Xiao Yuan came back in the morning, took a nap after lunch, and reviewed the memorials for half a day in the afternoon. Seeing the dusk, he raised his head from the pile of memorials, always feeling weird.

The maid who replaced Hongxiu bent down and approached to salute: "Your Majesty, it's time for dinner."

Xiao Yu'an nodded, suddenly felt that he could see the appearance of Hongxiu, he stared blankly at the vermilion flower hairpin beside the table, feeling a dull pain in his chest.Xiao Yu'an stood up, wanting to go to the courtyard to get some air, he walked out of the bedroom door, that weird feeling surged up again, he paced back and forth puzzledly, and suddenly realized something: after parting in the morning, he didn't see him all day today To Yanheqing!

Xiao Yu'an walked to the door of the bedroom and asked the gate guard: "Is Yan Heqing not on duty today?"

Several guards faltered and said they were not clear, and one guard replied: "Go back to the emperor, Yan Heqing has been temporarily transferred to another palace."

"Where did it go?"

"Eternal Ning Palace."

"Princess Yongning asked for it?"

"Go back to the emperor, yes."

Xiao Yu'an nodded, feeling a little lonely for no reason, he walked back to the bedroom, lost his appetite for dinner for a while, stood at the window and looked at the yard thinking about the future.

After a while, Xiao Yu'an suddenly frowned.

The guards belonged to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the transfer must go through the hands of Eunuch Zhao. It is impossible for Princess Yongning to send people away with just a word.

What's more, the fact that Lord Wuning colluded with the Nanyan Kingdom to launch a coup made people panic in the palace. As the prince of Nanyan Kingdom, Yan Heqing was designated as the target of public criticism. In this situation, he was transferred to the princess. No matter how you think about it, it makes people feel weird .

Xiao Yu'an suddenly turned around and rushed out of the bedroom, ignoring the questioning shouts of the maids and guards, and went straight to Yongning Hall.

When I went to Yongning Palace and asked, as expected, Princess Yongning didn't know about it at all!

Xiao Yu'an secretly scolded himself for being negligent in his heart, and hurriedly rushed to the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs was in charge of the Academy, and Eunuch Zhao, who heard that the emperor had come, put down his teacup, knocked on his knees, slowly got up from the grand teacher's chair, and saluted Xiao Yu'an: "Your Majesty,'

Xiao Yu'an looked at this old man with a kind face, who would have thought that his back was covered with bones and blood flowing like a river: "Eunuch Zhao, you should know why I came here."

"Your Majesty was raised by this old slave. How could this old slave not know what your Majesty was thinking?" Eunuch Zhao replied, "It's just that your Majesty, after what happened in the past few days, this precaution is indispensable. Why don't you let the emperor care about it, the old slave will definitely give the emperor a satisfactory answer."

"Eunuch Zhao, there is no evidence, so don't speculate."

"Your Majesty, even if there is no one now, will all the staff of Prince Wuning be strict? When all the things are involved, some people will end up like this. The old slave just thinks that there is no need to worry about it." Just wait."

Xiao Yu'an pursed his mouth into a straight line. He also knew that Yan Heqing would be persecuted sooner or later in the palace, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

Eunuch Zhao covered his mouth and coughed lightly, and his whole body looked more stooped: "When the emperor was young, he listened to the old slave very much. Later, when the emperor got older, the old slave didn't have much chance to serve the emperor anymore. Now, I hope the emperor can listen again." The old slave advised, Your Majesty, no matter how much you like some things, you can’t keep them, these things can always be exchanged, it’s not a pity to break them, I’m afraid that during the time when the Emperor loves them, it will hurt the Emperor.”

Xiao Yu'an looked at Eunuch Zhao, for a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

Eunuch Zhao is so vicious and vicious, but in this world, Xiao Yu'an can hate anyone, except him.

Eunuch Zhao has been in the palace for so many years, and what he does has only one purpose.

For the stability of the northern kingdom, for the safety of the king of the northern kingdom.

So even if he was abandoned by thousands of people, Xiao Yu'an must not be one of them.

"Your Majesty." Eunuch Zhao's voice was pleading, old and hoarse, "This time, listen to the old slave."

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