There is still a slight gap between the man standing in front of Itachi and [Yamabuki Kunihiro].

Although the appearance looks exactly the same, but the temperament and clothing, but there is no trace of similarity at all.Of course, it's fairly simple to associate two people together, such as twin brothers, triplet brothers, quadruplets lost brothers and so on.

But even so, Itachi didn't hesitate, and directly called out someone's exclusive title.

This made the man who looked much more sinister snorted.

He waved his hand, calling the boy to his side like teasing a cat.

Itachi walked over obediently, but doubts kept popping up in his heart, and finally disappeared under the half-smiling eyes of the other party.

"Okay, don't think about it," the man rubbed the top of his head, his whole body exuding a kind of indifference, "it's okay to think so much all day long, can't the cub be as stupid as a cub?"

Itachi wisely kept silent.

So the man didn't say much, and led the boy to a certain direction.

Before reaching the home, the man gave him a key.

Itachi looked over suspiciously, but saw that Yamabuki Kunihiro's gaze was still on the key in his hand.

Seeing Itachi noticed this, he turned his head sideways and looked away from it.

"In the early days, we always said that we wanted to move to a bigger place." The man who turned his head said softly, "But because of various reasons...well, it's mainly because of the Lord, we haven't moved there."

"But the house has been prepared a long time ago," he lowered his head and chuckled, and for a moment Itachi felt that the one in front of him was the same Yamabagiri Kunihiro who taught him sword skills.

But no.

He knew it.

But I don’t know why, it’s clear that the existence of [Yamabuki Kirihiro] was discovered inadvertently in those years, but from that first time—the person who came to teach was not the gentle Yamabuki Kirihiro but At this time—from the beginning, he felt that he was more familiar with this one than the other.

That sense of familiarity is very wonderful, quite a feeling that comes from the depths of the soul.

But it was also as if my young self had been lying softly on the opponent's hand, babbling and reaching out to touch the other's short blond hair hanging down.

But when he thought about it carefully when he was alone occasionally, he felt that the memory was vague, saying that the memory was more like his own imagination.

Therefore, Itachi never shared this conjecture with others.

But when this person appeared in front of him, the unstoppable conjectures began to reverberate in his mind again.

It seemed that someone had really helped me who was staggering while walking, and staggered towards the woman who was sitting not far in front of me.

If he is tired of walking and still can't touch the sleeves of that person's robe, he will puff up his mouth and sit on the spot like a fool.

"Ah, ah, ah," the woman sitting in front of her covered her mouth and mercilessly laughed at the little guy who was only three-headed. "Are you kidding me? Sure enough, Weasel sauce is still a child."

At this time, the person who supported him would respond with a few words, and mercilessly pulled him up from the ground like a carrot, and then carried him to the woman who had no image and laughed.

"It's true, Yamabashi," she laughed, "This will coincide with Jia Luochan's knife setting."


Itachi suddenly reacted.

The originally vague memory came to Itachi's mind little by little, as if someone reached out to wipe off the dust that fell on it.

When he realized that Yamabashi Kiri Kunihiro had left, he stood at the door of his house and felt something running down his face belatedly.

He reached out his hand and touched his cheek in a slightly dull manner, and it was moist as expected.

Obviously there is nothing to be sad about, and there is no wind that can confuse people's eyes, but there is a kind of sourness that makes people want to cry. It exploded completely, catching him off guard.

He didn't reach out to wipe off the things on his face, but looked up in the direction the man left.

At this time, the back of the man who had already left could no longer be seen, but Itachi was still looking in this direction stubbornly, standing quietly as if waiting for something to appear, until Oda who led the children home Make it appear in view.

Holding one with the left hand and the other with the right, Oda Saku who followed behind them: "...Did you forget to bring the key?"

Itachi's eyes naturally returned to the family in front of him, and he answered vaguely.

When the door was finally closed, Itachi still looked back.

Somehow, he always had a premonition.

I had a premonition that this was the last time I saw Yamabagiri Kunihiro.

Whether it's the gentle one, or the one who controls the body now.

For some reason, itachi felt really sad when he thought of this.

But under the caring eyes of his family, he still smiled.

Seeing the eldest son who was smiling so reluctantly, Odasaku put the vegetables he brought home into the refrigerator, and hesitantly reached out and patted the eldest son's head.

"If you are tired, take a rest."

He comforted his eldest son in this way, trying to take off the invisible burden from him.

Itachi didn't sleep well that night.

That small piece of memory kept replaying in his mind, as if he was afraid of forgetting it again, and kept repeating it until he could clearly remember all the pieces, including the angle of light and the temperature of the outside world, until everything was engraved in his mind, and the self-abuse stopped. general practice.

The bare-eyed boy stood barefoot on the wooden floor, behind him, Yamabashi Kiri Kunihiro seemed impatient but gently helped him up with his head bowed, and then lifted him up and sent him to the other side of the light .

But Itachi was unmoved.

He turned his head and looked straight at somewhere in the void.

Applause suddenly sounded.

Pop, pop, pop.

Full of rhythm and unhurried, it perfectly embodies the character of the applause.

Itachi didn't say a word, just looked back in that direction a little indifferently.

As a result, a corner of Hefeng's house was occupied by purple mist, and a young man with long blue-purple hair appeared in the corner.

He stopped applauding, and the light in the different-colored pupils flowed, and he looked at Itachi with a half-smile.

The boy shrank a little at this time, and he looked like he was only five or six years old.The long black hair was also shortened, until it was only around the neck.

At that time, Itachi was still quite small, so if she looked like a five or six-year-old girl, it would not be suspicious at all.

Liu Daokuo was not surprised by Itachi's state at this time, the man who stopped clapping smiled softly, "kufufufufu" sounded like a strange laugh.

"That's why I said, you are far from being a teacher."

He raised his chin, looked down at the child with the size of a palm (not) and subconsciously showed a mocking and frivolous smile.

If Tsunayoshi Sawada is here, he will definitely have to complain about this guy with a youthful and eccentric smile. This is why he is always regarded as a villain.

But it's a pity that there is no such a part-time godfather to complain about, so itachi, who is quite upright to a certain extent, looks at Liudao Mukuo who is smiling strangely, and can't think of anything to reply for a while.

So the two fell into a strange silence.

In the end, it was Liudao Mukuro who broke the deadlock. He waved his hand rather bored, and the defenseless dream was removed.

Itachi breathed a sigh of relief, and moved his hand to the side, and a naughty little rabbit appeared next to his hand.

Weasel:  …

He glanced at the young man in front of him speechlessly. Seeing that he was still in control of the dream, or in other words, the dominance of the illusion, he tolerated the young man's bad taste a little.

But the other party seemed to be here to provoke trouble, and without a wave of his hand, a big fat chubby covered with black hair jumped out of Itachi's face, and bounced straight into the face of the small version of Itachi.

Because the fat chirp is too big and the ferret shrinks

Itachi: ... Nothing is just a bad taste...

Come on, Liu Dao Mu is not a child anymore.

Itachi-kun, the real kid among the two, thought, and retaliated to a spring skeletal owl in the same way.

Then the childish Liu Dao Mu retaliated again, and this back and forth, there was quite the momentum of a pillow fight.

So when Keji, who was in charge of waking up the family today, pushed open his brother's door, he found that his brother, who had always been dressed at this time, had just sat up from the bed at this time, and his black hair, which was always neatly arranged, was a little messy. The person's momentum is also a little sluggish - don't ask him how he can tell it!This is the privilege of the younger brother who wakes up his elder brother every day!

In short, the famous detective Katsumi frowned and found that the matter was not simple.

He stretched out his nose and sniffed, making sure that his eldest brother didn't sneak anyone home for the night, then scanned around sharply, and finally his eyes fell on his elder brother's faintly revealed dark circles.

Oda Katsumi:! ! ! !Long live, brother Weasel has dark circles under his eyes! !

The little boy took a sharp breath, and cast his eyes fiercely on his elder brother's face. An expression that could be called bearing the burden of humiliation flashed across the boy's face, and finally turned into the most ordinary greeting.

Itachi who saw everything: ... Could this be the arrival of the legendary brother's second term?engage in self-delusion or something.

Unaware that he was assigned to the second stage of middle school in advance, the young boy felt that he knew everything, so he closed the door secretly and approached his elder brother with black eyes.

"Brother Itachi, did you do something bad last night!" He muttered and threw himself on his brother's bed, sneaking up to his brother, "Did you forget to sleep while reading comics at night?"

The young boy who thought he could see through everything looked at his elder brother with hatred, showing a smile that everyone understood.

So that day, a bunch of juvenile comics and several flashlights were found in Oda Yusuke's room, and they were all given to the head of the family, Oda Sakunosuke.

Oda Sakunosuke, who knew everything long ago, sighed silently.


Itachi ignored what happened next, and the teenager who ran away from home early in the morning (didn't) retrieved the address that had been saved long ago from his mobile phone, touched the direct bus and sat in the corner.

There are not many people on the bus leading to the small town named Bingsheng, and there are even fewer young people like him, so as soon as Itachi gets on the bus, there are suspected local uncles and aunts looking over.

He pulled his collar uncomfortably, covering half of his chin.

The bus staggered on the road, and with the rising sunlight, people couldn't help feeling drowsy.

In the drowsy company, Itachi finally reached his destination.

Although it was the first time to come to Bingsheng, it was very strange that Itachi found the destination smoothly.

But just as he was approaching the corner of the destination, he suddenly stopped and stood sideways where he could see another place.

That is the family whose name brand is [Sawada].

Just a few minutes after Itachi Station was set, two figures came from the other side of the street, they were Sawada Tsunayoshi and a middle-aged woman.

"That's Mama Nana," said the baby in a black suit standing on the opposite side of the wall Itachi was leaning against at some point, and jumped onto the black-haired boy's shoulder.

Itachi looked at the woman coming from the opposite side. The young man beside her seemed to be a little annoyed because she forgot to bring the key. The woman named Nana seemed not surprised. She covered her mouth and said something with a smile. Everyone hastily turned red.

——It was a childlike appearance that had never been shown in front of him.

But compared to Sawada Tsunayoshi, Itachi couldn't divert his attention from Sawada Nana.

Seeing this, Reborn snorted and lowered his hat with one hand.

"Since you are envious, don't sneak around," the little baby who said this jumped into the air and kicked the boy on the shoulder, causing the boy who was standing upright to stagger forward a few steps.

It happened to attract the attention of the mother and son over there.

"Ah," Sawada Nana looked over suspiciously, and tilted her head when she met Itachi's gaze, "Which family's child is this?"

The author has something to say:

This chapter is the worst: Oda Katsumi

Keji: QAQ my...manga...ah...ah...

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