The person in charge here in Chengdu is Jing Dayuan, and Jing Ling is his son. Jing Dayuan handed over the business to his son a few years ago, and he takes care of himself at home. When the family came out, Jing Ling was told to keep quiet and notify the higher-ups first.

Nine p.m.

At this moment, Jing Ling was sitting next to Leng Tang, her face twitching like a ball of toilet paper.

"Tell me about the specific situation." Leng Tang hung up Xiao Hua's phone and turned to Jing Ling.

"These six people disappeared at the same time. The six of them were the copywriters of the six branches below, and the six branches were not in the same place. At first, the boss of Nanchong called and told me that one of their employees was missing. , and the next day, five more branches received the same call. We also investigated carefully, but found nothing. Later, when I met Sister Li coming here to buy goods, I asked her for help." Jing Ling finished speaking in one breath.

"What did Sister Li say? Did she find out anything?"

"No, these people seem to have evaporated, there is no trace at all. Sister Li said that she can't make a phone call, so she wants to tell you personally."

"I see, you go back first, I will call you if something happens." Leng Tang leaned back on the sofa, closed his eyes and said.

Xiao Hua was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling. At this moment, he didn't know about Wu Xie, nor about Leng Tang's situation. Even the blind man disappeared, as if he was the only one in Beijing and the whole world.If the previous incident was for those people's goals, then this incident was clearly aimed at the Xie family, just like the Huo family was dealt with before.

However, Xie Yuchen is not Xiuxiu, he is not so easy to be calculated.

He sat up suddenly, squeezed the blanket on his body tightly, come on!Who will win, I don't know yet!

However, Wu Xie seems to have become a deer, but with Fatty's patron saint, it seems that the deer will not die.

Leng Tang lay on the bed, thinking with his eyes closed.Six people disappeared at the same time, kidnapping?No, these few people are not worth kidnapping, and of course it is impossible for them to disappear by accident. After all, why?Who will lay hands on them?What is the motive?To deal with Xie Jia?But for the Xie family, not to mention the loss of six guys, even sixty would not have any impact.personal enmity?It's not like, these six people have no intersection at all, so it's impossible to offend one side at the same time. If you have to say what they have in common, it's that they are both fellows of the Xie family. On the whole, they are still targeting the Xie family.That's easy to handle, as long as you figure out what they are going to do, you can find a way to crack it.

These few people must have other functions, and they can deal a major blow to the Xie family.What could it be?

At some point, Leng Tang fell asleep.At this time, someone lingered outside her door for a while, and then left.

The next day, Leng Tang went to Nanchong.

Boss Jiang in Nanchong didn't know Leng Tang. Leng Tang didn't have direct contact with the stores below. Only the head offices in provincial capitals had the opportunity to have direct contact with Leng Tang.Wearing dark purple sunglasses, Leng Tang stepped into the shop.A guy immediately came over to greet her and asked, "What do you want to see, girl?"

Leng Tang did not reveal his identity, but looked around, and finally found a place to sit down without saying a word.The guy was obviously a little displeased, thinking that he was a tough boss, and he didn't seem to be a serious buyer, so he said: "Young lady really thinks highly of this small shop, but it's a pity, I'm afraid the young lady doesn't like it here. Take a look, if anyone catches your eye, I'll give the girl a [-]% discount."

Looking at his face, Leng Tang understood, oh, this is chasing guests, okay.Leng Tang stood up, pointed to a gold-painted enamel vase on the shelf, and said, "Bring that here."

When the buddy heard it, my good guy, I really don't know the goods. Most of the things on the shelves are not real. Those who really want to buy the goods will not think about these things.

The man walked over, moved it carefully, and said: "You have good eyesight, you see, this is a gadget from the Qianlong period. This thing has been placed for several years, but unfortunately no one recognizes it. It is fate to meet a girl today. You also want to see it." I know, in the antique business, fate is the most important thing. It is yours, and you will trip you when you walk. If it is not yours, you can’t buy it with more change. It seems that the girl and this thing are really destined. I am the master, you want to accept it. I'll give you this number." After speaking, he gestured three fingers at Leng Tang.

Leng Tang smiled, thinking that this guy could really speak the vernacular, if he didn't know how to speak, he might be fooled by him.She took off her sunglasses, pretended to take a closer look, and said, "Well, you have good things. Our boss collects them. I'll buy some for him. Do you have anything else?"

"Yes, yes. In this case, you can take a look first. I will bring you all the things worth seeing in the store." The clerk smiled when he heard it.

"No, show me your list of goods. I want so many, how can you move them here? I'll follow the list. If you are interested, you can bring them to me." Leng Tang said.

Hearing this, the guy's expression immediately changed, and he nodded in agreement and left.After a while, another person came over, wearing a Chinese-style double-breasted gown, holding a teapot in his hand, not too young, and sat down in front of Leng Tang.Looking at Leng Tang, he didn't speak.

"Hello, I'm the boss here. How dare I ask the girl, where did the girl come from?" The boss put the teapot on the table and asked with fists folded.

This is slang, Leng Tang also understands, it seems that this is an old fox, she just mentioned the goods list, the goods list has always been recorded and kept by the person in charge of copywriting, it seems that they are very sensitive to this matter, it seems to be true.

In fact, at the beginning, Leng Tang didn't really believe this kind of thing. She was on guard in her heart. Leave behind.She wanted to test the people in this store, whether they were safe or not, and they seemed to be reliable.

"I'm not a guest, I'm calling from heaven." Leng Tang said with a smile.It means that I am not the buyer, but your leader.The boss' face changed when he heard this, and he asked tentatively in a low voice: "There are many gods in the sky, may I ask which one they are?"

"I don't care about the weather, what do you think?"

The boss immediately stood up, leaned over and said, "Girl, is your surname Leng?"

Leng Tang also stood up, helped him up, and said, "I am Leng Tang, Boss Jiang, thank you for your hard work."

It was really Leng Tang, Boss Jiang heaved a big sigh as if seeing a life-saving straw, and said, "Oh, finally someone is here, Miss Leng, please follow me to the back hall."

The little boss below has also heard of Leng Tang, and there are not many women like her in the Xie family. Since they are their boss, it is very likely that it is Leng Tang.

Leng Tang followed him to the back hall, where a lot of goods were piled up, and the two of them sat in front of a stone table.

"Miss Leng, we have a guy named Dong Xu who didn't come to work a few days ago. We looked for him, but he disappeared suddenly." Boss Jiang said with a frown.

"Are you really sure that I am Leng Tang?" Leng Tang asked, with an unknown smile on his face.

Boss Jiang was speechless at the question, and he was stunned for a while, then suddenly remembered, indeed, this girl does understand slang, but the person who understands slang is not necessarily her own!He immediately stood up and said, "Who the hell are you! If you don't tell the truth, I won't let you get out of this yard!"

Leng Tang looked down at the teacup, raised his head and said, "Boss Jiang, you are really careless. You dare to tell me this before I say anything. It's a great misfortune for Xie's family to have people like you. Go, make a phone call." Ask Jing Ling, it won't be too late to confirm my identity."

Boss Jiang was covered in cold sweat, staring at Leng Tang, picked up his phone, and called Jing Ling.

"Oh, I'm getting old, Miss Leng, don't worry, this kind of thing won't happen again."

"Who did Dong Xu contact before he disappeared?"

"No, we also checked. He went home directly after work, and we didn't see him come out after that."

"Didn't come out?"

"Yes, and we have also been to his house. Nothing has been moved inside. It doesn't look like someone robbed it, and nothing was lost."

Leng Tang stood up and said, "I'm going to visit his house."?

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