How to Survive As a Villain

Chapter 214 If the life outside the fan is just like the first time I saw [Li thank you Li]

Although it is early spring, the sun is already dazzling at noon. Today is the first day of training for the recruit company. The dusty playground in the military region is covered with a pleasing army green. The blood under the scorching sun is short hair, sweat, and bright. Slogans, but also firm and fearless eyes.

The squad leader was patrolling the playground, when he suddenly saw a person approaching from a distance, he quickly stood still and saluted: "Captain!"

Li Wuding also stood up straight, he said: "The squad leader has worked hard, how is the recruit training going?"

"Just finished the ten-kilometer training, and started the next training program after a short rest."

Li Wuding nodded: "Is there anyone who can't hold on?"

The squad leader replied: "Not yet!"

Li Wuding raised his eyes to look at the recruit company. On the playground, there were all immature young faces, all of them gritted their teeth with sweat dripping from their faces. Some of them's military postures were not quite standard, which made Li Wuding really feel awkward. , the instructor was lecturing loudly, admonishing the rules in the army over and over again.

Li Wuding looked back and asked: "Squad leader, do you know who Xie Chungui is?"

The squad leader said, "Xie Chungui! I really know which one it is!"

Speaking of the squad leader stretching out his finger, Li Wuding looked along his finger and saw a young man running alone on the playground. From his expression, it could be seen that he was exhausted, he was panting heavily with his mouth open, and sweat was pouring into his eyes. He was so fascinated that he couldn't open his right eye, he wiped it with his hand, and continued to run with his head buried.

The squad leader said: "I don't know what mistake this little brother made during the [-]-kilometer training just now. He didn't rest after the training and was directly punished by the instructor to run five laps on the playground. It stands to reason that this recruit can't even do it on the first day of training." It’s too strict, and I don’t know what the instructor thinks, I guess with such a penalty, this little brother will choose to quit when the training is over.”

Li Wuding didn't respond, just nodded slightly.

In the meantime, Xie Chungui had returned to the team after running five laps, but after a while, the rest time ended and the second round of physical training began: push-ups.

With an order, the recruits quickly lie down, and then do push-ups amidst the instructor's slogans. The instructor is merciless when he sees that the posture is not standard.

Li Wuding stared at Xie Chungui in the crowd. Although he ran five more laps than the others just now and didn't rest, Xie Chungui not only insisted on finishing the next hundred push-ups, but also didn't slack off any of them. The sweat had already wet the young man's face. The skirt and the back, but there was no flinching emotion in his eyes.

After one hundred push-ups, the recruits stood up quickly, patting the sand on their palms. Xie Chungui stood up after him. Just as he was about to stand up, the instructor suddenly walked up to him and said, "Do another fifty."

Xie Chungui was stunned for a moment, but he didn't ask or say anything, he just lay down again and followed the instructor's order.

The squad leader was also slightly surprised: "What's wrong with this?"

Li Wuding frowned slightly, his eyes turned back and forth between the instructor and Xie Chungui.

Next, after each physical training, Xie Chungui would be punished by the instructor. When he was punished for the fourth physical exercise, the squad leader came over and called the instructor away.

The instructor couldn't help but thumped in his heart, raised his head, and really saw Li Wuding standing in front of him from a distance, he groaned inwardly, bowed his head and followed the monitor

When he came to Li Wuding, he hurriedly saluted: "Captain!"

Li Wuding nodded, and said to the squad leader: "Squad leader, you go to be a temporary instructor for the recruits first, and I will ask this comrade a few questions."

The squad leader got the order, made a standard right turn, and trotted towards the recruit company in a military posture.

Li Wuding looked at the instructor, and asked in a calm tone: "The recruit just now, you punished him four times, what mistake did he make?"

The instructor faltered for a while, and finally said: "During the training, I don't listen to the instructions."

Li Wuding said: "This is a violation of discipline, and it needs to be recorded in the record. Why did you use physical training as a punishment? Huh? Didn't obey the command? Why did he not obey the command? Please tell me the specific situation."

The instructor vaguely talked about the process, Li Wuding nodded: "You go and call another instructor, I'll ask about it."

The instructor panicked: "Team, captain, this...I..."

Seeing the anger on Li Wuding's face, the instructor hurriedly said: "Leader, let me tell you the truth. This is the opinion put forward by Sergeant Major Xie's family." Li Wuding was stunned: "Mr. Xie's family? so harsh?"

The instructor said: "It's not the captain. Sergeant Xie didn't know about it. It was suggested by Sergeant Xie's mother-in-law. The old man begged us to be strict so that her grandson would quit. The old man's husband was also a revolutionary martyr back then. Of course we have to help, it’s not justified if we don’t help, captain.”

Li Wuding said: "Well, I know."

The instructor breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to return to the team after performing the military salute, but Li Wuding said, "You don't have to go back."

"Huh? Captain?"

Li Wuding sternly said majesticly: "There is no distinction between public and private, what kind of instructor should I be?"

The instructor knew that he could not escape punishment, and immediately became dejected.

The first day of training is finally over, and the time for bathing is limited. A group of big men rushed to the bathroom after taking a few bites in the cafeteria. Xie Chungui returned to the dormitory with the washbasin after taking a shower. Fell on the bed and complained: "It's so fucking hard, I'm so exhausted, idiot, I feel desperate when I think that I will have to be like this in the future, or I will quit after the training camp, huh? Xiaoxie, have you finished washing?"

Xie Chungui nodded: "Well, after washing, you go quickly, or there will be no hot water."

One word awakened the dreamer, the roommate bounced off the bed, picked up the washbasin and bucket and rushed straight to the bathroom.

Xie Chungui wiped his hair with a dry towel, and when he sat on the bed, he felt a faint soreness in his legs, and it was estimated that he would be in pain tomorrow.

Xie Chungui stretched out his hand to rub and beat his calf, when he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.

The door was not closed, the man stood at the door and knocked twice, just to get Xie Chungui's attention.

Xie Chungui heard the sound and turned his head to look.

The man's figure blocked the cool moonlight outside the door, he held his head high and his chest upright, his brows and eyes were full of stability, the warm yellow light in the room dimmed his face, and imprinted into the depths of Xie Chungui's eyes.

They are both loyal and courageous, one body is buried in the sea of ​​fire, the other is buried in the snow-capped mountains, look at this dark place, the same destination but different paths, different paths but the same goal, if life is just like the first sight, what is the autumn wind and the sad painting fan.

After seeing the appearance of the person coming, Xie Chungui stood up suddenly, hurriedly cleared the table, then raised his head and shouted in a panic: "Team, captain."

Li Wuding was surprised: "You actually know me?"

Xie Chungui nodded furiously: "Yes, I know you, Captain."

Li Wuding who was standing at the door smiled and asked, "Can I come in?"

Xie Chungui was so nervous that his palms were sweating, he looked back quietly to see if the quilt on his bed had been folded into tofu cubes, and seeing that everything was neat and clean, he quickly said: "Yes! Please come in, please come in."

Li Wuding stepped in: "Huh? Are all the roommates here?"

"They all went to the bathroom."

Li Wuding groaned, and asked again: "Do you feel hard in today's training camp?"

Xie Chungui shook his head violently: "It's not hard work! It's really not hard work."

Li Wuding smiled and said: "If you feel bitter, just say it, it's okay, your training intensity today is indeed very high, and you should feel hard work."

Xie Chungui clenched his hands slightly, his expression gradually changed from flustered to calm: "Captain, I don't find it hard, really."

Li Wuding looked at him, the young man's face still had the childishness of a teenager, but the resoluteness in his eyebrows made Li Wuding inexplicably familiar. Hearing Xie Chungui's words, Li Wuding was slightly moved, but after all, he was entrusted by others, and he still said: "Yes. Your grandmother asked me to persuade you."

Xie Chungui raised his head in confusion: "Persuade me?"

Li Wuding said: "You are so smart, you can definitely choose to go to the military academy, become an officer, and obey the assignment of clerical duties after graduation. You don't have to join the army at all. The non-commissioned officer is too hard. After training and serving, you can roll around in the mud. There are missions, but there is also the danger of being injured or even sacrificed, anyway, the two roads are the same..."

"It's different." Xie Chungui interrupted him suddenly.

Li Wuding was slightly taken aback, seeing Xie Chungui looking at him with fiery eyes, "If it is the same, then why did you choose to give up entering the military academy and start training yourself from the lowest level of privates? Anyone can persuade me, but you can't, captain. , because if there is only one person in this world who can understand why I chose this path, that person must be you, Captain."

Li Wuding was stunned at first, and then laughed. Although his face was majestic, he was a little silly and naive after putting on a smile: "It seems that I persuaded the wrong person. You are really as good as they said."

Being praised suddenly, Xie Chungui was ecstatic, and an impulse surged from his heart. He suddenly took a step forward and grabbed Li Wuding's arm, and said hastily: "Captain, captain! I have admired you for a long time! I want to be your deputy." Team!"

Li Wuding was stunned, rubbed his head embarrassingly, half joking and half encouraging: "Okay, okay, but my deputy team can beat me, you work hard."

The simple conversation was deeply buried in my heart by someone, I tossed and turned at night, and remained firm during the day, just like this, I ran towards my goal step by step.

Carrying faith on both shoulders, the passionate young man will remain friends in the end, and still live up to his original intentions.

Live up to your original intention.

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