Lu Guangnan took out 1000 million gems and gave them to Xia Xia on the spot.

Xia Xia held a thin card.

This card is very common.

Just from the appearance, it is completely impossible to tell that it contains 1,000 million gems.

Lu Guangnan: "These are the ransom paid by the families of the young masters in our base after they were punished."

The word ransom proves everything.

Xia Xia flicked his tail, and he looked at Lu Guangnan.

Lu Guangnan smiled.

Lu Guangnan said: "I apologize to the little boss for those disobedient people in the Nirvana base. I hope this incident will not make the little boss unhappy."

"The people who made trouble have been returned to their parents, and their parents will discipline them again. Nirvana Base will also pay special attention to their educational achievements."

Those young sons had already paid the fine on time.

Now that the fine has been paid, the past is over, and Xia Xia doesn't take it to heart at all.

Lu Guangnan said: "Nirvana Base and Little Panda Mall will always be partners, and the friendship between us will never fade because of a little thing. There is no doubt about this."

If it weren't for the little boss's rescue at the beginning, Lu Guangnan would have died in that hot summer, how could he become the general manager of the current Nirvana base.

People will change because of various things, but they can also keep their heart and stick to something that remains unchanged.

Xia Xia glanced at the card containing 1000 million gems in his hand, and he said: "For the sake of our partners, Little Panda Mall agreed to build the processing plant on the land of the Nirvana base, but there is a little bit of Nirvana. The people at the base need to know."

Lu Guangnan: "Tell me."

Xia Xia: "The first point. The naming right of the processing plant belongs to the Nirvana base. The Nirvana base decides on its own whether to have a reputation connection with the Red Panda Mall."

Lu Guangnan immediately asked: "I wonder if the little boss can tell me whether it is related to reputation and what kind of impact it will cause?"

Xia Xia replied with a super good temper: "If you choose to have no connection, then the Red Panda Store will not conduct any publicity for the processing plant in the Nirvana Base."

"If you choose to be related, the Red Panda Mall will put a special post on the big electronic screen in the lobby on the first floor and in the forum software on your mobile phone for 1 hours of publicity."

Lu Guangnan gasped.

"It's definitely related," he said.

Xia Xia smiled and said: "If you choose to be related, you only need to add a logo of Red Panda Mall after the name of the processing factory. This logo does not need to be very obvious, just let others know that this processing factory has Red Panda Mall participate."

Lu Guangnan couldn't help but nodded.

"It's natural."

Xia Xia continued: "The second point. The Red Panda Mall provides the core technology of the processing plant, which is the so-called technology investment. The Red Panda Mall holds 50% of the shares, but it will not participate in the management. The processing plant will be selected and managed by you. .”

Lu Guangnan gasped again.

Xia Xia said: "The last point. The machine tools and building materials needed for the processing plant need to be purchased from the Little Panda Mall from the Nirvana Base. As for the raw materials, if you have better channels, you can use the channels you like. The Little Panda Mall is right There are no other requirements in this regard."

After Xia Xia finished speaking, he looked at Lu Guangnan: "If you agree to these three points, we can sign the contract right away."

This is equivalent to Lu Guangnan buying back a piece of technology at a price of more than 1,000 million.

Lu Guangnan said, "I agree."

Xia Xia smiled brightly, "Happy cooperation!"

The requirement of base branch mission 10 is to assist the construction of a base within [-] years, and to achieve perfect results.

Ten years is a long time for a red panda.

Maybe it was Xia Xia's whole life.

This task is not difficult.

Xia Xia said: "To celebrate the partnership between the Little Panda Shopping Center and the Nirvana Base. After Uncle Lu returns to the base, you should carefully check the money transactions of the leadership of your base. You will be pleasantly surprised."

Lu Guangnan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Then thank you in advance for the surprise, little boss."

Xia Xia chuckled, "You're welcome."

After the two parties signed the contract, Xia Xia received a notification from the system.

[Successfully establish contact with the Nirvana base and obtain staged achievements.Award Nirvana Base Unlimited Pass. 】

This reward means that Xia Xia can go to the Nirvana base whenever she wants.

Xia Xia was given a certain amount of freedom.

Xia Xia rolled her eyes and said, "I'll go there after the Nirvana Base's processing plant is established."

Thinking so, he threw the pass into the warehouse.

In the past, he wanted to go outside to find his mother, but his mother made it clear that Xia Xia should not go to her again.

So the good baby Xia Xia stopped going.

He will wait for his mother to come to him at the little panda mall.

Hope that day is not far away.

After signing the contract, Lu Guangnan took away the residents of the Nirvana Base.

The hotel was empty all of a sudden.

Many people thought about going to the coffee shop on the second floor before leaving.

The business of the coffee shop is booming all of a sudden.

The little girl who ended her delivery career was upset.

She sat at the counter of the coffee shop and sighed.

A guest saw her like this and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with Xiao Fengnian? Why are you sighing so sad? Who made you unhappy? You tell auntie, and auntie will help you teach him a lesson."

Guests living in the hotel know that there is a little girl with a ghost in the coffee shop, and they like to tease this little girl when they come to relax every day.

The little girl squinted at the guest and said, "It's not because you left."

The guest said with a smile: "I guess you must not be sighing here because we are very reluctant to leave, but because after we leave, you will have no chance to make money, right? I can understand your little thoughts." .”

The little girl snorted coldly, "Am I such a heartless person?"

Immediately afterwards the little girl said: "But you guessed right, I really think so. It's not easy to make money these days."

The little girl said such old-fashioned words with an immature face.

The guests were overjoyed.

"Have you started worrying about making money at such a young age?"

The little girl said: "Aren't you worried about money at your age?"

The guests laughed.

The little girl said in a milky voice: "You don't even understand what I'm worried about. Go ahead and don't affect my business."

The guest begged for mercy: "Hahaha, I won't bother you anymore."

The little girl held her face in her hands, feeling worried.

Her sister came over and saw his little bitter face at a glance.

My sister asked: "Since you can't deliver the goods, you can stay in the coffee shop to help. Don't you like to sell? From now on, your station will be at the door of the coffee shop. When a customer comes, you tell them to let them come in and have a taste." Our family has a new dessert. The boss also said that as long as you sell it, I will give you a commission, isn't that okay?"

The little girl sighed, "This kind is too simple, there is no room for development at all."

The little girl boldly said: "The coffee shop can't make much money. If it weren't for my young age, I would have applied to the little boss to manage his processing plant and base."

The little girl's elder sister gave a chuckle, "Then you work hard and grow up quickly. My sister is waiting for you to make a lot of money."

The little girl nodded, "Of course."

Although she didn't like selling at the door, the little girl jumped off the counter and walked to the door.

When she sees a customer, she promotes their new products.

The little girl looked at the customers coming and going, and said, "I don't know how much the red panda sausage can earn today, but it feels like a lot."

The little girl saw a large number of customers walking into Yun's hot pot restaurant and the supermarket shopping area.

On the day they left, the people at the Nirvana base probably spent more than 10000 gems in various shops in the Red Panda Mall.

They returned with a rewarding experience.

In the Nirvana base, Lu Guangnan informed the leadership of the Nirvana base about the signing of the contract.

This news was a bit too forward for the leadership, which aroused resentment and resistance from some leaders.

A bald male leader said: "President Lu didn't discuss with us before signing this contract, right? Is this your personal idea or our Nirvana Base's idea? I vote against it."

The bald male leader said: "Everyone knows that you have a good relationship with the boss of Little Panda Mall, but this contract you signed is equivalent to handing over the Nirvana base. You want to use this news to tell us that the Nirvana base will be renamed in the future. Is it called the Little Panda Base?"

"Leaders may wish to think about it carefully. Once this processing plant is established on the Nirvana base, our behavior will be restricted. This is a huge hidden danger. We must not leave this hidden danger in the Nirvana base."

"Is Director Lu really willing to see this kind of result of being restricted by others?"

"Anyway, I'm absolutely unwilling. I don't know how many people here are as opposed to me as I am?"

The bald male leader looked at the nine leaders present.

He directly glanced at the 9 female leaders among the 4 leaders, and looked at the other 5 male leaders.

The neglected female leaders immediately lowered their faces and couldn't help rolling their eyes.

Lu Guangnan looked at him silently.

A male leader came out to smooth things over: "That's not what he said. Old Zhu, listen to what Brother Lu thinks first. We need to know the ins and outs of this matter before we can express our opinions. How can I say that Nirvana Base is also Brother Lu? It was established with Brother Su."

Another male leader looked at the atmosphere in the meeting room.

He said: "You have to change your character of listening to the wind and the rain. Isn't the loss you suffered last time not enough?"

The bald leader patted his belly, which had been reduced a lot.

He said sadly: "I am thinking of the people in the base!"

"Even if I suffer a loss, I will admit it. Didn't I bring 1 million gems to the base last time I suffered a loss? As a result, the 000 million gems were given to the owner of the little panda shopping mall by the person in charge Lu!"

"The 1 million yuan can build a splendid building in the Nirvana base. We don't have to hold meetings in this small conference room."

After the bald male leader finished speaking, he immediately looked at the leader who usually had the best relationship with him, but this time he didn't say a word.

The leader silently looked away.

The bald male leader's heart skipped a beat.

At this time, "Su Linhe", who always went his own way, rolled his eyes, "Why does such an ugly person appear in the leadership of Nirvana Base? Didn't I say that I only want good-looking people?"

The bald male leader was so blown away by his god that he was almost out of breath.

Lu Guangnan glanced at the belly of the general led by the bald man.

"I remember last time I said to let the leadership lose weight. Xiao Zhu, your weight hasn't been reduced much, have you? I'm afraid you have eaten a lot during this time? Where did the money you eat and drink go?"

The bald male leader immediately said: "It's normal for big men to eat a lot. I have worked hard to lose weight, but when I reach middle age, I really can't lose weight. It's okay for women to lose weight. Why do men Want to lose weight too?"

A female leader said: "After all, you are the person in charge of the pigs. Every night, the big fish and big meat are delicious and delicious. There is no way to reduce it. It is really hard for the people in our base. I didn't expect them to pay every month. The money that came up was actually used by the person in charge to eat and drink."

The female leader emphasized the pronunciation of the word "pig", and the other three female leaders laughed.

The bald man led the way: "Don't slander other people's innocence here!"

The female leader smiled: "Are you worthy of confessing in front of us?"

The female leader stood up and slammed the table. She said coldly, "How much money have you been greedy for? Do you want me to go to your house and find out one by one?"

The bald male leader took a breath.

He looked at the female leader: "How do you know that!"

The female leader sneered, "What else do you want to hide in that way of treating your head and ignoring your back?"

The bald male leader suddenly slumped on the chair.

Obviously everyone present knew about his greed for money.

At this time, "Su Linhe" got up and squeezed his fist, and he punched the bald male leader in the face, saying: "I can't eat this kind of stuff, so I won't eat it, pick a snowy day and throw it away." get out."

The bald man was too desperate to beg for mercy.

There was snow in the sky.

The leaders of the Nirvana base watched a free bloody firework.

The body was covered with snow until it melted away.

Lu Guangnan said: "I hope you don't let me down. Otherwise, this will be your end."

The female leader smiled and said: "Of course, we are the ones who most hope that the Nirvana base can become bigger and stronger. I think after today, many people will think twice before doing things."

Lu Guangnan returned to the room and sent Xia Xia a thank you message.

The author says:

【Snow=garbage incineration station】

It's not easy woo woo woo, I finally updated QAQ at nine o'clock.

Bring Xia Xia over to all aunts and aunts for a kiss.

The road to double changes will start tomorrow!

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