I, panda, earn money to support my family!

Chapter 6 The Black Hearted Boss

The morning light is twilight, and the mountains and fields are also very quiet, except for the singing of insects and birds from time to time.

Xiong Zhumao has already woken up. As the god of the mountain, he is also very nervous about the living conditions of the zoo, and he is still uneasy in his heart, and he walks towards the back mountain.

"Good morning, Lord Mountain God!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked to the back mountain, he saw pheasants and wild ducks that were isolated in the middle of the iron net and were still active.

"Didn't I tell you that if you feel uncomfortable in the cage, you can wait until dawn before going in?"

"Master Mountain God, let's come here and practice in advance." Just after finishing speaking, led by the head chicken, a group of chickens flew to the tall tree nearby, and flew down again.

Before the sun came out, Xiong Zhumao could feel the colorful feathers on the pheasant's body, spreading its wings and gliding down, giving people a very shocking aesthetic feeling.

"Lord Mountain God, does it look good? This is the action we thought of. As long as humans come in, we will do it. They will definitely like it!"

Just as Xiong Zhumao finished nodding and was about to say a few words of praise, the duck family next to him called him over again.

In a small pond, several ducks are competing to play in it. It can be seen that their speed is very fast, and their movements are constantly changing in such a small place.


After the show, Dou's big eyes all looked at him seriously, as if waiting for his appreciation.

"Okay, not bad! You should also pay attention to rest."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of playing in the water seemed to be louder.

He continued to patrol the mountain, and before he reached the bird area, he heard the sound of many birds in the distance. They sounded like they were singing in a chorus. A group of beautiful birds flew around in an orderly manner. Very spectacular.

Xiong Zhumao guessed that this group of birds was also rehearsing, so he silently exited the area and continued to patrol the mountain.


Just as Xiong Zhumao walked outside the fox enclosure, he stopped in surprise.

Seeing Xiong Zhumao looking at him puzzled, the solitary fox with some mottled fur quickly performed his own performance, set up his hunting posture, and frightened the rabbit locked in the iron net with him, and ran around.

Although it can be seen that the fox is old and has some problems with its hind legs, it is still agile when it comes to catching food, without delay.

"Lord Mountain God, this is the ration I caught. When tourists come in, I can show them the scene of my hunting. They will definitely like it!" The fox's voice was full of excitement.

Xiong Zhumao remembered that the fox had said that his hind leg was injured when he escaped from the zoo, but now he was racking his brains to find ways to express himself and keep customers.

He felt a sense of guilt in his heart. As the mountain god they enshrined and believed in, he failed to protect them properly.

Animals have already lived in all the pens along the way, and they even prepared food in advance.

Although seeing such a scene, he should feel relieved, but his whole heart became more and more heavy.

He feels more and more that this zoo will not only be a zoo, but also represent the future of these animals in the future.So no matter what, it must be opened, not only for the better and better Maoling Mountain, but also for the future life of these animals to be carefree, free and happy, without having to hide in Tibet all the time.

Xiong Zhumao and Jiang Chengren stood silently at the gate of the zoo, looking at the passage of the mountain road.

The mood of the two of them became gradually lower as the sun gradually rose.

But they all sat in front of the zoo tacitly, looking forward to the appearance of a new figure.

"Master Mountain God! Lord Mountain God! Someone is coming, someone is coming!"

The dejected looks of the two disappeared in an instant, and Jiang Chengren happily went out to greet them, bouncing all the way to attract them.

"How much is a ticket for your zoo?"

While the aunt was asking the price, her eyes kept looking at the newly built zoo, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

No wonder the newly built zoo did not feel any movement. It seems that the zoo was not built well, and it looked irregular and tattered.

"Twenty tickets."

This is the price that Xiong Zhumao decided after careful consideration, because at the temple fair, he paid ten yuan for a bear to take a photo, and twenty should not be expensive.

Unexpectedly, the old lady's eyes widened, "Twenty! You need twenty for such a broken zoo! No, it's cheap!" Her voice was sharp, and she seemed to be pulling the child next to her to leave.

"Twenty tickets, not expensive at all!"

Jiang Chengren looked at the first customer who was finally looking forward to it, so naturally he didn't want to let people go, so he explained in a nasty way.

For a while, several people were in a stalemate. Xiong Zhumao saw that the old lady was still standing there even though she said she wanted to leave, and understood that she didn't really want to leave.

He thought of the words of those people at the temple fair before, saying that they didn't really want to leave, they just wanted to bargain.

When Xiong Zhumao was thinking about the price, he happened to see the child who had been making a fuss all the time. The clothes on his body were still in the pattern of Pixiu, and his eyes instantly became kind and gentle.

Since you are a believer of their clan, it's better to be cheaper.

"21 tickets, 30 tickets open today!"

"No, today is the first day, it's half price!"

She still wanted to talk about it here, but the little grandson beside her was impatient for a long time, "Zoo~zoo~I want to enter the zoo!" she kept yelling.

Xiong Zhumao didn't speak anymore at this time, his price is already what the human world calls "family price", okay, how could he be dissatisfied!

"Grandma, 30 tickets is already very cheap, you can't lose money if you can't buy it, and you can't be fooled if you buy it!"

Jiang Chengren naturally obeyed Xiong Zhumao's instructions and was busy making amends.

The old lady was also dragged so much by her grandson that she couldn't pull it anymore, and Jiang Chengren was on the side to persuade her to give the ladder. In the end, she decided to give the money, and then she was pulled in by the child beside her.

"Master Mountain God! Look, our zoo is making money, hehe!"

Just as Jiang Chengren watched the grandparents walking away, he picked up the money on the table and began to giggle.

Xiong Zhumao was also very happy in his heart, but compared to the little ginseng essence next to him, he knew that he should be more restrained, at most, the corners of his eyes and brows were filled with joy.

He suddenly thought of something, restrained his emotions, and seriously told Jiang Chengren who was smirking with the money: "When you are outside, don't call me Lord Mountain God, especially when there are humans." This title may cause discomfort outside. necessary trouble.

"Master Mountain God, what can I call you?"

Jiang Chengren was full of doubts. He was a little puzzled by such a request, but he was still ready to obey the entrustment of the mountain god.

"Or, just call me boss."

Xiong Zhumao didn't quite understand the meaning of this title. When he went to the temple fair last time, the little monkey who heard the performance called his employer that way. Presumably this should be a new title in modern society.

Jiang Chengren nodded half understanding.

With the first customer, people came over one after another. Seeing more and more people, the mood of the two of them became better and better.

The two of them have enough confidence in this zoo and think that there will be more and more customers.

However, these beautiful fantasies of the two of them were shattered in a burst of noise within a short time.

"What kind of broken zoo are you guys? There aren't many animals in it. What am I paying to see? Could it be that I came here to look at the trees? No, refund the money, you have to give us the money back!"

As soon as the voice came over, it was indeed the familiar old lady from before.

She was a little embarrassed now, her hair was stained with damp, she didn't know whether she was hot or tired, she was out of breath, and her face was still red.

Even the little friend beside her looked very tired, holding a small colored flag picked from inside, dangling around.

She was the first one to come. Now that the sun was setting, she just came out. She obviously stayed in there for a long time, but when she came out, she was asked to refund her money.

"But you two have been in there for so long, why did you suddenly say you want to refund the money!"

Jiang Chengren's little brows that had just been relaxed frowned again, and he replied nervously with his head raised.

"What do you have in your zoo, don't you know? Except for trees, there are not many animals. It's not like visiting a zoo, but like climbing a mountain!"

"Sorry, please tell us what you are not satisfied with, we will continue to improve..."

Xiong Zhumao stepped forward and pulled Jiang Chengren behind him, his face was serious and ready to listen to opinions, but he was interrupted again before he finished speaking.

"Don't talk nonsense, just say whether you want to get your money back or not. This broken mountain is talking about a zoo. There are no facilities. If I didn't even come here before, the animals in it are old and ugly. Poor, what is there to see, you just cheated me of money!"

For Xiong Zhumao, who is not good at words and has a somewhat gentle personality, facing such a situation, the humble and kind expression on his face also dissipated, and his eyes became sharper.

"We will work hard to improve your comments, and we are sorry to make you dissatisfied."

Seeing that Xiong Zhumao apologized to her in a good voice, the old lady's panic that had just arisen was suppressed and her expression became even more arrogant.

"Shan, boss, it's not like this..."

Xiong Zhumao didn't listen to what Jiang Chengren had to say, and pulled him behind him again to protect him.

"But I don't agree with what you said that the animals in it are old and ugly. You must have had a good time in the zoo after staying in it for so long. Since you like the performance of those animals in it, you shouldn't come out and slander them like that. them."

Xiong Zhumao's voice became colder and colder, until it finally turned into ice, "I can refund the money to you, but you have to apologize to them!"

"What do you mean, you are broken here and you are not allowed to talk about it, let me apologize to those chickens and puppies in it, are you crazy?"

Just now she thought that she would be able to take the money and leave immediately, but now this gentle young man suddenly changed his appearance. He stood up tall, over 1.8 meters tall, with a cold face and a sense of oppression, and he backed away in fright , She led the child and felt a little scared.

But it was only when he saw other tourists that he came back to his senses and became public again. This young man could still beat her in front of so many people, bluffing and yelling at other people who were about to enter the zoo.

"Hey, you guys don't want to go in again. His zoo is just a scam. There are no animals. There are old-fashioned wolves, foxes with broken legs, and pheasants and ducks. They dare to call themselves a zoo. Don't enter. Already!"

Other people who just walked over and didn't know why, when they heard the old lady's miserable words, they all stopped their steps of wanting to enter the zoo.

"Look at this black-hearted boss, he even lied to us old and weak for money. I asked him to refund the money just now and he wanted to hit me!"

While dragging others to tarnish Xiong Zhumao's reputation, she proudly gave Xiong Zhumao a provocative look when others were not paying attention.

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