Ever since seeing five 5S crystal nuclei at once, the manager's expression has been in a trance.He has been running the Hunter's Guild for so long, and he has never seen so much money.

You must know that human beings cannot condense their spiritual power into a crystal nucleus because of their physical structure.Crystal nuclei can only be produced by hunting mutated animals and plants and star beasts in the beast tide.

Possessing a crystal nucleus is also equivalent to possessing the energy in the crystal nucleus.You can use it yourself, or ask someone to make the crystal nucleus into a weapon.Therefore, every high-grade crystal nucleus is being snapped up in the black market.

S-grade crystal nuclei are the most common high-grade crystal nuclei, but even so, the price on the black market has reached 5000 star coins.Not to mention the more precious 2S or 3S.

When the manager collects the crystal nucleus from the hunter, 2S always gives 200 million to 300 million star coins.And if he resold it to a friend in the black market, he could sell it for 500 million!

And 3S... Although the manager has never sold it before, he knows that such a gem can be auctioned!Those mysterious high-ranking citizens will definitely be snapped up!

Maybe sell 8000 million... No! 1 billion star coins!It's entirely possible!

The manager tremblingly glanced at the crystal nuclei on the table. If he agrees, he can have 5 such crystal nuclei...that is to say...he will have 5 billion...

5 million, what can't you bear? !

The manager's face was full of resolute grief and indignation. He could embrace a new life for so much money!

"Brother Ye..." After a while, the manager asked shyly, "When are we leaving...I want to pack my own things."

"Go? Where are you going?" Wen Ye fiddled with his optical brain, projected the contract he had just drawn up on the table in front of him, and looked at the manager suspiciously. Why did this person's temperament become different...?Why does it feel so weird?

"That's right..." The manager covered his face with his hands, humming like a mosquito, "I want to go with you..."

Wen Ye: "Let's go? Don't go now. The resort city hasn't been built yet, so you don't need to go there for the time being. Take a look at this first, and if you think there is nothing wrong, sign it."


Um?Resort city?Why did it go back to the resort city?

He had a feeling that something was wrong, so he raised his head suddenly, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the text on the projection screen on the desktop.

"Appointment Contract for Lobby Manager of Mist Star Resort City"


After scanning ten lines at a glance, he yelled in disbelief, "So you want me to be the lobby manager for your resort city?!"

Wen Ye: "Yes, otherwise why would I give you five 5S crystal cores as salary?"


Wen Ye: "?"


He just wanted to die right now.

But... if five 5S crystal cores are salary, it means that he will get more than five in the future?Can you have more? !

Thinking of this, the manager's blushing face finally looked a little better, and he didn't want to die so much.

He didn't bother about Wen Ye really wanting to open a resort city on the Poison Star anymore. After all, the one who can produce so many 3S crystal cores is at least a 3S boss. What can the boss want to do?

He slowly focused all his attention on the employment contract.

Because the content of this contract was really beyond his expectations.

To put it simply, the manager doesn't need to completely leave the Hunter's Guild and move to a resort city to work.He can continue to stay in the guild, promote the resort city as the "Hunter Guild Manager" and recruit new employees.

The manager is a very smart person, he guessed Wen Ye's meaning after reading a few instructions in the contract.

This boss wants to use the reputation of the Hunter's Guild to develop his own power.And the ambition is far greater than that of the guild. The guild only occupies a small corner of the Eastern District, and the boss wants the entire Misty Star!

The manager marveled at the whimsy.You know, it's not like no other forces have been eyeing Mist Star for so many years.After all, if the planet abandoned by the empire can be included in the pocket, how much benefit will it create?

However, so far, except for the guilds that have successfully gained a foothold by relying on the black market and the high-level empire, there is no longer any force that can stay.

There are no other reasons, one is the high construction cost, and the other is the low rate of return visible to the naked eye.

You know, Mist Star is a well-known "poison star".Except for the bounty hunters who are forced by life, no one wants to come here, which is a thought that no amount of publicity can change.

No one means no profit, just relying on the bounty hunters coming and going can't create income proportional to the cost.

For a second, the manager thought that Wen Ye was a low-key and luxurious hidden boss. After reading the contract, he found out that this guy was just a wronged person with a lot of money and whimsical ideas.

But... what does this have to do with him?That's five 5S crystal nuclei!One was kept for self-defense as a weapon, and the money from selling the remaining four, together with the family fortune he had worked so hard to save over the years, was enough to buy a second-level citizen status on the black market!

Yes, the manager is also a "criminal" registered by the Empire, someone who has been expelled from citizenship by the Empire.

He had been expelled from the Imperial Citizens Council many years ago, and he had only offended a petty official in his district.

Losing his citizenship, the manager was driven out of the city and no longer under the protection of the Empire.The wilderness is full of mutant animals and robbers. At that time, in order to survive, the manager wandered around the planets, suffered a lot, and almost died many times.

It wasn't until he came to Misty Star through a friend's introduction in the black market and became the manager here that his life became stable.

But it was limited to this, every day in this place where no shit made him feel uncomfortable.Now that there is a chance to return to the civilized world, who would be willing to stay in this crappy place?

Getting back his citizenship and staying in the main star is the manager's dream all along!He saves money for this!

After getting all the crystal nuclei, he can kick Wen Ye off and fly directly to the main star to start a new life!

Thinking of this, the manager did not hesitate to enter his identity information on the contract.

It's just a contract, so what if you break it?When he gets a new identity, this contract will not be binding at all!

"Did you sign it?" Wen Ye asked lazily after operating the optical brain a few times.

"It's signed, it's signed!" The manager responded with a smile, "Brother Ye, what else do you need me to do?"

"Add a friend." Wen Ye stretched out his hand, "Send me your optical brain account number. The manager was already insanely happy, of course he had no objection, and happily opened his own optical brain. Unlocking the pupil membrane, let Wen Ye After swiping, I am an optical brain.

I am so lucky to meet such a fool with a lot of money!

The manager suppressed his ecstasy, and quickly activated his spaceship remotely on the optical brain.

As soon as he gets the crystal nucleus, he will leave here immediately and fly to the black market to sell it!

As for the resort city?Who cares who loves who cares!What does it have to do with him?

But what I didn't expect was that the program started normally, but now it suddenly seemed to be broken, and no matter how I pressed it, there was no response.

The manager was a little annoyed, poking his fingers frantically on the screen!

At this moment, a familiar voice came from above his head.

"What do you start the spaceship for? Are you planning to take the crystal nucleus and run away?"

The manager paused, smiled and raised his head, "Brother Ye, don't be joking. We have already signed the contract, how could I do the escape thing? I just found out that my optical brain seems to be broken. Just trying to debug it."

"Oh, so that's the case." Wen Ye's expression was light, he raised his hand and shook his brain, "Your one is not broken, it's just that I brought your account permissions to mine."

The manager froze for a moment, "Power, authority? What do you mean?"

Facing Shang Wenye's dark and deep eyes, his heart suddenly tensed up, and without thinking about anything else, he immediately opened his account, where all the star coins he had accumulated over the years were stored.

However - he is completely inoperable! !

It's as if the light brain is dead, it just silently displays a long list of balances, but it can't transfer money, let alone pay and take out!

He suddenly raised his head and asked Wen Ye loudly what was going on!You know, the identity information of the optical brain is very important!Not only is his savings account bound to it, but his spaceship is also bound to it!

If he doesn't have the identity information on the light brain, then he not only loses all the star coins, but also has no means of transportation to leave Mist Star!

"We signed the contract just now, haven't you read the whole thing?" Wen Ye fiddled with the optical brain, pulled out the last line of the contract and showed it to the manager.

"5 3S crystal nuclei, for you. I'm trading for you, not your job. You sign, which means that you will entrust everything to me for safekeeping. Of course, this includes your money, and Spaceship."

The manager gradually became stiff, he pointed at Wen Ye, "You, you hacked my account!!"

"Yes." Wen Ye admitted lightly, as a person who has already passed through an interstellar world, it is simply too easy to hack into the account through identity information and optical brain coding sequence.

The moment the manager uses the pupil membrane to verify, his account is in a state of "my door is always open" to Wen Ye.

Once there is something wrong with the manager, Wen Ye can transfer all the money in his account within minutes and activate the self-destruct procedure of his spaceship.

Wen Ye has always thought that the manager is a good employee worth using, but he has never thought that the manager is a good person.

The manager turned pale and sat down on the sofa.

"Of course, this is just a protection," Wen Ye flicked the priceless crystal nucleus on the table and said, "I will not use your money, nor will I restrict your consumption, but only when you try to transfer property or quietly I just stopped you when I left Misty Star. After all, as the boss, I just hope you can work hard, are you right?"

Thin sweat oozed from the manager's forehead, and he only realized later that this man... is far more dangerous than he imagined! !

All of my little calculations were actually seen through at a glance!

I'm careless... I've been comfortable in the guild for too long.....

But it doesn't matter!

The manager held the light brain tightly, and said coldly, "Do you think you can control me like this? Don't make people laugh! Let me tell you, the guild has a guard! There are 3S-level guys in there! Just So what if you have a 3S? I just need to press this button lightly, and the guards will rush up and kill you immediately! Do you know that you are afraid? If you know, quickly untie my optical brain!"

Wen Ye casually picked up a crystal nucleus and smiled lightly, "Who told you that I belong to 3S?"

The manager was taken aback, he hadn't realized what this sentence meant.In the next second, I saw the man in front of me randomly snapping his fingers.

A terrifying aura like a hell explosion was released instantly!In an instant, the pinched crystal nucleus was crushed into fine powder!

The manager is completely confused!That is the crystal nucleus of 3S!Can crush 3S-level energy, only super 3S! !

The manager's knees softened and he almost knelt down!

He raised his head stiffly, facing Shang Wenye's smiling face.

"How is it? Now, can we have a good chat about the resort city?"

The author says:

The next book is "Forced to become the strongest after reincarnated into a robot", in the author's column, interested babies can go to collect it——

Here is the text:

Others time travel: Goldfinger, slap the face and counterattack, and reach the pinnacle of life.

Yu Jiu crossed over: There are still 3 minutes before scrapping and recycling.

The IR series of bionic robots will be recycled uniformly throughout the city due to the expiry of their lifespan.

Yu Jiu, an IR robot with only one head left after being dismantled, was a genius girl from the mechanical department, and was silent for three seconds: ... It's not a big problem, it's not that I've come to my happy hometown.

Charge your batteries, fight your body, and escape from the recycle bin.Yu Jiu was standing in the splendor of the steel future city, and happened to bump into the military academy's admissions promotional vehicle.

During the noise, she only heard three words.

Food, housing and distribution are included.

Yu Jiu, who is poor and doesn't even have a pocket: rushed.

In the military academy, Yu Jiugou, who tried his best to hide his true nature, had a very difficult time.

When others were eating, she secretly oiled herself.

When others were sleeping, she quietly plugged in eighteen chargers for herself.

Even in the actual combat class, she had to adjust her strength to the minimum so as not to blow the head of the King of Soldiers with one punch.

In the mechanical engineering class, she had to keep playing dumb so as not to use the "Encyclopedia of Engineering" in the chip to crush the genius of the mechanical department.

However, what Yu Jiu didn't expect was that she persisted in such a way that she accidentally became the number one in the military academy...became the strongest military region...became the ceiling of human beings!

Yu Jiu: ...This is really not what I thought!


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