?After everyone came over, Leng Tang lit a cold smoke to illuminate the front. They saw that the front was indeed the same tomb passage as before. However, the difference was that the walls on both sides of the tomb passage this time were not It's smooth, with words on it.

Several people walked forward, Professor Bai looked at the words on both sides, Leng Tang asked him if he could see anything?He said he didn't know, this kind of writing was not Jurchen script, and he couldn't understand it either.

They don't know who owns this tomb, they only know that it is the tomb of the Kingdom of Jin. I heard that someone in the Northeast dug the tomb of the Kingdom of Jin and gained a lot. Take a trip, more or less a little excited.Leng Tang came down because she wanted to get something inside, something deeply related to 'it', but she didn't know what it was, but as long as she got here, she would understand that that thing was very important to Xie Jia, right The meaning of the Huo family to the Wu family and to the old nine sects.Because she and Xiao Hua had caught the shadow of 'it' before, and that shadow had been here, so there must be traces left by that shadow here, and according to the information they have, this trace is likely to be the same thing.

That shadow is the small hole.

At the beginning, Leng Tang checked Xiao Kong's identity, but he did not gain anything, but later, he was bumped into by the Huo family by accident, so he learned of this clue.

The woman who went to Huo's Moxiangzhai to sell paintings was the beginning of the matter.The painting she sold was indeed, as Mo Po said, not from the Han Dynasty, but it was not from the late Ming Dynasty either, but from the Kingdom of Jin.Mo Po could tell at a glance that the calligraphy and paintings of the Kingdom of Jin were rare, and one or two of them were treasures. Mo Po wanted to deliberately deceive her to see if she knew how to do it, but the woman said it was from the Han Dynasty, which seemed to be a traitor. I don't know the goods.But this thing is very precious, and they are rare in the industry. How could this outsider have this thing? Mo Po didn't want to accept her treasure at all. She wanted to see who was behind this woman. She is a big person, maybe there will be better things, so I sent someone to follow her and check her details.

Just this investigation, things are not easy, this woman has no background, she is just a hair salon girl, of course she is not the kind who runs a serious barber shop, she also does some shady things behind her back.And this painting, she got it from a very young boss a year ago, the boss wanted her to go back after finding out, and threatened to kill her if she didn't return it, but that person seemed to be in a hurry, He left after answering the phone, didn't have time to ask for the painting, and never came back after he left.

The painting was of a woman, and it was not specified who it was, but the painter did leave a name, Shen Zhu.This person is not well-known, but the painting is indeed very good.Mo Po judged that it was a painting of the Kingdom of Jin through the brushwork, paper, paint and details of the painting.Mo Po thought it was unusual, so she immediately told Xiuxiu about it, and then Xiao Hua and Leng Tang found out about it, and they went to the hair salon girl again, and found out that the young boss she was talking about looked only 19 years old Small hole.

Xiao Kong, but his surname is definitely not Kong, let’s call him that for the time being, he actually has a painting of the Kingdom of Jin, and this painting should be important, otherwise he would not threaten the hair salon girl with his life. In the eyes of people like them, money It's never been a problem, he can't be threatening the hair salon girl because of the price of the painting, it must be that the painting is worth more than its price.

Afterwards, Leng Tang began to check Xiao Kong's whereabouts, but nothing was found. It was normal. He went to work and got off work on time every day, and was finally assigned to the rake to work as a buddy. He could be regarded as a seedling that could be cultivated.But soon, Leng Tang discovered the problem. There was an overlap between the time when the hair salon girl was in contact with Xiao Kong, and the time when Xiao Kong went on a business trip.Regarding such things, Leng Tang couldn't understand better, that's what Master Hua'er does, so it's not difficult to just change his face.That is to say, Xiao Kong is actually two people, one goes to work and the other works outside. When he went to Jinchang, Xiao Kong who went to work disappeared and never appeared again, while Xiao Kong who worked outside obeyed the arrangement and went to work. Jinchang was killed, and an accident happened.Apparently, the girl in the hair salon was in contact with Xiao Kong who went to Jinchang, that is to say, he was also the one who had the painting in his hand.

Leng Tang started to investigate this invisible man, and sure enough, he soon found out that this person went to Qiqihar not long ago, and he was carrying a box with him.After he came back, he followed Xie Chun and the others to Jinchang, but he died unexpectedly.

As for the disappearing hole, it doesn't matter whether it is dead or alive.This is the first time that Xiaohua found traces of the other party in so many years. The Huo family didn't get involved too much, so Xiaohua took over everything. He knew that Xiuxiu didn't have the strength to fight against them.Therefore, he must get the contents of Xiaokong's box.When he did this, the other party knew about it, from the moment they started checking Xiao Kong, the other party knew about it, and of course Xiao Hua didn't want to hide it from them.

So Leng Tang became the hunter who was active under their eyes. Leng Tang plunged headlong into Qiqihar, racking his brains to get the box, and then a large number of people would be led away by her to snatch the thing from her.Leng Tang wants to delay time, the purpose is to give Xiao Hua enough time to do another thing.However, this is only the first layer of protection, and there is another layer, which is the disappearance of Xiaohua.Xiao Hua suddenly disappeared, which caught the other party by surprise. They most likely thought that Xiao Hua had also gone to Qiqihar, because the network they had set up in Qiqihar was difficult for Leng Tang to deal with. Xiao Hua probably went to support her, but they couldn't find Xiao Hua. The whereabouts of Xiaohua, and the unknowing Xiuxiu here is looking for Xiaohua in a low-key and careful way, which just shows that Xiaohua is really missing. Of course, they are not responsible for his disappearance. There is only one possible explanation, that is, Xie Yuchen went to Qiqihar quietly. , trying to catch them off guard, but they are very smart, everything is under their control, and then they will send more forces to Qiqihar.

However, as for Xie Yuchen, he is not in the cold Qiqihar, he is in Lengtang's apartment again. The difference from last time is that there is a lot more food and drink in the refrigerator, and even the kitchen is well equipped. In the box, there are also a lot of medicines for Xiaohua's leg injuries.It's not that his legs can't walk, but it hurts when he moves, and the wound will open, and the previous treatment will be in vain.

When the blind man saw him here, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Can you hold it?" asked the blind man.

"Is there anything I can't hold back, how about you, are your eyes still like that?" Xiaohua replied with a smile.

The black blind man nodded, pushed his sunglasses, sat down on the sofa, and said, "I'm used to it, but you can't. If your legs are disabled, you won't be able to take that small step, and you won't be able to go on stage."

"It's been a long time since I sang, why should I be on stage?" He said with a smile, but the smile quickly froze on his face, he lowered his head and thought for a while, and then said: "No, I still have to be on stage, and there are girls Haven't seen me sing before!"

The blind man pursed his lips in disdain, raised his legs, and said, "What age is it, which girl would like to listen to old-fashioned operas, even at my age."

Xiaohua smiled at him, and told him some other things. ?

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