When Xiao Yu'an found Xie Chungui in Xie Mansion, Xie Chungui was kneeling on the ground, removing weeds with his bare hands, his eyes were blood red, his hair was messy, his hands were covered with blood from the rough ground under the weeds, but he refused to stop.

Xiao Yu'an took a deep breath, knelt down beside Xie Chungui, held his wrist, and stopped his movements: "Chungui..."

Xie Chungui stopped moving and did not make a sound.

The corners of Xiao Yu'an's eyes were slightly red, and he said softly, "Chungui, shall we go back?"

Xie Chungui asked, "Where do we go back? Where can we go back?"

Xiao Yu'an replied: "Go back to the palace."

Xie Chungui asked: "In the palace? Is that home?"

Xiao Yu'an's throat seemed to be choked suddenly, and he couldn't make a sound.

No, that's not Xie Chungui's home, not even Taoyuan Village is Xie Chungui's home.

Beiguo is Xie Chungui's home, but Beiguo no longer exists.

Xiao Yu'an didn't know how to answer, Xie Chungui pulled out the last weed on his own, and then respectfully kowtowed three times towards the mourning hall, and then lowered his head so that people couldn't see his expression clearly. Xiao Yu'an said: "Let's go...go back...to the palace."

After sending Xie Chungui back to the bedroom in the palace, and asking the maid to take good care of him, Xiao Yu'an walked to his bedroom.

It was a muddled day, finally calmed down, Xiao Yu'an called back the maid, and walked slowly to the bedroom alone, it was already dusky, the wind was howling, the snow was flying, and the cold was biting, Xiao Yu'an walked with one foot deep and one foot shallow, letting the The body temperature was taken away little by little.

When approaching the bedroom, Xiao Yu'an suddenly stopped and looked straight ahead.

There was a person standing at the door of the bedroom, that person must have waited for a while, his expression was a little anxious, after seeing Xiao Yu'an, the person's eyes flashed with joy, he hurried over a few steps, reached out and patted the snowflakes off Xiao Yu'an's shoulders and head , took off his outer robe and wrapped it tightly around his body, the warmth penetrated into Xiao Yu'an's body, comforting his frozen limbs.

Xiao Yu'an suddenly choked up, and he called softly, "Brother Yan..."

"Well, I'm here." Yan Heqing lowered his head and gently kissed Xiao Yu'an's cheek and lips, "Are you tired?"

Xiao Yu'an said: "Hurry up and hug me."

Hearing this, Yan Heqing stretched out his hand and hugged him into his arms without hesitation.

Xiao Yu'an buried himself in Yan Heqing's arms, took a deep breath, and said, "I'm not tired."

Yan Heqing stroked his hair reassuringly, Xiao Yuan suddenly raised his head and said, "Brother Yan, let's go out for a stroll, just you and me."

"it is good."

It was still early, and the imperial city was bustling and bustling as usual. Young masters and ladies in fur jackets passed each other on the road, children were chasing and frolicking in the alleys selling goods, and there were hawkers everywhere.

Yan Heqing and Xiao Yu'an walked side by side, Xiao Yu'an was very curious about the gadgets on the side of the road, pointing at something from time to time and shouting to Yan Heqing, Brother Yan, look at this, Brother Yan, look at that.

Looking at it, Xiao Yu'an ran forward, Yan Heqing followed him a few steps, reached out to hold his hand, Xiao Yu'an was pulled to a halt, turned his head, his eyes moved from his hand to Yan Heqing's face, Then he bent his eyes and smiled wantonly, took Yan Heqing's hand back and interlocked his fingers.

Suddenly there was a loud suona sound in the distance, playing a tune of great joy, and some shopkeepers who couldn't stay idle poked their heads out and stretched their necks to wait and see.

Yan Heqing and Xiao Yu'an retreated to the side of the road, only to see a procession of seeing off their relatives coming from a distance, with ten miles of red makeup and rumbling drums, so lively!

Xiao Yu'an smiled and said: "Sui, a big family, it's so ostentatious, hey, Brother Yan, look, the wedding dress on the groom's official who is riding a horse is very nice." Yan Heqing followed Xiao Yu'an's gaze, and looked up The sedan chair swayed past, and the sedan chair slanted forward. The high-spirited groom was riding a tall bay red horse with a ribbon and red flowers tied on the horse's head. It was very festive. Xi took the gold thread embellishment embroidery, exquisite workmanship, really exquisite.

Yan Heqing withdrew his eyes and looked at Xiao Yu'an, a thought suddenly came to his heart.

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