? He Dong could only be heard yelling and cursing, but he couldn't be seen at all. Leng Tang searched for the sound to find him, but it seemed that the sound came from all directions, with no sense of direction at all.

"He Dong! Where are you?" Leng Tang shone around with a flashlight and shouted loudly.Wan Liqing followed her closely, observing her surroundings intently.

"I don't know, where are you, that thing is gone again, be careful!" He Dong replied after hearing this.

Just as she was speaking, a black shadow flashed across from right in front of Leng Tang, Leng Tang saw it, she put the scimitar across her chest, and half bent down.A few seconds later, the black shadow rushed towards her head, it seemed that this thing likes to attack people's heads, Leng Tang cursed, knelt down on her knees, leaning back, with the point of the knife raised upwards It was inserted straight into the monster's stomach, but the monster's skin was very strange, the scimitar was very sharp, and the blade slipped on its belly, Leng Tang used too much force and almost twisted his wrist.The monster stepped over her head, and before it landed, Wan Liqing's knife was already waiting for it, Wan Liqing was furious, roared, and slashed at it with the knife, but the result was self-evident.Dao Lengtang turned over and said, "You can't use a knife! This thing is invulnerable!"

Then the two stared at the monster, trying to find out the weakness of the monster, but it was very cunning, and it jumped into the darkness and disappeared again.

"Fuck! What the hell is this?" Wan Liqing cursed.

Yes, what annoys people the most is not the strength of the enemy, but the tricks they play from time to time, especially for a character like Wan Liqing.

"Dongzi, get the fuck out of here!"

"Damn it, what's the use of scolding me! I don't have a light, I can't see around, I just fell off, I don't know where it is, but I can hear you, it should not be far from you." He Dong's voice came.

Leng Tang picked up the dropped flashlight and walked towards the sarcophagus. The last time I saw He Dong was near the sarcophagus. She walked around the sarcophagus. Wan Liqing covered her surroundings. Leng Tang discovered the biggest strangeness of the sarcophagus It seems that the sarcophagus was not carried in by someone, but seemed to grow out of the ground.

In other words, the sarcophagus is connected to the ground.Leng Tang squatted down, just about to take a closer look, when his feet suddenly became empty, and he fell down without any warning.The moment she landed, she supported her body in time.

At the same time, only one person's exclamation was heard.It's He Dong.Leng Tang got up and flashed forward with the flashlight, and saw He Dong clutching his right arm, sitting on the ground, his leg was bleeding, his face was pale, and he looked at her in surprise.

This is strange, it is obviously a whole stone slab, how could it fall?He Dong didn't know what was going on, he and Leng Tang encountered the same situation.

In the soft sleeper car bound for Qiqihar, there was a man leaning against the window to enjoy the scenery outside the window. His face was reflected on the glass window, his sharp chin was seen through the slightly long hair, and his clean, translucent and somewhat pale skin appeared. Her hair color is exceptionally bright, and her sideways face can melt thousands of miles of frozen northern land.The lucky scene rejoiced to be reflected in his pupils, but his eyes seemed to see nothing.Xiaohua did not take the plane, but chose the train, because she could enjoy the scenery. In fact, the winter in the Northeast Plain is very desolate.The blind man expressed his helplessness, but he had no choice but to comply with the owner's request.

Xie Yuchen took the medicine, the painkiller, which was specially obtained by the blind man from the United States, and the medicine is very good. However, the better the painkiller, the greater the side effects.He still wasn't fully sure, it would be ridiculous if an accident happened due to physical reasons at a critical moment, and what's more, he came alone, so he had to ensure that there would be no accidents.

Getting out of the car soon, Xiaohua took a painkiller, then put on a long black down jacket, a mask, sunglasses, a hat, and gloves to block the face reflected on the glass window just now, he stood up, Put on your bag and walk out of the box.

When he got out of the car, he accepted the welcome of the northeast cold wind, and it directly poured into his body without any discussion. He remembered that Wu Xie was going to Changbai Mountain before, and he couldn't help but admire Wu Xie, and there was No wonder Wu Xie later complained that the jacket he had prepared was too thin, which seemed to be true.

The most pitiful thing at this time is Xiuxiu who is in Beijing. She is still staying in the ward, pretending that Xiaohua is still here, and still bringing exquisite snacks every day.She didn't know the truth, and she was still secretly looking for Xiaohua's whereabouts. Finally, there was news this day.

"Miss Xiuxiu, I found it, and headed to Qiqihar!" Liu Xin said to Xiuxiu.

"What? You're not mistaken! When did it happen?" Xiuxiu put down Xiao Hua's phone and stared.

"It should be true, people from Jilin discovered it." Liu Xin replied.

Xiuxiu frowned, closed her eyes, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. He really left by himself, as long as there was no danger.but!The way he hurt!The situation can be imagined, Xiuxiu couldn't help crying for a while, then wiped away her tears, and said: "I see, everything is business as usual, don't say anything, keep looking." She understood that Xiaohua left quietly, then okay , she can only continue his game.But what she didn't know was that Xiao Hua deliberately released this news because the time had come.

Leng Tang looked around, it seemed that the space below was the space, but the structural diagram did not mark the function of each space, she found that there was another ear chamber here, it was strange, if the ear chamber before was considered as the main tomb If it is on the left, then this is under the main tomb. Generally, the ear chambers of the tomb are located around the main tomb. According to the drawings, the space shown on the top and right of the main tomb should still be the ear chamber.

Leng Tang shouted at Wan Liqing above: "Go and get Lao He in, hurry up!" Wan Liqing was still confused, but when he heard Leng Tang's voice, he immediately agreed to do it.Leng Tang turned back and said to He Dong: "What's the use of you, if you are not good at learning, can you let your He family down?"

"I have learned mechanism skills from my elders since I was a child, and I have seen many of them, but I really don't know about this, boss, you can't blame me." He Dong muttered.

His injuries have been treated simply, and he won't be able to die for the time being, but he dare not say anything later, if they can't get out, then Hades wants to see him.The monster before could attack Leng Tang and He Dong at any time, it seems that there must be a road leading to it, so Leng Tang patrolled around.

Sure enough, she found the mechanism in a position similar to the previous ear chamber. After touching it, she found that the ground was divided into two parts like that mechanism, and one side rose to reveal another space and the tomb passage inside.

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