How to Survive As a Villain

Chapter 219 The Overbearing President's Righteous Owner Has Been Seen

After reading a plan for a cooperation project with the government in the office, President Xiao was worried about his little wife, so he called and asked about it.

The person in charge had never received a call from the president himself, so he was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly, so he reluctantly explained the matter clearly: "Yes, yes, yes, I have already started work, yes, yes, understand."

After hanging up the phone, the person in charge quickly turned on the air conditioner in the office to invite Yan Heqing to have some tea. After asking around, they all said that they were training the horses that were newly purchased yesterday. Among the horses is an Akhal Tekin horse. It is said that it is in a semi-tamed state and has a violent temper. Yan Heqing does not have any documents or materials to prove his ability. If something goes wrong, the person in charge can't bear the responsibility!

"Damn! Who asked him to train!" The person in charge cursed and hurried to the training ground.

When the person in charge arrived at the training ground, he immediately saw Yan Heqing, who had no protective gear on his body, pulling the reins of the Akhal Tekin horse. Back over.

Yan Heqing seemed calm, standing on the left side of the horse, loosening the rein in his hands, reaching out to pat the horse's abdomen and back comfortingly, and stroking its beautiful mane by the way, the horse stood in front of Yan Heqing Docile as a little daughter-in-law, she lowered her head and rubbed against him. Seeing that she was almost close to it, Yan Heqing resolutely got on the horse, let out a cry, and the horse started to gallop.

The person in charge was stunned for a while, and the young ladies who were in charge of the off-site couldn't help watching Yan Heqing's handsome figure frequently.

At this time, Xiao Yu'an who was in the office suddenly received a call, and the word Chen Ge jumped on the screen, Xiao Yu'an couldn't help but hook his lips.

Xiao Yu'an saw Chen Ge in his address book early on, so he inquired about it. He never expected that Chen Ge was a rich second-generation son.

Chen Ge majored in psychology at university. After graduation, he didn't want to go to the hospital and work hard. His family had money and let him do it. Unexpectedly, Chen Ge did something astonishing.

He opened a marriage consulting firm!

Three days of work and five days off, consult a free marriage and love consultation center with friends!

After Chen Ge's parents found out, they were in a complicated mood. While thinking about how this son has grown up like this, they also felt that Chen Ge was not like those greasy rich second generations who went to raise young models and prodigals to play the limit, so they also Support all the way.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ge has actually become famous and opened a branch in this city, which can be said to be unintentional.

Xiao Yu'an picked up the phone, and Chen Ge's hearty voice came from the other end: "Hello! Mr. Xiao, are you busy recently? Long time no see, do you have time to get together tonight? I'll show you some friends to get acquainted with."

Xiao Yu'an smiled and said, "What friend?"

"A friend who wants to hug your thighs through me."

"...So straightforward?"

"It's so old, subtlety can be eaten, you see? If you don't see me, I will push it away. It's okay, but I'm a bit hard to be a human being."

"Let's get together, idle is idle."

"Would you like to go to the horse farm opened by your family? It's been a long time since I went, I'm thinking about it."

Xiao Yu'an originally planned to meet Xiaojiao's wife, so he naturally had no objection, so he agreed: "Yes, but I still have a meeting, you can take your friend there first."

"Sure enough, you are still busy, okay, see you later."

Xiao Yu'an hung up the phone, and called his assistant on the landline, but the assistant didn't come, and a new face came, a fair-looking boy with beautiful eyebrows, who looked like he had just graduated from college, and the resume showed But it says that there are three years of work experience.

Xiao Yu'an was easy-going, and asked the little boy's name with a smile. The little boy raised his eyes and said shyly, "Lu Renjia."

Xiao Yu'an nodded: "Xiao Lu, wait a minute and I'm going to talk to government officials with Hongxiu about the project. Have you prepared the customer's information?"

"Ready!" Lu Renjia quickly brought the information and handed it to Xiao Yu'an.

When Xiao Yu'an reached out to take it, Lu Renjia's thumb suddenly rubbed against the back of his hand. Before Xiao Yu'an could react, Lu Renjia was startled, and quickly bowed and apologized.

Xiao Yu'an waved his hand, and looked through the customer information. Cooperation with the government has always required great attention, and this time is no exception, but Xiao Yu'an was stunned when he saw the information.

The person on the file turned out to be Qin Yu!I didn't expect him to work in the system.

The corner of Xiao Yu'an's mouth was smiling, and his face was full of emotion. When he looked up, he found that the new assistant hadn't left yet, and was standing aside with some restraint.

Xiao Yu'an said: "I don't have anything else to do, you go and call Hongxiu here for me, and then go and do it yourself."

Lu Renjia nodded, got up and left.

Xiao Yu'an came to the place where the project was discussed with his red sleeves. Qin Yu wore gold-rimmed glasses and looked extremely refined. Both parties were smart people. The cooperation project this time had no harm at all, and the negotiation was quickly concluded.

Xiao Yu'an asked the driver to drive Hongxiu home first, and then went to the racecourse.

But at this time, something happened at the racecourse.

Chen Ge's friend, a young man with delicate skin and tender flesh, pointed at Yan Heqing and said, "You, yes, it's you, teach me how to ride a horse."

A group of young people watched the excitement and thought it was a big deal, they whistled one after another, and Chen Ge frowned alone.

This son's sexual orientation in the circle is public, and he is still a number zero. Today's pointing at him clearly shows that he has a crush on Yan Heqing.

Yan Heqing's appearance was there, and Chen Ge's other friends were also moved, but they couldn't speak as well as this son, so naturally they didn't dare to grab it, so they could only boo.

This young man is not only a rich second generation but also a second generation official, and he looks pretty, so he has everything he wants since he was a child, and he is full of confidence at this time: "How much is your coach fee? Three times."

Unexpectedly, Yan Heqing didn't even look at him, and turned around leading the horse to leave.

The young master was so angry that he stopped Yan Heqing and said, "Shame on you? Where are you in charge?"

Before the person in charge came, Chen Ge said first: "This is Mr. Xiao's territory, don't make trouble, if something happens, no one's face will look good."

The young master said: "Mr. Xiao has a good temper. We all know that he won't say anything about a personal education."

Chen Ge said: "I brought you here to make everyone happy, and I didn't come to make trouble after seeing Mr. Xiao to gain fame."

The little boy said: "I didn't make trouble, and he is a staff member of the racecourse. What's wrong with teaching me? Isn't it his job? You see, he not only doesn't teach, but also flirts at customers. There is such a reason ?

Chen Ge also felt that Yan Heqing was a little too indifferent. He couldn't think of a rebuttal for a while, and the person in charge had already trotted over: "Hey, what's the matter, gentlemen? What happened?"

The young master pointed to Yan Heqing and said, "Isn't this your coach?"

Yan Heqing didn't raise his head, as if he was staying out of the matter, and indifferently stroked the mane of the horse beside him.

The person in charge thumped in his heart, wondering why Yan Heqing caused trouble on the first day he came here. Fortunately, the person in charge is the person in charge after all, and he has a set of methods to deal with such rich sons. He bowed and said, "Sir, He's not a coach, he's just a staff member of the racecourse. He can't teach you how to ride a horse. I'm sorry, but I'll call our coaches here. You can choose one by one and choose which one you like! What do you think?"

The little boy smiled: "He can't ride a horse? It doesn't matter, then I will teach him."

There was another burst of applause and whistles around, and the person in charge was taken aback: "This, this, this."

The young master said: "I don't ask too much, just let him accompany me, and I don't need to teach horse riding. Let's talk about the head office, right? It can be regarded as teaching a friend."

The person in charge had no choice but to discuss with Yan Heqing: "You can just accompany me, and you won't lose meat if you accompany me, and this gentleman is..."

Yan Heqing interrupted him and said coldly, "I won't accompany you."

The person in charge wanted to shoot himself dead.

Yan Heqing stood not far away, so the young master could naturally hear what he said, and the young master laughed angrily: "Okay, it's fine if you don't accompany me, give me a reason."

"A reason? I'll give it to you."

Suddenly, a voice with a smile floated from a distance, a group of people froze, and turned their heads to see Xiao Yu'an walking from a distance.

Yan Heqing's gaze was fixed on Xiao Yu'an, and he refused to move away.

Xiao Yu walked leisurely to Yan Heqing's side, smiled at a group of young people, "It's important, right?"

After speaking, Xiao Yu'an put his arms around Yan Heqing's neck in front of everyone and gave a French kiss that lasted for 3 minutes.

A group of people opened their mouths, stared, stared, breathless, and the young master's face immediately turned green.

After the kiss was over, Xiao Yu'an let go of Yan Heqing, and looked at the crowd with a smile: "Is this reason enough?"

No one dared to answer him, everyone was silent and stunned. After about 1 minute, Chen Ge howled out: "Mr. Xiao, have you never kept Xiaoqinger and Canary?!"

Xiao Yu'an glanced at him and sneered: "What kind of love, this is my master!"

The person in charge grunted, rolled his eyes and almost lost his breath.

The young master's face was no longer green, but turned pale. Chen Ge yelled a few times and didn't make a fuss, just like the second idiot at the entrance of the village.

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