Chen Xiaoxuan led the tourists along the route up the mountain to see various small animals. On top of their heads, there were squirrels with fluffy tails, cute looks and family members, jumping on the trees, with crisp birdsong in their ears, and unknown wild flowers at their feet. .

The breeze is gentle, and both the spectators and the people in it feel a different kind of tranquility.

When they arrived at the reptile snake pavilion, Chen Xiaoxuan went in with a shivering scalp. The whole person was afraid and kept silent in front of the camera, but the audience through the network cable had been actively discussing the colors of these snakes.

The cold and vicious snake spit out its own snake letter, glanced at them lazily, and then showed them its graceful body on the tree, which was in line with the peaceful temperament of the whole zoo, and it didn't look like it wanted to attack at all.

Chen Xiaoxuan was originally worried about the safety factor of the snake house, but seeing this, she gradually let go of her worries and admired the patterns on the snake's body together.

However, there are no viewers yelling too ordinary and uninteresting things in the live broadcast room, what to do if they are afraid of being slapped in the face by the boss again, if they concentrate on watching these small animals, they will naturally have their own cuteness.


Of course, when they walked to the back, it was obvious that they were very tired before they walked to the area of ​​wild wolves and foxes, which also meant that the visit to the zoo was about to end.

The audience in the live broadcast room along the way didn't value the species so much. The animals in the whole zoo were all good.

You can tell from the fur of wolves and foxes that they are already very old, but seeing them come is very close.

One wolf and one fox are all alone in their respective domains. The owner of the garden must have deliberately arranged for them to accompany them across the wall. It seems that they are very harmonious, one responds to the other.

The red-haired fox shows humans the rabbit that has been frightened by him, and wants to start his own rabbit-catching session.

It let go of its paws, and the rabbit didn't want to run away, and only jumped out after being poked by him. The fox with some sloping legs, like playing, finally caught the rabbit in his arms again, and gave the human a look as if asking for credit.

The wolves started their own howling concert.

After they walked this way, Chen Xiaoxuan found that her live broadcast room had soared to the first place on the homepage. For such a busy Monday, she really couldn't even imagine that so many people would click into her live broadcast room .

[I take back the statement that this zoo is not interesting, it is obviously tm interesting]

[Although this zoo looks unreasonable on the outside, it is not bad on the inside]

[The owner of the garden should be a novel and interesting person]

[The above, but I still feel that the owner of the garden is a bit unreliable, but the wild duck and bird that happened to run to him are protected animals]

Chen Xiaoxuan was very satisfied with the results of this live broadcast. She never thought that a zoo that just came to visit casually could bring her such a surprise.

But no matter how much she wanted to linger and didn't want to leave, there were only so few species in this zoo, and there was nowhere for her to stay no matter how long she wanted to stay.

"Now we are going to the last attraction of the day - the Panda Garden. Many people must have been looking forward to it for a long time, so let's go and see it along the way."

They detoured down from the other side of the mountain. Even if they had walked around the entire mountain, the small hills made the two of them very tired.

People squatting in the live broadcast room now don't feel that the whole zoo is dilapidated and unattractive, because even if the animals are not rare animals, they still find it very interesting after coming in to see them.

Chen Xiaoxuan's voice was a little hoarse after a day of explaining, and the people in the whole live broadcast room were rarely quiet watching the distant scenery and listening to the birdsong in their ears.

Even though they are not in nature, they still feel the beauty of nature. The sun in the distance is setting in the west, emitting that beautiful glow. They feel the shock of their hearts and chat in twos and threes.

[It hasn't arrived yet, I guess, the panda is not the owner of the garden pretending to be. 】

[The above is the truth, pandas are so easy to have, this idea, the unreliable owner of the garden can really come up with it. 】

[The garden owner, who has not shown up at this moment, is holding the panda's head and sighing]

[It could also be a doll! 】

[Have you forgotten the face slap before? 】

After half a day of bizarre garden viewing experience, the viewers in the live broadcast room were not so hostile this time, and their tolerance towards the garden owner was exceptionally high.

"Dangdangdangdang! We have come to the panda garden now. From the outside, so far, this panda garden is the best place in the entire zoo."

Chen Xiaoxuan took advantage of the fact that she hadn't gone in to reveal the answer, thinking about keeping the person as long as she could, and walked around the outside environment.

[Regardless of whether there are pandas in it or not, it just looks like a piece of bamboo, which is quite bluffing]

[The owner of the garden is hurriedly putting on the panda's head]

[Hahaha, real bamboo shoots upstairs]

【The bamboo shoots are in the panda's stomach】


Seeing these comments, Chen Xiaoxuan gradually eased her mood, and understood that no matter what the result was, the boss here would not suffer unnecessary infamy because of her appearance.

Everyone knows that pandas are national treasures, very rare and rare, what if the group of netizens dislike him for cheating because of a word from the child, she will become a sinner.

After watching the outside environment, many people in the live broadcast room are urging her to go in quickly, and she also understands that she can't keep procrastinating like this.

"Now, we are about to enter the long-awaited Panda Garden. The treasures will know the result immediately."

Chen Xiaoxuan has also prepared different words in order to deal with several conceivable scenarios.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

Not only the audience in front of the camera was staring at the screen, but Chen Xiaoxuan, who was holding a mobile phone, also quickly looked at the whole area.

But no, there is nothing, only the bamboo forest under the wind blowing is making a slight sound.

[Anchor, turn the camera quickly! 】

[Don't look at bamboo, look at pandas! 】

Chen Xiaoxuan was also a little flustered at this time, how could there be no one, even a few fake doll pandas would be better than the empty ones now.

"Well, let's take a look at the environment of this panda garden. It's really suitable for pandas to live in!"

She turned the camera around, and then dryly introduced the environment she felt.

[Everyone, where are the pandas, why do I only see bamboo. 】

[Where is the panda? 】

[In a panda garden without pandas, it would be better for the owner to directly change it to a bamboo garden than to lie to us! 】

【Rubbish!Regarding this matter, I said that the owner of the garden was wrong, right! 】

[Shouldn't have expectations, let's go]

【Rubbish!fraud! 】


The aggressive audience, who had never dared to speak out before, finally got the chance to rant and frantically swiped the screen.

The entire live broadcast room was quickly filled with all kinds of bad comments, and everyone was full of expectations for the day, and suddenly looked at such an empty panda garden, and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Everyone, please be safe and don't be impatient. This panda garden is so big, even if there are pandas, I don't know where they will stay."

Chen Xiaoxuan could only try her best to appease her, her eyes were looking around.

It shouldn't be, if there were no pandas, the owner of the garden would definitely have to deal with it carefully, so where is it?

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