When Chu Qi heard this voice, and heard the voice that finally responded, his hands were shaking.Master... master finally heard him?However, after a simple fuzzy sound, his master didn't respond again, just leaning against him, leaning on him with a slight body stretch, kind of... taking off the thick and habitual disguise and taking off some kind of solid defense Chu Qi did not continue to call the master, since he is by his side, since he has already responded, since...he has started to approach, then one day, he can see the master is really facing him Laughed, and responded to him with real clarity.

Anyway, I've been waiting for two years, and it doesn't matter if I wait a few more days.

Suddenly, Chu Qi stroked his chin and looked at the wrinkled obscene clothes on his body. By the way, his master is a face control, he must take care of himself. However, he looked at the wrinkled clothes on his master's ankle. The chain, his hand reached for the lock but hesitantly let it go... Now, for now.

Scared, really scared, afraid that the next moment the master will disappear again.Now Chu Qi would feel flustered and afraid even after leaving his master for a while, wishing he could tie his master to his body at any time.

Erhuo didn't wake up right away, he was still asleep, until the early morning of this day, Erhuo finally opened his eyes in a daze as if he had woken up, satiated and wanted to open, but at first he really It didn't show where he was.The bed under him?This bed is very high-end and it is all carved, the bed curtain is also beautiful and the quilt is also embroidered with patterns.It's just that Mao didn't have any hint where he is now?No matter how you look at it, this bed is very expensive. Could it be that he is dressed like a rich young master?

In other words, he remembers very clearly, shouldn't he be burned out of his wits?In other words, shouldn't he not exist?Now he's lying on the bed, his bones are stiff and he feels crunchy and rusty when he moves. What's wrong with that?Erhuo touched his forehead, and then he looked at his hands in a daze... white hands, human hands?Moreover, what is going on with such a house?He seemed to have never seen such a room before.Did he wear it again?But if you wear it, why don't you bring him a strategy book or instruction manual?The time travel god is too irresponsible, okay?At the very least, the giant hand told him who he had become and told him what to do...

Erhuo tried it out, and found that those who could fly arrogantly, slap chicken shreds and walk crabs sideways with his own aura were all gone... Now, it seems, he is just an ordinary person , still very weak?But, can you tell him who he is first, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahh .

Could it be that he is going to stage the most provocative amnesia scene later, say "Who are you~~~~oh, who am I?", then roll his eyes and faint or something?

Oh, who's going to tell him what's going on?It will be even more wrong when he moves his rusty and inflexible feet. Why is it always a little strange?When Erhuo looked at it, he wanted to cry but found that he had chains on his feet, and the thick chains were directly connected to the wall...

What the hell is going on... Where is he wearing this time?Look at the virtue of the body being locked... Could it be that he is in some kind of sadomasochistic love who can't get your heart but also wants to get you, and then OOXX and OOXX in the bloody story of OOXX?It shouldn't be the young master of some rich family who will be locked up... And... Erhuo looked at the chain on his ankle. The chain was really thick enough, and it looked more than enough to lock two or three strong Tibetan mastiffs.

Hey, Erhuo really wants to discuss with the master of time travel, so he won't take part in such a bloody and sensational scene, okay?If he really wants to time travel, if he really can’t go back, can he wear a grocery store owner, a pharmacy owner, or a clothing store? He can usually do a small business and watch the protagonists come to buy things. If he is in a bad mood, he You can also embarrass the protagonist group by raising the price... He really doesn't need to be a bloody protagonist.If the boss can't be... the waiter is fine, really, he's not picky.

However, maybe this body is weak in the first place, and the second guy has not been excited for a long time, and then he lay on the bed again and gasped for breath. In the future, I plan to come to radio gymnastics to exercise every day.

Lying down for a while, the body can finally move a little bit, Erhuo reluctantly sat up and tried to pull the chain, relying on it, it is really extremely strong, not for decoration, Erhuo is not stupid enough to use the chain to try himself His teeth are so strong that his teeth will collapse at a glance.Of course, he still hasn't realized that he doesn't wear clothes. After running naked every day for a hundred years, this guy has long since lost the concept of wearing clothes.Because the current situation is too weird, Erhuo didn't realize that the little brother he had been thinking about for a hundred years had grown up...

After pulling and pulling, Erhuo suddenly felt that there was something itchy on his shoulders. He touched his head, okay, hair grew on his bald head, or wrong, hair, he pulled the hair one by one Look, he still has a very black and smooth look, and now Erhuo is wondering what kind of person he looks like in his clothes. He begged his grandpa to tell his grandma that he should not dress so weakly, otherwise he would definitely cry to death.He is a man, a man, a man, and it is definitely not him who is weak.

Chu Qi has just washed and dried the clothes from the previous day. Before, the owner was curled up and unable to put on clothes. The response of the owner a few nights ago made Chu Qi quickly dry the clothes and wait for the owner to wake up and wear them. .Also, he has to take good care of his appearance, because Chu Qi is very aware of his master's urinating nature. If he sees him with a beard, a haggard face, and wrinkled clothes, his master probably will dislike him.

Chu Qi hurriedly finished the work at hand and hurried back to his and his master's bedroom. As soon as he opened the door, he stood there blankly looking at the naked person on the bed who was still fiddling with something weak in his hands. teenager.

The long hair hangs down the back, a little messy, the back is beautiful, the skin is white and transparent, full of vitality, and the profile looks like a finely crafted work.Boy...beautiful like a painting.It's just that the boy's current movements are not very elegant. I saw him gnashing his teeth and pulling the chain, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Could it be that the master still wants to leave him?Want to leave him without saying a word?Chu Qi, who had already been stimulated by the bastard to the point of weakening his nerves, rushed to the bed and grabbed the boy's hand.

The bastard who was only thinking about whether he could escape this bloody drama raised his head to see which guy locked him and prepared two lines to come out, for example, whoareu or rolling his eyes or something.

But why didn't he expect that the person in front of him would be Xiao Chuqi?Oh, that's not right... His little Chuqi is so obedient, obedient, cute and obedient, how could he be such a guy who wants to play prison?This must not be his junior seventh...

His junior seventh, no... it should be said that Xie Yi wouldn't be here.It’s just that the person in front of him looks like Xiao Chuqi no matter how you look at it, but but, shouldn’t Xiao Chuqi take the silver land deed he gave him or something and go to tinker with Yanjia or marry a girl?According to Xiao Chuqi's appearance, he has a technical house, a house and land, and it is not easy to find a girl. The matchmaker can probably step on the threshold, how could he just arrest someone and lock him up?This is unscientific. Could it be that he opened it in the wrong way today?Or... Erhuo's thinking began to diverge. Could it be that he crossed to another parallel dimension and offended Dajisi, and then Dajisi asked Xiao Chuqi to lock him up?

Oh, that's not right... He hasn't thought enough about his own gender until now. Don't say that he's dressed as a girl this time. If he dressed as a girl, he wouldn't have time to cry to death.Erhuo anxiously glanced down, oh, fortunately, the little brother is doing well...

It's just to say, who is he dressed as?He looked at Chu Qi pitifully, hoping that Chu Qi could give him some hints, and hoped that he wouldn't be put into the pit of some Chu Qi ghost.

Looking at the young man's face in front of him, Chu Qi was dumbfounded again.Yes, in fact, this face should be very familiar. This face has not changed much from the illusion. He does not know how many times he has dreamed of it in the past few years.But, it's still different, yes, it's different, the master with the bright red magic lines extending on his face in the illusion is as seductive and seductive as a magic flower blooming to overflowing, but the young man in front of him doesn't have any magic lines on his face.

The young man is only 16 years old. He is plump and coquettish, with fair and delicate skin. At first glance, he looks a little innocent and innocent, but the corners of his eyes and brows are full of charm. Sometimes it gives the illusion of concentration.And now this pitiful expression made Chu Qi feel that he wanted to hide the master.This kind of expression and the appearance of a troublesome goblin would only attract a large number of flies, Chu Qi felt that he would rather his master was still a black mass.You know, the men and women in Liuyue City have always had good looks, but...the master's appearance made Chu Qi dumbfounded again.

Erhuo found that the suspected Xiao Chuqi in front of him was just looking at him, his eyes were exaggerated to swallow him up, but the suspected Xiaochuqi's children's shoes just looked at him like this, the Erhuo was groaning in his heart , if you don’t talk first, let him continue, or, should he first say that the weather is good today, or?Hmm, it seems that Xiao Chuqi's children's shoes look good today too?Or what's for breakfast today?I don't know if he will be beaten if he can't say it... If he doesn't know anything, how should he plan his escape in the future.

Also, dear, when did you put your hands down? Erhuo was complaining in his heart, what kind of trouble is he grabbing his hands while holding them up?

The author has something to say: errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, waking up, I can't figure out the situation...

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