The moment Jinyinteng woke up and looked at the black and white dumpling next to her cane, she shivered in fright, and then thought that she was just dreaming.

When the little bear's paw reached over, the vines that were originally good on the ground disappeared immediately.

"baby baby"

Xiong Zhumao found that Jinyinteng's reaction was full of guilt, and felt a little guilty, thinking that the way he woke up the demon from his sleep just now might be too rough.

When Jinyinteng regained consciousness, he immediately realized that he was no longer in a dream, and some dog legs stepped forward to stick the panda dumpling next to him.

She felt fortunate to wake up suddenly when she saw a panda in her dream, and it was too aggrieved to still be practicing with a monster squatting there in her dream.

Xiong Zhumao's original simple and honest bear face is now even more cute, because he doesn't quite understand Jinyinteng's sudden emotional change, but it's good that he wasn't frightened by him in his dream just now.

The plump black-and-white panda pulled off the gold and silver vines wrapped around its body with both hands and feet, and then pointed to the bitter bird in the sky that was avoiding Polygonatum odoratum with its bear claws.

Opening his bear paws to make a catching gesture, Xiong Zhumao demonstrated earnestly, and Jinyinvine listened earnestly, and swayed the branches and leaves obediently to express their agreement.

Just as he was looking up and waiting for the gold and silver vine to move, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Why does he seem to be getting taller and taller!

The bitter bird that was flying and fleeing in the sky was about to hit him when it fled.

Yuzhu, who was chasing, almost hit the astonished Xiong Zhumao, but was controlled by Xiong Zhumao to an emergency stop.

The bitter bird dodged and fled successfully again.

Scarlet shining eyes turned around and barked happily at Xiong Zhumao.

Realizing that the bitter bird was about to flee, Xiong Zhumao didn't have time to command the gold and silver vines under him, and looked at the big black bird flying past close at hand, and swooped over.

The bitter bird, who was still very provocative to Xiong Zhumao, was severely strangled by the wings of fate.


His pair of thin wings couldn't support the extra weight on his body at all, he only had time to let out a shrill scream, and then was imprisoned in the arms of the round panda.

In the blink of an eye, Xiong Zhumao began to fall from the air, a little flustered in his heart, but he still tightly hugged the big black bird in his arms.

On the contrary, the bitter bird, which has been soaring in the sky, has ever been wronged by being used as a cushion. It wants to run but can't. long whine.

Jinyinteng felt that the panda she was trying to lift suddenly jumped down, and the vines all over her body became tense in fright, and she mobilized them in a panic.

Xiong Zhumao was ready to fall to the ground, closed his eyes, and prepared to face it calmly, only felt that the bird in his arms was really noisy.


The black and white panda got stuck in a bunch of green leaves, and after falling, the elasticity caused Yuan Tuanzi to bounce on the vine again.

This is really suffering. The bitter bird that was crushed by the solid bear dumpling could scream before, but then passed out directly. I don't know whether it was fainted by fright or crushed.


Panda Tuanzi reluctantly dangled the black bird with both hands. This scene didn't make people feel cruel, but just felt a little weird and cute.

The team members who were all trapped in a nightmare, because of the misfortune bird who practiced it, have now fainted, so they wake up one after another from the dream.

But there are some funny things, most of the burly men are sitting there languidly now, and some of them wake up with tears on their faces, looking pitiful.

After waking up one by one, they saw a dazzling black and white bear in the green, playing with a big black bird that looked "weak and pitiful".

From this point of view, the bird has been played with fainted.

The panda, who was holding the bird to explore, also noticed the strangeness of the surrounding environment, and then looked around, and all the people who woke up looked at him with surprise and admiration.

The scorching feeling made Xiong feel embarrassed.

He lifted the half-dead bitter bird to block in front of his round-faced plate, trying to divert everyone's attention.

However, when the others saw the action of the hero who defeated the bitter bird, they all applauded in unison, and the whole scene roared with applause.

Then the panda dumpling, who was under the spotlight, slowly turned around.

Xiong Zhumao felt that his face was going to burn. At this time, when he recalled what happened just now, he felt that it was dangerous. Fortunately, the golden and silver vines reacted quickly and pulled a straw mat for him. Otherwise, he would be fine if he fell. The bird in his hand would be really miserable seedling.

"Little bear! You are too good!"

"Brother Xiong, tell me quickly how you caught him."

Lang Zhong and Xiong Hei looked eagerly at the young people surrounded by Wei, and wanted to wait for him to impart some experience.

Although Lang Haobin didn't open his mouth to speak, his expression was also looking forward to Xiong Zhumao's retelling of what happened before.

The blush on the handsome young man's face still hasn't disappeared, looking at the bitter bird that still hasn't woken up in the cage, he scratches his hair in embarrassment.

Can he say that he didn't do anything but crush the bird with his weight?

"I didn't do anything, it's a bit of luck." Xiong Zhumao slowly expressed his opinion, but these people who had been staring at him couldn't believe it could be so simple.

So many of them were trapped in the dream this time and couldn't get out. Only he, a bear, came out without being affected by the nightmare, it's already very powerful!

"Brother Xiong, don't be modest, you can tell us how dangerous it is, and you wake us up from that broken dream!" Xiong Hei patted the thin young man sincerely and eagerly.

Xiong Hei is also a little guilty. He is so humble, selfless and capable. What was he thinking at the time, and he still has the face to go to the zoo to make trouble. Of course, it is fortunate that he did not cause any catastrophe, otherwise he really would not know. How to make amends.

Xiong Zhumao felt that he really had nothing to share. He just knocked the bitter bird down with one blow when he was a little weak.

What's more, he still has to thank the golden and silver vines for their cooperation, otherwise it would not have been so smooth.Although his battle plan had an accident.

At that time, he was thinking that he would attract the attention of the bitter birds, and then the gold and silver vine could use the rattan as a net to catch the fleeing bitter birds.

However, when it was implemented, it seemed that there was a mistake between the two sides of the communication.

But it doesn't matter, of course, it's okay to send him to the sky to catch the bitter bird himself, no matter what, it's a good trick to catch the bitter bird.

He felt that there was nothing to say, but Jinyinvine finally found a chance.

Then everyone watched a special silent movie, in which Jinyinteng used the cane on his body to play the role.

It turned into a round lump to act as Xiong Zhumao, and then a slanted long strip to act as a bitter bird. The long strip flew in the air, and the two sides seemed to be in a fierce battle. She was very fierce.In the end, the panda Yuantuan embraced the flying bird that was in the sky, and then jumped down.

This kind of performance is very simple, the rattan canes are all running together, Xiong Zhumao looks puzzled, but the people at the scene have already started to think crazy.

A solitary panda finally fought against the dream and woke up, and resisted these attacks alone, and finally defeated the bitter bird with great difficulty.

Although the performance was a little complicated, everyone at the scene was moved into silence, and then they looked at Xiong Zhumao who had been giving silently without asking for anything in return, with even more admiration.

On the return journey, Xiong Zhumao received the highest courtesy, and his car was filled with bamboo shoots and green bamboo collected by the team members.

"Quack quack~"

While Xiong Zhumao was gnawing bamboo, he heard the dark bitter bird finally wake up.

He let out a long sigh of relief. Before, he was afraid that this guy would really be crushed out of something, as long as he could wake up.

"Quack quack~"

"Touch ~ touch ~"

But the bitter bird that just woke up was struggling frantically in the cage, trying to escape.

"It's not good for you to be more stable. If you do something wrong, you have to be judged."

The cage where the bitter bird was imprisoned was a temporary cage. Xiong Zhumao thought about it for safety, and thought about the fluctuation of the bitter bird's spiritual power at that time, and hit the bitter bird next to him.

The bird, which was howling with its mouth wide, choked on its last howl and fell asleep in the cage.

The effect was so good that the handsome young man was startled, then lifted the cage next to him and observed it carefully.

Xiong Zhumao felt as if he had learned another great trick.


"It's bad for me again!"

In the slightly dark environment, some gloomy voices came.

"Boss! Don't be angry! Don't be angry!"

A shriveled and thin figure hurriedly advised him beside him, but he could only speak dryly, full of flattery.


The cup that was originally being played in the pale and slender palm was suddenly thrown to the ground violently, making the thin and small body even more rickety.

He thought that his boss was mad because of repeated failures.

"How many times have I said it, why don't I have a long memory!" The cold male voice was deliberately suppressed with cruelty. "The grown-up is too rustic, the boss seems too uneducated, in the new era, you have to call me the boss."

After the voice finished speaking, it took a long time in the dark environment to reply with a trill: "Yes, boss!"

"You have to know that it took a lot of time for me to get you out of the prison of the Demon Management Bureau. This time, you must not be stupid. Once again, you will die of old age in prison!"

As the light and shadow flickered, Huang Jianxiong's original beard, which had a strong sense of presence on his face, now looked a bit messy because of the master's negligence.

During this period of time, maybe because of being in the Monster Management Bureau, the whole monster has become thinner and weaker, but the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks on its face don't look like a good monster.

"Thanks to the boss, I will definitely do my best for the boss, die and die, and use my last bit of energy."

"Alas!" The man who had been sitting on the boss chair finally eased his tone this time, and took a goblet full of red wine from the table again: "Okay, I know, as long as you have the heart, go on. Come down and act according to our original plan, I want to see how capable he is!"

The author says:

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