The crowds are sparse and the night is longer, the city is far away, the trees are green, and the twilight is heavy. In front of a cave, several soldiers are searching inch by inch with torches. Kneeling down in front of the general: "Report to General Yang! There is no sign of the enemy emperor Yan Heqing in this cave!"

Yang Liye frowned, and asked in a cold voice: "Have you searched for everything? Every cup of soil and every blade of grass, if there is something missing, don't put your stupid head on your neck, just put it on the ground for a horse to kick. It's of no use anyway."

The kneeling soldier clenched his hands and replied, "Go back to General Yang, I've searched for everything."

"Okay, let's continue to look for the next cave." Yang Liye tightened the reins of the horse, turned the horse's head and left, and a soldier beside him stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "General, maybe the emperor of Nanyan Kingdom fell down?" It was eaten by wild dogs behind the cliff, and there are no bones left?"

Before the soldier finished speaking, he was whipped by Yang Liye's side, he was sweating and shut up quickly.

Yang Liye gave him a squinting look, and said, "Even if the emperor of the Nanyan Kingdom was gnawed by wild dogs and only had one finger bone left, he should find that finger bone for me and tell the world, and then he will shatter his bones and ashes. No more nonsense." Say, speed up the progress of the search."

While speaking, Yang Liye suddenly saw the corpse of a soldier from the South Yan Kingdom leaning on the cliff in front of him.

This cliff has just experienced a fierce battle, so there is nothing to make a fuss about seeing the corpse at this time. Yang Liye rode past expressionlessly, and suddenly whipped his horsewhip at the corpse, and the corpse fell staggeringly, lying on the road. Yang Liye deliberately pulled the horse's head to let the horse trample over the corpse. Then he showed a satisfied and permeable smile, and led the army of the Eastern Wu Kingdom to continue to search for the remains of Yan Heqing, the emperor of the Southern Yan Kingdom, near the cliff. figure.

On the tree in the distance, two black shadows were hiding among the luxuriant branches, watching from a distance, seeing what Yang Liye was doing, one black shadow couldn't help cursing: "Damn it. "

After the army of the Eastern Wu Kingdom was far away, the two climbed down from the tree, and Chen Ge said while climbing: "The **** of the Eastern Wu Kingdom does not stop until it finds the rhythm of the emperor. Was it scared by the emperor before? It’s not easy to successfully ambush once, and to kill them all, Doctor Xiao, we have to find the emperor before them.”

"En." Xiao Yu'an nodded.

"They've already searched for the caves in the back, we have to move forward." Chen Ge climbed down the tree, intending to take a detour from the mountain trail to the front of the Soochow National Army, and Xiao Yu'an had no objection to this route.

When the two of them passed the trampled corpse, they stopped at the same time. The corpse of the soldier of Nanyan Kingdom was trampled by the horseshoe so that he couldn't see his face clearly. Chen Ge sighed and dragged the corpse to the deserted path. He went, and dug a hole casually, fearing that Xiao Yu'an would be in a hurry, Chen Ge turned his head and glanced at him. Seeing Xiao Yu'an nodding, he felt relieved, dug a shallow hole with all his strength, and put the corpse in it.

Xiao Yu'an bent down and bowed, looked up and saw the corpse holding a wooden card tightly in his hand - it should be a name card, Xiao Yu'an reached out and pulled the wooden card out of the corpse's hand, wanting Chen Ge to bring it back At least in this way, some people knew that this soldier died fighting for the country, and he would not end up in the wilderness where no one knew his bones.

Chen Ge patted the dust on his hands, and asked Xiao Yu'an: "What's his name?"

Xiao Yu'an looked at the wooden sign in his hand under the bleak moonlight, when he saw this, his breath stagnated, and his eyes shrank suddenly.

"What's the matter with Dr. Xiao?" Chen Xiao saw that something was wrong with him, and asked strangely.

Xiao Yu'an's chest rose and fell sharply, and his breathing became short of breath. He couldn't say a word for a long time, so he had to hand the wooden sign to Chen Ge. Chen Ge took it strangely, and saw a few vague but barely recognizable words written on the wooden sign: Rear, top of the cave, save the emperor...

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