"That weird energy fluctuation appeared again!"

On the monitoring station in the outer space of Nether Star, Xiao Jia recorded the data with a serious face.The energy detector in front of him exploded again a few minutes ago. This time, Xiao Jia confirmed that it was not a machine failure, but something unknown and powerful appeared on Nether Planet!

"We must report immediately and ask for support!"

Xiao A said that he was going to dial the communication device of the station master, but his actions were quickly stopped by Xiao B beside him.

"Are you crazy? There is something unknown." Xiao B looked at his partner like a fool, "This new energy detector has just been put into use, isn't it normal to have some minor problems? Why are you so nervous? If you report to the police and Major Jiyue comes to support, but finds that Nether Star is normal, do you know how much responsibility you and I have to bear?"

Xiao Yi was indignant, "I'm going to pass the level 2 citizenship test soon, don't mess with me!"

Due to the lack of mineral resources, the number of properties that humans can build is limited.Therefore, in order to stabilize its rule, the empire monopolized all construction technologies.At the same time, all citizens who have no criminal records and no deportation records are divided into 4 levels according to their contributions.Depending on the level, the resources that citizens can obtain are also very different.

For example, if Xiao Yi passes the assessment and is promoted to the second class, he will be able to obtain a single-person house in the urban area for free, and the nutrient solution he receives in the future will also be upgraded to a second-class nutrient solution.

Xiaoyi now belongs to the third-level citizen, and the third-level citizen is allocated a large public dormitory for 3 people, which is a building similar to a warehouse.Each person has only one bed and wardrobe, and the environment is noisy and poor. He never wants to go back to live there.

There is also nutrient solution, the nutrient solution of level 3 citizens is a variety of experimental versions.The nutritional content is not high, and the taste is weird.The strange "orange" flavor from before almost made his bile sour.

And the most important thing is that even if Xiao Yi dies, he will not believe that there is an energy stronger than Super 3S on Nether Star, because this is beyond his cognition.Xiaoyi felt that the energy detector must be malfunctioning, and what they should call now should not be support, but the maintenance team.

Xiao Jia was hesitant at what he said, because the two of them were at the same time, and the citizenship assessment time was about the same. He thought of his upcoming Level 2 assessment.

Seeing that there was something going on, Xiao B slowed down his voice and persuaded, "Let's call the maintenance team to take a look. If we confirm that the equipment is not broken, we can call for support in time. But you are right, just in case, in the maintenance team Before coming here, we can analyze the picture on Nether Planet and come out to see it, so that you can feel at ease when you see it."

Because the Netherworld is covered by fog all the year round, the monitoring station needs a lot of technical analysis to observe the images on the planet, and it usually takes a lot of time to see a short period.

But the advantage is that the picture is clear, and what happened will be clear at a glance.

The hesitant Xiao A was finally persuaded, so Xiao B happily contacted the maintenance team, and Xiao A began to analyze and retrieve the pictures on the Nether Star.

While they were busy, Wen Ye was also busy.

The reptiles were summoned by Blue Tail to briefly describe what it had been through.I took the reptiles to look at the frog pond that was built. All the reptiles were very excited, and each of them lined up to rent their own home and food.

There is a huge silkworm baby who wants a forest, a spider with sixteen legs who wants an insect room... all kinds of weird requests are met by Wen Ye one by one.

He listened patiently, satisfied.

It didn't take long for beautiful and spacious basements, lush jungles and swamps to be built in the reptile territory.Flies and moths with "buzzing" wings shuttled among them, and pupae after cocoon hatched on the branches of trees.

The reptiles rejoice, they don't have to go hungry anymore!No need to gnaw on black trees like rocks anymore!

They looked at Wen Ye in awe and admiration, scrambling to offer their own crystal nuclei.

After finishing his work here, Wen Ye rushed to the land animal side without stopping.When he passed by, he was facing the restless land beasts.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, we can start now, who will come first?" Wen Ye's words immediately cheered up a large group of giant beasts, and they gathered around Wen Ye like happy big cats. Baba said his request.

Want a yurt!To roast the whole lamb!Comfortable plush carpet and fat and delicious meat!

A golden light suddenly appeared, and Wen Ye put his hands on the ground.In an instant, countless white yurts sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and flocks of sheep screaming "baa baa" ran on the vast grassland!

The clear springs reflect each other, and the sweet spring water flows through every inch of the land, even the twisted and dark black trees seem to be nourished, and the branches become tall and straight.

The land that was once dead and silent is being rejuvenated. Naturally, this earth-shaking change has not escaped the eyes of the flying beasts.

"What's going on over there, why are you arguing?"

"It smells so fragrant...what is so fragrant?"

"I seem to see a green land... Am I blind? Since when are there green things on Nether Planet?"

At first, the flying beasts were far away, and they didn't know what happened on the two sides.But when all the land animals and reptiles are happily building their homes, the commotion cannot be ignored.

Relying on their own wings, the flying beasts flew here one after another.

At the beginning, they didn't dare to fly directly into the territory of other star beasts, they only dared to hover around the periphery.But when they saw the appearance of the two territories, every flying beast was so shocked that they almost fell from the sky!

"Then, what is that?! Is it grass?! Is it actually grass?!"

"Why is there grass on Nether Planet? Wait, I saw the three giant tooth lion sisters... eating meat? What kind of meat is that?"

"It smells so good....Why do they have meat to eat? Grass? Hey, what is that white thing?"

The flying beasts couldn't bear it anymore, a 3S double-headed goose flapped its wings first, and flew into the reptile's territory.

The flying beasts watching from behind were a little nervous for a moment, worried that the reptiles would attack the intruders.

But unexpectedly, the two-headed goose flew for a long time, and a reptile in the ground ignored it, and even the reptile king didn't know where it went.

The flying beasts behind were ready to move, one after another took off, tentatively flew to the territories on both sides, and communicated with the star beasts underground.

"Hey—what are you eating—"

The three giant-toothed lion sisters looked up, and all they saw were a few big birds hovering above their heads.If it was before, they would definitely release their mental power to attack each other immediately, but now...

What could be better than roast whole lamb? !

The long-haired Megalodon shouted impatiently, "Eating meat—roast lamb—"

Seeing that they were not malicious, the big bird fluttered down and squatted by the oven, swallowing desperately.

"Where did you get the meat? And these strange tools, why haven't I seen them before?"

The medium-haired megalodon squinted at it, and saw its former self in the greedy faces of the big birds.

That stupid self who doesn't know anything.

It was rare for her to be patient, and she proudly picked up a piece of grilled lamb chops and said, "You don't know, do you? There is a very powerful human being on Nether Planet! He is even more powerful than the land beast king. He is a human with the power of gods! These things are all rented to us by him!"

Big birds: "?" How is it possible!

Under their shocked eyes, the middle-haired megalodon began to tell a series of things before.And such a scene is happening in every position of the two territories.

The flying beasts seemed to be entering the city for the first time. While making doubts, they were surprised by all kinds of things they hadn't seen before.

Until a well-meaning reptile gave the big birds a pot of roasted grasshoppers, the soft and glutinous taste directly drove the big birds crazy.

They couldn't bear it anymore, and flapped their wings to find the legendary human being.

"I want to rent an insect house too!"

"Where is that human being? Please, I will really die if I don't eat roasted locusts tomorrow!"

"What is this white worm? Can you give me a bite? Lick it, let me lick it...then smell it! Is it okay to smell it? Let me smell it!"

The two territories gradually became chaotic, but unlike before, this time none of the star beasts bled to death and were eaten.Different kinds of star beasts mixed together, noisy and very harmonious.

In the monitoring station far away in space, Xiao Jia stared nervously at the virtual light screen.

"Screen analysis progress 30%——"

The author says:


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