Li Xun Huan was taken aback by Jiang Li's decisive action, and said with a broken smile, "In that case, girl, please go slowly."

After saying this, he raised his head and took a sip of wine, but he really didn't mention the matter of staying.

It looks very free and easy.

In fact, he also thought so in his heart, and he didn't intend to retreat or be aggressive.

If someone else saw this, they would inevitably feel somewhat rebellious, but they would stay and discuss the matter with him instead.But Jiang Li is of course very human, she acted as if she had never heard of it, she just walked away without stopping.No matter what other people think, it is enough for her to have clear thoughts in her heart, anyway, money cannot buy her happiness.

With Jiang Li's back view, the whole lobby on the first floor was completely silent.When the last strand of white hair disappeared from sight along with the unsheathed twin swords, everyone came back to their senses.Jiang Li seems to have a strange magic power, as long as she stands here, other people's eyes and hearts can no longer tolerate anything else.

Xiao Er looked at the direction where Jiang Li was leaving, and then at his young master upstairs, not sure whether he should go after him or not.

"No need, that girl won't come back." Li Xun Huan calmly looked at the direction where Jiang Li left, and smiled.The sons and daughters of the Jianghu have multiple temperaments. He has met many heroines before, but this is the first time he has encountered such a violent temper as Jiang Li, who would leave without saying a word.

This kind of character, and Lin Shiyin who was educated as a lady and has a soft temperament are two extremes of each other, which makes Li Xunhuan feel a bit interesting.Although he was born in a scholarly family, he has half-stepped into the Jianghu. In addition, it is the time when he is tired of the imperial court, so it is inevitable that he prefers the charm of the Jianghu.

Fulinlou is the business of Li Xunhuan's mother's family, and his father's family has been in business for generations, so naturally they don't know how to do business.Therefore, under the influence of Qingzhengmen, Li Xunhuan is very indifferent to money, and also influenced by the atmosphere of Jianghu, he has always been willing to donate money, and he doesn't care that his restaurant will lose a big client in the future, so he said this very simply.

Xiao Er could only nod her head, thinking that if she saw Jiang Li again, she would have to refund the order money to her, so she continued to work.

Li Xun Huan took out a piece of wood from his bosom, and at some point, a throwing knife appeared in his hand.

The dexterous fingers held the throwing knife and flew over the wooden block, and it didn't take long before it became a wooden statue.

It was like Jiang Li.

Li Xun Huan was taught by a strange person since he was a child, and he learned amazing flying knives, and the foundation of flying knives starts with carving, so although he dare not call him a master, he should be familiar with this one.On weekdays, he was his cousin Lin Shiyin, but now it was Jiang Li, a woman whom he had just met, and she was not very kind to him, this was the first time.

However, this woodcarving's eyes are dull, how can there be half of Jiang Li's unstoppable sharpness?

How can a wooden man compare with a living man?

After being busy for a while, Xiao Er came up to refill Li Xun Huan's wine while he was free.

"How about this wooden statue?" Li Xun Huan asked while pouring wine into his mouth.

Xiaoer said in a low voice: "It's quite similar to that girl, but it feels like there's something wrong."

Li Xun Huan nodded and said, "That's right, it's better to have a form but not a spirit."

He lightly covered the wooden statue's eyes, and asked again, "What about now?"

Xiaoer looked at it for a long time, but couldn't see the difference, so he just bowed his head and remained silent.

"That's all." Li Xun Huan sighed and took out another wooden block.

This time it was Lin Shiyin, with low eyebrows and a slight smile, with an outstanding demeanor.

Li Xunhuan was still young at this time, and his knife hadn't been stained by the world's weather, so the lines he carved were fresh and lively.

Xiao Er was taken aback by this miraculous technique, and said, " a cousin girl?" Lin Shiyin and Li Xunhuan are cousins, and their appearance is slightly similar to his mother. Xiao Er once met his wife by chance, Therefore, it was recognized by these three or four points of similarity.

Li Xun Huan nodded and said, "I've been with my cousin since childhood, so I'm naturally familiar with it."

Sculpture familiar people, naturally better grasp the charm.

Xiao Er took a look, and still felt that Ruozhen was more beautiful than Biao girl, or the unknown white-haired heroine, he didn't dare to say this, seeing Li Xun Huan's mind wandering, he quietly retreated out.

Li Xun Huan was deep in thought, but did not respond.

This time he went to Beijing to rush for the exam, just like his father and elder brother, he was appointed Tanhualang by the current emperor.This was originally a good thing, but when the news came, the old lady of his mother's family also felt so honored, and even paraded through the streets throwing money to celebrate.The yelling that Jiang Li heard when he woke up was for this matter.

Unfortunately, his father and elder brother were very dissatisfied with this.Their Li family had hairpin tassels from generation to generation, including Li Xunhuan. Three generations had produced seven Scholars. Both Li Xunhuan's father and brother were Tanhua. Li Xunhuan had high hopes from his elder brother and father.

Li Xunhuan didn't pay much attention at first, but when his father heard the news, he felt depressed, he was already sick and bedridden, and his brother's health was also not well, so the pressure on him suddenly doubled.And these things were too heavy for Lin Shiyin, a girl in the boudoir, and he couldn't explain them to her in detail, so he could only go out for a drink.

Now that he is in a better mood, Li Xun Huan finally put down his wine glass and took his first bite of food.


Jiang Li left Fulin Building, and after walking for a long time, he saw a towering building, which looked like another restaurant.

The three big characters of dragon, phoenix and phoenix dance stand on the plaque, called Lingyun Pavilion.

Fulin Building only has two floors, so when the business is booming, there is no room for people to sit down. However, Lingyun Pavilion has four floors, which is only slightly lower than Nanwang Mansion.However, although Lingyun Pavilion is a restaurant, Jiang Li has never seen it open.This is also a miracle.

But now, the gate of Lingyun Pavilion has been opened for the first time.

It's just that a bunch of burly men with weapons were guarding the door outside the door, with menacing expressions on their faces, they didn't look like they were greeting guests.Of course, no one ran to find that he was uncomfortable, so he insisted on going in and trying.Therefore, looking in from the open door, the seats and benches in the hall are furnished as if they were newly made, without any trace of use.

Jiang Li was curious about this matter before, and he also inquired about it. It is said that this Lingyun Pavilion was specially built by the son of the Southern King after he became a teacher of Ye Gucheng, in order to entertain Lord Ye. He stood on the top of the fourth floor and looked at it. It happened to be able to see the surging South China Sea and the white clouds without any hindrance, hence the name Lingyun Pavilion.

Jiang Li thought it was just a joke at the time, but now that he thinks about it carefully, there is some deep meaning behind it.

At this moment, the silence behind Jiang Li throbbed.

They can only be so dishonest when they sense the Peerless Swordsman, and most of the time, they are still good children.

Jiang Li looked up.

A cloud happened to pass over the top of Lingyun Pavilion at this time, as if it was provoking it.Even if your name is Lingyun Pavilion, you can only breathe under the clouds after all.Due to the structure of the building, as far as Jiang Li could see, he could only see a white skirt.If you want to come to the other party, you can't see her.

Jiang Li moved away and walked away.

This is the third time Jiang Li saw Ye Gucheng, maybe it can be counted as the second time, there is no difference.

Just look at the distant view at the gate of the palace, and face directly inside the palace, whether it is once or twice.

Ye Gucheng: "..." It's...she again?

Jiang Li's words had a considerable impact on Ye Gucheng, as can be seen from his meeting with Ximen Chuuxue.

"Master, what's wrong?"

At this time, on the top floor of the fourth floor of Lingyun Pavilion, Ye Gucheng and Nanwang Shizi were eating.

The prince of the Southern Prince hit a wall with Jiang Li, and he would not want to look for him for a while, and Jiang Li obviously wouldn't give him a good face.Thinking that he would be able to see Jiang Li in the evening, he was not in a hurry, so he invited Ye Gucheng to Lingyun Pavilion for dinner, and wanted to test out the evening's affairs.

After all, Jiang Li was invited to watch the battle. It was his own idea to please the beauty, and he had not discussed it with Ye Gucheng yet.Although Nan Wang Shizi felt that Ye Gucheng would not refute his face for such a trivial matter, he still had to greet him.Ye Gucheng got up suddenly and looked downstairs, which naturally aroused his idea.

Prince Nan got up, stood beside Ye Gucheng, and looked down.

At this time, Jiang Li had already turned the corner and walked far away, so naturally he didn't see anything.

Ye Gucheng didn't explain, he sat back, picked up the teacup in front of him, and took a sip.

The son of Prince Nan drank, and Ye Gucheng was a swordsman, the wine would make him unable to hold the sword, so he only drank tea.

Eating without speaking, sleeping without speaking, Ye Gucheng followed this sentence until the end of the meal, he never said a word.

Nanwang Shizi felt depressed for a while, and because he needed the power of Ye Gucheng, he couldn't cross the river and demolish bridges like he did to Jing Wuming, and he didn't dare to get angry. Seeing that time was running out, he could only mention Jiang Li's need to watch the battle. , Ye Gucheng is about to prepare for the evening retreat, so it will be too late.

"Master, that Miss Jiang from yesterday has admired your swordsmanship for a long time. I heard that you are going to have a sword debate with Master Ximen. I hope I can watch from a distance." Selling teammates, and in his opinion, Ye Gucheng is not a teammate, so he had to make an excuse.

After all, Nanwang Shizi found something wrong and added: "Master, don't worry, we have disciples to take care of us. We will only watch from a distance in the middle of the lake and will never disturb your decisive battle." Not only that, he also dispatched forbidden Guards, seal off the coast of the South China Sea in advance, so that no bird can fly in.

If Prince Nan knew what Jiang Li and Ye Gucheng said last night, he would never say that.But Nan Wang's son went to change clothes at that time, and there were no servants around at that time, only Jiang Li and Ye Gucheng knew about it.So when Prince Nan was talking nonsense, he didn't feel guilty at all.If you tell a lot of lies, you will develop this skill.

Ye Gucheng paused, and then said after a while: "You can arrange it yourself." With Jiang Li's martial arts, if she wanted to come, the pile of wine bags and rice bags under Nan Wang's son would not be able to stop her, so she might as well agree to it.

This is the default.

Although the son of Nan Wang knew that Ye Gucheng would not refuse, he was also happy in his heart, nodded and agreed: "The disciple has prepared a quiet room for the master on the cruise ship, please come with the disciple."

Ye Gucheng nodded.

A decisive battle is a very sacred thing. Even if Ye Gucheng's goal is not simply to discuss swords, he will try his best to do what he can do best.Therefore, in order to adjust his state, he would first go to the cruise ship on the coast of the South China Sea to retreat for half a day to ensure his state when discussing swords.

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