In the end, Itachi chose the sword that Takeshi Yamamoto handed over.

Although he hadn't had much in-depth contact with the knife or the bomb/bomb before, but compared with the weapon that requires certain skills and has a limited amount, the choice of the bomb/bomb is a cold weapon under unknown circumstances, but it is obvious (for For him) Japanese / Japanese / knives that are easier to use are more suitable.

What's more, whether it can be used is another matter for him.

Seeing him take the knife he handed out, the smile on Yamamoto's face became more sincere, and he stretched out his hand to ask the two brothers to hook their shoulders together.

Then he was slapped down.

Oh, of course it's not Itachi, although in fact he did have this idea in his heart, but the one who acted before him was the prison temple Hayato standing beside him.

After the silver-haired youth waved away Takeshi Yamamoto's hand on Itachi, he showed hostility like a cat's fur, and grinned at Yamamoto.

Just when a big battle was about to break out, Itachi suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a sound coming from not far away.

After the eye contact, Yuji turned around first, snorted, picked up the bomb that Itachi had dropped, and ran in the same direction as he came back.

Takeshi Yamamoto patted Itachi on the shoulder encouragingly, "Then, you can run with me for a while first."

After saying that, he ran in the other direction without hesitation.

Itachi looked at the knife that had been forced into his hand at the same place, and stood there thinking for a while for two seconds, then saw Takeshi Yamamoto, who had already run away, turning back.

"Almost forgot," the young man said, turning left and right, took out a green silk ribbon from his trousers bag, and wrapped it around Itachi's right arm, "The one with the ribbon is the winner of this competition." Those who are related, be careful not to accidentally hurt those who have nothing to do with it."

"Don't get lost this time," said the young man who turned Itachi's previous behavior of staying in the same place into being lost. He patted Itachi's head like a football, and continued to run back and run away with a smile.

Itachi stepped up and followed Takeshi Yamamoto to eat some experience (bushi), and got a general idea of ​​the current situation.

To put it simply, it is sparring, and now he seems to have entered the side of Yamamoto and Yuji before he knew it.'s not a big problem.

Itachi, who walked around behind the man with the orange ribbon on the nearest arm, raised his knife and stabbed the opponent through the opening while avoiding the opponent's bullets.

——The special sword of Vongola's logistics department, non-destructive and non-injured, equipped with special medicine, perfectly responds to the degree of fainting according to the injury caused by the knife piercing the body.

And Itachi went down with a knife——

"Well, it looks like you can go on your own," Takeshi Yamamoto, who squatted at Itachi's feet to check the degree of fainting under his family, said naturally and heartily, "In this case, I don't have to be distracted to take care of you. "

If it was an ordinary child of this age, he would probably already be angry, but Itachi just looked up at Takeshi Yamamoto, and then bowed his head.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you unhappy?" The young man seemed to be aroused by this action, squatting in front of Itachi and smiling brightly.


"Is that so?" Yamamoto scratched his head, thinking that this is really not the time to talk about this, he naturally changed the subject, "Then let's part here."

The young man who had been acting like the stupid son of the landlord's family since he appeared on the stage suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were sharp and compelling, which was completely different from the image he showed before.

He patted Itachi's head again, returned to his smiling face and left like the wind.

Ah, he was the only one left.

Itachi thought silently.

Although I don't know whether Pengo Lie is under attack or what, but if he wants to say, he is not a person who is willing to be defeated.

Otherwise, Yokohama College would not have had a campus legend of a genius with full grades a few years ago.

He breathed a little, holding the knife in one hand - if someone observes carefully, he will find that this posture is the same as the previous attack by Yamamoto who has already left - and locked the direction of the accomplice of the fainted man beside him with his eyes and ears , Dao Lang took the grass and overturned the man who was about to retreat to the ground.

There was a loud noise from the jungle.

Yamamoto, who was running at full speed, took the time to look back, and saw commotion in the direction where he originally ran.

"Hahaha, children just want to be more energetic like this," the young man who didn't feel that he was the one who caused the trouble laughed, with a serious light in his dark eyes, "Okay! I want to be more serious too!"


Vongola's regular practice game is an exchange game within the family determined after the tenth generation of Vengola, Sawada Tsunayoshi, occasionally joined by allies such as Gabrielone, but most of the time it is the leader A match with the guardians each bringing their own subordinates.

The game mechanism and rewards and punishments are formulated by Tsunayoshi Sawada.The competition is very simple, that is, the leader and the guardian lead their subordinates to fight... Cough cough, friendly exchanges and exchanges, and put it in the Vengley headquarters to select the Gu king.In principle, it is once a month, and any conflicts between guardians and guardians during this month can be resolved through competitions.

In the end, the loser of this live-action cs will bear all the expenses of this competition.

That is to say, the ten generations of Pengelie will restrain the guardians who are known as humanoid natural disasters in the daily confrontation and exchange, and give these people a legitimate excuse to make trouble, and smoothly pay the related maintenance costs. Send it to one of the guardian's bullying tables.

It can be said to be extremely smart and bright.

In this traditional project, in order to successfully beat people and escape from debts, the guardians also took great pains.

For example, Hayato and Takeshi Yamamoto chose to form an alliance during the competition.

The former, who just wanted to show his reliability in front of the respected Judaime, and the latter, who said "isn't this fun", are simply the shit-stirring sticks in this competition, messing up the good situation and ending up in a mess consequences that no one could have foreseen.

And if you think about it this way, you will know what kind of "welcome" the Itachi with the logo indicating that he is the prison temple team will be received.

The boy who didn't think he was a murderous boy relied on his own illusions to harvest heads while walking around, and by the way, collected all kinds of information about the exercise, and of course guessed the reason why the magical pair pulled him here.

Well, it's not hard to guess.

What a man who has just set foot on the ground and is pulled over will do on his toes if he is attacked, there is nothing he can do but fight back.

And the old foxes who have honed in the mafia world for many years naturally know the situation as soon as they hear the sound.

In other words, he was a clear target.

Perhaps the only thing that was not expected was that his illusion was enough to cover his tracks—of course, this was because he was lucky enough not to run into the illusionist of the Fog Guard team.

But it is still doubtful that it was not expected. After all, a certain guardian who had obviously gone away went back after leaving, and tied the ribbon belonging to the prison temple Hayato team to Itachi.

Still quite prominent.

If it wasn't intentional, this person would be completely natural black.

The boy who was thinking this way walked in the forest. According to the elder brother from Qingshou force who was kidnapped just now, theoretically there are only a few guardians left in the field to fight (fight) with each other (kill). If he wins, the best way is to stay outside the circle. If these guys don't know that he, an irrelevant person, joins him... Maybe he can directly become the final winner.

But the question is...why did he help Prison Temple win?

The boy, who had been relieved by the battle like chopping carrots, was thinking irrationally, and he stepped on a piece of wood without noticing.

The sound of "click" was not loud, but there was still a lot of movement among the quiet trees.Itachi stopped vigilantly and checked the surroundings. After making sure that no one noticed his poor, weak and helpless self because of the sound, he continued to walk forward with confidence.

Not far behind him, a man in a black vest was staring at him closely.

When the man was about to step forward to lay the net, he suddenly felt someone pat him on the shoulder, and he suddenly turned his head and walked away unambiguously with the wind wrapped in his fist. He felt that the clothes he grabbed suddenly dissipated, but it was obviously not The little ghosts of the Wushou team used the same moves as the group of elusive guys.

He appeared on the other side, with a gun in one hand and a slight smile, and said softly, "Goodbye."

Then there was the extremely loud gunshot.

This is quite eye-catching like Itachi's sword wave before, but unlike himself when he didn't know the rules yet, Itachi deliberately revealed the information that "there is someone here" this time.

Of course, he is not confident that he can defeat the guardians of the legendary Vengley's strongest family. In fact, in the previous battles, he was able to survive until now thanks to the unexpected effect brought by the illusion.

But that doesn't mean he's willing to let it go.

One or two of the few remaining Guardians would come after the sound, and all he needed to do was reap the benefits—if the plan went well.

After finding a hiding place, Itachi began to crouch and guard.

Then he was out.


Itachi was awakened by a ringing bell.

The feeling of the duckweed crutch hitting his face hard before he passed out still remained. He touched his cheek, which was still in pain, and was slapped down by a man (?) who looked like a medical staff (?) beside him.

"Don't touch the place where the little sparrow has hit you." The man who said this motioned him to bring his red and swollen face closer, and said distressedly, "Hey, it's true, a good face has been ruined like this. The little sparrow is really not sympathetic as always."

Wait, wait, pity, what kind of fragrance, what kind of jade

Just as Itachi was about to refute to show his innocence, the man put a cold compress on his face.

"Well, I've seen you too, you're called Itachi, right?" He smiled, "I'm Lusilia, you can call me Miss Luce, you can find me if you need help."

Itachi reacted slowly, and looked at the man with a scientific attitude. Is this the legendary ladyboy?Or gender cognitive impairment, no matter which one this is the first time I've seen it.

"Oh, don't look at her like that," Lusilia, who was pointing at the orchid, covered her face, "Even if I like her, I won't be with you. If I have to say, I'm your aunt."

Itachi: No, he doesn't have such an aunt.

Seeing this, Lusilia seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by a male voice from behind.

"Excuse me, Lusilia." Tsunayoshi Sawada came from behind him, reaching out to Itachi who was still sitting on the ground, "Welcome to Vongola, Itachi-kun."

Itachi looked up at the backlight and stretched out his hand to him for a while, and suddenly showed a look so entangled that his whole face was about to wrinkle together.

"Mr. Sawada is behind you, Rokudo-kun."

The author has something to say:

There is a bug in the world called Skylark Kyoya

There is a kind of beating in the world called Liudaoku


It’s like this, today I originally wanted to change the name of the article (scratching my head), because I felt that the role of the little hero would not be enough to support the full text name. A brother-in-law has four younger brothers and one younger sister... Beloved!I love the whole family!Even pamper the old father together!

Uchiha Third Traffic Detachment Reminds You: #路千万块,兄舞第一条#

Thank you for your minecraft!


Thanks for watching

Well, it may not be necessary to add an update tomorrow, let’s see my state after tooth extraction (hello)

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