The red tram wobbled along what could only be considered a flat road.

Unlike the special route that was built to be suitable for trams, this is just a small road, so from time to time there are branches on the side of the road sweeping across the torso of the steel tool, and it returns to calm before being noticed by something.

—But no one could find out about it.

This sounds a bit unbelievable, but it is true. Even the passengers in the car have never realized that they have been traveling among the lush forests for a long time, and they have not even known that they have passed through the jungle composed of trees.

Originally, they should have been so ignorant until the tram was traveling in the correct direction they thought, until it stopped at the end.

In the end, what awaited these lambs were hypnotic bombs and ships that had already been prepared.

Those unknown ships will take people away from their homeland when they lose consciousness. With the help of special people, it is no longer the original self but an unconscious puppet who wakes up again.

Or live body organs.

In short, no matter which method is used, it is a means to cut off an originally existing trace of life.

But this red tram is different.

After passing through the woods not far from the sea, the red tram wrapped in light lavender and theoretically invisible to people was stopped by a person.

People who didn't know whether they were friends or foes got into the car, and told the concealed truth under the stares of the whole car.

——"I came from the direction of the port."

"Ah, by the way, Yokohama's transportation planning is really good. There are still trams in such a far place."

Said the young man with a smile on his face.

The air in the tram was suddenly silent for a moment, and the originally warm atmosphere suddenly froze.The speaker looked puzzled, and saw the middle-aged woman in front of him look uncertain.

"Excuse me—" he muttered, restraining the smile on his face.

to suffer.

The young people who first arrived in this city suddenly flashed all kinds of horror stories that their companions gave them Amway before they came again, and forcibly opened their minds to see ghosts in the daytime.

Oh no, it should be almost out of the scope of daytime now.

So it's twilight... twilight

Isn't that the time of encountering demons?

A middle-aged woman with a pale complexion on a red tram...

All in all... all in all.

He thought tremblingly, in short, he should get out of this kind of situation that vaguely looks like he is against the whole car.

Even in hell, you have to stand in a crowded place.

—if these creatures were really people.

The young man thinking this way couldn't help feeling sad, thinking what's wrong with him?Was it just that he got lost when he came to this special Yokohama business trip with his seniors, and let him fall into such a terrible situation like hell?

But it wasn't that he was willing to get lost.After all, as a professional practitioner with rich experience, it is unbelievable that he would get lost around here. Who knows who put down the blindfold to cover up his perception.

With a lot of thoughts in his mind, the man who was not an experienced professional but at most a rookie was walking, and suddenly noticed the blond man and the black-haired child standing outside the crowd in the carriage.

The footsteps that were originally somewhat cramped suddenly stopped, and even the atmosphere around this person changed.

"I didn't expect to meet in this kind of place for the first time. It's really rude." He walked towards the blond man, and the man's face that had been printed on the small notebook given to him by his predecessor was clearly projected on it as if it had been 3D printed. in front of him.

"Ah, maybe you don't know me yet." There seemed to be a hint of sadness in his tone because the other party didn't know him, which was completely hidden in the words in the next moment, "Then let me re-introduce, I am Takezaki from Tokyo, you happened to be away when I visited your company in the afternoon, so I was very sad for a long time.”

The man who called himself Takezaki stood still in front of Kunikida Doppo, his previous boyish appearance was completely subdued and replaced with a mature and reliable armor.

He held out his hand, "Nice meeting, Mr. Kunikida."

"Ah, so it's you." Unexpectedly, Kunikida really put on an attitude of knowing the other party, holding his glasses with one hand and extending the other, "I've heard the name for a long time, Mr. Takezaki."

Takezaki, who was complimented by the polite words, was stunned and began to scratch his head, "Eh, is that so hehehe."

——It is the appearance of the seniors who will be reprimanded as idiots with heartache.

"But I can rest assured that you are here."

— Rest assured this is not a ghost car.

The novice in the workplace, who looked like a human being for less than half a minute, complimented the man who was said to be rounded up and also a colleague.

Then he was robbed by a middle-aged woman—"Mr. Kunikida!"

Seeing that the new guy is not a strange person, and Yuko, who seems to be an old acquaintance with Kunikida, who is protecting a car, walked over with two steps on her stubby heels, and hugged without saying a word Kunikida's arm began to cry, "Mr. Kunikida! What shall we do next?"

Yes, there is another question left.

Now that I know that the direction of the tram is not the urban area, it is bound to be impossible to follow the original route.

Thinking of this, Kunikida Doppo suddenly thought of something and turned his head, "Takezaki-kun, did you notice anything wrong when you got in the car just now?"

"What's wrong...?" Takezaki scratched his head and said ah, "Speaking of which, I seemed to see a lavender mist when the car stopped."

He wondered, "But it might be an illusion, right? Even if there is mountain fog, how could it be purple?"


Speaking like this, Kunikida Doppo thought of Itachi talking to himself about the car body being wrapped in lavender mist.

In this case……

He lowered his eyes, subconsciously searching for the trace of the black-haired boy who was following him.


After searching the entire tram, Kunikida Doppo finally confirmed that Uchiha Itachi had disappeared.

- ok ok not actually

The well-behaved boy who stayed in the carriage disappeared at some point, and it wasn't until the adults remembered that he didn't know where he had gone.

If this was placed on the social section of some daily newspaper, it would be another social event that made countless keyboard warriors scold those who took care of their children.

In addition, the person who took care of the child was not a relative of the child but just a teacher, I am afraid I can still say shock!Contemporary teachers are like this!Is it a loss of morality or...

Heck, far away.

In short, he found that Kunikida, who had lost his child, was not in the slightest panic. He calmly comforted the other party's Ms. Yuko and Takezaki, who heard that he had lost a child, with worried faces, and took out his mobile phone from his bag.

"It's okay, I have Itachi-kun's number."

The man who said this put his mobile phone in front of him, choking speechlessly at the empty signal bar.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah what to do he lost his students ah he is still a super obedient and sensible Itachi-kun what should he do ah ah ah!

Itachi had to admit that he deliberately didn't make a sound when the tattooed hand reached out to him.

Although the new man in the car seems to be a friend rather than an enemy, who knows what will happen after this?

What's more, the current situation is complicated and confusing, except that the other party's purpose is probably to take this car of people to a certain place, whether it is the other party's body, the number of people, or even the place where they will be taken, they don't know anything about it.

This is bad.

Therefore, when all the people in the car focused their attention on the man who had just gotten into the car and stretched out his hands, he did not struggle. After two symbolic resistances, he obediently chose to be taken away.

If Kunikida knew what he was thinking, he would definitely scold him loudly, but the blond man is still watching the man named Takezaki, so it is not too much to forget the smaller student for a while.

Well, not too much at all.

Itachi's consciousness didn't disappear completely after covering his mouth and nose, and the person who snatched him was as ignorant as a novice.

In other words, it is less medicinal.

Then he felt that he had been scooped up by someone, and the voices of people's conversations were suddenly far away and close, as if the person scooped him up and swaggered through the crowd.

The jolt had been there from the beginning, and after a slow walk—he guessed it might have left the tram—it sped up a little.

But it's not an extremely fast speed.

After staggering and bumping like this for a long time, Itachi felt that the footsteps of the person blocking him began to relax.

He was let down.

Itachi wanted to see where he was now, but his eyelids seemed to be stuck and he couldn't open them. Even if he opened his eyes with all his heart, he couldn't see a glimmer of light.

But fortunately, while his vision was deprived, his other senses became more sensitive, and he could even hear the sound of blades of grass scraping through his clothes when he was carried on his shoulders through the jungle or something.

So it's in the woods?

Silently recalling the forest marked by Kunikida's soul painter's picture, it is not far from an abandoned shipyard.

While thinking like this, the panting voice approached, and Kankan stopped very close to him.

"I didn't expect to make a lot of money this time." It was a rather hoarse voice, with a hint of youthfulness that did not belong to young people. When it was confided on his cheeks, it was easy to feel like a snake spit out a letter. , "A young illusionist."

"You are much more valuable than that car bug," he laughed as if thinking of something.The scorching and strange breath left Itachi a little, and instead touched something on his face, "As long as I have you, as long as I have you..."

The man immersed in self-fantasy never noticed that the little finger of his right hand, which fell into the dirty soil, moved undetectably even though the eyes of the boy he regarded as the object in his palm were still closed.

Something was called to grow.

The author has something to say:

It’s like this, gentlemen, I’m a little stuck... well, it’s stuck in a truck (hey) so I didn’t have time to fix it x so I might fix it during the day

if you have time x

And—I hope someone still remembers that we are little heroes. 】


Thanks for watching

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