Not only for planting, Polo also rented farms' and dozens of livestock.Wen Ye took the opportunity to explain to them the precautions for raising livestock, as well as the prevention and treatment of plague diseases.

As a "big customer" with millions of rents, Polo even got an encyclopedia about postpartum and feeding of livestock translated by Wenye for free.

As if he had found a treasure, he immediately entered the ultra-thick stack of data received on the optical brain into the experimental star sharing network.In this way, every researcher on the experimental star can read it at will, which greatly facilitates everyone.

"If one day you don't want to do research any more, you can take your research conclusions to the resort city," Wen Ye said softly, "The resort city has the most inclusive characteristics, and you can use the knowledge you have learned to open schools there , teaching and educating people.”

"Teaching others? Wouldn't that be troublesome?" The researchers scratched their heads, they would just study silently, and at best discuss the problems they encountered with their companions.Asking them to teach others and open a school is very troublesome at first glance.

"It's very troublesome." Wen Ye didn't say anything, but turned around and said, "But people who come to study from various planets will also bring your name to any corner of the entire star. They will share with friends and family , When your partner tells you about your excellence and profound knowledge, they will regard you as their life longing, and will treat you with 100% respect."

"As a teacher, it seems that there is nothing else besides this. Well, indeed, it is better not to be a teacher for fear of trouble."

However, just after he finished speaking, the researchers fell into an eerie silence.

Only Polo murmured, "Will, will my name be brought to the whole star? Then, everyone will know me, ahem, and will know that I am knowledgeable?"

They stayed in the laboratory for many years. Due to the closed management of the empire and the particularity that the crops were only supplied to the royal family, no matter how amazing their research results were, they could not make them public.

Even if the rewards given by the royal family are quite good, which researcher doesn't want his research to spread across the stars?Let everyone praise the greatness of research?

Didn't the teacher Wen Ye described hit their hearts?

"Cough that... Actually, I didn't want to make many people respect me," a researcher scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "I just want, I want to experience the feeling of being a teacher, after all, I haven't been a teacher before! Hehehe... .”

"I think so too, who cares about things like 'take me as a lifetime longing'? Me, I just can't see everyone continuing to drink bad nutrient solution.. Hey hey hey, don't laugh at me , I really think so!"

What's more, he quietly touched Wenye's side and asked in a low voice, "Hi, Mr. Wenye, is it expensive to rent a teaching building in the resort? How much is it?"

A few soft words from Wen Ye activated the minds of all the researchers.

The culprit covered his smile and replied lazily, "The rent of the teaching building is not expensive, and there will be subsidies for construction on other planets. For details, you can contact Fitch or the manager of the resort city, they are in charge of this matter. "

A school is one of the most basic and necessary facilities for inheriting a civilization.If there is no teacher, there is no concept of "inheritance".

Therefore, if we want to preserve and use the special products of the earth for a long time, the existence of special schools is indispensable.

Wen Ye had already started preparing for this matter when Carol donated the first resort city school.

He selected more than 3000 teaching buildings, stored them in two special split spaces, and handed them over to Fitch and the manager.

Planting, breeding, mining, manufacturing, infrastructure construction, repair and maintenance... and similar special things are also taught to a group of people who love them.

Before he arrived on the experimental planet, more than 30 people had rented more than 30 teaching buildings and went to different planets to open schools.Although the light of the former civilization is still small and thin, but after more than 3000 schools are all built, this interstellar world will definitely take on a new look.

By then, everyone will have enough to eat, and everyone will have their own home, which will no longer be a dream.

"Don't worry, the host," System 996 whispered in his mind, "If these people earnestly follow the plan you gave, it won't be long before this interstellar world will be upgraded from a low-level world! There may be more The new fast traveler is here to do the task!"

Wen Ye didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

He didn't stay on the experimental planet for long, and after he had taught everything he could teach, he said goodbye to Polo.

"Thank you, Mr. Wen Ye, you really helped us a lot!" Polo smiled and wanted to pat Wen Ye on the shoulder, but Wen Ye avoided it without a trace.

Polo was not embarrassed, but just thanked him sincerely, "At first I thought that 30 yuan was very expensive, but after getting along with me, I found that 30 yuan may still be the preferential price given to us by the resort city. Thank you very much, for being as outstanding as you If you are a good researcher, if you are willing to work hard and make progress, you will definitely be able to walk to the owner of the resort city!"

Wen Ye: "?"

"Hey, I understand," Polo smiled. "You must be eager to become the right-hand man of the owner of the resort city. I believe you will be able to do so in the future! Come on, Mr. Wenye!"

Wen Ye stared at him for two seconds, then pursed his lips, "Then thank you for your blessing, goodbye."

"Hey, what an excellent person." Polo looked at the spaceship going away and sighed, "We must have been confidants in the previous life, otherwise why would I feel that he is so familiar? To get along with such a powerful researcher, this must be the same. May the gods bless me with luck!"

"What!" Another researcher secretly rolled his eyes, "I also think he is very familiar! Is it possible that Mr. Wen Ye and I are bosom friends in the previous life? The person in charge, please stop it!"

"Hey! Do you think he is very familiar? I am also very familiar! What's going on?"

Polo was dumbfounded seeing everyone chattering.

It is normal for him to feel familiar, but it is abnormal for everyone to feel familiar.

Suddenly, a researcher yelled like crazy.

"...Hey, I found it! Yes, yes, it's him! It's him! Come and see!! It's really him!!"

"Who is who? Let me see! god...!"

Polo also impatiently leaned over to look at it, and he was stunned after just one glance.

It turned out that what was on the optical brain was an internal arrest warrant.It was issued to everyone by the royal family a long time ago, and each of them has seen it.

The guy who was called the "Devil's Advocate" by the royal family... the guy who was so feared by the royal family and only dared to hunt him down secretly... or the terrifying boss who slaughtered seven legions by himself...

"Director, you, come and see this!"

Another researcher yelled tremblingly, and everyone immediately surrounded him with a "hula la".

"The one who defeated the envoy was also the same person just now! There is half of his face in the tabloid video!"

Polo is dumbfounded.

Three seconds later, he trembled.

The rest of the researchers also trembled.

"The person in charge, do you say Mr. Wen Ye is just, just a researcher in a resort city?"

Polo was about to cry, and only then did he realize who Wen Ye was.

How can someone who can drive the royal family crazy and defeat the envoy with a wave of his hand be a little researcher?

Wen Ye is probably the only real boss in the resort city!

Polo Crash: What did I say! !

"No wonder... so he is such a powerful person..." The researchers looked at me and I looked at you, and they all saw infinite yearning in each other's eyes.

"It's decided! When I successfully open a school in the future, I will hang the portrait of Mr. Wen Ye in the most prominent position! Let everyone who comes to study know who taught us this!"

"You're right! I want to do the same! Oh, oh, the person in charge, I'm resigning now, and I'm going to the resort city to start my new life!"

"I want it too! I want to destroy the empire, I want to destroy the laboratory, I will never stay here again! I want to bring my knowledge to help everyone in need!!"

"Hey - I can't tell, they really are a bunch of people who know how to repay their kindness."

System 996 sighed, and returned to Wen Ye's mind, "So host, can we go?"

"hold on."

Wen Ye looked down at the chubby bear and the little blue snake in his arms.

The two cubs have already fallen asleep, lying in their arms safely, really as cute as toys.

The two cubs have been running around with him these days, and they are really exhausted.Wen Ye rubbed it lightly, and whispered next to his ear, "Thanks for your hard work."

Then he straightened up and entered the target coordinates into the spacecraft.

【The latest destination, Nether Star, is heading to—】

The jump point emits a dazzling light, and the dark purple planet is completely different from the first time we met.

The blue water gently wraps the planet, and the emerald green pastures are full of vitality.Every star beast here is idly staying in its own den, and even the air is filled with the breath of abundance.

Wen Ye avoided the eyes of the star beasts and parked the spaceship next to the entrance of Blue Tail's underground base.

He carefully carried the two cubs into the base, put Blue Tail on the marble bed he built for himself, and put the little chubby bear in the soft and comfortable quilt next to it.

The two cubs slept very deeply, showing no signs of waking up at all.These two are really exhausted these days.

Wen Ye touched the little bear's fat, furry ears for the last time, and slowly stood up.

He also left a split space, which was filled with various leases that had been given to the star beasts.

Fruit trees, pastures, psionic baby animals, bug havens, frog ponds, and more.

In this way, if something unexpected happens to Nether Star one day.The star beasts can also live well with the space left at the end.

"must work hard."

The spaceship drew an arc in the air, and the buzzing sound woke up the short-faced raging bear.

It opened its confused eyes, blinked and looked around——

"Wenye, Wenye? Where are you?"


The manager just rejected an applicant for starting a school, "Your qualifications are not good enough, and your skills are not in place. If you want to teach people, you have to be responsible to everyone! This is something my boss has repeatedly asked, so you should polish yourself first. Come on again!"

He shook his head tiredly, never realizing that the self who used to despise others and watch people order dishes did not know when he became what he is now.

The look of being considerate of others.

"I don't know when the next salary will be paid." The manager sighed, "The boss still owes me two super 3S crystal cores!"

He picked up the coffee on the table and took a big sip. Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he happened to see two crystal nuclei glowing green on the edge of the window sill.

The emerald green color is dazzling, and the manager's eyes straightened immediately.

"Super 3S crystal nucleus! The boss actually paid the salary!! Wait a minute, there is a note under this?"

The manager picked up the note and glanced at it, "Fitch is a good choice... what does this mean? Fitch is really good, I want to give him all the work and go cool! If I can ...but what about the boss?"


Ajin and silver coins are no longer guards, and the current planting base is in the new industrial zone, so there is no need for guards for a long time.They used the money they earned as guards to rent a research institute.

Yin Coin devoted himself to transforming weapons. He mistakenly transformed a crystal-nuclear shotgun weapon into an intelligent high-altitude insect zapper.

Fixed-point strike, very easy to use.Once invented, it was sold out of stock.

Ah Jin is happy to be in charge of sales, and the siblings earn a lot of money.

"It's been a long time since I saw the boss!" Ah Jin used the condensed mental power to transform into the shape of the other hand, and controlled two optical computers to quickly reply to customers.

"I really want him to see that my mental control is super powerful now!"

"Yes!" Yin Coin raised his head from the transformation table, "He hasn't come to see my new invention for a long time, I don't know where the boss is? Wait a few days, let's go find him!"

"Okay! Hey! What is this?" Ajin clicked on the newly received message and found that a gift had been delivered outside their research institute.

"Orders? Silver coins, come and see, is it an order, or an order from the boss! The boss said, let us... eh? Support Fitch's decision as much as possible?"

"What do you mean?" Yin Coin looked a little confused, "Where did the boss go?"


"Boss, what is this?" Fitch stared at the split space in front of him with wide eyes. This space was different from all the previous ones.

The one given to him by the boss looked very large, and it was full of rental items that were too numerous to count.

"This is the last split space. When the space is rented out, the lease will stop."

Wen Ye sat on the chair, still looking idle.

"Okay boss, I see." Fei Qi would not question Wen Ye's decision, on the contrary, he very much agreed with it.

Space works, but one cannot depend on it for long.

Rather than being able to rent anything casually, Feige actually prefers to let people build it themselves.

He was a man with a gut-wrenching distaste for free-for-all and dictatorship, and as a lowly citizen he suffered from it as a child.When he was adopted by the envoy of God, he could still see the hypocrisy of those people all the time.

Wen Ye is very aware of this, so he feels that if the interstellar world needs someone to take the helm after he leaves, only Fei Qi is the most suitable.


"By the way, boss," Fitch said after deliberation, "Now that more and more planets have joined us unconditionally, and the number of citizens and planets owned by the empire is decreasing, I think it's time to make a decision."

The empire also needs a person, a person from this world, to lead this world to overthrow everything it has.

Whether it's rape or oppression, it's not suitable for an outsider like Wen Ye to intervene.

Fitch is the only one who can do this and can convince all interstellar ordinary people.

"Let's do it." Wen Ye took off his optical brain and handed it to Fei Qi.

"Weapons can be made at Bout anytime, anywhere. If you want to modify suitable weapons and equipment, you can go to Ajin and Silver Coins, and they will help you."

Fei Qi was a little anxious, "Boss, what do you mean? You are the one who led us to this point!"

"I'm sleepy, I need to rest." Wen Ye waved his hand, "Be bold and do what you want."

"As a retired person, I am going to enjoy my real retirement life."

"But boss—"

Fitch chased out of the office, and the familiar person had already gone downstairs before him.

"The boss said something weird again, what is retirement? What does retirement mean?"

Fei Qi decided not to think about it anymore. He looked at the begging message he had just received on his optical brain from the current prince Dorsey of the empire and the old envoy, and smiled.

"The boss is right. I have to do this. Beg for mercy? There have been so many low-level citizens begging for mercy from you, and you have never let them go."

"Now that the tenants of the resort city account for 80% of the entire StarCraft, do you know how to ask for mercy? It's too late! Starting tomorrow, the empire will cease to exist!"

Wen Ye left the office building and slowly returned to his own cabin.

The grapes in the yard are already ripe, and each of the grapes infused with spiritual power is as big as a palm.

Take a bite and the juice bursts out, it's too sweet.

"Host, just relying on them, can they defeat that old envoy? The level of mental power is a bit low!"

996 couldn't help thinking about it, it was urging to leave all the time before, but now that it really has to leave, it is worried about the people in this world.

"In the space I left for Fitch, there are two 5S crystal nuclei."

996 couldn't stop nodding, "Host, it has to be you! You're too thoughtful!"

Wen Ye ignored it, picked some grapes, and picked a lot of celery and persimmons.

"That should be enough."

After going back, it was just enough for dinner.

996 came alive, "Boss, have you really decided? The whole world is your tenant! Are you sure?"

Wen Ye raised his eyes for the last time, and in the distant sky, the pitch-black spaceship roared to the distant space like black sparks.

The fiery red sun shines on the galaxy.

It's beautiful here, but he's homesick.

"Go, go home."

——End of text——

The author says:

That's about it, some things that haven't been explained will be put in the episode.

Thank you for watching the babies here, thank you for supporting the genuine version, you are all angels.


Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of New Moon; 1 bottle of Lucky Tiger's Starlight;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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