"Old Nine Gates" Frost Forest is dyed red in February

Chapter 4 is finished, there is nothing to add, if you like it, just keep it, you are welcome~~

Finally, I wish me that I fail the preliminaries of the subjects tomorrow, I have to go to review, if there is anything that is not smooth, I will correct it tomorrow, bye~~


Chen Pi is quite beautiful, I don't know how many times better the outfit he wore than when he was in the Red Mansion, he shouldn't live too badly in this life.

But whenever there are lively days, he always thinks of some things, think of the crab that his wife loves to eat, think of the one or two tricks that his master always secretly taught him to get down to the grave, and think of the flowers, trees, plants and trees in the Hongfu Liyuan.

I held the handful of old incense and secretly hid it under the pillow. Later on, everyone had a meal around the table. The dishes on the New Year’s Eve are always the best. A big five-yuan whole chicken with longan , lychee, wolfberry, and lotus seeds were stewed together, which symbolizes good luck. The red carp on Erye's table did not move, and Tsing Yi changed the container to serve the whole plate, and added glutinous rice with longan, and steamed a pot of eight-treasure fruit rice with lotus seeds.

Tsing Yi's cooking skills are very good, and the food is fragrant and sweet. There is still some orange dew glutinous rice balls cooked by Juanhua for the second master, and they brought them together with a few pots of green vegetables. A few mouthfuls.

"You guys are busier than Second Master's house."

I asked the second master?

The butler said that he was trimming the flowers sent by the Buddha in the house.

After this meal, it was quite dark outside, Yunlu asked the second master for instructions, and he and Chaofang set off a few hanging whips at the door in a lively manner, and the second master took a rest early.

I saw that everyone had no intention of keeping the year old, and went back to the house early. I was very tired after a day of tossing around, but I vaguely felt as if I forgot something.

I lay on the bed with my clothes closed, and I always felt that the pillow was a bit high, and it was uncomfortable no matter how I lay on it. I reached out and felt under the pillow, and found out the old incense that Chen Pi gave me.

I sat cross-legged on the bed and sighed secretly.

Although I live in a small room by myself, there is only a layer of straw-gray wall separated from the room of Qingyi Juanhua.

How would you describe this wall?It's the kind that will leak when you poke a bamboo pole. Not to mention the sound insulation, pouring a basin of water here can seep there.

I went down to the ground and turned off the oil lamp carefully, and lay quietly on the bed.

The bell was ringing, and the moon was three poles above. I got up and looked outside. It was dark, the moon was dark and the wind was high...

I quietly went to the ground, didn't dare to put on my shoes, so I held the old incense and pushed the door out. My wife was in the front yard, and I was in the back yard. Although the Red Mansion is not as big as Liyuan, it is not small. I regret it.

Stepping on the ground in early winter with both feet, even the blood was about to congeal.

There is a man on night duty in the courtyard, who was unusually sober on Thirty Days. I looked at those dark eyes, which were brighter than a cat at night.

I didn't dare to hold the lamp, so I used the red lantern in the courtyard to walk against the wall, and when I got to my wife's room, I couldn't feel the soles of my feet.

I stood outside the madam's door and took a deep breath, pushed the door open with both hands, and saw the second master sitting cross-legged in front of the portrait of the madam, the old incense in the censer had been burned for more than half an hour.

As soon as the second master turned his head, he saw me standing outside the door tremblingly, most of my soul flew out of fright...

I'm quite courageous, but I'm afraid of the second master.

The second master looked at me from top to bottom, and finally landed on my feet, "What's wrong with you, you don't even wear shoes when you go out, and your lips are frozen white."

I don't care whether my mouth is black, white or purple, I just want Second Master not to get angry and drive me out of the house.

The second master beckoned me to go in, I said tremblingly: "Second... Didn't the second master rest?"

"I couldn't fall asleep, so I woke up again."

I said, "Did the second master miss his wife again?"

The second master didn't speak, I was holding a handful of old incense in my hand, and the old incense was almost soaked in sweat.

I said again: "Slave... this servant also misses Madam, Madam is not here, so the New Year in the mansion will be different from usual."

The second master stared back at me with burning eyes, "Tell me, why is it different?"

I took a step back in fright. I can't say it's too deserted, it's out of date...

The second master kept staring at me, so I answered with a twitch: "There is no reward..."

"Then what reward do you want?"

"The slaves don't know either."

Anyway, I want it.

I want everything the second master gives...

The second master laughed again, quite happily. He raised his head and said to his wife's portrait, "Look at the girl you picked up, it's getting more and more interesting."

The second master threw me a futon instead, I didn't dare to sit on it, he conveniently put the stove by my feet, "Come, come here and warm up."

I lowered my head to look at the stove, leaned towards it without concentration, the second master pushed the futon again, and I sat down...

The second master raised his hand and opened his wife's drawer and took out a red sandalwood box. When the lid was opened, I smelled a strange fragrance. The second master took out a small and exquisite red coral ring from inside.

"I entrusted someone to make this for the girl." The second master said, "The girl was reluctant to take it with her when she was alive, and she was reluctant to take it away when she was alive. You are the girl picked up by my wife. Let me keep it for you."

I took it with both hands, and the second master asked again, "Is this reward satisfactory?"

Although the ring was small, it was fiery red all over, shining crystal clear under the dim oil lamp.

I hurriedly said: "Satisfied!"

Satisfied to death...

The second master looked down and saw a handful of old incense sticks in my arms, "Come out barefoot so late, do you want to offer incense sticks to Madam?"

I nodded.

"For yourself?"

The second master looked at me with clear and cool eyes, I opened my mouth, but I couldn't say the word "yes".

Every time I saw Second Master alone, it was at night. I sneaked out twice, and saw Second Master both times. I don't know how Second Master spends his nights.

The room fell silent for a while, the incense in the censer was all burned out, leaving only an oil lamp flickering brightly and dimly in the night.

The second master turned to me and asked, "Is there anyone else in the family?"

I shook my head, "Not anymore."

"What about before?"

"I used to have my mother, but later my mother died of illness, so there is no more."

The second master sighed for a long time, "Dad is the only family member of the girl. When I was young, I studied opera in Liyuan, and when I went out, there was the noodle stall of the girl's house. I practiced kung fu and often went there to eat noodles. For more than [-] days, I ate the noodles cooked by the girl."

I don't know why the second master told me this, but I just listened to him.

The second master rarely mentions his wife in front of people these days, and even if he does, he just passes by with a smile. There is such an illusion that I think the second master has gradually forgotten, and he has been singing in the daytime as before, and at night Go to the tomb, drink tea with the Buddha, and chat with the Eighth Master when you are bored.

But now I know that the second master is all pretending, and the second master is really good at deceiving people.

As I was thinking about it, the second master suddenly turned to look at me, "Bean sprouts, do you have any wine?"

I hurriedly got up, "Young maidservant, go and look for it."

The second master looked down at my feet, and said slowly, "Let me go."

I think the second master is a little different tonight.

But can't tell what the difference is.

It's better if the second master doesn't look at it, but after seeing it, I feel a little pain in the soles of my feet. After all, the ground in winter is not as hot as summer, and stepping on it with bare feet is almost like stepping on ice.

I lifted up my little feet and put them on the stove to bake, and I felt better immediately. When the second master came in, he saw my red feet dangling by the stove.

I looked up and saw Second Master, and hurriedly took it back.

The second master said: "Is it frozen?"

I shook my head, the second master was sitting next to me with a brown wine jar, and three porcelain bowls in his right hand, I saw that the wine jar was still stained with dirt, so I quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe it off.

The second master said: "This is the white sand liquid that has been buried for nearly 50 years. When the jar was buried, you were not born yet."

Baishaye is a famous wine in Changsha. I only learned about it later. This wine was drawn from an ancient well in 1000 called Baisha Well. .

The second master said, "Today's New Year's Eve, since we're here, let's have a drink together."

The second master opened the wine jar with a "bang!", and I lined up the three porcelain bowls. The wine was poured out in yellow color, and a strong fragrance came over my face.

Er Ye picked up a glass and took a sip, then drank it all in one gulp. After drinking, Er Ye didn't sit upright, and leaned forward slightly towards me, with one hand on his knee casually watching I said: "This wine is very fragrant, you should try it too."

I first raised the wine jar to fill it up for the second master, then picked up my bowl and took a sip, the spicy feeling flowed from my mouth to my stomach, I licked my lips, it was very fragrant.

The second master drank several glasses in a row and told me proudly, "When I was young, I had a drink with the richest and youngest in Changsha. I drank all the three accompanying guests with him. Afterwards, his sister went to the city three times a day. Hongfu ran away, my father almost made her mad." After finishing speaking, he sighed again, "It's just that I can't drink like before."

I've heard that when Er Ye was young, he not only had a beautiful singing voice, but also possessed unique skills, and he was the most beautiful man in Changsha, and he had a lot of romantic affairs.

I heard it and couldn't help laughing, "Isn't the second master also young now?"

"Yeah, still young..." Second Master murmured, "It's just that I feel old."

The second master who had drunk seemed to be even more beautiful, with bright red lips, a slight frown on his forehead, and a pair of eyes like black gems soaked in water, clear and bright.

The second master said: "I knew that there is no cure for the girl's illness. My wife has been a medicine jar since she was a child. But in order to redeem her, I dug a new grave of a large family that had been buried in the soil for three months. I thought that the retribution would fall on me." body, but I hurt her."

The second master raised his hand to pick up the photo next to the incense burner, and held it so tightly that his whole arm was trembling slightly. Suddenly, there was a "tick", and a piece of water fell on the back of my hand. The water droplets were cold, but burning. I ached.

"It was I who killed her." The second master said, "It was I who killed the girl."

Looking at his trembling back, I suddenly understood why the second master treats me differently from others. It's not just because I am very similar to my wife, helpless and lonely. The second master is suffering, but there is no one to turn to. Said, and I am the only one who can make him happy in this house...

Second Master was like a child when he was injured, he didn't seem to be so superior, for a moment I almost forgot that he was the master and I was the servant, we shouldn't sit together.

Around midnight, firecrackers blared outside the courtyard, and the sky of the entire Changsha City was fiery red, as bright as day.

The second master picked up a bowl of wine, looked at his wife's photo with a chuckle, "Girl, it's a new year..."


That night, the second master talked a lot. I sat aside and didn't know what to pick up. I could only drink silently. I was a little dizzy after drinking too much alcohol, so I fell to the side unconsciously. I don't know whose shoulders were firmly supported. hold me.

In the mist, I seem to hear the second master say: "Girl, this is the incense that Chen Pi gave you. I know you must miss him over there. Chen Pi also brought you crabs today. Don't worry, he will be here now." better than ever..."

The author has something to say: Tomorrow I will give you candy, candy, candy, candy, and important things three times...

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