How to Survive As a Villain

Chapter 6 It's Impossible to Play the Male Lead


Xiao Yu'an commented on the Northern Emperor in the book in this way.

In the original book, the skill points of the first emperor of the Northern Kingdom were probably all added to luck. At that time, the Northern Kingdom had abundant harvests year after year and the people were prosperous, so the former emperor of the Northern Kingdom had the ambition to attack the Southern Yan Kingdom.

It just happened that Nanyan Kingdom suffered from successive years of famine, and the king passed away. It was really miserable.

So the former emperor of the Northern Kingdom took advantage of the emptiness and broke in, broke through the Southern Yan Kingdom in one fell swoop, captured its prince, seized its property, and divided its land.


This late emperor was good at fighting and courageous but neglected management. After the battle, he patted his ass and went home after the battle was full of treasures!


Brother, Armstrong knew he wanted to plant a flag when he ran to the moon 38 kilometers away. Don’t you even bother to plant a flag on the land that you have worked so hard to conquer? ?

The essence of only knowing how to bend a bow and shoot a big eagle is really vividly displayed by you.

Later, Nanyan Kingdom was cut off by the Soochow Kingdom who took advantage of the fire, and the remaining land was barely maintained by the male protagonist's uncle.

And after the Northern Emperor won the victory, he lived a life of singing and singing day and night, absurd and promiscuous, squandering the state treasury, and finally drunk himself to death.

The crown prince soon succeeded to the throne, and the young king who had heard and seen the late emperor's lewd policies of governing the country since he was a child was also an idiot who could not be supported.

It can be seen that it is not a sudden event that the northern country was destroyed by the male protagonist in a short period of time, and the root of the disaster has already been deeply buried between the two generations.

Xiao Yu'an hurried to the prison in the palace, and there was a pungent smell of stench and decay coming from the dense iron gate.

The prison guards obviously didn't expect the emperor to come to such a place, they were so frightened that they knelt down on the ground, feeling an uproar in their hearts.

"Your Majesty, you are a golden dragon, how can you enter such a filthy place, if you have anything to do, you should tell me to do it!" The guard beside Xiao Yu'an knelt down and shouted.

"They are all pieces of meat from cells that contain 23 pairs of chromosomes, so there is no need to classify them." Xiao Yu'an said to the guard earnestly.

Guard: "Huh?"

"Knowledge is a good thing."


"So we must oppose superstition and advocate science."


"It's okay, I'm teasing you." Xiao Yu'an smiled at the bewildered guard, and then stepped into the iron gate.

Three seconds later, Xiao Yu'an covered his nose and jumped out.

Too...too bad smell, take a moment.

Under the torment of the smell, following the theory of the survival of the fittest, the nose gradually adapted to the stench, and Xiao Yu'an walked in again.

There were not many prisoners in the prison, and the cells on both sides were empty. Xiao Yu'an followed the guards through a dark cell road, was led all the way to the deepest point, and then stopped in front of an ordinary cell door.

The guard took out the key to open the cell door, and quickly spread a layer of clean straw on the ground, for fear of staining Xiao Yu'an's boots.

Practicalism is good, Xiao Yu'an couldn't help but look at the guards a few more times.

A strong smell of blood rushed to the face, and the flickering candles in the cell trembled because of the wind brought in by Xiao Yu'an's walking.

In the corner of the cell sat a man.

He was wearing a white coat that had long been stained by blood and filth so that the original color could not be seen clearly. The thick iron chains on his wrists were almost embedded in the wounds of his hands and feet, restraining his every move. Under his jacket, bloody red flesh was uncovered, his hair was loose and covered his face, and his facial features could not be seen clearly.

Hearing the sound, the man in the corner never moved.

But one eye poked out from behind the hair.

Xiao Yu'an looked at that eye, his pupils were full of coldness, indifference and determination.

Some people are in a place of wealth and glory, but their eyes are as loose as death, and some people are in prison, but the filth can't cover up those eyes that are as bright as stars and as firm as swords.

Xiao Yu'an understood with just one glance, if he didn't kill him today, he would definitely kill him in the future.

Without saying a word, Xiao Yu'an pulled out the sword on the waist of the guard beside him, and the sharp blade made a clanging sound, everyone in the prison was shocked, and the man in the prison finally moved his body, but only slightly body, the pain caused his brows to frown.

It looks so miserable.

Xiao Yuan thought to himself, the descriptions in the book are words after all, now that he has really seen the tragic state of the male lead, he just wants to say.


This is your own son!It's too bad!

Xiao Yu'an clenched the hilt of the sword tightly, and there was an inexplicable rush of heart-pricking emotions in his heart.

This emotion is called distress.

A word of killing is very simple, Xiao Yu'an doesn't even need to do it himself, the people in front of him are as humble as ants, and the corpses and traces can be destroyed in just a snap of fingers, since then there will be no Yan Heqing in the world

However, Xiao Yu'an couldn't do it.

Forget it, anyway, I know the plot anyway, if I don't follow the path of the young king, maybe I won't be destroyed.

If it doesn't work, look at the direction of the wind, while the hero is still a prisoner in the Northland, try to treat him well, pamper him to the sky, maybe you can get a good impression strategy, and finally get a whole body?

Xiao Yu'an, who only asked for the whole body, sighed silently, and returned the sword to the guard.

But Xiao Yu'an didn't intend to leave so easily.

The male protagonist described in the book is astonishingly handsome, terribly handsome, Xiao Yu'an was very curious, stepped forward a few steps and knelt down beside the man, reaching out to brush his loose hair.

The moment Xiao Yu'an stretched out his hand, Yan Heqing suddenly turned his head and bit Xiao Yu'an's hand fiercely.

Being bitten inexplicably, Xiao Yu'an was also stunned.

The person in front of him had no strength at all, although Xiao Yu'an was bitten painfully, but there was no blood.

Due to the position, the guards and guards behind him could only see Xiao Yu'an's back, but did not see him being bitten.

Xiao Yu'an waited for a while, and found that Yan Heqing hadn't let go, so he said helplessly, "Are you still angry?"

Xiao Yu'an reckoned that he was stimulated by his killing intent with the sword just now, that's why he behaved like this.

"It hurts, it hurts." Xiao Yu'an muttered in a low voice, "Take it easy, the guards will become suspicious after this long."

Yan Heqing was bewildered by Xiao Yu'an's good-natured attitude, so he let go in a daze.

Xiao Yu'an rubbed the teeth marks on the back of his hands, hid them in his sleeves, stood up and said to the jailer and guards: "Let him out of prison, and then send him to the imperial physician for proper treatment."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yu'an turned around and walked out of the prison.

After much tossing and turning, Xiao Yu'an went back to the dormitory after the night was bright and the stars were sparse.

Seeing Xiao Yu'an getting bloody from the prison, Hong Xiu, the personal maid, hastily led him to the bathing pool.

Xiao Yu'an used the bathing pool as a hot spring, and felt dizzy while soaking in it. After a while, Xiao Yu'an vaguely heard Hongxiu ask something.

Xiao Yu'an didn't care, he hummed casually, and soaked for another half an hour.

After Xiao Yu'an finished soaking, Hongxiu carefully waited for him to get dressed.

Xiao Yu'an remembered that in the original book, Hongxiu was smart and knew how to read the young king's face, so he won the young king's joy.

But at the same time, she is also a ruthless woman. She is responsible for disciplining the young king's confinement. She never shows any mercy to these male favorites. If someone doesn't serve the king well, it will be light to be beaten to pieces by her.

Xiao Yu'an looked at the quiet woman in front of him who was conscientiously dressing herself, and couldn't put the description in the original book on her.

What is the ending of Hongxiu in the book?

Xiao Yu'an lowered his head in deep thought, but before he remembered, Hongxiu called in his ear: "Your Majesty, it's time to go to bed."

"Well, good." Xiao Yu'an came back to his senses and put this question behind him.

After walking back to the bedroom, Hong Xiu didn't follow in, but closed the door gently.

There was no candle in the bedroom, Xiao Yu'an waited for his eyes to adapt to the darkness, and then groped for the bed by the moonlight that came in from the hollow wooden window.

There was silence all around, and the green smoke from burning incense curled up into the sky, silent and quiet.

What Xiao Yu'an never expected was that there was another person on the bed.

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