I sat and watched for a while, and suddenly heard the phone ring.I picked it up and looked at it, and it was Kise who sent me a message.

[Kise: Little Wakazuki, little Wakazuki, tomorrow Akashi and the others are going to hold a dinner party for the Age of Miracles, the venue has been set in Tokyo, the time is two o'clock in the afternoon, do you want to come? 】

I look at his message.

Little Akashi.

Mystery man +1.

But seeing the era of miracles he mentioned, I can probably guess that this Akashi should be his former teammate.

Thinking of this, I dug out and searched, and sure enough I found Akashi.

Akashi Seijuro, the captain of the Age of Miracles, is currently studying in Luoshan, and is also the head of the basketball department.He is the young master of the Akashi Zaibatsu, one of the three major chaebols, and if nothing else happens, he should also be the next patriarch.Excellent grades in school, gentle personality, countless fans.

He and I seem to be people from two worlds.

I looked at the message again, and to be honest, I didn't want to agree to this dinner.Because to be honest, I don’t know any people from the Age of Miracles, so I always feel a little awkward, and when the time comes, I will have to entangle with them about amnesia or not, which is troublesome.

But they obviously don't think so.

After Kise sent a text message, I received another text message from Kuroko one after another, and a message from Akashi whose number was saved in his phone even though I didn't remember it.

I silently glanced at the message, it was really difficult.

Then I felt someone sitting next to me.I looked back and saw it was Yamamoto.

At this time, he was wearing short sleeves, showing his collarbone.Because he had just finished training, there were still beads of sweat on his forehead, and his shirt was also partially wet.

It seemed that he was afraid that the smell of sweat on his body would disturb me, so he didn't sit very close to me.

But even at this distance, he saw the information on my phone.

Noticing my gaze, he bent his eyes and smiled, "Ah, sorry sorry."

I shook my head.

Yamamoto opened his eyes, and stared at me thoughtfully, "It's not my illusion, I always feel the truth after amnesia...some hate me."

I looked back, my expression calm.

So I hate such people.Obviously I have concealed it well enough, but my thoughts are still clearly visible in front of him as if through gauze.

Yamamoto was a little distressed, and scratched his cheek with his index finger, "Can I ask why?" He thought about it, "I shouldn't have done anything that makes the truth hate it, right?"

Me: "No, it's your illusion."

Yamamoto's brown eyes looked at me, locked on me firmly, and the smile on his face faded.

I turned my head a little uncomfortable, wanting to change the subject.At this time, Yamamoto said, "Truth must want to change the subject, right?"

I look at him.

He seemed a little helpless, "The truth is like this every time." Yamamoto put his arms on his pillow and looked up at the sky, "If you get close, you will immediately retreat, so that no one can catch you."

I was silent for a while, not knowing how to answer his words.

To be honest, I think I'm still easy to catch, huh?

It seems that he didn't insist on getting an answer from me. Yamamoto just said something casually, and then smiled again, "Well, can I ask, what kind of boys does Truth like?"

I tilted my head, "Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

He looked at me with a serious expression, "Of course it's the truth."

I thought about it.

To be honest, I have never thought about this kind of thing, because I think it is useless to think about it.After all, goodwill and like this kind of thing, the most important thing is feeling.And the feeling is changeable, relying on the heartbeat of a certain moment.

No matter how much I thought about it before, as long as this momentary heartbeat comes, no matter how many criteria for choosing a mate will be invalidated.

But I still have preferences, for example, "be weaker in front of me, you won't fight back when you are bullied by me, but you won't be bullied by outsiders, you won't be too clingy, and you won't feel restrained , but it will bring some emotions of worrying about gains and losses; and—"

I narrowed my eyes slightly, couldn't help rubbing my chin with my index finger, and lowered my voice, "...It's even better if you can cry."

To be honest, after I said it, especially after I said the last point, I myself felt a little perverted.

After the initial daze, Yamamoto stared at me with deep eyes.

I looked back, "You are the one who said you should listen to the truth."

Yamamoto rubbed his hair and looked at the ground, "Ah...Although I said so, but..." He smiled with some distress, "I didn't expect to be so far away from me."


Wait, I seem to have heard something incredible.

I stood up, "I'm going to see Sawada."

Yamamoto suddenly took my hand.

I stopped and looked back at him.

I don't know what my eyes looked like at this time, but after seeing my eyes, Yamamoto obviously fell silent. After a while, he let go of his hand and raised a cheerful smile as if nothing happened. "Go."

I took one look at him and left.

Suspected to be confessed.

Although some are worthy of secret joy, more are troublesome.Because the object is a friend who I think is a stranger but has a close relationship with me.

When they found Sawada, he was also beaten to death by Ribao En.His brown hair was soaked in sweat and stuck to his forehead, his brown eyes were wet, his face was flushed, and he was still panting.

I knelt down beside him and poked his face, "Are you still alive?"

Sawada opened his eyes in shock, "Truth?"

Facing Sawada who still has the strength to startle, I still have a trace of respect in my heart, "So you are so strong."

Sawada: "...So what did you think of me before..."

I propped my chin up, "Hmm...Like what Li Baoen said that day?"

Hearing the familiar title again, Sawada was speechless. He wanted to complain but was too weak, "...I'm still a high school student anyway!"

He sat up with his arms propped up, and then looked at me with that kind of tender eyes, "Although the truth has lost its memory, but...it's still the same as before, that's great."

He lowered his eyes slightly, "But... the feeling of being forgotten by the truth is really bad." Sawada waved his hand suddenly, "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put pressure on you... .!"

I raised my eyebrows and looked at him, "Whatever you want, because it's not considered stress."

Sawada opened his eyes, as if a little flattered, "Huh?"

I said, "Because I don't think it matters."

Sawada was stunned for a moment, a little disappointed, "The truth..."

I clapped my hands and stood up, "I'm going back."

Sawada stood up quickly, "Wait for me..." Then he couldn't stand still, probably because of the physical fatigue from excessive training, his legs went limp, and he fell towards me.

I turned around and supported him subconsciously, feeling his hair rubbing against it, a little itchy.

Sawada leaned back like a frightened rabbit, "Truth...! Thank you, thank you."

I let go, "It's okay."

Sawada was a little embarrassed, "I...I'm a little heavy, sorry."

I thought for a while, "It's okay, it's not too heavy." Then I added, "It's just a bit smelly."

Then I saw Sawada's face flushed red, and then he squatted down and covered his head.

"Ahhhhhh why did you say it! Although I know it smells like sweat, but when I learned about it from the mouth of truth, I..."

He was ashamed and a little angry, and his ears were stained red.

Prison Temple ran over, "Judaime? Judaimu, what's wrong with you, cheer up!"

Then he looked up at me and furled like a cat protecting his master, "You woman, what did you do to Judaime!"

That's why I hate bluffing people.

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows slightly, "Are you sure you want to tell the truth?"

Before Yuji said anything, Sawada Tsunayoshi quickly grabbed his arm, "No, nothing is wrong! Yuji-kun, don't ask the truth."

Kikuji still looked at me suspiciously, he helped Sawada up suspiciously, "Judaime, are you alright?"

Sawada nodded, the blush on his face slowly faded, "I'm fine. Shall we go back?"

Kikuji looked at me again, then walked to the side of Sawada and me, separated us, and said to Sawada with a face full of credit, "Judaime, don't worry, I will help you separate her, so there will be no problem!"

Sawada was hesitant to speak but hesitantly added a complex expression of impossibility, "Ah...um...actually..."

I walked to the prison temple and looked sideways at him.

Because he also trained, his body was also sweaty.So I approached the prison temple, and when he turned his head, I covered my nose with indifference and said to him, "Qiao Temple, you smell so bad."

Prison Temple:? !

Then I saw his expression froze, his eyes widened, blush appeared on his fair skin instantly, and even the tips of his ears burst red.

I folded my arms and looked at him quietly.

He yelled, "You, you woman, don't talk nonsense!"

Me: "I'm telling the truth, if you don't believe me, ask Sawada."

Sawada panicked, "That Prisoner..."

Jidai stepped back suddenly, with a face of shame, "No, I'm sorry Judaime, I let such a stinky me stay by your side for so long, I'm so sorry! I'm going to wash it off!"

Sawada stretched out his hand, "Kuruji-kun?"

However, the prison temple has already run away.

I couldn't help but smile.

This reaction was unexpectedly interesting.

Sawada looked over helplessly, "Why does Truth still like to tease Prison-kun so much?"

I was a little curious, "Did I treat him like this before?"

Sawada thought for a while, "It's not often...it's just that sometimes truth and Prison-kun don't get along well. But...it's more like a bad friend."

I am noncommittal.

In the afternoon, I went shopping and passed an alley on my way back when I suddenly heard someone shouting, "Master Truth, Master Truth!"

I stopped.

There were two voices calling me, they sounded shrill, I frowned and looked into the alley, only to see two... as tall as blue waves, with painted human faces Man With And Emoji Mask.

Before I could ask a question, I saw a man in a purple bathrobe coming out from the depths of the alley.

After seeing his face clearly, I felt that my world view was pressed against the ground again.

Because this man, although he was beautiful, had soft, fluffy fox ears on top of his head, and a slightly wagging fox tail behind him.

He narrowed his purple eyes and looked at me with displeasure.

"Truth, have you forgotten that as a god of land you still have a shrine to manage?"

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