Xiong Zhumao was a little embarrassed by the laugh, so he had to pretend to understand and then smiled awkwardly with the corners of his mouth raised.

Chen Xiaoxuan saw the shy smile on the young man's face, and wondered if she had laughed too much just now.

She immediately stopped laughing and became serious, "I'd better call you Mr. Xiong or the principal!"

"Director, you must have seen some discussions about the zoo on the Internet recently. You should also find that the traffic on the Internet is actually greater than the traffic offline. Many people..." She was still a little uncomfortable when she said this. She glanced shyly at the man standing aside who hadn't spoken until now.

"Of course it includes me, too. I'm here to rely on the popularity of the zoo on the Internet. The traffic I used to broadcast live at the zoo is also good. I wonder if the head of the zoo has any ideas about creating some public accounts on the Internet?"

Xiong Zhumao was confused by Chen Xiaoxuan's words. What kind of speech on the Internet was the false "animal cruelty" that those people said two days ago?

At this time, Xiong Zhumao also suddenly remembered that their zoo was about to close down, and it was this girl who came over and took pictures with her mobile phone, and their zoo was suddenly full of tourists.

He wondered for a while at the time, the original reason was here.

The light and shadow swayed, and the mottled light spots scattered on the young man through the gaps between the leaves. Chen Xiaoxuan looked at the man with a heavy face who was thinking. At first, she was full of confidence, but now she began to feel uncertain.

"Director, you can also watch the video I edited some time ago, and then think about it in all aspects."

When Chen Xiaoxuan said this, she felt that she must have lost her mind. Why does she seem to want to be a laborer very much now?Didn't she do freelance work just to avoid anger?

"Okay, can you please show me?"

Before she could finish regretting, a cold male voice sounded, and she immediately put these thoughts behind her. She quickly took out her mobile phone, opened the account app, and prepared to continue selling herself.

She felt more and more that the man in front of him was not as simple as his face showed. Otherwise, how could he be so calm and never show up, waiting for the rumors on the Internet to be self-defeating, and even made a wave of publicity for himself.

Xiong Zhumao carefully watched the whole process without blinking, and now all his doubts are gone. The whole video is concise and clear, showing all the inexplicable criticism and attacks on their zoo.

It turned out that before he knew it, there were so many strange rumors in their zoo, and this human female had been helping their zoo all the time.

And he found that in the girl's video, he showed his mighty strength and the vigor of other animals.

"I think the video you made is very good. The construction of the zoo needs talents like you."

Xiong Zhumao kept talking slowly, he slowed down and kept thinking about how to spend the least money to hire such a talent to help their zoo.

100 yuan for humans needs to sell three and one-third tickets to the zoo, 1000 yuan for humans needs to sell almost 33 tickets for the zoo, and 1 yuan for humans needs...

Because there are still animals waiting to be fed on the mountain, now it costs hundreds of tickets every month, and there is also a zoo that needs to be repaired and perfected. He calculated that he would save 3000 million tickets. If he calculates this way, He doesn't seem to be able to pay this human being much.

The more Xiong Zhumao wanted to convert the money, the more anxious he became.

The hesitation and embarrassment in his heart were unconsciously revealed on his face, and his forehead wrinkled in worry.

"It's just that you have seen the current situation of the zoo. So far, the zoo is still in the state of investing in construction. What salary do you think is more appropriate?" Xiong Zhumao asked the amount with a cautious voice.

Chen Xiaoxuan saw the handsome man who was still in good spirits and clear-eyed just now, but now he looked at her innocently and blankly, with a kind of apprehension in his eyes.

This feeling made her subconsciously ignore Xiong Zhumao's height, and a faint affection rose in her heart.

"Basic salary director, you can tell me, in fact, it can be done. If the account is operated properly in the later stage, there will definitely be income."

As for the salary, maybe she can ask for less, after all, the director still needs to raise those animals.

Of course, she can also sneak into the zoo with the camera in her arms when she has no material, but she still feels that it is a bit unkind to do so. Perhaps directly operating a zoo account will give her a higher sense of accomplishment.

"Can this account really generate income?"

She took a look, and Xiong Zhumao, whose expression finally eased, also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course, one video can be voted on several websites. Some websites can monetize traffic, and some websites can sell some better products after accumulating a certain number of fans. We can also broadcast live..."

Hearing these voices, Xiong Zhumao seemed to hear the voice of money coming into the account again, and his gaze towards Chen Xiaoxuan gradually became adored, despite the thin and weak appearance of this human being, she actually knows so many things.

Therefore, this talent must be retained. With her, a better tomorrow for the zoo is just around the corner.

Chen Xiaoxuan naturally also felt the changes in the eyes of the people around her, and the eyes seemed to become hotter.

"Don't worry about it now, because you want to improve the environment of the zoo, so you need to save money and invest." Xiong Zhumao said the highest limit he estimated with a little anxiety and nervousness: "I said that the approximate salary is OK, we can do it Discuss again, three..."

"Three thousand is three thousand!"

She quite admires this kind of good young man who started a business for her dream. It's a pity that she dare not even hire employees in order to save some money. If her salary is less, then she should be less.

And while she was working on the account of the zoo, her account could also be operated together. The director of the zoo was already worried about money, so she should stop worrying about money.

Xiong Zhumao stood at the side blankly and was converting the amount of money. He originally wanted to say what the price of [-] tickets would be.

So, now the repair plan of the zoo can be brought forward again, right?

"Okay!" After thinking about it, he should give this human being some good treatment, what if she ran away: "After the account is up and running, we can split the income in this regard, what do you think?"

Chen Xiaoxuan heard the amount of the share, and then looked at the honest and somewhat shy new boss, a sense of justice welled up spontaneously.

"The share doesn't need to be so much. Director, don't you believe in my strength?"

It was too late to salvage the words, and Chen Xiaoxuan showed a wry smile. How could she still despise the high-paid workers like her!

On the basis of being very satisfied with each other, they agreed on a salary. The income from the network operation was [-] to [-]%.

In this way, the official blog of "Maoling Zoo", which has been silent on the Internet for a long time, was quietly born, followed by official accounts on various social apps.

[Maoling Zoo V: The long-awaited official account is here for all netizens, follow me, there will be the latest soft and cute animal video updates, and you can also cloud rua all kinds of cuties, see you at 12 o'clock this morning! ]

As soon as Chen Xiaoxuan opened the account, the whole phone rang non-stop, and people kept following and leaving messages.

[Is it fake? ]

[Some people have faked it before, it must be fake]

[People nowadays really do everything they can to gain popularity! ]

[Sit and wait for the live broadcast, if another little internet celebrity who likes to rub the heat opens it, I hope he can bear it]

Although many people scolded and criticized the account, there are still many people who saw the latest video updated under the account and followed it dubiously.

Before it was twelve o'clock, many netizens who had been watching the live broadcast found that it had already opened, and many people rushed into the live broadcast room.

The author says:

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