How to Survive As a Villain

Chapter 197 It's Impossible Not to Show Your Love

In the early morning of the second day, the east was about to dawn. When Yan He got up early to go to court, Xiao Yu'an was still unconscious. Yan Heqing knew that he was really tired yesterday, so he lowered his head to kiss his relatives pitifully, his eyes were as cold as ice It actually softened.

Xiao Yu'an was kissed twice, subconsciously covered his head with the quilt, Yan Heqing stretched out his hand to pull off the quilt to tease him, looked at it for a moment and then reluctantly got up.

Yan Heqing had just taken two steps, then hurriedly turned his head, seeing Xiao Yuan lying on the bed, he breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that he couldn't do this, so he suppressed the fear in his heart, and forced himself to walk outside the bedroom, and finally walked out of the door of the bedroom , suddenly saw the thick snow outside, as if the desolation and despair of the red and white intertwined that day, Yan Heqing hesitated and panicked, turned around and walked back to the bedroom, leaned over and kissed Xiao Yu'an, feeling the love of the person in his arms. The warmth of the kiss made Xiao Yu'an vaguely call out Brother Yan before he stopped.

"Brother Yan? Are you going to the morning court?" Xiao Yu'an asked vaguely after sleeping unconsciously.

Yan Heqing hummed.

Xiao Yu'an said intermittently: "Then I'll wait for you to come back."

Yan Heqing's eyes sparkled, he lowered his head and kissed Xiao Yu'an's forehead: "Okay."

It was noon when Xiao Yuan woke up, the sun was high in the sky, Xiao Yuan moved his limp limbs, slowly opened his eyes, Tian Xiang, who was standing by the side, saw that he had finally woken up, and hurried forward: "Your Majesty Xiao Finally woke up, this servant will help you change your clothes."

Xiao Yu'an looked around and asked, "Where's the emperor?"

Tian Xiang said: "The emperor has gone to court, Prince Xiaojun, don't worry, the emperor won't come back for a while, don't be afraid."

Hiss...why do these words sound weird?

Xiao Yu'an tried to sit up with his back supported, but he felt pain somewhere when he was halfway up, and he let out a miserable cry, and lay down on his back again.

Waist, his waist, why did he want to flirt with a male protagonist who is a stallion with ten girls in the night?Retribution is retribution.

Seeing Xiao Yu'an's miserable appearance, Tian Xiang's eyes suddenly turned red, and Xiao Yu'an didn't care about his own body when he saw it, and asked softly, "What's wrong? Who bullied you?"

Tian Xiang shook his head, choked and said, "I'm fine, but I feel sorry for Prince Xiao. You are such a good person, Prince Xiao, why do you have to suffer so much?"

What, what is it?

Xiao Yu'an was bewildered, and Tian Xiang was still wiping away tears: "I knew that the servants would not have shown the pattern to the emperor, otherwise you would not have been brought back to Nanyan Kingdom by the emperor, Xiao Junwang, let alone be insulted like this Yes, it’s not good for slaves.”

Xiao Yu'an: "No...not...Tianxiang, you misunderstood, I am seems to be the same...but I am voluntary, not what you think That kind."

Tian Xiang said: "I know, Prince Xiao, you are willing for the sake of Xishu Kingdom, but this servant just thinks that you shouldn't suffer this kind of crime, it's so pitiful! Woooooo!"

Xiao Yu'an rubbed his forehead with one hand, thinking how the hell should I explain this?

Suddenly footsteps came from outside the bedroom, Yan Heqing, who had hurried back after the morning court, walked in quickly, Tian Xiang hurriedly wiped away his tears and stepped back in horror with his head bowed.

Seeing Xiao Yu'an woke up, Yan Heqing sat on the side of the bed and stretched out his hands to smooth his hair: "Do you feel any discomfort?"

Although it was severe last night, Yan Heqing did the proper cleaning and rubbing afterward, so Xiao Yu'an just felt tired and didn't feel any pain. He shook his head and smiled: "No."

Yan Heqing asked again: "What do you want to eat?"

Xiao Yu'an lazily said: "Let's have some porridge and noodles in clear soup. I'm really hungry after you say that."

Yan Heqing hummed, got up and went to give instructions in person, and repeatedly emphasized the need to hurry up, before returning to the bed.

Xiao Yu'an asked: "Wait, are there still government affairs to deal with?"

Yan Heqing nodded: "En."

"Then you go, don't worry about me." Xiao Yu'an waved his hand generously, and suddenly saw Tian Xiang carefully aiming here, so he changed his hand into a hooked palm towards Yan Heqing: "Brother Yan, come closer."

Yan Heqing leaned over and lowered his head, Xiao Yu'an kissed him, and said with a smile: "Brother Yan, I really love you so much, how about you?"

The corners of Yan Heqing's mouth curled up inaudibly: "Yes."

Xiao Yu'an was dissatisfied: "Well, what do you mean?"

Yan Heqing said, "Me too."

Xiao Yu'an was satisfied, he even pecked his cheek a few times before making him leave.

After Yan Heqing left, Xiao Yu'an looked at Tianxiang with a smile, only saying that words are thin, but actions are more convincing.

Tian Xiang didn't say anything, she lowered her head and silently changed Xiao Yu'an's hair and clothes, and suddenly burst into tears while busy.

Xiao Yu'an was taken aback, and wiped her tears in a panic, before he had time to ask why, he heard Tian Xiang cry: "Wuwuwu, the emperor obviously has someone in his heart, and he wants to deceive you emotionally and hurt you, wuwuwu , Prince Xiao, please don’t be emotional, it’s over, and you will be used, woooooo!!!,,

Xiao Yu'an said: "I... this I... oh, forget it, whatever you want."

At this moment, in the mansion of General Huang Yue, Huang Yue kept pointing the table with four fingers of his right hand, frowning tightly, and his staff reported to the side: "General Huang, King Xiao Jun was suddenly stopped by the emperor on his way to Xishu Kingdom. Brought back to the palace, our assassination has not yet succeeded, General Huang, although the subordinates did not show their feet, but I guess Duke Xiao and Xue Yan can guess what we did."

Huang Yue sneered and said, "It's nothing. A general whose armor has been disarmed because of a gap between him and the emperor, and a down-and-out emperor who had to bow his head and proclaim himself a minister for the sake of the country, what kind of waves can it cause? It's just that Xiaojun Wang took refuge in Xue Yan and didn't fight with him." We are together, I originally wanted to assassinate him before negotiating with Xishu Kingdom, it seems that this plan has to be put aside for now."

The aide said: "General Huang, among the other forces, there is Chen Ge who should not be underestimated."

Huang Yue said: "Although Chen Ge is also a general, his behavior is restrained, so there is no danger. However, I heard that the emperor personally went to intercept Xiaojun Wang. Is it true?"

The aide said: "It's true, General Huang, I'm afraid that Duke Xiao will tell the emperor what you have been recruited to be a partisan before!"

Huang Yue shook his head and said, "No, he should know that I have so many evidences that can make him irreparable. With these evidences, even if I put him in prison first, and report the evidences to the emperor afterwards, the emperor will not Blame me."

The staff hesitated to speak, and asked meaningfully: "Then General Huang, we now..."

Huang Yue's finger that was pointing at the table before finally knocked heavily on the wooden table, and said: "Stand still, we can't tolerate any mistakes in the matter of seeking power."

Xiao Yu'an rested for a day, and the next day he regained his strength and the scar healed and he forgot the pain. In the morning, he pressed Yan Heqing and asked for a kiss.

"Come, come, give me a laugh." Xiao Yu lay on Yan Heqing's body, hooking his chin and laughing.

Wanwa night light dawn, the double eaves closed in the evening mist, Xiao Yu'an's blue hair slipped from his shoulders, the morning light coming in from the window and the bright smile came into Yan Heqing's eyes together.

Just like the day when the swallow danced and the warbler cried.

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