In the evening, Xia Xia began to settle accounts as usual.

[Submission 300 has been completed.Rewards: crystal core x1, access to the medical area x100, antipyretic injection x[-].The goods that can be purchased have been unlocked, please check in time. 】

Xia Xia clicks on the medical area to open the authority.

[Crystal cores required to open the medical area: 10000.Is it enabled?yes or no. 】

Xia Xia glanced at her balance.


Xia Xia clicked to activate.

After clicking, there was movement on the first floor.

Xia Xia held her head and waited for the movement to end. After the last sound disappeared, Xia Xia's system notification sound came to the first floor.

The two small private rooms that were originally locked were successfully unlocked.

The small single room was dirty, Xia Xia spent 5 crystal cores to buy the function of cleaning designated areas.

Looking at the brand-new small single room, Xia Xia was satisfied.

In the small single room of [-] square meters, there are two rows of long shelves against the wall.

The shelves were empty, waiting for Xia Xia to put the medicines up.

There is a consultation desk at the entrance of the small single room, and the consultation desk is empty except for a computer with a cash register system.

Xia Xia turned on the system, and there was a "medical treatment" on the system interface.

There are purchase channels for medical devices in the medical interface.

Xia Xia ordered the necessary medical equipment that the system prompted to purchase.

At this moment, a new side mission immediately popped up.

[Sub-task [-]: Recruit a general doctor staff within five days. 】

Xia Xia flicked her tail, took a pen and paper, drew a job advertisement and pasted it on the wall at the entrance of the medical area.

After setting up the medical area, Xia Xia took advantage of this time to open the interface for goods that can be purchased.

After opening the medical area, there are many more medical products that have been unlocked and can be purchased.

Xia Xia also entered a lot.

Anti-heat medicine, anti-diarrheal medicine, scar-removing ointment, injection needle tube, injection solution.

And other kinds of unlocked restocks: Furniture and Bedding.

Delivery was as fast as ever.

Xia Xia looked at the warehouse, which was so full that it was about to overflow, rolled up her sleeves and started to put the goods on the shelves.

The little flames floating around obediently helped.

Little Rose wobbled, and after being burned by little flames with sparks, she also followed to help.

The three little ones were busy all night before moving.

Little Flame and Little Rose collapsed on the ground.

Xia Xia fed them some energy they needed.

The wind blowing from the air conditioner brought a touch of warmth.

Xia Xia frowned and turned down the air conditioner a few more degrees.

He is most afraid of heat.

In the post-apocalyptic night, the starry sky becomes brighter.

In the gray-blue base, a family of three is worrying.

"What to do, Xiaoyi's temperature is getting higher and higher!"

"It used to be fine in a while, why is it so serious this time! What can I do!"

"Fang Xun, I heard that there is a supermarket in the center of City L that sells anti-inflammatory drugs. Why don't we try it! Since his family has anti-inflammatory drugs, they must also have anti-fever drugs. If my son has a fever, he will die. Damn it! If you don’t want to go, just say so, I’ll take my son with me!”

"If you don't want to order you, go by yourself, don't bring Xiaoyi."

Fang Xun looked at his son whose face was flushed red, and was also very anxious.

If it was before the end of the world, she could have taken her son directly to the hospital where she worked.

If it doesn't work, you can directly give your son some righteous water to relieve the heat.

But now is the end of the world, and they have nothing.

Their family is just ordinary people, not a single person with supernatural powers.

For ordinary people like them, the distance between City L and the gray-blue base is no less than walking through mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

not to mention……

Fang Xun said: "With the current situation, do you think we can get out of the gate of the base?"

"A few days ago, so many people took advantage of the chaos to escape, but you didn't see the scene where they were killed on the spot by the supernatural being?"

"The daughter of Xiao Chen's family next door just passed by the gate of the base, why don't you go and see what she looks like now?"

Lian Haiyang was angry with Fang Xun with red eyes.

Fang Xun looked at the wimpy look of his husband, and hated iron and steel: "The base is so strict, how dare you let me take my son out?"

With the night came the intense heat.

Fang Xun's son, Xiaoyi, has always been sensitive to temperature. He would suffer from heat stroke if it was a little hot, and catch a cold if it was a little cold.

Lian Haiyang said: "I'm also impatient, Xiaoyi is burned like this. We can go to someone for help! We can go to Mo Xun! Mo Xun used to be an ordinary person, he must understand us!"

Fang Xun smiled angrily: "Are you asking a superior to understand you and empathize with you?"

Lian Haiyang held his son in his arms and remained silent.

The son whimpered in distress.

Fang Xun sighed, "Let's die together. Let's try."

Lian Haiyang nodded hurriedly.

The night at the gray-blue base was eerily quiet.

Fang Xun did not take Lian Haiyang and his son to the gate of the base, but took people to Mo Xun's residence.

Mo Xun is the only candidate who has openly expressed affection for ordinary people.

Fang Xun was also the first to look for him.

Mo Xun's residence is guarded by many supernatural beings.

The three of Fang Xun were stopped by the supernatural being before they approached.

The psychic who stopped them had curly dark brown hair.

The supernatural person frowned and said, "What are you doing here?"

Fang Xun took a breath, "Our child has a heat stroke and has a fever, and needs anti-heat medicine."

"Heatstroke?" The power user: "I'm sorry, we don't have any medicine for heatstroke. But ice power users can help cool down. But she's not here now, I'll ask someone to call her over, and I need you to wait for a while. Is that okay? "

Fang Xun is very grateful for the kindness released by the other party, but the power of the ice-type power user is only a temporary solution, not a permanent cure.

As long as the temperature changes, Xiaoyi will get sick.

It's okay to say once or twice.

What about next time?Are there really no complaints about these abilities?

Fang Xun explained: "It's not that we don't want to wait, it's that my child's illness is related to temperature."

"You are a supernatural being, and your body is better than us ordinary people, so you can't feel the temperature change."

"From after dark, the temperature is rising rapidly and has continued until now, with an increasing trend. Heat stroke and fever will become frequent events, and even heat stroke will occur."

"Ordinary people are really easy to fall for."

The supernatural person said: "So?"

Fang Xun spoke under pressure: "I heard that there is a supermarket in the center of City L, which sells medicines, and there may be medicines for heatstroke and antipyretics. We want to check it out, but we can't get out of the base."

The supernatural person touched his head: "So you are waiting for me here. Do you want to go out by yourself? Can you reach City L smoothly?"

Fang Xun was silent.

The supernatural person glanced at the child whose face was already burning red and began to talk nonsense, and said, "I'll go in and ask for you. You come with me. It's not safe at night, but it won't be long before you can rest assured."

Fang Xun and Lian Haiyang looked at each other, suppressing the shock in their hearts.

The psychic walked forward first, handed them over to another psychic, and walked into a room.

Fang Xun and Lian Haiyang waited anxiously outside the house.

Soon the supernatural being walked out holding the hand of a beautiful lady.

He said to Fang Xun: "You have also had good luck, the boss agreed. Now let me and my wife send you there."

Fang Xun and Lian Haiyang: "Huh?"

The power user introduced himself: "My name is Yao Yichen, and my wife's name is Fang Xiaowei. You can call her Wei Wei. Wei Wei is an ice-type power user, and she will help cool down on the way."

Yao Yichen took out a car from the space and let the family of three sit in the back seat.

They drove directly out of the gate of the base unimpeded.

Fang Xun kept thanking Yao Yichen in the back seat.

Yao Yichen smiled and said: "You're welcome, it should be. Our boss used to be an ordinary person, so he will pay more attention to ordinary people. He takes your affairs into consideration, so don't worry."

"Besides, we have to buy some medicine and prepare it."

Yao Yichen directly drove over a zombie to death, and collected crystal nuclei with supernatural powers.

Five hours later, it was dawn.

Yao Yichen stopped the car at the gate of Plant Army.

The army of plants shook their branches.

Yao Yichen had a strange feeling that these plants were staring at him.

He shook his hand, Fang Xiaowei said: "What's wrong?"

Yao Yichen shook his head, and led Fang Xun and the others to the supermarket.

As luck would have it, the supermarket opened.

Fang Xun curiously found this building called Red Panda Supermarket.

This place is like a paradise.

There is a feeling of indifference to the world.

Fang Xun shivered immediately after entering the supermarket because of the low temperature.

Xiao Yi in her arms also twisted her body.

She began to observe the supermarket.

Spacious lounge, neat shelves, and medical area.

Recruitment notices are posted on the walls of the medical area.

Fang Xun's eyes flickered.

A handsome boy with big ears and a big tail came over.

Seeing them, the boy said, "You guys are so lucky. The anti-heat medicine is only on the shelves today."

Fang Xun and Lian Haiyang looked at each other with surprise.

But the boy said again: "His fever is a bit too serious. I have antipyretic injections here, but I don't know how to use them."

Fang Xun immediately took a step forward, "I will! I used to be a doctor!"

She took out the medical license she carried with her.

Xia Xia radar sounded.

He glanced at it, and returned it to Fang Xun after the system tested it.

It's true, and the ratings given by the system are not bad.

Xia Xia said: "A bottle of anti-heat medicine has 10 crystal nuclei, and a pair of antipyretic injections has 50 crystal nuclei. There are 60 crystal nuclei in total."

Fang Xun's original excitement was crushed by this short sentence.

They couldn't even take out the 60 crystal nuclei.

At this time, a card appeared in front of the two of them.

Yao Yichen handed the crystal card to Xia Xia, and said, "Then buy 100 bottles of anti-heat medicine, 100 pairs of anti-fever injections, and [-] boxes of anti-fever medicine. They also use this card to pay for what they need."

Xia Xia blinked, "Fever-reducing injections are not available for delivery."

Fang Xun opened his mouth.

She said, "Then can I apply?"

She pointed to the recruitment notice on the wall, "Can I apply for a doctor?"

Xia Xia flicked her tail, "Of course. But our supermarket doesn't include food or housing, and employees don't get discounts when they buy products. Are you willing to pay two thousand crystal cores as salary every month?"

Two thousand crystal nuclei is already a huge sum of money for Fang Xun.

She nodded in agreement.

Xia Xia tiptoed happily, "Okay! You can reduce the fever first. When his condition improves, let's talk about how to go to work."

Fang Xun gave the child an injection neatly.

The effect of the antipyretic injection was very quick. The child opened his eyes immediately and called out to his mother in a daze.

Fang Xun and Lian Haiyang were so excited that they almost cried, and kept bowing to Xia Xia and Yao Yichen.

Yao Yichen looked at Xia Xia: "Since there is a medical area in the supermarket, does it mean that you will come here to see a doctor in the future?"

Xia Xia said: "Yes. The outpatient fee is 5 crystal cores."

Yao Yichen said: "Then 100 bottles of anti-heat medicine and 100 boxes of anti-fever medicine?"

"A total of 8000 crystal nuclei. Thank you for your patronage!"

Today's little panda also received a large amount of crystal nuclei!

Doctors are also hired!

yeah! !

The author says:

Memmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ! !hehehe~

Today's reference:

① Hug the author!The author is so diligent!

②The author quickly code words! ! !The little leather whip is here! !

③Ah!come on, come on, come on! ! ! !

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