The bluetail snake's venom works against the mist star's toxin, which is as good as it gets.

The only problem is, the dosage is not enough.

God knows how many mixed venoms are needed to neutralize the poisonous toxins of an entire planet.

"I hope Blue Tail won't be tired. Prepare a warehouse full of snacks, shouldn't it be enough?"

Wen Ye finally took a look at the land that had returned to its original color, and slowly turned and left.

The news that he was leaving quickly spread to the top executives of the resort city.

The manager was very nervous, "Boss, why are you leaving suddenly? You are not here, what if people from the empire call in?"

Wen Ye: "It's okay, I'm just going to pick up two friends. In such a short time, the empire can't get in."

Bout.....the sales director is already too busy to manage anything.

When Wen Ye was still busy with toxins, Bout had already opened up a market of more than ten planets.

Delivery boxes bearing the "Happy Planet Bruce Shop" sign have become one of the trendiest and most popular items at the moment.

And the profits are considerable.

Each kind of lo mei has a 300% profit, and Bout has been conscientiously paying taxes to Wenye.This caused Wen Ye's star coins to explode.

Looking at the countless balances on the optical brain, Wen Ye's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of the cubs on the Nether planet. It seems that they haven't officially played on other planets yet?

If you have money and time, then take your kids on a trip.

After talking to the manager, Wen Ye stepped onto the departing spaceship.

The ship "sent" by the empire had been dismantled long ago, the usable parts were taken, and all the rest were treated as scrap.

And the one he is using now is a newly purchased product.

The legend is that a spaceship with the latest technology produced by a company called Wiener has not been released on the market.In order to please the resort city, Weiner company specially gave it to the owner of the resort city as a gift.

Wen Ye sat inside and found that even the ambient light on the control panel has thousands of options, which is really high-tech.

After setting the coordinates of Nether Star, the spaceship will automatically fly to the transition point.

In fact, Wen Ye didn't stay on Nether Star for a long time.But when he suddenly had to go back again, he somehow felt like returning home.

"Speaking of which, the communication device left by Blue Tail has not received a reply once, so I wonder what the cubs are busy with?"

All the way is smooth, as long as you pass the last jump point, you will be able to reach Nether Star.

Liang Guang flashed, and when Wen Ye opened his eyes again, his pupils shrank slightly.

He saw that the space beyond Nether Star was densely packed with warships!

Originally, there was only a small monitoring station, but now, Wen Ye counted, and there are seven legions standing in the air eagerly!

The person in charge of the investigation quickly discovered the unidentified spaceship that jumped over, and immediately reported the matter.

On the main ship of the First Army, the head of the First Army, Jason, who was making an attack plan, slightly tilted his head.

"Only one?"

"Yes!" The scout who reported was sonorous and forceful, "I haven't found the rest of the accompanying spaceship yet! Legion Commander, what should we do? Persuade them to leave?"

The scout recognized the logo on the spaceship. It was a product of Wiener Corporation, and it was a new model that he had never seen before.So there is a high probability that some rich young master or young lady came out to play with friends and strayed into this place by mistake.

After all, the sightseeing boat produced by Wiener Company has no technical means of detection or attack, and is just a beautiful and expensive spaceship.No force would choose to use this vase.

So there is a high probability that they will shout out and persuade them to leave, the scout thought.


However, the head of the legion clearly stated the exact opposite of his remarks.

The scout was stunned, "What, what? But the commander of the legion, look at this spaceship, it may be a 1st class..."

"It doesn't matter, destroy it."

Jason's tone was cold, and he turned off the communication after saying this.

The scout blinked, and immediately began giving orders.

"The head of the First Legion... is still so ruthless... That's right, otherwise, he wouldn't be the head of the legion and be in charge of such an important military strike."

"It's just pity for this spaceship that got in by mistake. I don't know which one will cause trouble to the royal family."

The dazzling light lit up, and the soaring light prism cannon bombarded the spaceship at close range.


The Prism Cannon is a weapon of mass destruction, an advanced version of the nuclear hand cannon sold by Bout.Its real function is to bomb the planet, and it is also one of the main weapons of this legion joint operation.

A small small spaceship is about the size of an ant in front of the prism cannon, so the gunner didn't care after confirming that he had hit the target.

Jason was stunned by the loud voice, and then continued to speak coldly, "So our mission this time is to eliminate all star beasts on Nether Planet. They have encroached on our resources. Those extinct animals and plants, all of which are our precious possessions."

The empire has been chasing Wen Ye for a long time, but because the relationship within the empire has been penetrated by the manager's bribery, it really did not track down Wen Ye's trace.

The prince loses his temper every day, he wants those animals and plants too much.Everything on Nether Planet was so vibrant that he was so eager to go crazy, because most of the empire's laboratories were on Misty Star before. After the accident and explosion, many animals stayed there and mutated into strange creatures. thing.

Among the existing plants, there are actually not many varieties that can be eaten.

The number of times the prince drank the nutrient solution gradually increased, and it was difficult for him to accept the disgusting snot water, so he went to the Church of God day and night, praying to the gods, asking the gods to give him powerful weapons or abilities, so that he can kill everyone on the Nether planet. The star beasts occupy those resources.

The gods answered his request.

The president of the Church of God gave him ten super 3S crystal nuclei.

"May the gods bless those poor creatures."

The prince was ecstatic, and immediately summoned Jason, the head of the First Army, and ordered him to capture Nether Star.

With ten super 3S crystal nuclei in hand, they no longer have to be afraid of the three beast kings!

Bloodthirst flashed in Jason's eyes, and he said slowly, "The gods have provided reliable weapons, we are no longer afraid of the beast king! We will sacrifice the blood of the star beasts to the gods, and take back what belongs to us on Nether Planet! "


The powerful replies of the legion commanders came from the battle light screen, and all the warships of the 7 legions aimed their guns at Nether Star at that moment.

As long as you can successfully conquer this planet, you will receive the highest award from the royal family when you go back!

The soldiers were still afraid of those star beasts before, but now that they have ten super 3S crystal cores, what else is there to be afraid of?This trip is simply to pick up money!

No one cared about the spaceship that entered by mistake, anyway, people should be dead and can't die anymore.

However, at this moment, when Jason was about to give the order of "indiscriminate attack", a strange face suddenly appeared on the light screen in front of him!

Jason swallowed the rest of the words, looking at that face in shock.

You know, this is an encrypted channel within the Legion!Who is this guy? !How did it get in? !

The strange man wore a strange mask that covered the lower half of his face, revealing only a pair of dark eyes, staring at Jason coldly.

He said, "Excuse me, all of Pluto is my property. Are you going to attack my tenants without paying and enjoy everything for yourself?"

Jason was worthy of being the head of the First Legion, and he realized who the person in front of him was in an instant.

"It's you!" After a few seconds of surprise, he was overwhelmed by great ecstasy.

It was the mysterious person that the prince had been looking for for a long time but could not find!It is true that even the gods are helping him!

As long as you find this person, take him back, and make the prince happy, you will be able to obtain the supreme glory bestowed by the empire!There are countless wealth!

It is even possible that he will become the first soldier to receive the Royal Medal of Honor!

Jason was so excited, he never thought he would lose.After all, he is the leader of the 15 legions, and he is many times stronger than Meng Lin!

Jason rang the alarm, "The wanted criminal that the prince wants to catch is here, everyone gathers urgently! Find out where he is right now!"

There was a piercing response from the communicator, and countless scout ships flew in all directions.

Suddenly, the scout sounded as if he had seen a ghost in the emergency address book.

"Army, Legion Commander! That, that spaceship is still alive!"

"What?! How is it possible?!" Jason quickly looked at the light screen, and sure enough, he found the unscathed spaceship!

The head of the first army couldn't believe it for a moment, but he didn't panic too much, but calmly issued the second order.

"Use nuclear cannons! The rest of the warships can start attacking! Be sure to shoot down that ship!"

The nuclear cannon is a super invincible cannon made of three super 3S crystal nuclei. It was originally planned by Jason to kill the Beastmaster.Now, huh, someone just happened to come to help him test the gun!


The fire and rain all over the sky intertwined into pieces, and a huge mushroom cloud steamed and rose.Jason sneered, no creature could survive the Legion's hands, let's mourn in silence!

He was full of confidence, "Everyone turn the bow of the boat and let us head towards Nether Star! Anyone who makes an effective attack on the star beast will have a reward from the prince when they go back! Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

A sonorous voice sounded from the communicator, and then every soldier discussed excitedly.

"Hey hey! Reward! I wonder if I can be promoted to the first class?"

"But why are you attacking Nether Star all of a sudden? Didn't the prince not want to provoke those star beasts before?"

"Who knows? I guess the prince wants to do something big before he ascends the throne, right? Let him go, and reward him instead, so what if he stabbed a few star beasts to death?"

Wen Ye looked coldly at the monitor inside the Legion that had just been hacked.

In the picture, the soldiers of the empire all have greedy faces.If I didn't rush back this time, I don't know what will happen to the cubs on Nether Planet.The Nether Star, which was finally built, will become the next wasteland again, right?

Wen Ye hooked his mask silently, and a clear voice came out.

"You guys are really annoying."


Every warship heard the voice, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but Jason was stunned for a moment. He raised his head in a daze, and saw that annoying face on the light screen!It's still there!

"How, how is it possible?!" Jason was shocked, "Scout ship, where is the scout ship—"

"I didn't want to do this at first." Wen Ye curled up his finger and stroked the air lightly, "But you guys, it's really annoying."

In the next second, the majestic 5S mental power was like a raging wave, engulfing all the warships in an instant!

Jason maintained his commanding posture, the excitement of finding the wanted criminal, the delusion of the future, and the excitement of winning the supreme glory all came to an end in his eyes!

Before he realized what was going on, he heard a "buzz" from his chest.

Everyone began to bleed, and the crushing mental power was like a giant hammer, easily smashing the main ship of the First Legion into pieces!

That's a giant main ship!As the leader of the 7 legions, Jason's warship is far bigger than all the warships!It even has a protective cover called "absolute defense"!

So, what kind of demonic power is that? !

The shattered ships spread out in front of his eyes, and the highest officer was shattered into slag in front of every soldier.

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned.

However, it didn't keep them in a daze for too long. Jason's ship was like a switch. After him, every warship exploded!

The space seems to be full of fireworks!

"Happy New Year."

Wen Ye opened his palm, and the super giant crack quietly opened, swallowing all the fragments and pieces.

The space will never be full.

The mighty seven legions disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The outer space of Nether Star returned to a peaceful appearance, Wen Ye glanced at the transition point, raised his hand and dialed the manager's phone.

"Hello? Boss? It's super busy now! When are you coming back? I want to recruit two more people!"

In the picture, the manager is sweating profusely and is busy checking the mountain of resident application forms.

"This kind of trivial matter, you can do it yourself." Wen Ye changed into a comfortable posture, turned on the autopilot function of the spacecraft, folded his hands, as if chatting.

The manager has already practiced his skills in observing words and expressions, and immediately sensed the unusual meaning. He quickly pushed back the work at hand, and poked his head over curiously, "Boss, what happened to you?"

"I just took care of the army commander of the empire." Wen Ye said carelessly with his face on his face.

Manager: "Hey, what did I think... huh? What?? Wait, boss, what did you just say and who did you solve?!"

"Legion Commander, probably from the First Legion?" Wen Ye smiled slightly, "Although it's not a big deal, you still need to make some preparations."

Wen Ye briefly explained the matter, "The Empire will not find Mist Star for the time being, but you have to be prepared. Don't disturb the general tourists. If there is any danger, you can stay in the building or in the sightseeing car, and you will not be caught. will be hurt."

Every building and sightseeing car in the resort city is installed with a crystal nucleus protective cover, which is full of Wen Ye's own spiritual power.There is no weapon in this world that can break open.So there is no need to worry too much, the resort city is probably the safest place.

Ignoring the completely dumbfounded manager on the other side of the screen, Wen Ye lazily gave instructions, "Contact Ah Jin and Yin Coin and ask them to prepare the same."

"I'll be back as soon as possible."

"Boss, boss," the manager gradually became serious, "I understand, I will arrange everything."

After saying this, the manager began to sweat unconsciously on his back.

Obediently...the head of the First Legion...that is the person who appears in the news headlines every day...

He grew up listening to the stories of the First Legion. Like many men, the manager had longed to join the Legion.But later because of being expelled from the citizenship, it was not realized.

And now, his boss actually, actually abolished the First Legion directly...

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, the manager knew that the imperial family would find the resort city sooner or later.But he didn't expect it to be so fast, the first apartment had just been built, and the canteen chef had just been recruited.

The schools and hospitals donated by Mr. Carroll have just selected their locations, and the resort city will soon be on the right track...

The manager wiped his sweat and hammered his trembling leg vigorously.Now the resort city is his home, if there is no resort city, where else can he live?Is it really necessary to go to another planet to buy a second-class citizen status, and then become a low-class person who is bullied by others?

No, absolutely not!

The manager's eyes gradually became firm, and then he was the first to contact Bout.

"Bout, stop selling specialty products! The Empire is coming!"

Not knowing what happened, Bout just finished showing off a pot of duck intestines: "?!"


In the palace, Prince Doxian calmly waited for his subordinates to bring him good news.

However, he waited from dawn to dusk, and then from dusk to dawn, and he actually waited for a bad news!

"The regiment, the regiment is destroyed...!" Today the liaison officer fell to his knees on the ground, crying tearfully about the image he received from Jason's main ship, "Whether it is the prismatic cannon or the gods bestowed upon us Even the nuclear cannon made with super 3S crystal cores can't cause the slightest damage to that man!"

"None of our brave fighters have returned! My lord, that is definitely not something humans can defeat!"

"The leader of the Menglin Legion is right, my lord!" The deputy of the liaison officer echoed coldly, "Even if we find that man, we will not be able to catch him! My lord, I beg you to give up the resources of Nether Star! Give up on chasing that mysterious man!"

They were too scared, no one could calmly face that shocking scene!

That mysterious man simply doesn't look like a creature of this dimension!The legion that the empire was proud of couldn't even last a second in front of him!

No... there's no way such a monster can resist!

"Shut up!" Prince Dorsey roared, "A bunch of trash!"

He was trembling with anger, if it wasn't for the video these people brought back to the front line, he would definitely reward all those who shake the morale of the army with death!


Dorsey watched the continuously looping video, his heart gradually filled with coolness.

In the picture, a small spaceship is facing the siege of the seven legions without showing any timidity.The light prism cannon and nuclear energy cannon capable of destroying half of the planet bombarded it, but it seemed to be blocked by a transparent barrier.

The explosion didn't cause any damage to the spaceship at all. On the contrary, the fleets of the legion were as fragile as the leaves he ate for lunch!

What terrifying power is this?

But the prince did not feel sorry for these soldiers. The empire has fifteen legions.It's just that seven are missing, and there are still eight!

And the matter of conscription can be done casually, as long as they have weapons, everyone is a first-class soldier.

The empire lacks everything except people.

As long as he waved his hand, wouldn't it be difficult to find tens of thousands of people who would die for him?

Dorsey was too lazy to talk nonsense with these deserters, and immediately went to the Church of God with the video.

The majestic palace of the church is completely modeled on the construction of the previous civilization, and many high-quality goods of the empire will be given priority to the royal family and the church.

As long as the chosen priests enter the church, they will break away from the category of "citizens" and become the people of the gods.

These priests didn't even need to bow down when they saw Prince Dorsey, they only needed to simply nod their heads.

Although it was uncomfortable, but relying on the gods to delegate power to these priests every time, they could repel the invading star beasts. The prince had no way to blame these people.

With a cold snort, he came to the Holy See and was stopped by two priests.

"My lord prince, please wait a moment, the envoy is taking a lunch break, let me go in and report."

Dorsey could only wait outside anxiously.

Fortunately, he didn't wait too long, and soon the priest invited him in.

The old envoy was already very old. As the supreme authority of the Church of God, he was not too alarmed when he heard about the Legion.

"This transparent barrier is just a protective cover made of mental power. Don't worry about it, your lord, it's not some magical power."

"Really?" Although Dorsey was puzzled, he calmed down when he saw the envoy's indifference.

Yes, he has the favor of the gods!How could a mere human being resist the gods?

"God envoy, please help me get rid of this hateful human being, he killed my favorite legion commander!" Dorsey said through gritted teeth, "And he also said that Nether Star is his property! A joke, all The empire is mine! What is he?!"

This time, the envoy did not speak.

Because in the screen, the super 3S nuclear energy cannon hit the transparent mental power barrier.

The barrier remained unscathed.

That is to say, this person's mental power is stronger than Super 3S.

It turns out that there are still humans on the same level as me in this world.

The envoy's eyes gradually brightened, this mysterious person is also a 4S!

It seems that I have finally met an evenly matched opponent!

The envoy couldn't remember how long he had been invincible, since he knew for the first time that his spiritual power was higher than Super 3S when he was young, he shrewdly kept it a secret.

Until the star beasts invaded, he appeared on the stage in a godlike manner, using his identity as the "God's Apostle" to successfully drive away the star beasts, which greatly shocked His Majesty the Emperor.

That idiot emperor especially believes that human beings have nothing higher than 3S spiritual power.So he believed in the reason that "the gods give power", and spent a lot of money to build the church of the gods.

The envoy could actually kill the Beastmaster easily, but why did he do it?Without the Beastmaster, the empire would have no use for him anymore.

It is precisely because there is a sense of crisis at all times that people will spontaneously worship the god and respect him.Only then can he have a steady stream of wealth, and he can also enjoy the highest treatment in the whole star like now.

Otherwise, once the truth is told, the envoy will be like those poor legion commanders, not only worried but also tired.

For so many years, the envoys have secretly searched for human beings with stronger spiritual power than 3S.If you find them, take them into the church and become a priest.

No one can refuse, and those who refuse will be secretly killed by him.

until today.

Finally, a human being of the same level as him appeared!

Then, let yourself pull him into your camp!

Countless wealth and extravagance, that mysterious person will definitely not refuse!

Even if he refuses, the church still has so many super 3S priests, plus the 4S himself, it is impossible to lose!

In this world, he, God Envoy, is the strongest!

The envoy stood up, "Dorsey, you go back, I will pray to the gods. I pray that he will give me strength and help you eliminate obstacles!"

The prince was excited, "Thank you! My lord envoy! You are really a treasure of the empire!"

The author says:


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 world;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Lizhong; coffee beans, 1 bottle is also being refreshed crazily today;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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