Xiao Yu'an tried to raise a smile, but his eyes were astringent and his mouth was bitter. He pursed his lips, took a breath and said slowly: "If, if Brother Yan wakes up, there is no news of me being alive..."

"Doctor Xiao?!"

"There is no news about me, you write a letter for me, Brother Yan doesn't recognize my handwriting, so you don't have to worry, the content of the letter is written..." Xiao Yu settled down

Suddenly, the hand interlocking with Yan Heqing's ten fingers exerted a little force, and his lips began to tremble slightly, "You tell him in a letter that I'm gone, I don't like him, and I was willing to stay by his side before because I could be free." Enjoying the glory and wealth carefreely, now that my identity is exposed, I find that it is not safe to be around him at all, so I choose to leave, let him not come to me, you use letters to let him understand that he is human after all, what do you say to find me? Dig three feet all over the world, the world is so big, there are so many corners in the world, where will he dig three feet?"

Chen Ge choked up and couldn't say: "Doctor Xiao, does it have to be like this? The emperor...he..."

Xiao Yu'an wiped his face and continued: "You must write decisively, you must not leave him with a single thought, it is best to show my disgust, tell him that I will not let him find me again, let him go well I have my own single-plank bridge. Tell him that without him, I will definitely live happier than now. It is said that the emperor's family is the most ruthless since ancient times. I have always yearned for the life of idle clouds and wild cranes, but he is ordered by the emperor. I I just hope that I don’t want to get entangled in these things again in this life, Chen Ge, please, write all these words into the letter, and tell him, so that he won’t miss me any more.”

Chen Ge slammed his fist on the stone wall, and his hand turned red before he calmed down: "Doctor Xiao, I...I know."

Xiao Yu'an nodded, holding Yan Heqing's face with both hands, and kissed those cold lips, tears ran down the corners of his mouth, and licked on the tip of his tongue, bitter and astringent.

"I'm going." There was a faint sound of horseshoes in the distance, Xiao Yu'an didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly got up and ran out of the cave.

One step, two steps, three steps, Xiao Yu'an's footsteps were slow to fast, and then fast to slow. He stood at the entrance of the cave and looked out of the cave. The loneliness and coldness that can't be blown away.

Xiao Yu'an's tears suddenly couldn't stop, he seemed to see that the yellow sand was so long that day, Yan Heqing chased after him with his horse, and said to him: "I won't let go, I won't let go, I won't let go."

There are eight hardships in life, you can't ask for it, and you can't let it go. Why can I only become Yan Heqing's hardship? Why?

Xiao Yu'an wiped his eyes abruptly, turned around and ran back into the cave, tightly grasped the startled Chen Ge's shoulder, and said, "You forgot all that just now! When Brother Yan wakes up, tell him that I will Xiao Yu'an likes him! I really like him! I don't know when this feeling started, but as long as I am with him, I will feel very happy. I want to stay by his side all the time. I will go wherever he goes. , I am not afraid of the ruthless emperor's family, nor am I afraid that the deep palace will be like a cage, as long as he is by my side, as long as he is..."

The last few words had turned into choked sobs, Xiao Yu'an turned around and rushed out of the cave before Chen Ge recovered.

It was like a drama of joys and sorrows. In the end, the guests were left alone, but the corners on the stage posed and sang their own stories. It turns out that it's just because it's deep into the bone, and the love doesn't know where it came from, and it goes deeper and deeper."

The singing is so lingering and endless, but unfortunately no one listens, no one knows, no one knows.

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