"Director, it's bad! Senior Xiong's wound has deteriorated, and a strange ingredient was found in the venom."

"What nonsense are you talking about! It's just the poison of a small flower snake, how could it be so difficult to treat."

The biting poisonous snake has naturally been caught, it is a very ordinary poisonous snake, except for a little bit of wisdom, but this strange snake's venom is on its body.

Xiong Hei was very angry when he heard that Yuandao came out to tell the result after being treated for a long time: "If you can't do it, tell us as soon as possible, so we can send it to a human hospital as soon as possible!"

After Xiong Hei said that, he really wanted to go to the treatment room to take Xiong Zhumao away, but Lang Haobin hurriedly stopped him when he saw it.

"Now is not the time to be impulsive, we have to discuss a way, if it is normal snake venom, do you think Senior Xiong will be poisoned!"

After he said this, Xiong Hei barely calmed down, but his eyes were still wide open, as if he was about to take someone away.

Lang Haobin saw through the glass on the door that the handsome young man was too pale now, and he looked strangely haggard. Seeing him like this, he was also anxious.

But it was useless to be anxious, Yuan Dao was already the demon spirit with the best medical skills in their Demon Management Bureau, if he said that the snake venom was strange, it meant that there must be something wrong.

Several of them have observed Xiong Zhumao's wound. If it was a normal toxin, they would be able to heal it by themselves, but now it can be clearly seen that the wound is already being poisoned.

"When Senior Xiong was still awake just now, he told me that it's okay, let him lie down for a while, and the toxin will disappear when he wakes up, but from the surface of the wound, it seems to be getting worse."

Yuan Dao pushed his eyes again, and showed others some of the flesh tissue that had deteriorated from Xiong Zhumao's wound. The toxin was obviously corrosive, because even if Xiong Zhumao's skin had been eroded by now, the poisonous tissue on the gauze The flesh tissue still corrodes the gauze quickly.

Xiong Hei couldn't calm down even more when he saw the appearance in front of him: "What are you waiting for! He said that he can remove the toxin. I can't wake up!"

The people present were silent when they heard what Xiong Hei said, because no one dared to bet.

Gu Yirong's face was also very serious at this time, and he looked around at the expressions of other people: "Then what do you two think?"

When Xiong Zhumao was injured and sent here, in order not to make too much noise, he only told the captains Lang Haobin and Xiong Hei and Zong Zewen that they knew about it, and kept the rest of the news from leaking.

Xiong Hei's opinion was obvious, and he was afraid that Lang Haobin would express other thoughts, so he looked expectantly at the overly calm Lang Haobin, and clenched his fists tightly.

"I also support asking a specialized institution to analyze the toxin immediately."

When Xiong Zhumao heard Lang Haobin say this, his tense body relaxed now, and he looked earnestly at Zong Zewen who had been silent all this time.

"I think it's better to wait for a while, Senior Xiong is so powerful, I believe Senior Xiong can definitely resolve it." Zong Zewen's words are full of trust and support for Xiong Zhumao's ability.

"Secretary Zong, you don't get hurt in total, so don't you worry about it!" Xiong Hei was indignant about his duty, but Zong Zewen, who was weak and cautious, disagreed.

Gu Yirong heard the dispute of several people, stood there and thought for a while, and then said to Yuandao: "The most important task for you now is to monitor the physical condition of Senior Xiong in time, and then analyze the composition of the toxin. Changes, we must be informed."

After hearing what Gu Yirong said, several people naturally understood what the director meant.

"Director! We can't wait! If there is any problem, it will be too late for us to regret it."

Xiong Hei wanted to struggle again, but Gu Yirong didn't change his mind.

"Since Senior Xiong said he can do it himself, let's wait."

Xiong Hei was immediately discouraged, stomped his feet angrily, clenched his fist and hit the wall next to him twice, after two loud bangs of "bang bang", two potholes were left on the wall, The tall and burly man, who was as tall as a hill, was lying on the small piece of glass on the door.

"Brother Xiong, don't worry about anything!"

Fortunately, Xiong Zhumao didn't wake up, otherwise he would have been startled when he opened his eyes and saw a face stuck on the small framed glass.

"Okay! Let's go if you have nothing to do. Being here will shake the doctor's heart."

"I'm going to interrogate that poisonous snake now, and I want to see who instructed it!"

The figure like Xiong Heifeng had gone far away, Gu Yirong was afraid of what would happen to him in this situation, and hurriedly ordered Lang Haobin to catch up: "Quick! Go up and watch him, don't let him be poisoned again in a while Already!"

Even if Lang Haobin wanted to stay where he was and take care of Gu Xiong Zhumao's body, he couldn't do it, so he could only rush to chase Xiong Hei, for fear that he would get angry again.

Yuan Dao has been monitoring carefully all the time. He found that the injury on the young man's arm on the hospital bed is now getting more and more serious. It is obvious that the antibiotics he gave before did not work at all.

The face of the person on the hospital bed became paler and paler, and there was a lot of cold sweat on his forehead. It was obvious that the person on the bed was very uncomfortable.

Just when he decided to tell the people outside that he couldn't wait any longer, the person on the bed struggled to open his eyes suddenly, the eyes that were originally full of spirit were now stained with confusion.

"Senior Xiong, you are awake!"

Yuan Dao was overjoyed to see this situation. He felt that as long as people could wake up clearly, it meant that their physical condition was still good.

But immediately he couldn't laugh anymore, because the person on the hospital bed couldn't even maintain his human form. The animal ears on his head were flickering, and the sharp animal teeth were still coming out of his mouth. Seeing him sitting in the consulting room Looking at him from the side makes him inexplicably afraid.

He saw the thin young man on the hospital bed push the cabinet beside the bed, and then rushed towards him.


Yuandao was oppressed by the coercion, he even forgot to dodge, but Xiong Zhumao, who was pounced on him, woke up from that dazed state.

"Quick! Find a rope and tie me up!" Xiong Zhumao tried his best to restrain himself, the veins on his forehead were obvious, the sweat was obvious, and he endured the pain: "Quick!"

After he finished speaking, the animal ears on the top of his head became more and more prominent, and Yuan Dao knew that this was a sign that the person in front of him was about to fall into confusion again.

Gu Yirong and Zong Zewen who were waiting outside naturally also heard the voice, and ran in quickly.

Fortunately, Xiong Zhumao tried his best to restrain himself at this time, and he lay obediently on the hospital bed, even his originally pale face became flushed because of his patience.

"Director! I'm going to get the restraint belt, come here and try to control Senior Xiong!"

Seeing the messy scene in the house, Gu Yirong didn't have time to be surprised, so he could only quickly control the chaotic situation.

Based on their abilities alone, even if Xiong Zhumao is in a state of poisoning and weakness, they will definitely not be able to subdue the crazy Xiong Zhumao. Only Xiong Zhumao can restrain him from being awake properly, so that he can be properly tied to the hospital bed.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Dao tremblingly picked up the tranquilizer and stabbed it at Xiong Zhumao: "It doesn't work, what's the matter? Why is this dose still not working!"

He has given twice as much tranquilizer as the large demon spirit, but Xiong Zhumao on the hospital bed is still shaking the bed in a dazed state. It is foreseeable that if the man is not subdued, the man on the hospital bed will break free soon I am very sure of that.

"Use it again!"

Gu Yirong was also worried about Xiong Zhumao's body, but in this case, there was no room for hesitation.

Finally, after he took two more doses of sedatives, the young man with black round animal ears calmed down on the bed. His face, which was slightly ferocious just now, was calm now, and the animal ears on his head looked extraordinarily soft and cute, but just now When he was unconscious and went crazy, his strength was so great.

"What's going on! What the hell is going on!"

Xiong Hei came to report the interrogation just now, walked in and looked at the mess, and was so shocked that he didn't know what to say: "Hurry up and find better medical care to test Brother Xiong!"

"The director is already on the phone": Yuandao explained to Xiong Hei in shock. Now he thought of the breath of death confinement on his body just now and felt scared: "Senior Xiong went crazy just now! It may be that strange snake venom started to attack."

"What? Crazy! You're the one who's crazy, my brother Xiong just fell asleep!"

Lang Haobin also stepped forward with a worried face, and checked Xiong Zhumao's physical condition on the hospital bed. He saw Xiong Zhumao who was so weak that the ears of animals were popping out. There were red marks all over, and the skin and flesh were leaking out. It was obvious that he had struggled violently just now.

He caressed those scars lovingly: "Doctor Yuan, bring the medicinal wine and deal with these traumas first."

Xiong Hei's current emotional state is obviously not suitable for reporting the results of their interrogation, so he had no choice but to report the results of the investigation.

"After this night of interrogation, the poisonous snake has been unwilling to cooperate with the investigation. The situation is very critical, so we have no choice but to use the spirit search technique."

This spirit search technique has long been a forbidden method for their interrogation. After all, if this method is used, both sides of the interrogation may suffer irreparable damage if they are not careful.

Lang Haobin already had success before he did it, even if he was punished, he would admit it, but fortunately, even if Gu Yirong heard that he had used the forbidden technique, he didn't seem to blame him, but only paid attention to the result: "Find the master Did you use it?"

"It's Leng Amnesty, and we also found out that he deliberately spread a lot of news to that organization before, so that's why they robbed the prison when there were few people." Lang Haobin clenched his fists tightly when he said the result. He said: "People have been sent to arrest Leng She, but he has already escaped early."

Before Leng She acted recklessly and abused his spiritual power, he was sent by the chief to work in Senior Xiong's Demon Control Bureau for a while. Unexpectedly, he kept harboring resentment, so much so that he became an undercover agent and even persecuted Senior Xiong.

"It's him!"

Gu Yirong didn't react too much when he heard the result, but Lang Haobin found that his eyes suddenly turned into vertical pupils, and sharp nails protruded from his hands, with spiritual power overflowing.

"We will spare no effort to catch him! Time is life, and if we find him earlier, the cause of Senior Xiong will be clearer."

"Yes!" Lang Haobin pulled Xiong Hei even before he left, because he was afraid that keeping him here would only add to the chaos.

Gu Yirong looked at the far away back and thought slowly, thinking that the reason why Leng She was sent to the zoo to be the first batch of spiritual animals was because he wanted him to atone for his sins. After all, he was disrespectful to Senior Xiong outside. , I didn't expect that doing so would bring disaster to Senior Xiong.

"I didn't expect that Leng She turned out to be such a person. How could he follow outsiders and hurt our own people all the time!"

Zong Zewen is also puzzled and angry now, feeling that his relationship with Leng She has been deceived all these years.

But after figuring out who is the main envoy, all these things became clear. It was obvious that Gu Yirong's face was not as sad as before, but there was still some fatigue on his face.

"Director, you go to rest first, I'll watch over here."

Gu Yirong was still uneasy and walked in to take a look: "Okay, you look here first, I have to transfer some information."

After a long period of composure, the pale young man on the bed, the round animal ears on his head disappeared now, but his face was still as pale as white paper, Zong Zewen saw the pity on his face.

"Senior Xiong, you need to get better soon, I still have your favorite spirit bamboo here!" Zong Zewen took out a lot of bamboo from his bag like a magic trick, but the bamboo looked a little too colorful. Too bright.

"What a pity, you can't eat it now!"

He said it was a pity, and then put the green bamboo on Xiong Zhumao's bed first, the emerald green color formed a sharp contrast with the white sheets and the pale man.

"Senior Xiong must be hungry now, I have to think about finding something for you to eat."

Yuan Dao also locked himself in the research room to study the composition of toxins, so in order not to disturb him, Zong Zewen's voice was very low, but his indifferent face, coupled with the words of concern, seemed somewhat strange feeling.

Zong Zewen also stretched out his hand and pushed the weak man on the hospital bed. At first, his face was worried and cautious, but after seeing that the man was still unresponsive, his movements became more and more serious.

"Senior Xiong! Are you really not hungry? Senior Xiong!"

"Ah! I remembered, I have specially prepared a bottle of spiritual spring water here!" Zong Zewen's push just now made his figure lying on the bed back a little messy.

The person on the hospital bed seems to be enduring all kinds of pain even in his sleep. There is cold sweat on his forehead, and the round and lovely animal ears are also flickering. This is not a good phenomenon, and it indicates that the hospital bed may be The people above are getting sicker and sicker.

But Zong Zewen didn't seem to see Xiong Zhumao's symptoms that just appeared, and didn't have the slightest intention to call someone over to check on Xiong Zhumao's physical condition.

"Senior has neither absorbed spiritual power nor eaten any food since he was injured. He must be very hungry. How can the glucose water alone be enough! The director is still stingy."

When the man talks, he doesn't expect anyone to answer him at all, instead he is very skillful in asking and answering himself in a low voice.

But the expression on his face seemed to have suddenly taken off his mask, all the warm smiles before disappeared, and he looked extremely gloomy.

After he finished speaking, he took out a small bottle from his pocket, took out the needle from the side, looked coldly at the infusion bottle, and poured the water in the small bottle into it without any hesitation. Mix inside.

The transparent liquid quickly mixed together, and the expression on his face became lighter and weaker: "Hurry up and add some nutrition, alas! Why do you say you have to keep meddling in your own business, why don't you be quiet?"

His voice was already very small, whispering in a low voice, it was almost impossible for people to know that he was talking, but this voice was still audible to demon spirits like them.

He was just about to take down the needle tube of Tui Lingquan, when a shout came from behind him: "Secretary Zong, what the hell are you doing!"

Gu Yirong didn't know when to turn back, and quickly ran to Xiong Zhumao's side, and pulled out the drip that was dripping.

"It's not the director. I think Senior Xiong's condition is really bad. I brought some water from the spiritual spring here to recuperate senior."

Zong Zewen rarely showed any expression on his face, but now that he saw that Gu Yirong suspected his behavior and pulled out the potion he had just exchanged, he showed full of grievances.

"Is that true, Secretary Zong?" The voice was hoarse, but it was very familiar.

When Zong Zewen was reprimanded by Gu Yirong, he didn't panic at all. Now when he looked at him with those dark and energetic eyes, his obvious eyes were dodged.

"Senior, are you awake? Great! Great!" Zong Zewen immediately beamed with joy: "Did the spiritual spring water I gave you just now work? This is really great! "

Zong Zewen moved his standing posture slightly, but before he could make any other movements, Gu Yirong rushed over and trapped him. Although he didn't speak, his eyes were full of suspicion.

"Boss, what's the matter with you? I've been with you for so long and you still don't believe us? I really don't mean anything malicious, but I just bought some spiritual spring water for him because I saw that Senior Xiong was too weak."

Zong Zewen looked at Gu Yirong in disbelief, not knowing why this happened now.

Gu Yirong was about to step forward to untie Xiong Zhumao, but Zong Zewen immediately stopped him when he saw it: "No way, Director, Senior Xiong is still not free from the threat of toxins, and what he said now is a little delirious .”

Gu Yirong only hesitated for a moment, and continued to untie all the ropes quickly.

Xiong Zhumao looked at Zong Zewen who was wearing a mask again, although he was still weak and had no strength, he sat up reluctantly: "Secretary Zong, I was awake just now, I heard what you said .”

"Ah, what did I say? Didn't I just care about Senior Xiong? Why do you still doubt me!"

Even now, Zong Zewen still has a slight gleam all over his face, as if he had been hurt by Xiong Zhumao, and then looked at Gu Yirong very sadly: "Director, Senior Xiong looks like he is sick and mentally ill. It’s clear, what can I do with this?”

He was convinced that everything he had done was flawless, no one could catch his evidence, even if the people on the hospital bed identified him, after all, he was still a senior praised by everyone after that, clearly a lunatic dominated by poison.

Even now, Zong Zewen is very calm, he is waiting, waiting for the farce on the hospital bed for a while, maybe it is his chance.

Yuan Dao also came out of the examination room at this time, looking at Zong Zewen who was trapped aside, he was still a little unbelievable.

Xiong Zhumao still wanted to argue, but it was Gu Yirong who said first: "This bamboo still has senior Xiong's medicine, and I will send it for testing right away!" Gu Yirong was not far from believing that the person in front of him was an undercover agent, He couldn't figure out what his motives were, why he did this.

"I'll give you one last chance. If you don't admit it, then wait for the test results before making a conclusion. If I misunderstood you, I will definitely apologize to you."

"Okay! Director, I was really wronged." Zong Zewen was flustered, and then looked at the bamboo and took a few steps back: "I found this bamboo next to the spiritual spring, and this spiritual spring is also my heart. Take it a little bit, I really feel sorry for Senior Xiong's injury, now that Senior Xiong is injured and delirious and wronged me, I also understand, blame me for not asking in advance before doing things."

Xiong Zhumao looked coldly at Zong Zewen, who was still trying to evade until now, and it turned out that he was the big boss who had been hiding behind his back, so he was still fighting for a chance to escape to this extent.

"The bamboo you gave me, I felt something was wrong from the beginning to the end. Although the taste was very mild, I still tasted it." Xiong Zhumao on the hospital bed didn't want to talk anymore, but just wanted to wait for the result to be a foregone conclusion. But looking at Zong Zewen who was so confident, he didn't want to wait any longer: "Afterwards, the spirit bamboo of the Demon Management Bureau is almost gone. Where did you get this 'additional' spirit bamboo!"

Xiong Zhumao didn't want to give him another chance to quibble, and continued: "The golden and silver vine happened to be next to me when I was eating, and she said that the bamboo tasted like the spirit spring she drank before, and she didn't have such a strong taste when someone else gave it to me. reaction."

Gu Yi Ronggang was still wondering if Senior Xiong was really tormented by the illness and became a little confused. Shouldn't this Lingzhu have the taste of Lingquan?

He suddenly thought of the dossier he had read before, and looked at Zong Zewen's fist clenched. The special and maddening spiritual spring that the bewitched little spirit demon was fed from the beginning of the golden silver vine led to such a maddening effect on the city. destroy.

"You!" Gu Yirong looked at Secretary Zong, who was still warm and moist, and couldn't restrain the spiritual power all over his body. He gasped for breath, and finally thought of Yuan Dao who was being tested inside, so he barely restrained himself from wanting to tear it apart. Broken Zong Zewen's aura.

Zong Zewen finally didn't say anything, looked coldly at Xiong Zhumao on the bed, and suddenly started to sneer: "Oh, so you didn't eat? You just pretended to be crazy!"

He first pretended to be terrified, and then a smile appeared on his face: "Unfortunately, your pretending to be crazy is about to become real! Because I added a lot of doses to the potion I gave you just now, but this time Not diluted at all, just a little! Plus the venom in your body."

"Boom!" He raised his hand, as if depicting a beautiful scene, and said with a smile: "After that, no matter how powerful you are, you will become a lunatic who can't restrain himself."

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