"Master Hua'er didn't tell me that you were coming." Leng Tang sat across the dining table, looking at the blind man.

"Why, you still don't believe me? Your young master spent a lot of money to invite me over, maybe he forgot to tell you." Hei Xiazi replied while eating instant noodles.

forget?Impossible, Master Hua is not such a person, he didn't tell me, either he didn't call the blind man to come, the blind man was lying to me, or he didn't want me to know that the blind man was coming.Leng Tang thought in her heart, it's not that she doesn't trust the blind, but her caution has become a habit.

Every time the blind man helped Xie Yuchen do something, it was mostly done secretly, and this time was no exception. Xiaohua didn't intend to tell Leng Tang that the blind man would help her. The blind man was just an accident insurance he bought. Outside help is the most valuable.

"Master Hei, I have to go to the company, you should rest first, I will ask someone to bring you food at noon." Leng Tang put on his coat and said to the blind man.

"Hey, wait, when will Master Hua hold the engagement banquet?" the blind man asked.

Leng Tang came back and sat down again, she looked at the blind man for a while, and always felt that there was something wrong, but she couldn't directly suspect the blind man.

"We have to wait for him to recover and come back to do it. Why are you asking this?"

"Ask casually, so you can prepare the gift money. Also, you'd better come back early today, I have something to tell you."

"I see."

When Leng Tang arrived at the office, he immediately called Xiao Hua internationally.

"Master Hua'er, Master Hei has arrived."

"Oh? He went looking for you?" The familiar voice came from the other side of the ocean.

"Yes, he said he can't let others know, so he's staying at my place." Leng Tang flipped through the meeting minutes in his hand, leaned on the chair, and said leisurely.

What?Xiaohua lowered her head and thought for a while, then said: "He must have something to do, you can listen to him for now, if you feel that it is inconvenient to live with him, you can move to the courtyard, it is very big, it is nighttime It will be a little empty, but it doesn't scare you, does it?" After speaking, he laughed softly.

"Well, how is your side? Has the operation time been confirmed? Is Xiuxiu okay?" Leng Tang asked, there was no abnormality in her tone, but Xiao Hua couldn't see the stiff smile on her face at this moment.

"It's not confirmed yet, but it will be five days at the latest, Xiuxiu is also very good, you don't have to worry about it, just take care of your side, and you have to be careful, I think you will not be so easy, and look inside the Huo family , don’t let outsiders take advantage of their loopholes.”

"I understand, then, you rest, you can rest assured here. Oh, by the way, I still won't move to the courtyard." Leng Tang hung up the phone.

"But..." Xiao Hua still wanted to say something, but had no choice but to put down the phone, well, let her do it.Leng Tang let out a long breath, she can't live in a courtyard house, if it was okay before, but now that Master Hua'er is engaged, she must know how to avoid suspicion, even if Xiao Hua doesn't live there, it's not suitable, people outside love her the most Talk about some things, she doesn't want to hear any criticism about Xiao Hua.

When I returned to the apartment at night, I found that the blind man had already ordered and was eating. When he saw Leng Tang coming in, he asked Leng Tang to eat together.

"No need, I've already eaten, Master Hei, tell me what's the matter." Leng Tang took off his coat and scarf, hung them on the hanger, and said to the blind man.

"This apartment is not bad. I looked around today. The feng shui is very good. You really know how to choose." The blind man looked at her with a smile.

He spoke in a strange way today, and Leng Tang couldn't understand, so he said: "Since Mr. Hei said that Feng Shui is good here, then he must be right, but, is that what you want to tell me?"

"The feng shui I'm talking about is not on the ground." After speaking, he made a gun gesture with his hand, pointing at the ground.

Leng Tang was shocked, could it be underground?

"You mean, the feng shui down here is good?"

The blind man nodded, wiped his mouth, and continued, "That's right. You've lived here for so many years, but you don't know anything about your apartment. Let others find out first." He deliberately emphasized the word 'others'.

There was something mysterious about these words, Leng Tang looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "Anyone else? You?"

"It's not me, I'm not so bored staring at you, but someone is staring at you." The blind man's tone was very indifferent, looking at Leng Tang.

Just as Leng Tang was about to ask, the blind man continued: "Today, you have to make mental preparations. Starting tomorrow, I may have to dig a hole here. There is a mausoleum under here."

Leng Tang couldn't believe it after hearing this, what kind of joke is this, how could there be a tomb?

"How did you know?"

"It's an accident that someone 'told' me." The blind man spread his hands, then plunged into the sofa and put his feet on the coffee table.

"You mean, there is a tomb under this apartment, and now someone knows about it, and wants to call the attention of this tomb?" Leng Tang asked.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. Do you know who found this apartment for you?"

"Master Hua bought it, and said it was a perfect attendance award for me." Leng Tang walked across to him and sat down.

"That's right, you come with me in a few days."

"Where are you going? What if I go this way?"

"You don't have to worry about it here, someone will manage it for you. Originally, this matter shouldn't be done now, but it's too late, so we can only do it in advance."

Leng Tang was completely confused by what he said, and she even doubted whether this blind man was real, but she couldn't see any flaws.

"What's the matter, if you don't tell me clearly, I won't go with you." Leng Tang leaned back, put his hands on his shoulders, and put his feet on the coffee table.

The black blind man grinned and said, "Just like your young master, he doesn't believe in anyone, but at least he believes in me. You should believe me, shouldn't you? Well, I won't tease you anymore, you have to go with me again Qiqihar."

go again?Leng Tang sat up straight and listened to the blind man finish the whole plan.

This plan was discussed between him and Xie Yuchen, but originally he planned to wait for Xiao Hua to come back, but now, he couldn't wait anymore.

Cross the sea with the sky and hide it, and keep it in the dark.

Leng Tang found a few capable men and told them: "During this period, you only have one task, which is to dig a hole. Don't stop no matter what you dig out. If you dig a tomb, don't go down. Throw everything away immediately. Go in, make it look like you have already gone down, and then you leave here, don't show your face until we come back, if someone accidentally finds out and asks me, just say I went down first, understand?"

"Yes," replied one of the chief fellows.

"By the way, what happened to Wan Liqing's aftermath?"

"Sister Leng, don't worry, everything has been arranged."

Wan Liqing was the only guilt in her life.

On the train bound for Heitu, Leng Tang and the blind man were sitting in a private room, Leng Tang remembered something, and asked him: "Master Hei, what happened in Beijing last time, why did Master Hua have to go? Qiqihar, he told me that he will always be with you in Beijing, why did he suddenly go to Qiqihar?" Leng Tang always felt strange, when Xiao Hua was injured so badly, something must have happened, otherwise he would not Will take risks.

"What's the big deal, that's what he told you. He was actually afraid that you wouldn't come back. Most of the power of those people is in Qiqihar. They thought that Master Hua was in Qiqihar. If they didn't see him there, the other party would immediately kill you." You will find that you have been deceived, and you will definitely be destroyed. Oh, don’t blame me, I can’t stop him.”

Having said that, Leng Tang understood that Master Hua'er didn't need to go, even if the other party knew that he had been fooled, the situation in Beijing would not be saved, but it was Leng Tang and the others, and they might fight to the death. .Leng Tang looked out of the window, remembering the scene of Master Huaer saving her under the tomb. She would never forget that scene. If there was no god-like him at that time, Leng Tang would have died. Her eyes There was a crystal light shining in it, but the black blind man couldn't see it no matter how good his eyes were, because Leng Tang also wore sunglasses.

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