After chatting for a few more words, Xiao Hua suddenly smiled, glanced at the back, and said, "Why don't you come out? You're not tired, but I'm tired. If you have something to say, hurry up, or I'll go to sleep."

Only then did Leng Tang realize that the black blind man had arrived long ago. Turning his head to look, a black figure flashed out from the door, he laughed and said, "Master Hua did it on purpose, you already knew I was coming."

As he spoke, he sat down opposite Master Hua'er, and said to Leng Tang: "Little girl, I'm a little thirsty, please help me get some water." Leng Tang smiled, and replied disdainfully: "Master Blind has great powers. Is it difficult for you to order water, I am afraid I have already brewed a pot of tea by myself, okay, I will be responsible for bringing it over."

Leng Tang walked towards the house.

This kind of scene is not unusual, but every time, Leng Tang does not notice the arrival of the black blind man. When he came this time, she has no idea at all. After waiting for an afternoon, he would secretly scold the blind man for not being punctual.

Soon, Leng Tang came out with a tea tray, poured tea for the two of them, and then stepped aside.Even though she has been with Master Hua for a long time, she still cares about these etiquettes very much. She is always cautious when outsiders are around, even though the blind man is an acquaintance.

Xiaohua picked up the tea, put it under her nose to smell it, put it down again, raised her head and said to the blind man, "How is the matter over there, are you ready?"

"I'm back, of course, and the goods have been inspected. The little girl used to just receive the goods, but you know the weight of the goods. You can only rely on her to deal with the way back." The blind man drank. After finishing a glass, I refilled it myself.

Xie Yuchen nodded, turned back and said to Leng Tang: "I will send someone to meet you, don't worry. You go to the company first, bring the documents from Changsha, and give them to Lord Wu directly when you get there."

"Yes." Leng Tang agreed, turned and left.

"It's not easy for a girl to follow you. Fortunately, this girl is not ordinary." The blind man sighed, looking at Leng Tang's back.

"You know, there are not many people I can trust now, and she is one." Xiao Hua lowered her head and took a sip of her tea.

A day later, Leng Tang was all ready, like an ordinary white-collar business trip, a beige windbreaker, a small trolley case, a pair of sunglasses, and boarded the plane.

Three hours later, when Leng Tang arrived in Changsha, she saw the men sent by Lord Wu to pick her up. Those people were still laughing and playing, with a nonchalant expression, Leng Tang turned and got on the bus.

After sitting for two stops, she got out of the car, called a taxi casually, and got off at two streets near Xie's guest house.

Walking all the way, the staff of the guest house did not know her, only the boss here saw her once, and she opened a room and changed clothes in it.

Soon, fifth master called.

"Miss Leng, have you arrived in Changsha?" Fifth Master's Mandarin with a Changsha accent rang over the phone.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry right now. I didn't see you, so I left in a hurry. I'll find you later." Leng Tang said gently.

Wuye's shop is a small two-story building rebuilt from an old hotel.As soon as Leng Tang arrived, Fifth Master was already waiting at the door, with a cigarette in his mouth, looking at Leng Tang.Leng Tang smiled at Fifth Master and said, "Fifth Master has been waiting for a long time."

Fifth Master also smiled and said a 'please'.

Two hours after Leng Tang left, Xiao Hua received a call, with a blank expression, she went into the room and changed her clothes, and soon came out with a pink mobile phone in her hand.

"The goods are in the warehouse. I'll take Ms. Leng to inspect them first, and I can take them away at any time." Fifth Master said to Leng Tang.

"Okay, let's do it now, I have other things, I'll go right away after the inspection." Leng Tang took off his sunglasses and leather gloves.

Walking into the warehouse, Leng Tang took a look at the goods in the warehouse, put on white gloves, opened a box casually, squatted down and looked carefully, there were some bronze wares, Leng Tang nodded, and said, "Open them all."

The people present were a little surprised, Wu Ye exhaled a puff of cigarettes, grinned, and said, "Master Hei has already tested it the day before yesterday, why, Miss Leng still doesn't trust us?" His tone was already a little annoyed.

Leng Tang stood up and said with a blank expression: "Master Hei is Master Hei, and I am me. After all, I am the one who went back to deliver the goods to Lord Hua'er. You understand what we do. If you are a little sloppy, you will be punished." Fate, it's better to see clearly here. If something really happens if you are hit by an eagle, you can't blame Fifth Master. You also understand the importance of this batch of goods, you said Isn't it?" She only looked at the goods, not at them, and said slowly.

In fact, before Heixiazi left, all these goods had been sealed, and the possibility of repackaging was very small. After all, it would take a few days to seal, and time was not allowed. Leng Tang was only responsible for escorting the goods back to Beijing. Just do a random check and count the number, but Lengtang is always uneasy, this is also the Xie family's usual style of doing things.

"Open!" Fifth Master was not very happy, and asked his subordinates to open all the boxes.

Back in Beijing, Huo Xiuxiu ran towards Xiaohua as soon as she got out of the car, "Brother Xiaohua", a pretty call made Xie Yuchen smile, and with her arrival, there was a faint fragrance.

"Brother Xiaohua, my grandma is here too. Her car is driving slowly, so I'll come here first." She raised her head and held his arm.

"You girl, drive carefully." Xiaohua pinched Xiuxiu's nose.

The two waited for a while, and the car of the old lady of the Huo family also arrived. The old lady got out of the car and smiled at Xiaohua, wearing a light lake green coat.

"Grandma Huo, the cakes you make are still so delicious." Xiaohua said to the old lady.

The arrival of the Huo family means that something different is about to happen.For a long time, the Xie family and the Huo family have always helped each other in business. It is not so easy for outsiders to plot against them. I am afraid that there are not many people who can move them.

After inspecting the goods, Leng Tang smiled and said, "Fifth Master, don't blame me. Although there are not many goods, everything is not ordinary. It's not that I can't trust Wu Ye. It's because I dare not be negligent. I hope Wu Ye will forgive me."

Leng Tang turned on the phone and made a call, but he didn't speak, and hung up immediately after a few seconds.Fifth Master nodded and said, "I understand. Then, let the brothers pack up again. Miss Leng will go back to the hotel to rest. After a few days, you will be fine. Then let them send you back."

"Wait a while." Leng Tang took off his white gloves and said.Others showed resentment on their faces, and some even scolded in a low voice: "Damn it, why don't you just run errands, pretending to be a wolf with a big tail, shit!"

Leng Tang heard it, but still looked around, she didn't get angry, she understood that she couldn't start a conflict with them at this time, otherwise, she would have slapped them with her big mouth long ago, with her skills, not to mention one, this A room full of people is not enough to watch.

After a while, there was a horn honking outside, a minivan arrived, and a short and fat man walked in and said, "Miss Leng, let's go."

Leng Tang put on sunglasses and gloves, and said, "Please trouble brothers."

Several people from the same moving company came in and carefully lifted the box out.Leng Tang was just about to get in the car when he went out, when he suddenly remembered something, looked back at Fifth Master, swiped down the sunglasses, stuck it on his nose, and said to him: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to bring the documents, next time I send someone Bring it here." After saying that, he got into the car.

The guy next to Wu Ye, named Ge San'er, cursed angrily: "Damn it, what kind of a bird is this stinky bitch, she came here to make trouble, I will kill her!"

Fifth Master frowned, turned around and slapped him, cursing: "Damn it, luckily I didn't listen to you boy, if she catches this guy just now, you will die! Don't worry, she can't leave Get out of my territory!" After speaking, he threw the cigarette butt on the ground and crushed it with his feet. ?

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