At this time, Xiong Zhumao, through the faint moonlight, finally saw clearly the outsider who suddenly barged in - a leopard with a black body, while walking, the fur all over its body even reflected light under the moonlight, no wonder He looked for a long time before but couldn't find it.

"Zhizhizhi" What's wrong with you, are you injured?

While talking, Xiong Zhumao saw the other party's vigilance, so Panda Tuanzi no longer moved forward, but sat down on the ground, showing that he was not malicious.

Of course, Heiganba also saw the strange bear running out of the mountain. Although it was small inside, he had an intuition that this seemingly harmless panda dumpling was not simple at all.

"Meow~ Meow~ Meow~ Siha!"

He didn't relax his vigilance because of Xiong Zhumao's current state, he still arched his back, the hair all over his body was exploding, and he was ready to attack. He had already noticed that the bear dumpling inside might be more advanced than his cultivation level, let alone him It is now in a state of exhaustion.

Heiganba thought of the strange barrier he bumped into just now, and he felt that this place might be more dangerous than the place he just escaped from.

He was extremely anxious, all the muscles in his body were highly mobilized, and the roars became more rapid than each other. At the same time, he told the bear demon inside that he came here unintentionally.


Xiong Zhumao looked at the black panther who was in a hurry to leave, he was a little puzzled, didn't this guy come to join him, why did he look like he was about to run away.

Seeing that he was unable to threaten him, Heiganba had no choice but to find a way to leave quickly. Unfortunately, his hind leg was injured, and the spiritual power in his whole body was basically exhausted, so he couldn't support him to leave.

After Xiong Zhumao realized that the other party was not threatening, he wanted to keep this dark and shiny cool leopard, but he didn't dare to go forward and scare this partner who appeared out of nowhere.

The leopard outside wanted to run away quickly. At this time, Xiong Zhumao realized that there was something wrong with the guy's limbs. Looking carefully at the marks on the ground, there was a bloodstain where he got up.

"Beep, squeak, squeak."

Is he that scary?And he found that the more he talked, the more the leopard outside wanted to escape, just when Xiong Zhumao was swinging between whether he should continue to persuade him or not.

"Boom!" With a sound, Xiong Zhumao's eyes widened, and it took him a while to be sure that the black leopard had not run away but had fallen asleep by itself.

Xiong Zhumao hurriedly ran out, only to find that the leopard, who was very vigilant just now, had fallen to the ground, and its green and frightening eyes were tightly closed at night, but the injury to its hind leg was indeed serious.


In the dark night, this long sigh revealed his helplessness.


"Master Mountain God! Are you injured?"

Jiang Chengren sensed a strange atmosphere on the mountain, so he hurried over, saw the blood on Xiong Zhumao's body, and stepped forward to check very worriedly.

"not mine!"

"Who is it! Where is it?"

His originally small eyes were now widened. He looked around very vigilantly, carefully feeling the atmosphere around him, and then spread his hands to block Xiong Zhumao behind him. He looked at the familiar mountain temple cave with a very serious expression. defense.

"Don't worry, I've passed out."

Xiong Zhumao bypassed the small body in front of him, holding the selected herbs in his hand, and walked straight forward.

Jiang Chengren followed him nervously, and when the two monsters entered the cave, they were startled by those shiny eyes.

"Oh~ Lord Mountain God!"

Although Jiang Chengren said so in his mouth, his whole small body was scared and hid behind Xiong Zhumao tightly, and then tightly grabbed Xiong Zhumao's clothes with both hands.

"Are you awake? This is the medicine I found on the mountain, use it!"

Heiganba stared fiercely at the weird combination in front of him. The lack of spiritual power and blood caused him to be a little confused now. He opened his mouth and leaked his fangs, and began to intimidate the other party, but found that it seemed useless.

Facing the unfamiliar environment, the hair all over his body didn't fall down docilely, but stood up vigilantly.

"Here! You have to apply it yourself."

Of course, Xiong Zhumao also noticed his current guard, so he threw the herbal medicine in his hand directly, and didn't care whether the monster inside was used or not, so he pulled Jiang Chengren to let his cave out.

At this time, Heiganba, who had been resting for a long time, looked at his hind legs that had been bleeding profusely, with some unbearable pain, and stared fiercely at the herbs that were almost thrown to his feet.

Wasn't he cheated enough?He will not use these unknown medicines.

But as time passed, there were more and more bloodstains on the ground, and he felt that he was about to faint again, so he finally stepped forward slowly and smelled the herbs,

The black leopard inhaled through his nose and checked repeatedly, after he didn't find anything wrong.

He looked at the surrounding environment, felt his weak body again, and finally sipped at the pile of herbs.

"Lord Mountain God, isn't he a bad guy?"

Jiang Chengren was afraid that Xiong Zhumao would be deceived by others again when he went out.

"Probably not.",


Xiong Zhumao's tone of voice was full of uncertainty, which made Jiang Chengren a little worried after hearing it.

Xiong Zhumao thought about it carefully, this black leopard accidentally broke into the barrier, and he was so scared when he saw him, so the suspicion that he came here on purpose should be ruled out, and his intuitive radar didn't tell him at all. He was in any danger, so he picked the demon in with confidence.

He had been suffering from insomnia before, but now after the leopard-picking incident, he was exhausted and tired, and he wished he could just lay down on the ground and sleep.

However, he still carefully built a temporary foothold for himself first, and built himself a soft bed with the surrounding grass blades: "Okay, don't worry, I'm here for everything, you should take a rest."

As soon as the words fell, when Jiang Chengren went to see him again, the originally tall man had turned into a small ball, sleeping soundly in the straw nest, and even worked harder to form himself into a ball.

Jiang Chengren just stared at the entrance of the cave, but slowly, he also became huddled together.


The little panda didn't know what he was dreaming about, the whole bear couldn't stop being excited in the dream, Xiong Zhumao was woken up like this, the first thing he woke up was rushing to the cave without even thinking about it He didn't even care that Jiang Chengren, who was lying on him, was thrown to the ground.

As soon as he entered, he hurriedly looked around. After searching for a long time, he saw the black leopard hiding in the corner of the cave, and seemed to be watching him secretly.

Xiong Zhumao looked at the other party's dark and shiny fur with some pity, and thought in his heart that it would be great if this black leopard really came to join him.

"Don't worry, you can rest assured to recuperate here. If you want to leave after the injury is healed, I will let you go."

Xiong Zhumao saw Heiganba who was always vigilant, so he respectfully gave him enough space and retreated.

When he left, he took out Jiang Chengren who had been glaring angrily.

"There are guests, you go and have a look first."

Jiang Chengren, who had been staring at the back uneasy at first, heard what Xiong Zhumao said, and immediately left the strange creature in the cave behind. He obeyed all the arrangements of the mountain god. Ordinary guests are definitely not worthy of the mountain god's special attention. mention.

"What's matter?"

Jiang Chengren looked at the man with a warm smile on his face outside, but felt a little inexplicable in his heart.

"Hello, I'm Zong Zewen from the Bureau of Demon Management, and I'm Director Gu's secretary. I've brought some things to find Mr. Xiong."

As soon as he heard that it was Gu Yirong's secretary, the warning on Jiang Chengren's face was gone.

"Come in! Come in! Wait a moment, the boss will be here soon!"

Jiang Chengren thought of the meticulous and thoughtful Director Gu, and felt that he had to entertain him too.

"Don't worry, I'm not thirsty."

Zong Zewen looked at the little one beside him who had been busy, and the gentle smile on his face made him feel a little sorry.

Just as he was talking, Xiong Zhumao's figure appeared unhurriedly.

Zong Zewen got up quickly, and the gentle smile on his face became more eager now: "Mr. Xiong, I am..."

"Well, I know you."

Jiang Chengren stood there looking up at Xiong Zhumao, why did he feel that Lord Mountain God is not in the right state today, could it be that he didn't sleep well?

Thinking about it, he went out to pick up a leopard in the middle of the night, and now he was woken up after not sleeping for a long time. He must be in a bad mood. He has to find a way to let the mountain god find time to rest for a while.

Even if Zong Zewen was interrupted, he still looked gentle and gentle.

"This battle is really thanks to Mr. Xiong's help. You really worked hard." While talking, he also motioned Xiong Zhumao to go out: "In addition to applying for some awards from your superiors, Director Gu also let me Help bring these newly rescued animals to you."

The car had obviously been waiting outside for a long time, and Jiang Chengren just looked at the animals in the car.

He felt that Gu Yirong, the director of the bureau, had done a great job. If it was sent in this way, their zoo would have to be expanded in a short time.

Jiang Chengren glanced quickly over these animals, the more he looked at himself, the happier he was.

"Boss! Boss! Look, that's a leopard too, but yellow."

Jiang Chengren excitedly took Xiong Zhumao's hand and jumped up and down, but he felt the calmness of the mountain god, and he was a little embarrassed. Sure enough, the mountain god is a monster who has seen the world. Does he mean that he is embarrassing the mountain god? .

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