Before the time came, there were a lot of hungry fans checking in under the official blog of Fruit TV, looking forward to the performance of their brothers and sisters.

The staff of the fruit station saw the rising topicality, but still felt that it was not enough, and the upper management arranged a hot search for the program.

And Chen Xiaoxuan also squatted in front of the TV, and by the way turned on her mobile phone to keep an eye on the comments in the backstage of the official blog of Maoling Zoo.

During this period of time, she figured out the guests invited for this season's show, three women and two men, and they were sent to zoos, playgrounds, farms, fish ponds, and a career location that people still don't know very well.

Undoubtedly, among these stars, Bai Huli is the most famous. Even now, there are still people who doubt the authenticity of Bai Huli's participation in this show.

Finally, in the midst of all the attention, the preview of this program began to appear, and the program group was still full of gimmicks. It showed the surprised performance of the five guests when they first arrived and the moment of collapse when they encountered difficulties at work.

Just when all the audience were whetted with appetite, accompanied by the music, the line of sight first came to the studio hall, first introduced several invited guests, and then asked them to choose the number plate with numbers.However, the location is still not disclosed. This is also a performance of luck, which highlights the effect of the program group.

"I have five cards in front of me now, except for the numbers on them, please observe carefully." The host showed a few cards in his hand.

"There are pictures on it!" Chen Yu is the most active character among them: "I know that the pictures on this must be related to our location, right?"

Hearing what he said, the others observed more carefully.

The patterns on the five cards include pandas, clowns, fish, various crops and one with a question mark.

"No, this question mark is outrageous, and we are not told the location now, so it is superfluous to put this question mark!" Chen Shu quickly jumped out and pointed to the question mark and said in surprise.

"Yes, that's it. This last card may be the easiest job, or it may be the hardest one. Buy it and leave it. Luck is very important at this time."

At the same time, the show host directed everyone to look at a small obstacle course behind: "Look behind me, even if you want to choose now, it's too early. The order in which you reach the finish line on this track determines who will go first." Choose a location."

Several celebrities condemned the unscrupulousness of the program group, but after all, they still put on protective clothing and prepared to climb over the difficulties.

In this extreme level, the two men first rushed to the front, and then rushed forward, while pulling each other, the girls rushed to the front, and neither of them could decide the winner.

Later, several people pulled into a ball, but only when Bai Huli slowly caught up, Chen Shu and another male guest, who were about to step forward to pull, could clearly see that the water was released.

But everyone can see that even if the water is released, he will release it willingly, his face is still flushed, and his careful thoughts are clearly visible.

Then the winner was upset, and the first one to arrive was Bai Huli who was originally the last one.

[NB, my sister Bai's beauty is not for nothing. ]

[Hahahaha, seeing how stupid Chen Shu was when he and Bai Huli faced each other just now, he didn't dare to use his hands too hard. ]

[Is there no one who pays attention to these locations like me?Let me make a quick guess—zoo, circus, aquarium, farming in the countryside, unknown, hahahaha]

[Why do I think the unknown is the most dangerous. ]

"I just said that Bai Huli is indeed the traffic code, and the discussion of Bai Huli is the highest."

The chief director of the program group pointed to the soaring comments in the background, and happily said to the others.

It was time to choose the card, and everyone was thinking about it. Bai Huli, who was the first to choose the card, thought twice and picked up the card with the panda picture on it. At the same time, all the audience knew that he hadn't shown up Bai Huli's final whereabouts.

After all the stars have chosen their cards, they are taken to the car and sent around.

The editing period of this variety show lasted for more than two hours, but because the five guests acted separately, the average time given to each star was more than half an hour. Embarrassment.

Of course, after the show was broadcast, in the backstage comment area, Bai Huli was still the most discussed, and at the same time, Maoling Zoo had a very high degree of discussion.

Of course, it's not just the backstage staff who are staring at online reviews, these celebrities are also watching their own online reviews.

"Little ancestor, I beg you, this show was what you wanted to accept at the time, why did we accept the show, didn't we just want to expand our influence and make more people like you, then look at it now Reviews online!"

Cao Xin's face is full of sadness now, and he is flipping through the address book, trying to quickly find some Weibo sailors to guide the comments.

"I'm just watching!"

Bai Huli is wearing a mask on her face. Most people on the Internet are praising her beauty, but many people say that she is too squeamish and it is unreasonable to participate in this show.

"I'm squeamish? What are you going to do? I didn't do it well!"

When Cao Xin heard the tone, he obviously still didn't understand his mistake: "My lady, look at this dress, although the director team tried to edit it for the best, but the audience's eyes are sharp, look at yours. Clothes wow!"

They are also working, the director Xiong and the researcher are stained with dirt in a short while, but Bai Huli is still like a white flower that is not stained in the mud. It looks good, but it is easily seen through by others. .

"What's wrong with me! Why don't you like me?"

Bai Huli looked at the belittling comments on her in the background, and felt even more annoyed. These human beings don't know how to appreciate her. She is so beautiful, and they are still picking and choosing her.

Especially when she saw her fans commenting that she liked the handsome and calm director, she felt even more upset. She should be the most popular no matter in the demon world or the human world.

She has so many famous seniors, she shouldn't fall into their prestige, thinking of this, the whole heart rekindled passion.

After the first episode aired, Xiong Zhumao and Liang Shun were probably the least affected. Liang Shun arrived very early in the morning and squatted in the bird area to watch non-stop. Some people may come here and think that the whole forest is too noisy, but Liang Shun Shun here, staring at the birds in the sky with bright eyes, anyone can see that he is in a good mood.

He held a camera in his hand, took pictures from time to time, and then took out banknotes to write.

But when Bai Huli came over, he looked at Xiong Zhumao with resentment in his eyes.

However, Xiong Zhumao was busy discussing other tasks with Jiang Chengren, and she hadn't received her signal yet, which made her very angry.

"Liang Shun, these birds are singing very nicely. What are you looking at?" Bai Huli walked to Liang Shun's side, then quietly followed his line of sight with his head.

If it's an ordinary man who gets so close and is a beautiful woman, no matter what, he will feel fluctuating in his heart.

But Liang Shun was observing vigorously now, and when he heard the sound, he gave Bai Huli a very serious "hush", meaning not to scare the birds on the branches.

Bai Huli was a little speechless, she was really happy to see these birds, but what she was happy about was that she wanted to catch them with her claws.

"Liang Shun, you are amazing, you know so many things at such a young age."

Although Bai Huli was anxious in his heart, he waited until Liang Shun put down the things in his hands, and after a long silence, he began to speak.

She had that coquettish smile on her face, her eyes pretended to be adoring, and she thought that the angle she posed for a long time was the best angle, but Liang Shun just bowed his head politely when he heard her speak.

"It doesn't matter. After you finish your work, read more books and you will understand a lot."

If it weren't for the sincerity in the man's eyes, Bai Huli would have felt that Liang Shun was mocking her.

The bright smile on her face still made Liang Shun feel dazed for a while, but he suddenly heard the cry of a blue-crowned babbler on the tree, and he couldn't care about anything, so he immediately set up his camera to look for it.

Bai Huli hit soft nails one after another, wondering if there was something wrong with his charm.

He saw a field worker who was moving things, and hurried forward: "Be careful, don't fall while watching the road."

She has a very bright appearance, and she was originally a cold and unapproachable person, but the smile on her face seemed to have a warm spring breeze, especially her eyes, which seemed to be watery and affectionate.

Seeing Bai Huli looking at him so tenderly, the field manager felt as if his heart was on fire again, and his face turned red instantly: "No, it's okay, thank you."

He is obviously a big and thick young man, but he almost bites his tongue when he speaks.

Bai Hu Li Lingling smiled, and his face turned even redder.

Looking at the top-heavy field affairs while walking, Bai Huli was thoughtful, it seems that her ability is still here.

Thinking of those comments on the Internet, she believes that she has always been perfect and loved by others.

It's just that she was afraid before, so she couldn't win over the people at the scene.

Finally, when the layout of the scene was over, the three of them stood together and received the first mission card of the second phase.

"Please give all the felines at the zoo a handmade gift that matches their needs."

When Bai Huli read it out, Liang Shun had already started to make calculations in his mind.

"I know that tigers, lions, leopards, lynxes and manuls in our zoo are all cats."

No one knows when Liang Shun wrote down the species of every animal in the zoo in his notebook, and there are more or less records behind each animal.

When the camera was shot at the notebook, everyone felt admiration for this usually quiet and quiet man.

"Now that we know what kind of animals there are, the gift is easy, but it's a bit difficult to find the right one!"

Bai Huli frowned in front of the camera, looking very troubled. Even if the beauty frowned, she was still very good-looking. After he was confused, he turned his questioning gaze to Xiong Zhumao who had been standing quietly beside him.

"Director, you are the most familiar with the animals. You must know what animals like, right?"

All the camera crews at the scene felt that Bai Huli, who came here today, seemed to be much more beautiful, with a light or bright smile on his face, which made people feel swayed after seeing it.

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