"Ah... this is really difficult." Peng Gelie's leader showed a rare look of frustration, "I lost the trace of Weasel-kun."

Standing beside him was Johnny II, who was moving his hands quickly, without any energy left to appease the frustrated leader

A hand reached out from behind and rubbed Tsunayoshi's head - this is quite a rare treatment, and Spana, who didn't realize what he had done, smiled and greeted the young man who looked at him.

"Yo, Vongola, I'm here to help."


The sound of military boots stepping on the grass rang in his ears.

Itachi subconsciously used illusion to cover up his figure, and at this moment, someone appeared in his line of sight.

It was a man with light green hair. He was dressed in a black-based outfit with white accents. He held a long whip in his hand and looked vigilant.

Itachi recognized the man.

in the original time.

The man's name was Kutcher, known in the mafia industry as the happy Kutcher.A cadre-level member of former Kirionello and now Miru Fiore.He is also the elder of the original Kirionello, and has almost the same status as Gamma, another Itachi who is more familiar.

Itachi had also seen this man during the contacts between Mirufiore's family and Pengo Lie.

But the man who appeared in front of him now is obviously not the man who squatted in front of him and took out a toffee from his bag and handed it to him. This Kutcher, not to mention the gentle smile he used to have, is now full of defense and vigilance. Like a furry hedgehog.

Itachi hesitated for a while, but didn't rashly come forward to recognize each other.

But this does not mean that the opponent is useless.

Kuqi scanned vigilantly for a week and found no suspicious traces, and finally his eyes fell on the grass that had no reason to collapse.

The man's gaze sharpened suddenly, he stepped forward and knelt down to investigate, and after confirming, he stood up vigilantly.

"Since you've come to Mirufiore, why don't you come out and have a look?" Couch straightened up, holding his weapon tightly in his hand.

Although he was just standing normally, no matter from which angle he looked at this person, there was no flaw.

This will be discovered sooner or later.

Itachi looked at the man with hawk-like eyes and made a judgment.

So what appeared in front of Couch was such a picture.

Ripples as big as water waves suddenly appeared in the air, and between the ripples, a boy-like figure stepped out.

He was wearing a simple black T-shirt, trousers wrapped around his legs, his half-length hair was loosely tied behind his head, shaking slightly during the boy's movements.And the young man's face was cold, he must have never appeared in the family.

Couch stood still, his scrutinizing eyes resting on him.

"Your Excellency...?"

"My name is Itachi," the young man tilted his head, and answered without any mistake in theory, "I'm Bai Lanjun's friend."

——Although he always talks about how he dislikes a certain marshmallow essence, in fact, whether it is the other party's knowledge and insight or his status as a sweet tooth lover, it is enough to make Itachi agree with the other party's status as a friend to a certain extent.

Especially now when it is more beneficial to obviously use the identity of the other party.

According to Sawada Tsunayoshi's words, we can see that Bai Lanjun in this world is really in a bad situation. Not only was his body invaded by Zhong Er Bailan, but he was also used as a large power bank.

Although he somewhat disliked Bailan's weakness, Sawada Tsunayoshi told Itachi that if he arrived here and met someone from the Mirufiore family, it might be better to say Bailan's name than his.

——The premise is that at this time, the real Bai Lan, who has already won the battle and won the battle, returns to his body.


"Ah, I'm sure." The man who was biting a lollipop suddenly stood up and said.

He looked lazy as always, rubbing his curly hair, showing no emotion.

"Is there something wrong?" asked the young man who saw his friend's hair color.

"Ah, it's not a big deal...probably." Spana said without fear, "The matter is very simple. Your little brat arrived at the original place smoothly."

He gestured with one hand on the screen, "But now because of Sasuke, I heard it's a cat? There's something wrong with the entry..."

The bony hand moved, slightly to the left, "So it's here now."

"Hmm." The young man raised his head and did some mental calculations, "It's about half a month past the original time."

"Ah, of course, the time has shifted a little bit." He raised his head and hesitated a little, "There shouldn't be any problem, right?"

"Ah." Even though he said that, the young man didn't let go of his frowning brows, "Please, Spana."

Spana, with his head up, chewed for a while, and slowly made a suggestion, "How about... I'll give it a try, so you can talk to that child."

Sawada Tsunayoshi (sudden starry eyes): "Then please!"


Itachi felt something was wrong.

Although Bai Lan is a guy who hates dogs so much that he even dislikes the subordinates who he personally accepts, but no matter how you say it, the theoretically subordinates will not show such an expression of facing the enemy when they hear this name. .

"In that case," the man softened his tone a little, despite his serious face, "do you have any tokens that can prove your identity?"

His eyes were heavy and sharp, "Our Mirufiore is not someone who can easily let guests of unknown origin see the leader."


Itachi thought.

As far as the leader of your family is concerned, he is very good at provoking strange species of unknown origin without being seen by others.

But because he was temporarily in someone else's territory, Itachi just remained silent, and took out the ring that a certain cotton candy king had given him just in case.

Well, although it was something that guy gave it to himself.

A strange-looking ring was taken out, and the eyes of the man standing opposite suddenly shrank when he touched the ring.

"Please let me check."

After a simple inspection, the man recognized Itachi's identity, and bowed respectfully.

"Before I go, I want you to do one thing for me." Itachi said in an arrogant tone, "Can you help me find my cat?"

Couch paused, an impatient expression flashed across his face, he bowed his head respectfully to avoid Itachi's scrutiny, "I see."

Itachi lowered his eyes and didn't help, just watched the man put away the whip and looked around for traces of his cat.

"Ah, my cat is still a wild child, maybe we can see it in the grass."


he thinks.

Sasuke was told to wait for him to come back obediently when he left the room, not to mention that he closed the door when he left the room, so he would definitely not appear in this place now.

He said these words in a posture called arrogance. If it was the usual Mr. Couch, even if he could pretend, he would definitely express his dissatisfaction before that.Not to mention this world that is said to have been invaded by the second grader Bailan, even if he said that he was a friend of Bailan and made a request—of course, the important thing is that after the acting skills certified by international actors, theoretically Kuqi would definitely not It will be like this.

So is there something wrong with the space-time tunnel?

He lowered his eyes, intending to further test his suspicions.It's just that before the bossy words were spoken, a soft meow was heard.

A familiar black cat emerged from the bushes, shook the grass leaves all over its body, shrugged its nose, meowed, and jumped happily towards the weasel.

Itachi: ...? ? ?

He controlled his hands and feet to squat down stiffly and picked up the black cat that was picking at his trousers, and smiled at Couch, who had noticed the black cat from the beginning.

"Now that you've found it, please follow me to meet Lord Bailan."

grown ups.

Itachi keenly grasped this word. Although Kuqi would also call Bai Lan an "adult" on his side, there was a touch of intimacy in addition to the respectful tone - after all, he was a child he had watched grow up.

But the person in front of him was different.

Almost in an instant, Itachi made a decision in his heart.

He first nodded in agreement and then succumbed, showing a hostile image quietly.

"Who the hell are you?" Sure enough, the opponent's weapon was pointed at him, "Could it be a spy sent by Pengo Lie?!"


Itachi took a step back silently. Although he didn't know which step went wrong, the current Corki is definitely not the Corki of the world after everything subsides that Tsunayoshi Sawada said.

Then he has no value in staying here anymore.

Itachi gently rubbed the restless Sasuke in his arms, blushes appeared in his eyes, and he turned the Sharingan that he had mastered proficiently in the past three years, subduing a man who looked straight at him in the blink of an eye.

The Mr. Couch of this world is surprisingly easy to deal with.Itachi thought as he silently walked past Gamma who had fallen into a state of trance due to the illusion.

For the sake of convenience, Itachi conjured up an appearance of wearing Kutch's clothes—according to Bai Lan's character, this kind of formal unity must be necessary.

In fact, Qiaoqiao Bailan also enthusiastically wanted to do this after becoming the leader, but was eventually suppressed by the smiling elders.

Well, Bai Lan, a secondary school student in this world, has fulfilled his wish.

Accepting the [-]th generation personal biography of Peng Gelie, who did not want to be named, the young man walked forward with a blank face while making complaints. After silently killing a young man who had escaped from the patrol team, he mixed into it, skillfully out information.

For example, it is now in the period of confrontation between Mirufiore and Vongola, for example, the leader on the opposite side has been killed but the descendants are endless (not) In short, it seems that there is another Vongola from ten years ago—— Although it was just a fleeting trace of the ring.

Itachi just calculated the time silently, and knew that there must be a problem in a certain link, which made him come to the parallel world earlier than the original time.

But it’s okay, as long as the place is right.

"Well, even the location has changed." Spana scratched his head and said to Vengley who was standing beside him, "No, Mr. Samche is not in the parallel world at all."

Sawada Tsunayoshi frowned deeply.

"Then Yamabagiri-san is...?"

"In this world," the young man who said this quickly operated on the computer, and finally came up with a formula that Tsuna Kichi couldn't understand, "15 years ago in this world."

Itachi was going to sneak out after going around and scooping up a lot of information.

It's just that before leaving, I encountered a little trouble.

Although the team he was mixed in met Corki who was supposed to be in a coma, he remained silent when Corki questioned him until the other party was summoned away by the rest of the members in the name of the leader.

The problem is now.

Without a map and navigation, he, Uchiha Itachi, got lost in the eerie castle.

Bailan remodeled Mirufiore's castle to a certain extent, causing Itachi to follow the path to the dark room in his memory and not see the exit in his memory, but a door instead.

He hesitated, and during this hesitation, the door opened.

Itachi's body was covered with illusions to cover his tracks, but even so, a hunched man kept his door open and met his eyes.

No, it cannot be said so.

The man's light brown pupils did not reveal Itachi's figure, but he just stared at the place where Itachi was standing without any deviation, showing an indescribable smile.

"Ah, there are bugs."

The man said, closing the door behind his backhand, and walking towards Itachi with a bored smile.

That's not how Corki found Itachi.If we say that at that time, firstly, when we first arrived here, we didn't have time to cover up, and secondly, we had Kuqi's intuition, but now, under Itachi's illusion, the man is relying on a beast-like intuition.

Yes, judging from the few steps the man moved, Itachi was able to tell that the man had clearly known where he was.

But he did not give up the illusion of changing perception, but moved his footsteps slightly, watching the other person's eyes move with his movements.

"...It's really troublesome."

The man scratched his head boredly and waved his hand casually.

The red flames overflowed through the ring in the man's hand, rippling around the man in the center, and sooner or later, they will be able to capture the boy who has been evading for a while.

Itachi bowed his head in silence, and drew out the Japanese sword that he brought along from Miru Fiore.

Although it is much more beautiful than the sword he usually uses, since it is a weapon, there is no reason why it cannot be used.

He waved his hand casually, and after initially confirming the feeling of the hand, he met the opponent.

Now that he found out that he didn't summon his companions but chose to fight alone, it meant that the opponent had a considerable degree of confidence in his own strength.


Itachi released the illusion on himself, and then attacked the man not far away.

However, he is also a child who was jointly taught by several people known as the strongest mafia.

At the same time, Kawahira Real Estate

The hand of the white-haired man who was bowing his head and eating noodles suddenly paused.

He let out an "ah", with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Where did this little guy go the wrong way?" He said to himself, after thinking for a long time, he decided to focus on the bowl in his hand, "Ah, noodles! Noodles!"

Itachi's swordsmanship was inherited from Vengley's Amamori and Yamabaki Kunihiro.

The former is a rare swordsman, while the latter is a sword itself.

In comparison, pure sword moves mainly come from the latter, while the former taught him more about how to fight with flames.

Well, although Vongola said it was Huoyan, Itachi always felt that there was a subtle difference in what he could use.

But what doesn't change is the way it's used.

Therefore, with just a thought, what is temporarily called "flame" in the body bursts out naturally.

"Oh," the red-haired man raised his eyebrows, showing interest, "isn't this interesting?"

He tilted his head and gave Itachi a provocative smile.

"You guy, are you from Pengo Lie?"

It's rounded up, right?

Itachi thought silently, but didn't answer, his hand turned into a slash as a conditioned reflex, and slashed at the man who was dodging beside him.

Red collides with red, bursting out fierce light in a small space.

But when the light paused, the black-haired boy had disappeared.

"Hmph," the red-haired man snorted and yawned, and rushed out at an extremely fast speed as if walking in a courtyard.

"Sorry, we can't let you disclose our information so easily."

"Moxi Moxi, can you hear me?" The male's lazy voice echoed in the room, "Please answer if you hear me."

There was a sudden sound of electricity from the instrument that hadn't responded for a long time.

Another male voice came from the instrument.

"it's me."

"Mr. Yamabukiri." Spana replied without any surprise, "Are you all right?"

"Well, it's still okay."

"Then I'll make a long story short, because the technicians on Vengley's side are unqualified, you are now brought to this world ten years ago. If you stay for a long time, maybe because of the same soul existing in the same time and space, something we don't know will happen. would like to see."

"But please don't worry," Spana hesitantly advised, "Since I have been able to determine your coordinates, I will bring you back soon, please rest assured."

"……I am okay."

The answer finally came from the opposite side.

"Compared to me, please pay more attention to Itachi-kun. At least I will not have any accident during this time."

"Well, I see." The young man replied without hesitation, "I will tell Pengo Li."


Turning off the phone that Tsunayoshi Sawada had stuffed in his hand, Kunihiro Yamabuki lay obediently under the covers.

Completely different from what was reported as nothing, the sword man can be said to be covered in bruises.Unlike the lucky Itachi and Sasuke, the effect of the collapse of the time-space tunnel is more reflected in the sword, and he also suffered a lot of injuries.


Kunihiro Yamabashi carefully covered his clothes, but before he had time to think about it, he was attracted by the sound of the door being opened.

"Please don't move around," the boy who entered the door paused when he saw the man whose posture had changed, adjusted his glasses with one hand, and then walked towards Yamabaki Kunihiro.

"The general will come later, at least be well-behaved during this time... Yamabashi Kiritou."

Kunihiro Yamababa's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard a certain word, and then curled up reflexively, and his fingers unconsciously squeezed the thin clothes tightly.

"...Ah." He heard himself say in the same inaudible voice as before, "I know."

The author has something to say:

about teaching

Yamamoto: In short, it’s like this—biu—bong—the flame can be attached to the sword (the flame is attached to the sword)

Itachi (nodding after thinking silently): Okay... (Chakra is attached to the knife)

Gang Jun passing by: Wait what happened, how did you communicate? (shedding ignorant tears)

①The previous Mio didn’t find out (cough cough) Let’s declare that Mama Itachi has nothing to do with Dororo’s Mio-sister x I’m crying Mio-sister woooooooooooooooooooooooo

If you think it’s a play, we can change it to another one√

②This is about ten years after Agang arrived √Because I forgot when Gamma Tai Ape and Wild Ape went to Japan, I directly set up a Kuchi affiliated to the Uni Group√

③Because the title of this article seems to be a bit wrong, so I am going to change the title of the article (scratching head)

The current set is [Comprehensive] After leaving Yokohama, I joined Xiongying√

I put the two big ones in (holding the chin) Although it doesn’t sound too good, it’s already the limit of the use of the name. (Crying on the stomach) Change the name when the cover is finished√

If you have any good suggestions, please leave a message and tell me (please score zero for this one!) If you have inspiration or directly adopt it, I will send a red envelope!

④There may not be an update tomorrow, but to thank the little angels for the grenades and mines in the past two days, let’s start with a chapter of fat updates√

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