But the pain that Xiong Zhumao expected did not fall on his body, instead the sound of some kind of beast threatening his opponent came from behind.


He looked back, and saw the black panther who had been lazily in the dust and smoke, his muscles were tense now, his blue eyes turned into vigilant tree pupils, fixedly staring at the opponent in front of him.

The Panther was very protective in front of the Tigers, even though his size did not have any advantages in the face of mighty and tall opponents.

Hu Tianbiao was stunned for a moment when he saw the demon spirit standing in front of him suddenly, but after he realized it, he became even more fierce and angry, "Roar~ ouch~".

The tiger bared its sharp teeth, as if it wanted to kill the leopard in front of it, and flicked its tail anxiously, leaving traces on the ground between the flicks of the tail.

"So you are here, you traitor, I didn't deal with you directly last time, I didn't expect you to come here on your own initiative this time!"

After Hu Tianbiao roared at the black panther in front of him, he not only raised his thick tiger claws to hit the opponent's neck, but also unleashed a fierce attack.

Whether it is the people in the game of Heiganba or the onlookers, they can find that the current situation clearly has no advantage for the Black Panther.Although Heiganba's dark fur didn't show any scars, the blood on the ground showed that he was injured just now.

Xiong Zhumao didn't even have time to think about the meaning of what Hu Tianbiao said just now, so he stepped forward again and wanted to end the battle as soon as possible: "Your opponent is me, not a surprise attack like just now." With a smile, a steel whip was transformed into a steel whip, which hit the tiger in front of him.

Hu Tianbiao felt the coldness that came quickly in the air, even if he tried his best to dodge, he was still hit by the whip.


Hu Tianbiao didn't even have time to look at the scars on his side, so he felt the coercion continuing to hit him, so he could only dodge to the side.

His previous mighty prototype has become a drag instead, he is so huge that it is difficult to dodge at all, and the ground trembles because of his rolling.

But after a few moments of his panic-stricken evasion, Xiong Zhumao discovered that the opponent in front of him was not simple, he seemed to follow his attack and hit the same moves.

But there are some differences, his moves are warm and heavy blows, while Hu Tianbiao has some quick wit, probably to reduce the consumption of spiritual power, so every attack hits the vital point directly, and the purpose is very powerful.

Xiong Zhumao's expression became serious, even if Hu Tianbiao's attack spirit power was not as sufficient as his, it was still enough for both sides to resist each other's attacks.

After that, Xiong Zhumao discovered that no matter what tricks he played, the opponent quickly learned new tricks through being beaten, and then quickly counterattacked.

"You are indeed powerful, but that's not the reason why you can come here and release the demon spirit for no reason."

This time, Xiong Zhumao didn't retain his strength, and quickly used the wind, and then surrounded the huge tiger.

This strong wind is stronger when it is strong. His self-created moves are combined with a formation. The harder the target wrapped in the struggle is, the more this formation can extract power from the target inside, and then attack back.

Xiong Zhumao stood there with a dignified expression: "They made a mistake, so they must be reformed and atone for their sins here. You have no right to release them, and this is not to oppress them, but to let them gradually adapt to the current society."

He carefully controlled and supervised Gangfeng's attack, and kept a close eye on Hu Tianbiao's state.


The gigantic tiger seemed to be exhausted at last, and squatted on the ground, but even though his body was covered with scars, his eyes were alert and vicious.

The fierce wind attack that was originally moving slowly dissipated, revealing the scarred tiger inside.

Seeing the scars on Hu Tianbiao's body, Xiong Zhumao stopped attacking: "I don't know where your fallacies come from, but I want to tell you that what you think is totally wrong."

The huge tiger body was like a hill, and it was dyed bright red, which made people look a little unbearable. The only way to tell from the ups and downs of breathing was that the ball was still alive.

Even though Xiong Zhumao was very confident in his moves, when he saw the red group of tigers on the ground that had not moved for a long time, he worriedly stepped forward to check it.

Suddenly a cluster of flames came towards his face: "Hoo~hoo~"

"Be careful!"

Xiong Zhumao only had time to reach out to block it, and then he used Gang Feng to deal with the current situation.

Even though Hu Tianbiao endured the pain in his body, he still didn't stop the flame attack.

His body, which was already covered in scars, was now completely gone, but he didn't even make a beg for mercy until the flames of his attack became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

Hong Rong and his party standing on the steep slope of the border became more and more worried when they saw such a battle situation.

"Don't move!" Hong Rong stood up and said to Xiong Zhumao: "That human is in our hands, if you still want her to live, let us go!"

Although Xiong Zhumao didn't show too much emotion on his face, his breathing stagnated and his hands stopped.

An eagle quickly swooped down in the sky, and after a cry, it fanned a huge gust of wind with its wings.

"Everyone get down!"

Xiong Zhumao was afraid that Jiang Chengren and the others behind him would be attacked, so he turned around to protect them.

When he turned around, the bright red tiger on the ground had disappeared, leaving only traces of fighting on the ground.

When Xiong Zhumao looked at the steep slope again, the previous line of strange demon spirits had disappeared, only those solitary ones who had encouraged them to leave before the zoo stood there, looking at each other, a little unbelievable that they were just left behind .

He quickly rushed up the steep slope of the zoo boundary, but found no trace, they had already left.

"Where is Chen Xiaoxuan now?"

Only now did he feel that he was concerned just now and he was in a mess, because he didn't perceive Chen Xiaoxuan's trace at the scene, obviously she wasn't here.

"Director, Miss Xiaoxuan was hidden by us before." Jiang Chengren stepped forward to explain with some guilt, all because he didn't make it clear to the mountain god before, otherwise he wouldn't have fallen into their scheme.

When Xiong Zhumao heard what Jiang Chengren said, the condensation in his eyes did not dissipate. He turned to the demon spirit who was still looking for an escape point and said, "Do you need me to send you to the interrogation area in person, or be more conscious?"

The few demon spirits who were showing off their power just now and were eager to leave, now dodged their eyes, and started to walk inside automatically with their tails between their legs.

"No! Director, Ah Hu is gone!" Ruan Tu still had the panic on her face just now, she counted carefully several times, it seemed that Ah Hu was missing from the demon spirit, that golden and lively The tiger is gone.

Xiong Zhumao searched around in the crowd, and felt guilty. He obviously didn't want to leave, but he was forced to take him away under his nose. He was incompetent.

Xiong Zhumao found it very strange that he didn't perceive some of them from the slope. He guessed that they must have something else and covered up the aura on their bodies.

"I'm going to bring him back!"

He glanced at the steep slope in front of him, and was about to jump off the cliff directly.

"Director, do you want to take care of your injuries?" Ruan Tu looked at the young man in front of him worriedly. The scratches on his face were not counted, and the burn marks on his arms were obvious. The burnt skin looked a little scary .


Xiong Zhumao was about to set off without even looking at it, when suddenly there was a soft animal howl from the slope.

"Aww~wow" I'm here!

First there was a thick tiger claw, and then the disheveled Ahu crawled out from the bushes on the slope.

"Ahu, were you taken away by them just now? Where did they run out from just now?"

The fat and puffy tiger now had smudges on his face, and he sat there squatting and panting heavily, firmly blocking the position where he just climbed up.

Seeing how tired he was, Xiong Zhumao didn't urge him too much, and carefully checked Ahu's injuries.

"No wow, I wasn't taken away, it's just that I accidentally rolled down in the chaos just now." There was an awkward smile on Ah Hu's face, and the grin on his head was a bit funny: "It was too chaotic just now, I also I didn't see how they disappeared."

The golden tiger followed everyone's eyes and looked down the slope after speaking.

Xiong Zhumao didn't ask too much after finding out that Ah Hu didn't know too much. Now he wants to check Chen Xiaoxuan's safety as soon as possible.

"Count the number of people, I'll call Director Gu, and you take them down to settle down first."

When Ah Hu was leaving, he quietly looked back.

Xiong Zhumao always felt that there must be a problem with the Demon Management Bureau. Otherwise, a thoughtful person like Director Gu would not have caused such a big mess in their zoo, and no one has come to check it out until now.

Sure enough, no matter whether he called or sent a message, he failed to contact Shang Gu Yirong. The handsome young man was deep in thought. He felt that he had to settle down in the zoo as soon as possible and then go to the Demon Control Bureau to take a look at the situation.

He stopped looking for Hu Tianbiao and the others on the top of the mountain, turned around and walked away from the top of the hillside quickly.

Just as his figure was getting further and further away, a small part of the hillside collapsed suddenly.

"Fatty Qiu, can you do it! Why is the previous path gone?"

Hong Rong supported Hu Tianbiao beside him, and curled up in the cave with his head bowed down. The cave collapsed just now, so the whole group was disgraced.

"All right! All right! It'll be all right!"

But this voice was not made by one person, but like an echo, two identical answers were spoken at the same time.

"I didn't expect that, his enchantment would grow automatically. The cave we dug in advance before going through would be impossible, so I dug again for a long time."

Hong Rong looked at Qiu Yaoyin in front of him, and then looked at another person who suddenly appeared in the team: "When did you have a brother who is exactly the same?" This looks too much alike: "You brother So what should we call him?"

"Hey, this looks like it!" Qiu Yao scratched his head with his fat body, and the person next to him who was exactly like him also did the same thing: "This is not my brother, maybe...he has to It's my son!"

Except for Hu Tianbiao who was still in a coma, the entire group was shocked even if they were still fleeing.

"Fatty Qiu, what's the matter with you?"

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