded her head.

At this moment, no one would have thought that the Huo family, who were in a low ebb, would actually participate in such a fight. They can be said to be avoiding things now, so how could they follow the Xie family to do this?Even if they are married, it is also based on the premise of protecting themselves.

"Isn't it Xiuxiu who transferred it to you?" Leng Tang asked tentatively.

"How could that be? It would be difficult for Xiuxiu to do that. I bought those people at a high price." When Xie Yuchen guessed what the enemy was going to do, he had already thought that he must not have enough manpower, and the other party wanted to block him. While staring at Nanxian, he dealt with Leng Tang and Xiao Hua at the same time.I don't know why the opponent's team suddenly grows stronger, but the fact is right in front of my eyes. The southern line is the lifeblood of the Xie family. Of course, I can't lose it. Leng Tang can't give it up, and I can't give it to them, of course.

He knew that the other party's biggest goal this time must be himself. After Xie Yuchen died, the Xie family, including the Huo family, would be finished.So there must be a lot of force here.But there was no one at Leng Tang's side, and he couldn't believe the people there, so he came up with a way, he wanted to leave a "little flower" in Beijing, attracting fish like bait, behind the bait, of course It is a net of heaven and earth.It is said that it is a net of heaven and earth, but in fact the two sides fought to the end, and the degree of loss was not much different.

So he spent a lot of money to invite some people from Mr. Huo's second-hand, some people who are very capable of fighting. No one has more say in fighting than the Huo family. Although the Huo family is a woman in power, they are generals who can fight Not a few.In addition, these people must have a leader, someone with a reputation, who can restrain these people, this person will target the black blind man.People on the road also sold him some face, and when managing these people, it was relatively smooth.

He took two people by himself and rushed to Chengdu. Through Leng Tang's phone call, he quickly located Leng Tang and Wan Liqing.Leng Tang's phone has Xie's unique tracking system, as long as Leng Tang doesn't throw the phone away, Xiao Hua can determine her location within a few minutes.

Because he couldn't show his face elsewhere, he disguised himself as a policeman, which made it easier to carry a gun.

That's about it.

But before Xiaohua could clean up the mess, there was another news that someone had found Wu Xie's trail in the northeast, and the boss of the Huo family had arrived.

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