Xiong Zhumao waited for a long time, but he didn't see this little thing coming out on his own initiative, and then reached out his hand to hug him out to let the air out.

The manul, who was very ferocious just now, was now frightened and huddled in the corner of the cage, and stretched out his other paw to grab the hand that was stretched into the cage.

Its damage value was like a child's play in Xiong Zhumao's eyes, so he didn't dodge at all, and just put his slender and slender palm on the catcat.

The little guy who was originally grinning and furry all over his body wanted to intimidate the enemy, but now his eyes are full of panic and feigned ferocity.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, isn't it the one you wanted to come out just now?"

Xiong Zhumao put one hand on the back of the catcat's neck to suppress its restlessness, and stretched out the other hand to smooth its fur skillfully.

At the beginning, the manul opened its mouth more and more ferociously. Seeing that the sharp animal teeth were about to fall on the wrist, the expression on its face suddenly froze.

Following Xiong Zhumao's movements again and again, although the expression on the face of the rabbit mantle was still maintained, the fur all over his body has been "captured" by Xiong Zhumao.

Maybe the manul felt that he was changing too fast to lose face, so he opened his mouth full of fangs again, trying to scare the people around him away.

But the person on his body was so comfortable to touch, and the ferocity on his face could no longer pretend to be ferocious under such comforting comfort, his eyes narrowed happily.

A person who is so gentle and soft to it should not be a bad person.

The rabbit cat was intoxicated by Xiong Zhumao's skillful cat-handling technique, and he didn't even know he was carried out of the cage just like that.

"Okay, come out and take a look around, you won't have to stay in the cage every day soon."

Xiong Zhumao stroked the soft-touch fur of the manul, and put it on the ground with some reluctance.

He proclaimed it was the nicest pussy he'd ever touched, but the guy looked hot and the hair looked too thick.

Xiong Zhumao pressed hard with his hands again, and found that the little guy was not big enough, the hair was gathered together, and if the hair was removed, the little guy in his hand might be more than half the size.

The comfortable touch on his body suddenly disappeared, and the rabbit cat opened his eyes with a puzzled face. If the little guy's eyes were full of vigilance and fierceness before, now they seem to be full of peace and tranquility.

It had long forgotten what it had done just now, and went forward to rub Xiong Zhumao's trouser legs, and then lay down on the ground begging to be petted.

Seeing that the young man beside him didn't pay attention to him, he even jumped up to attract Xiong Zhumao's attention.

Xiong Zhumao opened the cages one by one and let the animals inside come out to move their bodies. With the demonstration of the manul, the other animals can be controlled better.

Those wild animals that were originally feral in the cage are now very obedient. Even when pulling Xiong Zhumao, they carefully put away their nails, leaving only the fleshy pads, sticking out their heads, I want Xiong Zhumao to touch more.

He was really tired, but he kept moving his hands, releasing the last lazy and arrogant leopard from the cage.

At this moment, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance. The one who was staring at him quietly was not the black leopard in the cave.

The emotions that had been eased when looking at him were now filled with guard and indifference again.

He had just beckoned for the leopard to come and play with him, when he suddenly realized the environment around him, there were small animals in each of the cages, and the one running in front of him was a good-looking leopard .

This... It seems that it is really unclear, he will not be regarded as a monster dealer who catches all kinds of animals.

"It's not like that! I'm not a bad person!"

But the noble and glamorous black panther didn't give him any more glances, and turned back into the cave again.

"Hey~" Xiong Zhumao felt that his idea of ​​kidnapping that beautiful black leopard to work in their zoo might be forced to give up.

Xiong Zhumao lay down on the ground in a shabby pose. With his dignified appearance, he was not at all rough when he made such movements, but it lowered his original coolness. Somewhat frustrated, he decided to use sleep to temporarily get rid of his current troubles.

The sun had already slanted to the west, exuding a faint afterglow, which was gorgeous and beautiful. The radiance shone on the face of the person as if it had been cast with a layer of holy light. The young man who had closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes as if he felt something.

With a serious expression on Xiong Zhumao's face, he rushed out.

"What should I do? Whose parents are so irresponsible." Chen Xiaoxuan was full of anxiety, holding a little girl in a green dress in her hand: "You said that this child has been lost for so long, and you don't want to hurry up Did you find it?"

When seeing a tall and straight figure not far away getting closer, Chen Xiaoxuan, who was very worried, seemed to have found a backbone.

"Principal! Principal! Look, I picked up a child and didn't talk to her when I asked her, but it's been so long and I haven't seen a parent come to look for the child. Could it be..." It must have been thrown here.

Chen Xiaoxuan didn't say the last few words, because the child she led was looking at them seriously.

The little girl had two braids on her head, and she was wearing a green tutu skirt. She looked very delicate and lovely.

Jiang Chengren, who has always been very lively, followed Chen Xiaoxuan and the little girl with an inexplicable expression this time, secretly looking at her from time to time.

Xiong Zhumao just turned his back to the sun, the faint halo was like a filter added to him by the world, his porcelain-white face was now somewhat solemn.

"Let's wait..." Chen Xiaoxuan said that she could think of the best solution, and at the same time tried to tease the little girl next to her with her hand: "It's really not possible, it seems that we can only call the police."

As soon as she finished speaking, the little girl in her hand didn't change much, she still looked around curiously, but Xiong Zhumao's heart suddenly panicked.

"No... no need, I am her parent!"

Xiong Zhumao spoke quickly and anxiously, as if he was afraid that the child would be sent away if he slowed down.

He pulled the very beautiful and slender girl to his side, and asked Chen Xiaoxuan who was still in a state of shock: "Did she do anything weird before?"

While talking, he examined the little girl from top to bottom, as if he was afraid that something might go wrong with her.

Chen Xiaoxuan didn't know why the child who appeared out of nowhere suddenly had a relationship with the principal again, but she subconsciously said, "No, she is very good. I led her and left with me, but she just didn't speak."

After Xiong Zhumao checked the little guy's appearance, there was nothing wrong with it, and when he heard that she hadn't made any mistakes in front of humans, his nervousness relaxed.

"Oh, it's good that I didn't cause you any trouble."

Xiong Zhumao's face was so calm, and he was quickly calculating what identity he should give this little guy so that he would not be suspicious.

"Chengren, what's the matter? I haven't seen you for a while, so you two don't know each other anymore?"

Chen Xiaoxuan, who was still very curious about the identity of the little girl, hurriedly turned her head to look at Jiang Chengren, wanting to seek his affirmation.

Jiang Chengren, who had just been called by Xiong Zhumao's name, was still a little out of shape, but he would subconsciously agree with what the Lord Mountain God said.

"I just saw it too, and I was skeptical just now. Today, my sister's dress is so beautiful, I didn't recognize it."

Jiang Chengren had a childish tone, and Chen Xiaoxuan thought that the two children were not very old, so it was possible that they met suddenly and were not familiar with each other.

"Hahahaha, Chengren, what's the matter with you, you don't know my sister anymore."

Chen Xiaoxuan solved the stone in her heart, so she relaxed and chatted with Jiang Chengren, and gently pinched Jiang Chengren's little face, no wonder she said how this little girl followed her so well!

"Hey, I forgot for a while, and she didn't say anything."

The smile on Jiang Chengren's face made him extremely guilty. Seeing the performance of Lord Mountain God like this, he confirmed his guess even more.

"That's all right now, Xiaoxuan, you've been busy all day, go home and rest quickly."

Xiong Zhumao knew that his casually stated identity would not stand up to scrutiny, so he wanted to dismiss people first, and then several people would make a good total.

Although Chen Xiaoxuan was very curious about the relationship between the two little guys and Xiong Zhumao, but because she wanted to respect the privacy of others, she did not continue to ask. Seeing the sun that was gradually being submerged by the sky, she also decided to hurry up and go home.

The three people who were standing to see Chen Xiaoxuan off just now changed their expressions after seeing the figure of Xiao Che disappearing into the distance.

"Why did you suddenly transform into a human body? No one can see you when you come out like this?"

The little girl who was very well-behaved and kept silent, finally opened her mouth and replied: "Just before you said that I can also transform into a human body, I thought of a new way of cultivation, and I transformed myself in the likeness of other children. "

The little girl in the skirt turned around in their shocked eyes, and asked them happily: "Does it look good! Does it look good!"

The author says:

I owe a chapter update, make up!Make up for it!

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