Although Jiang Li let the words out, Baiyun City was still very restrained and didn't bother her all the time.This put her in a good mood. If all cats and dogs were sent over to bother her, Jiang Li might really stab her first, beat the person to death, and then heal them.

It's not that they don't have doctors, it's just that compared to Jiang Li's medical skills, their medical skills are too scientific and follow the settings of the martial arts world too much. Even the effect of the panacea Jiuhua Yulu Pills can't compare with Jiang Li's. Jiayuan's three skills are compared.Therefore, most of those who are not seriously injured and who can be treated by doctors will not be sent to Jiang Li. Only those who are seriously injured are given this treatment.

However, not every seriously injured person has the ability to survive until being carried back.In things like war, there are always some accidents. Some of them died on the spot on the way. Although some were still breathing, they fell in the wrong place, and the rescue was not timely enough, and it was too late to bring them back.Those who were able to get to Jiang Li smoothly were still a minority among the few.

Under such circumstances, even if Jiang Li had means, she would not be able to drag the dead man back from Lord Yan.

That's the case, because there are almost dozens of people who survived Jiang Li's rescue.All of them were rescued by her. Originally, in the eyes of everyone in Baiyun City, she was known as a miracle doctor. As a result, some people even set up a longevity tablet for her, thinking that she was the living Bodhisattva, the reincarnation of Goddess Guanyin.

Jiang Li doesn't plan to leave Qixiufang and join Shaolin, she still has a deep affection for Xiufang, and even though Qixiufang has broken the oath of not providing small scissors these days and has received too much, Shaolin still insists on forcing nuns Yes, even if she goes, she won't want it, so I don't appreciate this title.

Because of her high prestige, indifferent appearance, and dignified appearance, the common people saw that she really didn't like her, so they stopped mentioning her.Before coming to Jiangli, Ye Guhong's stabbing umbrella with beef soup is still powerful, just looking like it can hurt people to death, no one wants to try it for himself.

As a result, Jiang Li is quite leisurely while the busy outside is in full swing.

As a guest and part-time doctor, no one disturbs her when she has nothing to do.

Therefore, she had nothing to do, so she simply called Jing Wuming over and completely healed his injuries.

I didn't want to expose the method before, Jiang Li just used the medicine briefly, and then used Yunshang's unique healing inner breath to go through it again, the recovery will be faster than normal, but it is still within the acceptable range, but now the battle situation is critical, maybe When you have to do it, and you have to do it with a steady stream of people.

In this way, knowing that there is an injury, it can be healed with a little effort, but if you insist on procrastinating, it is a panic when you are full.

Then, Jiang Li sent Jing Wuming to get first-hand information, while he waited for the broadcast.

Jing Wuming nodded and left.


Nanwang came out in full force this time, regardless of the emptiness of Wuyang City, he brought a total of 5000 people, and the vanguard with him was almost [-].Nanwang didn't care about the casualties at all, and when he arrived at the destination, he didn't mention repairs, and just called to land on the island.Just for probing, [-] people were dispatched at a time, as if they were desperate.

The geographical location of Feixian Island is very good. It can be regarded as one of the supply places on the route of the South China Sea. It is not too far away from the Central Plains mainland. Baiyun City was established by means of sea transportation.Basically, all ships going by sea have to come here for repairs halfway, and these are the main sources of Baiyun City's income.

The only disadvantage is that the island is only medium in size and not big enough. It is surrounded by the sea on all sides. Except for one side is a reef area, which makes it difficult for boats to operate, the other three sides are sandy beaches.One side was built as a port by Baiyun City, making it easy to enter and exit, while the other two sides have not been developed much, and they still look desolate.

Therefore, this terrain can be said to be easy to attack and difficult to defend. If the enemy really came, it would be really difficult to prevent them from going ashore.There are still many cargo ships moored in the port. If they give up and retreat to the city, it is certainly a solution, but the Nanwang Mansion occupies the outer territory and they can go ashore, then they will be trapped in the city. It's over sooner or later.

Moreover, when the Ye family built the city, they realized that they would not be pirates or profiteers. If a small group of bandits dared to come, it would be natural for them to go and never return, but they never thought that there would be an army from the "imperial court" attack.After all, Japanese pirates in coastal areas often do harm these days, and the imperial court doesn't even care about Japanese pirates. How could they come to trouble the law-abiding Baiyun City for no reason?

Because of this, Baiyun City had no choice but to defend and prevent them from boarding Feixian Island.

Even if there is a huge disparity in the number of people on both sides, the total number of people in Baiyun City is only a few thousand, and the guards are only 1000. Including the temporary mobilization of young and strong people, there are less than 1 people, but the Nanwang Mansion has five times as many troops as the vanguard of Baiyun City. .Even if one of the guards in Baiyun City can fight five, there are still [-] people waiting for them.

At the very beginning, Nanwang sent people to storm the port, and Baiyun City was hit by arrows.As for the return shots on his ship, because of the wind direction, the power was greatly reduced, and only half of them reached the shore, let alone hit people, but some arrows were sent for nothing to supplement.

But under such circumstances, it also prevented the experts from Baiyun City from raiding.

As the saying goes, when you shoot a man, you shoot a horse first, and when you capture a thief, you capture the king first. On the Nanwang Mansion, there is only one Gong Jiu who doesn't give him much face, and a Shaman outside, and the rest are just mobs. , while in Baiyun City, whether it's Lu Xiaofeng, Ximen Chuuxue, or even Huamanlou who didn't come, they are all top masters.

They obviously had more options than King Nan choosing to fight, such as capturing and killing King Nan and forcing him to retreat.Even if King Nan does not retreat, as long as he dies, these guards will have no leader, and they may not be willing to continue risking their lives to fight Baiyun City to the end.It's just that once the arrow rain came out, he could only give up this plan.

In the sea, there is nothing to hide, even if you have excellent lightness skills, you can only rely on the water surface, and it is very difficult to get to the place where King Nan is.Not to mention that there is still Jianyu waiting, and he will definitely be shot into a hedgehog.To be sure is to take risks, but to be unsure is to be sent to death. There is still a big difference between the two.

If you can't surprise the enemy, you can only fight hard, and there is nothing to do.

However, crowd tactics are always unsolvable. Nanwang didn't care about sacrifices, and soon a boat landed. Now it's time for hand-to-hand combat, because the guards of Baiyun City all know some martial arts, and some of them even won Ye Gucheng. Pointing out, compared to the Nanwang Mansion's combat power is higher, so except for a few masters mixed in it who made meritorious deeds, most of them were beaten back by Baiyun City.

As a result, Nan Wang had no choice but to withdraw to the ship temporarily.

Only then did Baiyun City start repairing, cleaning up the battlefield, throwing the soldiers of the Nanwang Mansion into the sea, and recycling them for burial at home.

Nanwang didn't even look at the corpses, but asked the housekeeper, "Is Prince Taiping still unwilling to move?"

The housekeeper bowed and replied: "Prince Taiping said that these little things are not worth his shot, and we will see his methods when he sieges the city."

Nan Wang gritted his teeth. After meeting Gong Jiu, this is not the Prince Taiping's son, he looks like his Nan Wang's ancestor.Offering this stuff is even more tiring than offering an ancestor. He sings and dances all day long, but he doesn't do business. If he didn't see his kung fu, he would have thrown him down to feed the fish a long time ago. How can he tolerate it?

And when it's time to attack the city, how can he use his means?Nan Wang had already laid out chess pieces in Baiyun City. Although Baiyun City had been under martial law for a long time, and he had strictly investigated all people who came and went, his chess pieces fell a few years ago. They should find a way to cooperate, as long as they land on the shore, this Baiyun City is in their pockets.

After thinking about it, Nan Wang finally stopped being so angry.Unfortunately, he never expected that Qiu Shuiqing would run away before he came.

Ye Gucheng was supervising the battle at the gate of the city, waiting for first-hand news that the news of Nanwang's retreat reached him immediately.Lu Xiaofeng is on the left of Ye Gucheng, Ximen Chuuxue is on the right of Ye Gucheng.At this time, a complete topographic map of Baiyun City was placed in front of them.

There is a war in Baiyun City, this is an urgent matter, Lu Xiaofeng has no time to think about Yuan Suiyun, at least he has to overcome this difficulty first.Lu Xiaofeng couldn't bear this silent atmosphere, so he was the first to speak. He said, "Sooner or later, the other side will think that besides this, the other two sides can also go ashore."

Ye Gucheng nodded in agreement.This is also what he is most worried about. One-sided defense is barely enough. If they attack from three sides, they will divide their troops into three defenses, and they will inevitably be the result of being defeated one by one. The gap between a 1000-man defense and a 300-man defense is simply too great to make up.

Even if these martial arts masters are dispatched and exhausted to kill dozens, or even exaggerate a few hundred, it will not affect the situation in the slightest.And if you really fall into the sea of ​​people, once your internal strength is exhausted, or if you make some omissions, it may not be impossible to die in the hands of these ordinary people. People in the rivers and lakes are also human, but they just have a high level of skill, so of course they will die.

Ximen Chuixue held the sword, waiting for Ye Gucheng's arrangement.He killed people with his own hands, so the responsibility is naturally his. Ximen Chuuxue will not say that one person does things and one person is responsible. If he goes to Nanwangfu to surrender, it is an insult to Ye Gucheng, and it is also an insult to himself, but he can do it for him. Baiyun City did his best, and Ximen Chuuxue would never refuse.

Lu Xiaofeng thought hard, he claimed to be a smart person, but facing such a big scene, he was still a little powerless.

Normally, Lu Xiaofeng always likes to try to turn hostility into friendship and make friends with both parties, but this matter is obviously irreconcilable, and he is not naive to think that Nanwang will give him face, and a person who has lost his only son still has reason That's weird.At this time, the emperor and I may not be able to stop Nanwang's revenge.

At this moment, a seagull flying over his head and making a cry gave Lu Xiaofeng a flash of inspiration.He scratched at his hair, but couldn't grasp the sliver of inspiration.Just when Lu Xiaofeng was a little restless, bad news came again. The guards came to report that there was a change in the boats on Nanwang's side, and it seemed that they planned to divide the troops. I don't know if they thought of the method of siege.

Under such intense pressure, Lu Xiaofeng broke out. "Ye Gucheng, I thought of it!" He yelled, and said, "You don't need to abolish a single soldier, you can defend one side! Only one person is needed!"

The author has something to say: I am getting more and more depressed, and I feel like I am sleepwalking.

This week's list is over, I should consider accepting opinions and start a weekly update, it will definitely be easy and unnecessary.

PS: Who can make up a comment for me in the last chapter, the others are all double digits, and the one digit number is killing obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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