Large tracts of forest were uprooted.

The disparity in strength is too great, how can Kisame be defeated quickly and unobtrusively?Well, that's a hard thing for me too.

It would be faster to drive them out of the limit directly.

After making up my mind, I used telepathy to communicate with Yuhe Shuli. Yuhe Shuli felt a little hesitant and panicked at first, but finally agreed to my idea.Even though she knew Itachi and Kisame were not the criminals who kidnapped her nephew and brother, she still had a deep dislike for them and directly classified them as villains.

As for me, I can't bear to look directly at me, the me in Yuheshu's mind.

The image is too bright, the scorching light blurs the outline of my figure, and the most eye-catching thing is my white eyes, shining with light.

Really, stupid as hell.

In the confrontation with Kisame, I seized a gap, pulled in the distance with Kisame, and then used teleportation to change places with Yuhe Juli.

She was very alert, the moment Guixie reacted, she took a step forward and hit Guixie's abdomen fiercely.The blue jellyfish-shaped Linghui Ninja flew out of Kisame's body, drifted in mid-air like cotton flocs, and drifted to another place after a few seconds.

Kisame became sluggish, let alone lost consciousness, his eyes were white...

This trick is really useful.

A strong opponent was defeated, Yuhe Shuli and their hearts were relieved a lot, Youhe Shuli couldn't help cheering, in this still space, she who had been suppressed was thinking that she could defeat it with her own hands. An enemy gets excited.

I have been watching Itachi all the time, so naturally I didn't ignore the fleeting look of astonishment on his face and his small half-step back.

Are you serious?Ferret.

I noticed that Yuhe Shuli looked at Itachi eagerly, and with the success of pushing Kisame back out of the limit, Yuhe Shuli's originally bewildered heart calmed down a lot. beat.

Itachi's expression is ugly now, more complicated and tangled. His heart is spinning fast and chaotic, but it cools down quickly.

The eyes he looked at me became indifferent, like a pool of thick ink, without any other emotions except black.

A few shurikens quietly slipped out of Itachi's sleeves, and he held them tightly in his hands. His robe moved slightly, and several shurikens flew towards my door. I turned my head to avoid Itachi's shurikens, holding the Kunai resisted Itachi's approaching attack.

In this still space, ninjutsu cannot be used, and only physical jutsu can be used.

Itachi can be said to be a master of physical skills, holding a kunai to face me and swinging the knife very quickly, the shadow of the knife flickered, and the weapons collided and rubbed to shoot out fine sparks.He used kunai handily, combined with elbows, kicks, and kicks, flowing like clouds and water, without a gap, and his whole body turned into a weapon.It's just that Itachi's swordsmanship is not as domineering as Kisame's, but full of skill. On the contrary, it made me a little bit restrained, trying to control the strength of my wielding Kunai, so as not to let Itachi fly away.

Itachi gave me the feeling that it was letting water out, not to mention asking me to find a gap to defeat him.This strange feeling was confirmed when Itachi consciously or unintentionally went to the Yuhe tree to test.

Yuhe Shuli held his breath and stared at the weasel, like a leopard lurking in the grass and ready to hunt.

I let go of the kunai in my hand, without the power of stalemate, his kunai broke through and was about to pierce my throat, the loose kunai did not fall to the ground, my knees hit the kunai, and I was born Turning Kunai in one direction, stabbing towards Itachi's abdomen.

Itachi immediately bent down to avoid my Kunai, he had no choice but to take a few steps back, but Yuhe Shuli, who had been staring at the side, suddenly stepped forward, shouted "Nishi", and slapped his palm on the ground. on the ferret's back.

The blue spirit flew out from Itachi's body, and before Itachi's eyeballs turned white, I saw the tenderness flashing in Itachi's eyes.


Finally, it's over, and I think it's more tiring than trying to prevent an undersea volcano from erupting and saving the world.

After solving Itachi and Kisame, the rest of the miscellaneous people are much easier to deal with. Youhe Shuli can be said to be a martial arts prodigy. He has obviously not trained systematically, but with the comprehension just now, his fighting instinct is getting stronger and stronger. .She rushed forward, one palm at a time, and blue spirits flew all over the sky, and I could even see the fiery blue flame burning behind her!

How long has this guy been holding his breath?

Me: "Hyuga-kun, I think she can go to your house to practice."

Neiji Hyuga couldn't understand my point of complaint, he glanced at me indifferently, and supported the missing monk A Liangjun who was picked up from God's Ninja.

There is more than one stone that enters the limit, and there are also attached stones, while Itachi and Kisame entered the limit through the attribute stone.This time, the Youhe family suffered from this stone, so they decided to go back and destroy the stone, never to enter the realm again.

The missing monk, Liang, was found, and Neiji Hyuga and I came out of the stop, everything was settled smoothly, and everything was settled...

No wonder!

I stared blankly at Neiji Hinata who had turned into a stone statue in front of me, while Reita Torisuke was wailing beside him, very noisy.

In Zhijie, there is no restraint from Chakra, and the superpowers that grow with age explode, and the first to be harmed is Ningji Hinata. I just glanced at him, and he turned into a stone statue.

It will take 24 hours to lift the stone statue. Now, the most important thing is how to survive this day.

I teleported back to my residence and put on a pair of contact lenses that Sorasuke had prepared for me. I checked and found no implanted chips or anything weird.

When I teleported back again, Reita Torisuke was still holding the stone statue of Neiji Hinata and wailing. After my sight swept over, Reita Torisusu stopped his mourning.

Reita Torisuke pointed at the stone statue of Neiji Hyuga, and shouted indignantly, "Master, what should we do in this situation, he won't die."

Me: "Just turn into stone, it will recover in 24 hours."

"Are you Medusa?"

Is now the time to rant?

Akai and the others have already found them, there is no other way, let's use that trick.


With a loud drink, I was hooked by Kai vigorously, and the vigorous tears from his eyes were about to drip on my face. Xiao Li also faced me with two lasagna tears hanging on his face. A burst of chicken and dog jumping

Ah, sorry.

Chapter 51

I heard Kaiban's footsteps, and on the spur of the moment, I used hypnotism to impersonate Hinata Neiji.In the eyes of others, right now, I am the personable young master of the Hinata family, Neiji Hinata.

Kai was still crying bitterly at me, Xiao Li followed along, and the two sang together, people who didn't know thought I just narrowly escaped death.I pushed Kai away, and took two steps back to widen the distance between them. Fortunately, Kaiban still has a normal person, Tian Tian.She interrupted Kai and Li's mourning for me and asked me why I left just now.

Kai and Xiao Li are hot-blooded, relatively speaking, and their minds are relatively simple. Under the control of my consciousness and the hypnotic induction of words, they are no longer obsessed with me leaving this point out of thin air.Right when I found some clues, I ran away too fast, but they didn't see clearly.Well, that's all. As for Xiao Li's running around Konoha Village to compare his speed with me, I'll leave it to Ningji Hinata.

After all, there is no perfect lie in the world. If one lie is fulfilled, another lie must be told.

The missing monk A Liang has been found, and the matter should come to a successful conclusion.

Toritsu Reita walked behind me secretly, he whispered: "Master, where did you put the stone statue of Hinata Neji?"

"your room."

"What?" Reita Tosusuke exclaimed. Kaiban, who was walking in front, turned to look at him. He waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, and pointed to a certain place in the grass, "Hahaha, I saw a beautiful woman just now. Snake, haha."

You guys are out of your mind, how could there be such a thing as a beautiful snake in the world, this kind of lie is like a clumsy article written by a browser, 'Shocked, a scholar came home from an exam, and his wife actually grew a snake tail '.When you read the article, it is actually the story of flower growers Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian. Who would believe such a thing.

Li's eyes shot out like stars: "Really? Where, where is the beautiful snake?"

Ah, there are still people who really believe this lie.

Kai gave a thumbs up: "Oh, is a new adventure about to start?"

This is the set of Huo Ninja, not Neptune next door, remember you are a ninja?

Looking at me every day: "Ning Ci?"

You are stable every day, you are the only stable normal person left in Kaiban.

"No, he was just scared by cockroaches."

Several dark clouds immediately floated above the three people's heads, and the background behind them was all gray.

After repeatedly telling Reita Totsusuke to take care of Neiji Hinata who had turned into a stone statue, I followed Kaiban on the road back to Konoha.The Temple of Fire is not too far from Konoha. If you travel at the normal speed of a ninja, you can get back in about four hours. After that, I go back to Konoha to rest and sleep, and 24 hours will pass quickly.

The premise is to return to Konoha at a normal speed.

I stood on a thick tree branch and looked at the backs of the two chasing and howling people in front of me with no expression on my face. Are you monkey ninjas?

Tiantian patted my shoulder, sighed helplessly and shook his head: "Give up struggling, Ning

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