At this time, the voice tsk-tsk: "At that time, she was just a petty official, but now she is a master. As expected, she still has to be shameless, so that she can live a good life."

He sighed: "Women are more messy than men in this world. Men can only earn a little hard-earned money after working hard all day, and women just need to lie down on the bed, and everything will be done. You say this is not ridiculous."

"In my opinion, if you want to experience the end of the world again in your next life, it's better to be a woman! It's so good! You don't have to do anything!"

Several of the people he spoke to earlier were women.

They didn't expect this person to say such a thing, and they immediately felt unlucky, and silently moved away from him.

Unexpectedly, after this person finished speaking, he still felt dissatisfied, so he moved forward and wanted to continue speaking.

"Hey, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about others. Have you ever done such a thing? Otherwise, what would you substitute?"

Several women frowned, but because of the presence of Kui Tsinghua and several other leaders, they didn't say much.

But the man thought he was right, with a greasy and embarrassing smile on his face.

"You women are like this, and you start to substitute yourself for a little thing."

Kui Qinghua, who was watching this scene from the side, clenched his fists and stepped forward, when a gust of wind suddenly blew past.

The man who spoke earlier was kicked to the ground by Xia Xia.

When everyone came back to their senses, they saw the man lying on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Xia Xia tried the feeling of his feet, and felt a little cramped. He looked at the man under his feet and said, "Are you from the gray-blue base?"

The man dared not speak out, he stammered, "I, I'm from Shuguang Base."

Xia Xia looked left and right: "I think you are from the gray-blue base."

Otherwise, how could the tone of speech be the same as that of most people in the gray-blue base.

The man said: "I was indeed a member of the gray-blue base before. It was only later that I went to the Shuguang base with the help of my staff."

Xia Xia understood: "No wonder."

Then, he beat the man up again.

Men dare not resist.

He didn't even dare to make a sound, and Xia Xia hammered him with such a muffled voice.

The few people who were disgusted by him before all let out a sigh of relief.

Xia Xia's image suddenly became brighter in their hearts.

How cute is that little face!

Xia Xia, who was liked more by others, stepped on the man's back and asked, "I just heard you say that you know the person on the poster. Let me ask you, what is her name?"

The man counseled: "Yan, Yan Peijun."

"All those words?"

"Serious Yan, Pei next to the word Wang, the gentleman of a gentleman."

Xia Xia read it quietly.

Xia Xia flicked her tail happily.

It turns out that my mother's name is Yan Peijun.

What a handsome name!

He looked at the man on the ground and said, "I remember you said something just now, what was it?"

The man who was stepped on the ground, that is, Ji Yongli, did not dare to say what he just said.

He is not stupid.

He faltered for a long time, rolling his eyes around, and finally thought of how to explain.

He said: "I didn't say anything. I just said that Mr. Pei was one of my employees before. We have a very good relationship. Before Mr. Pei liked to ask me for help with anything. I think she is pitiful, basically Help every time."

"It's because of this that she used to say that I was a very good person when she met everyone. Hey, I told her not to say that, but I didn't expect that she still said it everywhere, so now people know me wherever I go."

Xia Xia narrowed her eyes and let go of her feet, "Really?"

Ji Yongli discovered Xia Xia's change, and thought that Xia Xia, like the people he said, was a person who was fascinated by this woman.

He suddenly felt that he had Xia Xia in his hands.

He said confidently: "Of course, I used to take good care of Mr. Pei. Mrs. Pei usually asks me for help with everything. I remember that once she handed over a badly injured raccoon from nowhere. The little raccoon was cured before a large sum of money, and I borrowed a lot of money from her at that time. Without this money, the little raccoon must have died long ago."

He talked more and more vigorously, but he didn't notice Xia Xia's darkening face at all.

Xia Xia said: "Are you sure she saved a little raccoon?"

Ji Yongli said: "Of course, I am the director of the zoo, how could I not know the breeds of these animals."

Xia Xia's tail drooped heavily.

Ji Yongli glanced at Xia Xia, and continued: "Although Mr. Pei has always called me Uncle, I know that she always regards me as hers in her heart..."

The unpleasant sound disappeared.

Ji Yongli opened his mouth and found himself speechless.

He scratched his throat with his hands.

Xia Xia said: "Don't struggle, I've dumbed you down. Also, she saved a little panda back then."

Ji Yongli's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it.

He opened his mouth so hard that his face turned red.

Xia Xia spread her hands: "You are too noisy, how come you are noisier than a hundred ducks!"

Ji Yongli let out a short cry, which really sounded like a duck.

Kui Tsinghua chuckled, and the other patients in the lounge also roared with laughter.

The man refused to face such a scene, and hid in the toilet in desperation.

Kui Tsinghua, who already knew who Xia Xia's mother was and also knew what was going on with his mother, approached Xia Xia.

He was about to take advantage of Xia Xia's good mood now to take the opportunity to test it out, but he didn't expect to see Xia Xia with a small face.

He didn't smile.

He didn't mean to be happy, just like before, he was out of place in the happy environment.

Kui Tsinghua immediately couldn't bear to tell him the news.

Xia Xia noticed Kui Qinghua's gaze, he looked at Kui Qinghua, and said, "What's wrong?"

Kui Qinghua sighed, "I've heard of Yan Peijun's name."

Xia Xia's eyes lit up immediately.

He flicked his tail a little excitedly, and said, "Can you tell me?"

Kui Qinghua nodded: "It happens that the meal is ready, let's talk while eating. The little panda Zai Zai must have never eaten it?"

Xia Xia nodded vigorously.

Kui Tsinghua stuffed him with a bun.

Xia Xia groaned, chewed and swallowed.

He said, "It would be nice if it tasted like apples."

It sounds a bit disgusting that the buns in my hand are not delicious.

Kui Tsinghua: ...

Buns with Apple Stuffing...

What kind of ghost eating method is this...

Seeing that Kui Qinghua remained silent, Xia Xia urged: "Speak quickly!"

Kui Tsinghua ate the buns in a few mouthfuls and began to recall.

"I also heard these news from other people's mouths, and they may not be true. Just listen to it."

"You | Mom, a very powerful person."

"In the first year of the end of the world, you|mother led several people to create the Beichen Base."

"The Beichen base at that time was the only place in China that had abundant supplies and only accommodated women."

"At that time, many people didn't think highly of you|mom. They thought that the base built by a group of women could be better than others. I didn't expect you|mom to make the Beichen base bigger and bigger. It made it look like everyone yearned for."

"Her name is also known by most people at this time."

Kui Tsinghua glanced at Xia Xia.

Xia Xia's eyes were shining, and the corners of her mouth were raised high.

Kui Qinghua sighed, and said: "When a base becomes bigger and stronger, it will encounter many dangers, not only raids and sieges by zombies, but also backstabs by personnel inside the base."

Kui Qinghua said with difficulty: "I heard that your|mother was framed by one of his subordinates and died among the zombies. Counting the days, it was two days before you opened the supermarket."

He just told the truth and time of Xia Xia's mother's death.

Those who listened together fell into silence.

Kui Qinghua was a little afraid to look Xia Xia in the eye.

It's cruel, but it can't be hidden for a while.

At this time, Qingyue's youthful voice sounded: "Ah, is it actually like this?"

Xia Xia asked: "Is the person who framed my mother still in Beichen Base?"

Kai Qinghua was a little confused, he looked up at Xia Xia.

Xia Xia's expression was very flat, as if she heard some gossip that had nothing to do with her.

Kui Tsinghua couldn't understand.

Kui Qinghua said: "You..."

Xia Xia knew what Kui Qinghua meant, and he said: "My mother is still alive, but I can't find it. There is a connection between us."

Kui Qinghua looked at Xia Xia deeply, and said, "It must be like this."

Xia Xia nodded.

Kui Qinghua said: "I heard that the person who framed your mother has been killed by the current person in charge of the Beichen base, which is considered revenge."

"I see, I see."

Xia Xia rolled her eyes, "Thank you!"

Fang Xun, who also heard the story, summoned his youngest son.

She whispered a few words to her youngest son.

The younger son nodded, ran to Xia Xia's side with strides, sat down on the stool, and started drawing with a pen and paper.

In the lounge, all the patients have been treated.

The system pops up a prompt: [Medical District Branch Task 53 has been completed.Current progress: 50/[-].Announced when rewards are settled. 】

Xia Xiaxin said that Kui Tsinghua is really the God of Wealth.

And Kui Qinghua glanced at Xia Xia, feeling a little soft in his heart.

No matter how powerful Xia Xia is now, he always remembered that when they first met, Xia Xia, who was drenched in the rain, shivered from the cold, but still asked him with a smile if he wanted to buy a healing potion.

He was thin and small at the time, illiterate, and stumbled when he spoke.

Kui Tsinghua bought all the healing potions in a moment of soft-heartedness. Unexpectedly, the healing potions saved him many times and formed a good relationship.

Kui Qinghua sighed and said, "I'll buy something before leaving."

He said to others: "If you have anything you want to buy, you can go in and have a look. There are many things in the supermarket that only need one crystal nucleus."

After speaking, Kui Tsinghua walked into the shopping area without looking back.

This buying is an unstoppable trend.

When Kai Tsinghua walked out of the shopping area, Xia Xia said in a clear and happy voice: "A total of 20564 crystal nuclei!"

Kui Tsinghua sighed, feeling relieved.

Similarly, I don't want to go to the supermarket to buy things in the past two months.

His wife was going to spend it all.

After shopping, Kai Tsinghua leaned on the counter and watched the patients come out with what they wanted to pay the bill.

Every patient has a smile on their face.

Today is simply the happiest day since the last days.

The patients did not expect that when they first came to the supermarket in the morning, they were still worried about whether they would be sold. At night, they had already made up their minds to go back to earn more money, and strive to buy more things when they come to the supermarket next time. go back.

After all, there are so many things in the supermarket! !

The shelves are full of beautiful things in eyes, which makes people feel full of security when they look at them.

It seems that as long as there is this supermarket, the last days will not be scary at all.

Unknowingly, a seed called hope has taken root in the hearts of these people, waiting to break ground and germinate at any time.

The patients check out one after another.

Kui Tsinghua appointed people one by one.

Soon, Ji Yongli, who had been dumbed down by Xia Xia's ability, walked out of the counter awkwardly.

His eyes wandered, drifting towards Kai Qinghua and Xia Xia from time to time.

Kui Tsinghua had seen this kind of expression a lot when he was a policeman, and most of the time it appeared on petty thieves.

Kui Qinghua frowned, and immediately pulled Ji Yongli back who was about to leave.

Ji Yongli struggled for a while, but found that he couldn't move.

Ji Yongli began to dance and gesture, he looked like he had been wronged so much.

His mouth opened and closed without stopping.

Xia Xia waved her hand to unlock the ability.

Just listen to Ji Yongli say: "Abaa, aba, abaa."

Everyone present: "?"

Ji Yongli was in the midst of Ababa's performance, but suddenly found that these people looked at him like they were looking at an uncivilized monkey.Only then did he realize that he could speak.

Ji Yongli blushed and said angrily: "Don't slander good people, I don't have any commodities on me.

Ji Yongli made an angry look, he raised his head and said to Kui Qinghua who was holding him back: "Even if you are the leader, you can't treat the people below like this? Do you believe that I will report you?"

It doesn't matter to Kui Tsinghua, reporting such things is useless to him.

Kui Qinghua said: "Take out the things you stole. Don't embarrass the Shuguang base outside."

It is impossible for Ji Yongli to admit it, he said: "I just went in to take a look, how could I steal things. Before the end of the world, I was the director of the zoo, with so much water flowing every day, how could I do such sneaky things. Don't Accused me!"

"Is it written in this supermarket that people without money are not allowed to come in and take a look? Can't you leave this supermarket without spending money?"

Kui Qinghua didn't talk to him much, and went directly to his pocket tentatively. Ji Yongli dodged subconsciously, and then came up again. He said, "Touch me! I don't have anything all over my body. I'll see what you can find! But let me tell you in advance, if I don't have anything from your supermarket on me, will you pay me for mental damage?"

Xia Xia said: "This supermarket prohibits taking unpaid goods out of the supermarket. Violators will be fined 10000 crystal cores."

Xia Xia said: "One gun, one box of bullets. A total of 700 crystal cores. It is forbidden to take unpaid goods out of the supermarket, and a fine of 1000 crystal cores is imposed. If you are caught stealing goods and do not admit it, you will be fined 10000 crystal cores. A total of 20700 crystal cores , please pay."

Ji Yongli was furious: "Before the end of the world, I was Yan Peijun's boss! Even Yan Peijun will listen to me, you can slander me, but you still want to steal money!"

Xia Xia's ears trembled, the sound was really unpleasant.

Ji Yongli closed his eyes, and went to the ground: "If you have the ability, kill me, anyway, I have nothing and no money!"

He had seen it before, and there was no monitor at all in this supermarket.

He decided that Xia Xia and the others had no evidence, so he lay down with peace of mind.

Suddenly, someone started talking.

"This person is too shameless."

"That's it."

"I have been caught once by someone, and I still continue to steal. How can such a person have the nerve to say that he is from the Shuguang base!"

"Stolen guns and bullets, really speechless."

"This person is too embarrassing for us male compatriots, and he has the nerve to slander female compatriots, shameless!"


The rustling sound of communication resounded above Ji Yongli's head.

Ji Yongli's heart skipped a beat.

Xia Xia said: "You might as well look up at the big screen."

Ji Yongli raised his head.

I saw that the surveillance video of Ji Yongli's petty theft in the shopping area was being played on the big screen in the lounge.

In one scene, Ji Yongli wanted to steal self-heating rice, but was caught by An Sheng.

Everyone saw An Sheng twisting Ji Yongli's wrist to ask Ji Yongli to apologize, everyone saw Ji Yongli knelt down and begged An Sheng not to report him, everyone saw Ji Yongli swear that he would never steal anything again.

Ji Yongli's face turned redder.

He said loudly: "It's just a small broken supermarket, what's so rare. Your family has a big business, I just took a gun and bullets. This gun and bullets are hundreds of crystal nuclei to you, but to me It is my life! You actually want to take my life! You are too vicious!"

Kui Tsinghua was amused by this logic.

Xia Xia waved her hand, and a burst of green light flashed.

Little Rose jumped out, and it opened its mouth wide to reveal even sharper teeth.

Ji Yongli was so frightened that he quickly jumped up from the ground.

He didn't even want to take out the gun directly, and after loading it, he shot Xia Xia.

Kui Tsinghua immediately tore Xia Xia away.

But Kui Tsinghua's speed is not as fast as the gun's.

He watched helplessly as the bullet sank between Xia Xia's eyebrows. Just as he was so angry that he wanted to kill Ji Yongli, the bullet made a sharp turn and shot into Ji Yongli's eyebrow.

Blood spurted out from the gun hole, and Ji Yongli knelt on the ground weakly.

The entire supermarket was silent.

Kui Tsinghua immediately went to check on Xia Xia's situation, but found that there was no wound or blood on Xia Xia's forehead.

Everyone watched helplessly as the bullet penetrated Xia Xia's eyebrows.

Even a person with supernatural powers would be seriously injured by a bullet in the eyebrow, but Xia Xia didn't.

He stood on the spot as if nothing had happened.

Ji Yongli, who was shot, knelt on the ground with his eyes wide open.

He pointed at Xia Xia with trembling fingers, and said, "Monster...weird..."

He died before he finished speaking.

Xia Xia casually threw a ball of fire.

A white flame appeared, burning Ji Yongli's body into a mass of ashes, which dissipated directly in the air, and was sent out by the air circulation system.

His death is not worth mentioning, the previous mindless troubles are like a joke.

Everyone was shocked by Xia Xia's strength.

After thinking about it, it made sense.

If you are not good, how can you run a supermarket properly in the zombie camp.

Xia Xia turned to look at Kui Qinghua, and said, "Who will pay for the money he owes?"

"I'll do it. The base will pay."

If it weren't for the deep knowledge of Xia Xia's character, Tsinghua Qian Kui would never have given it away.

He just felt bad luck.

After paying the fee, Kai Tsinghua took this opportunity to say to all the patients: "I hope each of you can understand. This supermarket is the only supermarket in China that sells supplies in the last days. If this happens again, the little boss will be furious. Not open. Then we will wait to die together."

Kui Tsinghua looked around and said, "I hope you can cherish this hard-won opportunity."

"I will report this to the person in charge."

The patients all bowed their heads and did not speak.

Kui Qinghua solemnly apologized to Xia Xia.

Xia Xia neither accepted nor refused.

Kui Qinghua glanced at Xia Xia and said, "I will help you pay attention to the news."

Xia Xia rolled her eyes, "Thank you!"

After sending all the patients to the car, Kai Qinghua was grabbed by the hem of his clothes.

This familiar feeling can be guessed as Little Rose and Little Flame.

Kui Tsinghua lowered his head, as expected.

The two little ones tugged affectionately by the hem of his clothes and refused to let him go.

Seeing that the train was about to start, Kui Tsinghua coaxed: "Don't pull, don't pull, uncle will come back next time. Don't miss uncle too much."

Xia Xia said cruelly: "It's not because I miss you, it's because they helped you, but you didn't pay."

Kui Tsinghua: ...

He thought about it, and there was indeed such a thing.

The two little ones helped him move the goods to the lounge.

Kui Tsinghua gritted his teeth: "How much?"

"200 crystal nuclei."

After paying the money, Kai Tsinghua drove away without saying a word.

It seems that the next few months will not want to do it again.

In the supermarket, Fang Xun's family couldn't help but smile.

No one asked what happened to Xia Xia's wound.

It's like today's events never happened.

In the evening, when Fang Xun was about to leave work.

Xiao Yi came to Xia Xia with her drawing paper in her arms.

He held up the drawing paper, "Brother, look!!"

Xia Xia likes Xiaoyi's paintings very much.

This time the painting depicts a chubby red panda raising its front paws high to intimidate the enemy.

Behind the little panda, a woman with a high ponytail is smiling happily.

This picture hit Xia Xia's heart again.

Xia Xia held the drawing paper and looked at Xiaoyi eagerly.

"Xiao Yi, can brother own this painting?"

Xia Xia blinked.

He is very good-looking, with big and round eyes, long eyelashes, no one can't help but want to give him the best after changing his pitiful appearance.

Xiaoyi nodded in a daze, and in a daze agreed to draw hundreds more free paintings for Xia Xia, and was taken home by her mother in a daze.

After returning home, Xiaoyi recovered from the dizzy state.

After thinking about what she had promised Xia Xia, Xiao Yi immediately started painting.

He will also consult his parents' opinions and draw beautiful red pandas together.

At night, Xia Xia was lying on the bed holding the painting.

After a while, he pasted the painting on the wall again, picked up a pen and solemnly wrote the words "Yan Peijun" beside the painting paper, and added a small word: "It's my mother's name. "

Mom has pretty cool names.

Mom created Utopia.

Mom is a very handsome person.

Xia Xia compiled a beautiful dream for herself.

Early the next morning, Xia Xia opened the door of the supermarket.

The wind chimes ding-dong, a new guest has arrived.

Xia Xia looked towards the supermarket gate.

I saw four men and one woman walking in with their heads held high.

A burly man was surrounded by three other slender men.

The woman stopped walking when she reached the door of the supermarket.

When Fang Xun saw this woman, he immediately exchanged glances with Lian Haiyang, and walked quickly to Xia Xia's side to inform Xia Xia of their group's identities.

Xia Xia's gaze rested on the neck of the leading man.

There is a chain of purple crystal nuclei, roughly counted, there are a total of 108! !

The leading man sat down in the lounge, while several men beside him stretched their legs.

One took out tea from the space, one took out a towel, and the other shouted at Xia Xia: "I heard that this supermarket sells a lot of weapons? Hurry up and show them to Brother Biao!"

Xia Xia raised her eyebrows.

Fang Xun's family pretended that they did not exist.

Xia Xia ignored the thin man who spoke.

Instinctively, the person who lost face came to Biao's face and felt strange.

"The owner of such a small supermarket looks down on Brother Biao! Brother Biao must teach him a lesson!"

Brother Biao, who was wearing a purple crystal nucleus chain, raised his eyes and glanced at Xia Xia, and said, "The young man is a bit clueless."

Brother Biao threw his crystal nucleus chain on the table, and said to Xia Xia: "As long as you serve well, this necklace is yours."

Xia Xia glanced at the necklace, and then at her balance.


108 purple crystal nucleus counts.snort!

But only 10800.

Wealth cannot be bent.

Xia Xia's behavior caught Biao's attention.

He threw out another chain made of blue crystal nuclei, "What about this one?"

The blue crystal nuclei are the crystal nuclei of level 3 zombies or the crystal nuclei of level 2 mutant animals and plants.

1 blue = 100 purple = 10000 colorless

Although the chain in his hand only has 20 pieces, it is a proper 20 colorless crystal nuclei!

Xia Xia felt that she could bend down a bit.

He laughed and said, "There are 18 types of hot and cold weapons in the supermarket, and there are 14 types of guns alone."

Xia Xia put these weapons in front of Brother Biao one by one, and introduced them intimately.

Brother Biao enjoyed such treatment very much.

It was decided on the spot to buy all the weapons.

Xia Xia said happily: "There are 310057 crystal nuclei in total!"

Really made a fortune today! ! !

Immediately you can continue to expand! ! !

After a transaction, both of them are very happy.

But Brother Biao brought four people here, and there will always be someone who is unhappy.

The younger brother who was fanning for Brother Biao suddenly pointed at Fang Xun and said, "Brother Biao, that girl looks good, do you want to try it?"

The younger brother winked.

Fang Xun frowned, and waved the knife in his hand at the younger brother, making a gesture of a cockroach.

The little brother immediately put his legs together.

The other two men whistled and laughed.

Brother Biao gave the younger brother a slap, and said, "Didn't you see that he has a husband?"

Xia Xia was a little surprised, he looked at Brother Biao.

Only Brother Biao said: "Let's kill her husband first and then play. This will be more convenient."

Hearing this, Fang Xun's family suddenly didn't want to be angry with these four people.

The living never care about the dead.

They looked at Xia Xia together.

Xia Xia blinked and said to this man: "What do you mean by what you just said? Did you want to hurt the employees in the supermarket?"

He looks innocent and harmless, and it's easy to put people's guard down.

Little Rose on the side was eager to move.

Brother Biao and the others didn't take Xia Xia seriously, and said bluntly: "Yeah, women are just for..."

Xia Xia waved her hand, and a burst of green light flashed.

Brother Biao vomited a mouthful of blood.

He stared at the thing that hurt him, a pot of roses with branches akimbo.

Rose didn't feel satisfied after hitting it once, so she jumped up and beat all four of them again.

Little Huomiao assisted from the side, and directly hid the four of them.

The four of them are one of the best superpowers in the gray-blue base, and Brother Biao is a person who relies on his nepotism to get to the top.

They originally thought that no matter how powerful this supermarket is, it cannot be more powerful than the four of them.

But at present, just a small pot of roses and a small flame can make them pay back.

Brother Biao thinks that he is a hero who understands current affairs, and he doesn't care about like a villain.

So he immediately begged for mercy.

The woman who was with them looked disgusted.

She said, "leave as soon as you finish shopping, don't waste time here. Have you said everything you need to say? "

The four men all showed displeasure after being lectured by the woman.

They didn't say anything, but the expressions on their faces were very rich and exciting.

At this time, Xia Xia said: "Sexual|harassment|harassing employees is prohibited in the supermarket. Violators are fined 10000 crystal cores. Intimidation and threats to employees are prohibited in the supermarket. Violators are fined 10000 crystal cores. The total is 20000 crystal cores. Please pay the fee."

After Xia Xia finished speaking, she looked at Fang Xun's family, "After they pay the fee, [-]% of it will be used as compensation for you."

Ten percent of [-] crystal nuclei, that's [-] crystal nuclei!

Fang Xun's family felt relieved.

With one month's salary in hand, I can buy some good things and go home.

The four of them became angry when they heard what Xia Xia said. When they were about to yell, the woman snatched the opportunity, and the woman said: "Brother Seven still needs to discuss business with the boss of this supermarket. If the boss is unhappy, this The single business is gone, do you think you can go back alive?"

As soon as the woman named Seventh Brother, even the craziest Brother Biao didn't dare to speak.

They curled their lips and paid the fee reluctantly.

After deducting the money, Brother Biao gave the woman a hard look.

Women naturally know what they are thinking.

But she didn't take it seriously, and instead started shopping in the shopping area of ​​the supermarket.

She stopped and went, and finally wandered to the medical area.

She saw scar cream on a shelf in the medical section.

She asked, "How much is the scar cream?"

Fang Xun: "One of 15 crystal nuclei."

The woman glanced at the instruction manual.

Fang Xun looked at the woman.

The woman in front of her was very beautiful, even in a state of pure makeup, she was stunningly beautiful.

She has long curly hair and wears a beautiful suspender skirt.

But where the skirt was exposed, there were scars all over it.

The scars looked conspicuous and terrifying on the fair skin.

When Fang Xun saw these scars, he couldn't bear it.

When she saw this woman, she knew that this group of people was from the Huilan Base.

There is a boss in the gray-blue base, who is fond of sex and abuse.

And this woman is one of the big brother's little lovers.

This boss is a pervert known to everyone, and he is keen on marking his lover.

The woman noticed Fang Xun's eyes, and she just had to think about it casually to know what Fang Xun was thinking.

She said: "There is no need to show such eyes, all of this is voluntary."

It has been five years since the end of the world, and everyone has their own way of survival.

Fang Xun sighed, seeing that she had been looking at the product introduction of the scar cream, and said softly: "If you want to remove all the scars on your body, you will need about twenty. Some scars on your body look old, you have to It takes about three months of repeated application of the medicine to see results."

The woman said: "No need. The old one is gone, and the new one will come sooner or later. I don't have such a habit."

The woman put down the scar cream in her hand and continued to look at other things.

She is very curious about everything in the supermarket, and she is much easier to talk to than the other four men.

Perhaps because of their gender, both of them are women.

Fang Xun inevitably had an idea of ​​wanting to help.

The woman said: "You don't need to sympathize with me, I don't need this kind of emotional projection. I am doing well now, and I am quite satisfied."

While the two were chatting, Brother Biao also informed Xia Xia of his intentions.

He swung the purple crystal nucleus chain on his body, and said: "We are from the gray-blue base. You heard it just now. Our boss is Brother Seven. Brother Seven is also my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law ordered us to Come to your supermarket to buy weapons. Oh, and this."

Brother Biao slapped a contract in front of Xia Xia.

So far, except for Xiaxia's supermarket which still sells washi and paper pens, it is difficult to see paper and pens in other places.This so-called Seventh Brother was able to take out such a piece of paper. It seems that he has a lot of supplies.

Xia Xia didn't bother to read, he said, "Read what's on the paper."

Brother Biao took a deep breath of anger and said, "This is a contract. My brother-in-law said that after signing this contract, all the weapons in your supermarket cannot be sold to others, but to us."

"In order not to let you suffer, we will buy each weapon at a price of one hundred crystal cores, so you don't have to worry about not being able to sell your stuff."

"As long as you sign this contract, my brother-in-law will protect you and prevent you from being annexed by other bases. My brother-in-law is a fifth-level ability user, and there are a hundred or so fourth-level ability users under him."

Brother Biao looked at Xia Xia triumphantly, and said, "You should understand what I mean, right? As long as you obediently sign this contract, I will guarantee that you will be popular in the future."

Xia Xia laughed, and said, "Don't sign."

Brother Biao, who didn't get the answer he wanted, hammered the counter table vigorously, and said, "You have to sign this contract if you sign it, or you have to sign it if you don't. You can't refuse it."

Xia Xia blinked, "Really? Are you threatening me? And smashed my counter?"

This sentence is really familiar, Brother Biao, who was about to nod immediately, shut his mouth and did not answer.

Just now, he was defrauded of [-] crystal cores for threatening the employees in the supermarket.

Brother Biao doesn't speak, someone will speak for him.

The little brother beside him said, "So what if it's a threat, what else can you do to us?"

"Brother Biao, let's not listen to what that bitch said. Let's take down this supermarket and hand it over to Brother Seven. By then, Brother Biao, you will be the most popular person in front of Brother Seven. Will you still be afraid of a woman? "

The younger brother said: "Brother Biao, the person standing behind you is Brother Seven. What kind of character is Brother Seven? He is the person in charge of the Huilan base! How could the owner of such a small supermarket confront the person in charge of the base head-on."

These words made Brother Biao feel comfortable.

But Xia Xia was a little confused. He asked, "Is the person in charge of the base very good?"

Brother Biao puffed out his chest, "Of course!"

Xia Xia also proudly raised her chest, "My mother is also the person in charge of the base, and built a huge base!!"

Xiaoyi on the side also said: "My mother is a doctor in the supermarket, and she has saved a lot of people!!"

The woman who was shopping in the supermarket also smiled and said, "My mother is a farmer. She is very good. She has a bumper harvest every year, and the output is twice as high as others."

The woman touched her belly subconsciously.

"It's an honor that my mother is willing to bring me into this world."

Even Haiyang and Fang Xun spoke out.

Xiaoyi ran to Fang Xun's side and said, "Mom is the best!"

Fang Xun smiled and patted his head.

Xia Xia tilted his head and thought about it, he should be considered to be brought into this world by his mother!

He is also honored!

Xia Xia and Xiao Yi looked at Brother Biao and his dog-legged brother, "Where's your mother? Don't you have a mother?"

Brother Biao vs younger brother:?

Brother Biao said: "Joke, what can these jobs do in the last days? Play role-playing?"

"It's really interesting to return the person in charge of the base."

Brother Biao looked at Xia Xia: "Is your mother named Yan Peijun?"

Xia Xia nodded.

Brother Biao laughed loudly: "Yan Peijun died a long time ago, and the current person in charge of Beichen Base is a man. Sure enough, women are born unable to do these things! No wonder they died so early."

Fang Xun and the women beside him all lowered their faces.

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