Bout's smiling expression gradually cracked.

As the No. [-] and No. [-] arms dealer in the entire interstellar world, he hasn't been so neglected for a long time.

The private armed guard beside him watched the boss's expression, and deftly turned the nuclear energy gun // in his hand to Wen Ye's direction.

These guns are real hard goods, each equipped with 2S-level crystal cores, and the one in their captain's hands is even 3S. They are confident that no one can threaten the boss from their hands.

This is also Bout's confidence.

He looked at the ignorant young man in front of him, took a deep breath, maintained a kind expression on his face and said, "My friend, there are valuables worth hundreds of millions on this ship, which has a huge impact. So you. ...You are really the one who placed the order, so why can't you invite me to sit with you? I have many other things here, including you like it. "

Wen Ye didn't know why this shrewd guy insisted on coming in, he could leave just by putting down his things.'s not impossible to let him in, what did the manager say before?It seems that the resort city still lacks a suitable salesperson?

Wen Ye looked at Boot, and suddenly asked, "Is your Boot Chamber of Commerce big?"

This is a joke, Bout smiled deeper, "Of course, I have been running the chamber of commerce for 13 years, and my customers are all over the entire interstellar. Even many members of the royal family have contacts with us, and our products are definitely the best quality!"

Wen Ye looked away from the streamlined fleet emitting blue light.

Well, it looks like the equipment is good, it should be quite suitable?I just don’t know if it’s okay to pull it in for operation.

Wen Ye narrowed his eyes, and retracted his long legs into the car.

"The ship can't get in, but the car can. But I lead the way, but it's very, very expensive."

Boot was overjoyed, and nodded again and again, "No problem! I can still afford a little travel expenses! Just wait a moment, I'll let someone move the things down."

The new market, the weapon market that continues to export, will soon be his!

Bout was fully prepared, a dozen large crystal nucleus crawler vehicles lined up, majesticly followed the simple electromagnetic vehicle, and drove into the wasteland city.

The outer suburbs were far away from the East District, and Boot didn't see any high-level mutant animals along the way.This made him more certain that there are definitely many people stationed here!Look at how clean it is here!

It is very likely that the second spring of his career will be glowing here!What are these rebels preparing?machine gun?Heavy tank//gram?Would he see the prismatic nuke?

In short, there must be a large number of soldiers with high will to fight, and they will gather here in order to resist the corrupt rule of the empire——

"What scented bath do you take today? I want to take a grape scented bath."

"No, I want to try mint! The manager said that the mint flavor is especially cool to wash off! Ah, it would be even better with a bottle of happy orange juice."

"Hey, let's not talk about it, I have to hurry up to renew the next month's fee, or else I won't be able to get a room! Last time, the old eight and the others begged the manager for a long time and the manager didn't let go. They can only go back. Living in a garbage room, looking miserable."

"Fuck, I'm going too, you wait for me!"

Standing at the window above the caterpillar, Bout stared blankly at the two groups of people laughing and cursing, running into a hotel in front of them as if they were on a spring outing.

hotel?This is a hotel, right?

Strange but beautifully shaped buildings, where green and vibrant plants grow proudly.There are even a lot of mutated plants, and the shape of the building makes people feel refreshed and happy, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the mutated plants that cannibalize people.

This Wizard of Oz, the scenery is quite good.

Bah bah bah!Bout looked at the four hotels standing there in shock, in a daze.

what's the situation?What about soldiers?What about the rebel base camp?Why are people in this place so laid back?Aren't they going to war soon? !

There are a lot of cold weapons in the car behind him, they are going to be sold to this place, right? ?


Wen Ye got out of the car on his legs, it was impossible for him to take these people to the planting base.The greenhouse should not be too ostentatious, and the researchers who have just been unearthed can't stand any scares.

Bout froze for a few seconds before turning to Wen Ye, his words came out through his teeth, "Where is this...?"

Wen Ye: "This is Happy Planet Resort City."

Bout: "??"

His expression seemed to be punched by someone, "Du... vacation city? Isn't this the Mist Star? When did Mist Star build the resort city?"

The arms dealer, who couldn't believe it, immediately lowered his head to check his own optical brain. It was linked with an anti-virus film coat, and there was a toxin threshold outside, which was still higher than the human body's acceptance warning line, that's right!

But the four buildings with beautiful scenery and strange shapes can't fool people, and Buter is at a loss.

When was a resort city built in the poisonous star full of toxins? ?Which idiot made it?Are you not afraid of losing money until you die?

Also, why does the resort city buy nuclear hand cannons? ?Did these guys spend hundreds of millions just to play with fireworks? !

"So nobody's fighting here?" Bout asked in disbelief.

"Why the war?" Wen Ye was puzzled, "This is a happy planet."

Bout: .....not the point is not this!

The seasoned arms dealer felt his brows twitch for the first time, and he realized later that he might have made the first career decision mistake in his life.

He took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.

"I mean.... If you don't want to fight, why do you want to buy a nuclear hand//cannon?" Bout looked at Wen Ye and asked awkwardly, ""The hand cannon is very powerful, and we usually use it to... .Used to attack the city! "

Wen Ye raised his eyebrows, remembering the first one he dismantled, and nodded in agreement, "Yes, I tried it, and the condensed mental power covers a really wide range, that's why I ordered 18. "

Boot wiped the sweat from his face and asked expectantly, "Then may I ask, my friend, what do you use the hand cannon for?"

What are you doing?It can't be said that it is completely dismantled, and it has been transformed into a mental power protection cover condenser. The vegetable greenhouse must be kept secret;

After thinking about it, Wen Ye just gave a brief description: "Buried in the ground, play."

Bout: "?"

The private armed forces were always paying attention to the face of the president of their chamber of commerce. At this moment, they turned around and yelled at the car behind, "Doctor! Where is the doctor? The boss is vomiting blood!"

Bout stopped them with strength, "...shut up."

At this moment, the noisy crawler convoy quickly attracted the attention of the bounty hunters. Although they were comfortably raised by the hotel, the vigilance in their bones had not disappeared.

Those guys holding high-end guns have a strong mercenary smell on their bodies.

Everyone knows that mercenaries and bounty hunters look down on each other.

One party thinks that the other is a dog tied to a rich man's house, and one party thinks that the other is a wild dog that picks up garbage and eats outside.As soon as the two groups of people met, they were on edge.

The bounty hunters quickly came out of the hotel in groups holding their guns. Bout glanced at them irritably, and couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Junk goods, all of which could be stuck in a single shot, were far from his well-equipped personal weapons.

Thinking of this, Bout sighed heavily.

It's all here, who is it not to sell to?Although he made some small mistakes in his decision-making, as long as the people here can buy the things, he will not be considered a loser this trip.

The people here looked dumbfounded. As long as there were no troublesome guys, he was still confident that he could sell some jump fees.

Even though he hasn't done business with such inferior guys for a long time, as a businessman, he won't do business that loses money!

In any case, he had already brought over several truckloads of weapons, so they had to be sold!

As for the guy who bought the hand cannon...give him the stuff and let him go where he likes.

Bout called his personal armed forces to get out of the car together, and asked his assistant to take down the gun.

More than a dozen beautiful boxes were placed in front of Wenye, and the arms dealer smiled at Wenye with difficulty, "The goods have been delivered to my friend, thank you for your choice, we will cooperate again next time."

His tone was very polite, his smile was very sincere, and he didn't look like he was about to pout more than ten seconds ago.

Then he called his assistants to hand over to Wen Ye, while he put on his personal armor, turned around and walked in another direction.

"Hi sir, please allow me to inspect the goods for you." Boot's assistant smiled and took out a boxy device from his hand.

Wen Ye watched him press the switch, and a bubble-like thing popped out instantly, and then automatically expanded into a semi-circular isolation cover with the assistant as the center.

"This is a new type of portable enclosed space in the empire," the assistant explained proudly, puffing up his chest. "The special material used allows the inside to see the outside clearly, but the outside cannot see the inside, so don't worry, sir, we can inspect the goods safely."

This is a real high-end product, and it has not been produced in large quantities on the market.Their boss only got it through their relationship. Every time they use it, they will welcome envious eyes from customers, and at the same time they will start talking nice things to themselves.

The assistant enjoyed this process very much.

He felt that it must be the same this time, but after talking for a long time, he didn't hear a word of flattery.

The assistant looked up suspiciously, and found that the customer didn't even look at the space!

Wen Ye: Oh, three-dimensional car glass privacy film.

It’s just that the name is quite funny. With a piece of anti-spy film, it can be called “portable space”?

Not getting the admiration he wanted, the assistant could only silently roll his eyes, purse his mouth, and start to open the box to inspect the goods.

He absolutely did not dare to neglect this customer. Although the customer was so angry with the boss that he vomited blood just now, he was still a big customer of the Bruce Chamber of Commerce's billion star coins.

The assistant skillfully opened the box, and it took a long time to inspect the eighteen hand cannons. Wen Ye stood aside and was too lazy to look, and his eyes drifted out of the film.

As a large arms dealer, Bout, who had at least 200 people under his command, was walking towards the nearest wave of bounty hunters without any airs.

With a warm smile like a spring breeze on his face, surrounded by private armed forces, he gesticulated and said something to the hunter.

Then Wen Ye saw that Bo Hunter's expression gradually changed from alert to fascinated, and from fascinated to suddenly enlightened.

Some people even nodded in agreement again and again, leading the people on the side to have a heated discussion.

The original tense confrontation disappeared without a trace in a few words and turned into a large-scale discussion.

A faint voice came from outside the film, and Wen Ye heard a few vague words, "Gun, it's not easy to use, discount, life is important" and so on.

Then Bout seemed to have reached an agreement with some of them. His subordinates trotted and took out several long boxes from the crawler car and put them on the ground. After entering the password, the air-conditioning filled the air. Everyone looked at the things in the boxes and marveled. Some of them Several people immediately paid the money readily.

After that it was out of control.

People continued to come up and pull Boot to say something, and his men kept removing weapons from the car.

Those penniless bounty hunters who saved their money rationally rushed to buy a bunch of new guns under the offensive of this cunning old fox with a few words.

Wen Ye even saw the Kuangfeng quartet inside, and the four of them seemed to pool their money to buy a roll of something like a landmine.

Seeing Kuangfeng's pained and excited expression, Wen Ye tapped the light brain lightly and sent a message to the manager.

[I seem to have found the salesperson we need. 】

Bout, the perfect resort town for him.

The manager responded quickly—

【who?Boss, wait a moment, I drank too much Coke, and I'm in the bathroom now, I'll come over right away. 】

Wen Ye: ...

[A weapon seller named Bout. 】


Sitting on the toilet, the manager spit out a mouthful of Sprite after seeing these two words, what is it?Bout? !Could it be the Bout of the Bruce Chamber of Commerce that I know?

He soon received a photo from Wen Ye.

...Fuck, it really is! !

The manager recognized Bout. When the guild was just established, he had discussed with the president and ordered a batch of weapons from Bout.

Later, a vending machine dedicated to selling weapons appeared on the first floor of the guild, but the manager had a cheaper channel after that, so he stopped ordering from Bout.

The only time he dealt with him, the manager only had two impressions of this person, a profiteer, and a mouth that could bring the dead back to life.

Such a guy who puts his interests first, try his best not to fight until he gets it delivered, maybe one day he will be sold by him and he will have to count the money for him.

The manager is busy typing.

【boss!This person is absolutely not good! !Bout's Merchant is the top three arms guild in the interstellar. As long as there is a war, there is a high probability that Bout will participate in it!Money is just a number to him, boss, he is a man who will never be captured by a few super 3S crystal nuclei! 】

No money?

Wen Ye withdrew his gaze from the optical brain, and in the process of arguing with the manager, he watched Bout sell six concentrated energy heavy machines//guns, more than twenty S-level crystal nucleus pistols//a few guns and a few Ten pulse cutting daggers//heads.

The smile on the arms dealer's face finally became a little more sincere.

Still not enough.

No, it should be said that this trip is really a big loss!

Bout's heart is bleeding.

Although the hand cannon is expensive, the corresponding accessories are also very expensive!Blueprints are ridiculously expensive!

He brought a lot of things with him this trip, including the cost of shipping weapons, food for personnel, and fuel for the ship, counting it all together, and relying on a few toy daggers/knives will not be able to cover the cost at all!

Watching bounty hunters love their new guns like bumpkins, Bout;

Wen Ye narrowed his eyes and lowered his head to operate the optical brain.

Since money is not enough, try something else.

Bout came here purely because of a misunderstanding, this time he was let go, but next time it will be not so easy to catch.

He called up the previous order page as a seller. The two wild vegetables sold here showed the destination of the mist star.

Bounty hunters can't even get into the black market, so they won't be buyers.He made insinuations about the manager, and it wasn't the manager who bought it.There is only one possibility left, which is the order placed by the arms dealer who happened to deliver the goods.

Arms dealer who wants wild vegetables...?

It seems that crops are far more important in this world than he thought.

He thought for a while, then looked down at Guangnao.

Because the seller and the buyer are both on the same planet, Wen Ye, as the seller, can set the delivery time by himself, and after the selection is made, the black market delivery drone will fly here.

Now is the time, the two wild vegetables are lying quietly in the electromagnetic car, Wen Ye chooses to "deliver", and the drone starts immediately.It says it will arrive in 10 minutes.

Bout sold a total of more than 70 weapons on this trip. Although he didn't earn much, he must have earned the jump fee.

He finished selling weapons and was about to wave his hand to his men to pack up and set off when a person came out of a hotel not far away.

Boot narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled after a while, "It's you, my old friend."

Unlike the ease of arms dealers, looking at the approaching convoy of more than a dozen tracked cars, the manager complained incessantly: Dear boss!With such a big stall as the Bruce Trading Company, no matter how much money you pay, it is impossible for people to come to our small broken city to be a salesman!

Look at his equipment, this subordinate, he has to think about it before he agrees!

The manager wiped the sweat from his brow and greeted him with a smirk.However, before it got close, seven or eight concentrated energy machine//guns were aimed at it in an instant.

On every machine//gun, the light of 2S crystal nucleus is shining.

The sleeping dogs in the crowd shrank their necks back when they saw this scene.

This kind of equipment, let alone him, even if the No. 1 team came, it was completely delivering food!The manager himself refuels!

The manager's hands behind his back froze for a moment, but his smile remained unchanged, "What is Mr. Boot doing? You haven't come to my place for so long, have you even forgotten my face?"

"How could it be?" Boot stood in front of the gun, with contempt flashing in his eyes, "It's just that my business is over this time, and now I'm going back to Duo Luoxing, so I won't talk about the old days."

To be able to open a resort city in this poor land, the manager's head is already broken, and it's not good to deal with such a person.Bout didn't even look at the manager, turned and walked towards the track convoy.

His personal armed forces are diligently protecting him, and no one else can get close to him.

The manager froze in place, his eyes couldn't stop glancing around.

Boss, come here...I can't get close at all!

"The last hand cannon has been tested and completed. If there is no problem, sir, then this cooperation will be over."

Boot's assistant just closed the last box, and when he looked up dryly, he found that his customer didn't even look at this side, but kept watching the chairman not far away.

Neglected Assistant: pissed.

He has followed Bout for many years, so he naturally knows the manager's face.When the manager came out, he clearly felt that the people around him stood up straighter.

So naturally, Wen Ye was regarded as the manager's subordinate.

Since everyone is subordinate, there is nothing to offend.

"Don't look at Mr.," the assistant finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said with a strange air, "Do you also yearn for our Bruce Chamber of Commerce? Also, staying in such a shabby place, it is definitely better to follow the famous Bruce The chamber of commerce is doing well.”

"But it's a pity, Mr. Boot... Oh, it's our president, he doesn't just pick people up in the trash, he doesn't even want to stay in this crappy place for a second. You see, president My lord's face is so impatient, he must not be able to bear to stay here anymore. So, goodbye my friend, I will leave with the lord president and will never come back here again, and you, can only see you for the last time It's the chairman."

After finishing speaking, the assistant gave Wen Ye a contemptuous look, and was about to put away the privacy protection film.

However, at this time, a distant "buzzing" sound gradually approached.Everyone was stunned, and looked up at the sky, where a small carrier drone was flying this way.

"What's that?" The assistant somehow felt that the drone looked familiar, and even forgot to put away the anti-spy film.

"Maybe, it's something that can change your fate." Wen Ye said lightly from the side.

"Whose fate will be changed?" The assistant turned to look at him angrily, "It's ridiculous to say less ambiguous words!"

Wen Ye smiled softly, looking at the assistant like looking at an insignificant stone on the ground, without any special emotion, but full of irony.

The assistant who was getting angry could only hear the annoying guy say, "I hope your body is as hard as your mouth, wait a minute and don't ask to stay here."

stay here?ha?Is this person crazy?

"An idiot would want to stay here! Stay here for one more second, let alone me, the president will go crazy! Why do you think he left in such a hurry?" the assistant roared exaggeratedly, but the next second , he heard the chairman's excited voice from outside.

"Everyone stop! Don't leave now! Quick, stay where you are!"

Bout: Black market drones!The seller of wild vegetables is around here!As long as you can squat down to him, you don't have to worry about finding the source of goods! !

assistant:? ?

oh my face!

The author says:



Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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