How to Survive As a Villain

Chapter 84 Our goal is!Princess!Princess!and princesses!

"Brother, if we are discovered like this, we will eat the army staff!"

At this time, the army of the South Yan Kingdom was still stationed outside the North Palace, but there were two soldiers of the South Yan Kingdom in the North Palace. One of the thinner soldiers was standing on tiptoe, looking around, with a panicked expression on his face. Trying to hold back the stronger soldiers in front.

"Counsel, then you go back, I will pay the money myself." The strong soldier gave the thin soldier a contemptuous look, and accelerated his pace with disdain.

The thin soldier hesitated for a while, but hurriedly followed the strong soldier.

These two soldiers wanted to search for some belongings left by the fugitives before the army entered the palace. After all, this place used to be the palace of the Northern Kingdom. Sure enough, the two of them found a lot of treasures within a short while.

"Brother, is it almost time? Go back?" The thin soldier stuffed half of Pei Cui into his arms, and turned to the strong soldier.

The strong soldier picked a small piece of gold from a dressing box, and just about to nod, his eyes suddenly stopped on a hall in front of him: "Wait, we will leave after searching this hall."

The thin soldier followed his gaze, and couldn't help swallowing his saliva: "—, so resplendent? There must be many good things, huh? The plaque hasn't fallen off yet, brother, what word is that? What Ning?"

"You don't care what his word is! Fuck it faster! Momochi!" The strong soldier roared, turned and walked into the hall.

The inside of the hall was not as messy as the outside of the hall. The two of them were a little dazed, but they still walked in boldly. The strong soldier glanced at both sides and walked to the side hall. The thin soldier was puzzled and asked, "Brother , why don't you go to the main hall?"

"You know fart, this hall looks like a place where princesses or princes live, people like them put their valuables in the side rooms!" The strong soldier let out his nose and snorted.

The thin soldier suddenly realized: "Brother is tall, tall!"

The two of them walked quickly to the bedroom in the side hall, saw the door was closed tightly, stepped forward and kicked it open, and then they were stunned by coincidence.

They never expected that there would be someone in this bedroom.

Princess Yongning trembled from the violent knock on the door, she stabilized her mind and turned her head.

A white veil dress, alluring the country and the city.

...This...this..." The thin soldier stared straight at his eyes, and couldn't utter a complete sentence for a long time with his tongue out.

"This bitch is too pretty!" The strong soldier almost blew out his mouth.

"Brother, brother, there is no one anyway, or we...we..." The thin soldier stared at Princess Yongning without blinking, and walked over step by step.

"What are you doing!" the strong soldier yelled at him.

"Brother, I just want...just want..." The skinny soldier scratched his head with a look of treachery, "Brother, I have never seen such a beautiful girl, so I just want to

Taste what kind of ecstasy it is, and anyway, there is no one now, when the two of us finish our work, we will kill her and bury her in the backyard, no one will know, it doesn't matter big brother, let you go first, I..."

Before the skinny soldier could finish his sentence, he was slapped across the face by the strong soldier: "Fucking... I'm bah, look at your virtue, you should be a beast if you are not human, that's enough, get some

Things hurried away. "

The thin soldier was taken aback by the slap, followed behind the strong soldier and nodded weakly, then suddenly pulled out the knife from his waist and slashed it on the strong soldier's neck.

Blood gushed out from the strong soldier's neck. The strong soldier's eyes were wide open, he clutched his neck and died without saying a word.

The thin soldier sneered and turned to look at Princess Yongning.

The series of emergencies just now had already startled Princess Yongning, but the door was blocked by two people and she couldn't escape. Princess Yongning ran to the window in a panic and wanted to go through the window, but unfortunately she just stepped on the window when she was grabbed by the ankle by the thin soldier pulled down.

"Let me go!" Princess Yongning screamed, her face was already pale. Although she lived in the deep palace for a long time and was innocent since she was a child, she also understood the evil of the human heart and what might happen to her next.

"Be honest!" The thin soldier viciously covered Princess Yongning's mouth, and began to tear her clothes.

Princess Yongning struggled hard, but how could she beat a soldier, but half of her clothes were torn off after a while, how could Princess Yongning have been insulted like this, she was trembling all over, her limbs were cold, and she felt fear and nausea like thin The soldier tightly covered her nose and mouth with his foul-smelling palms, preventing her from fainting.

But Princess Yongning didn't give up struggling, took advantage of the moment when the thin soldier was swearing and undressing, she put a knee on his crotch, and then quickly got up!

Bitch! "The skinny soldier loosened his hands in pain, but quickly stood up, blocking the doors and windows and other places where he could go out, and reached out to grab Princess Yongning.

Seeing that she was about to be restrained again, Princess Yongning took two quick breaths, then suddenly turned around and slammed into the pillar!

She has been carefree all her life, and grew up healthily in the Northland, under the protection of her father and the emperor's brother. Now that no one can protect her, she can only protect herself.

Princess Yongning is not afraid, not afraid of being alone. Although she has never been out of the palace, she also knows how to be strong.

So this collision is her last dignity as the princess of the Northern Kingdom, her last determination, her last innocence, her no regrets and fearlessness.

But at the moment when she was about to hit the pillar, Princess Yongning stopped suddenly. She knelt down on the ground like a collapse, her hands clenched into fists, and two lines of tears rolled down her cheeks.

She is not afraid of death, but she promised Brother Huang, she promised him that he would live no matter what!

The skinny soldier was initially horrified by Princess Yongning's decisiveness. Seeing her stop abruptly, he took a long breath and walked over with a lewd smile: "Oh, are you afraid of death? Don't worry, take good care of me and make me feel comfortable. , save your life."

Seeing that the thin soldier's outstretched hand was about to touch Princess Yongning again, there were hurried footsteps at the door.

The thin soldier turned pale with shock, and turned his head to look, only to see a flash of bright red flashing in front of his eyes, and the next second, the red robe was tightly wrapped around Princess Yongning's body, and the thin soldier's chest was pierced by a thin sword.

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