
Chapter 90 Extra Chapter 1

In the mausoleum of Emperor Yan, in the vast primeval forest, a thin man with simple luggage was marching through thorns and thorns.He skillfully cut off the plants blocking the way with a knife in his hand, walked freely in the intricate environment, as if walking on flat ground, and his walking speed did not drop during the whole morning. The thick leaves are stuffed into the mouth to chew, and the mud and moss debris stained on them are spit out, and the water is replenished while walking. It is a veteran of jungle exploration.

Passing through a pine forest, he looked up at the sky, sniffed the moisture in the air, smiled joyfully, and changed direction to speed up.Soon, even if you don't need to distinguish carefully, you can feel the air humidity has increased greatly, and there are crystal drops of water hanging on the leaves, and then you can faintly hear the sound of majestic water hitting.He simply put away the knife, shortened his waist, and jumped up in the forest with all four limbs together.You will be amazed if you see it.His movements are as agile as that of an ape, climbing the vines between the branches and swinging through a thicket of thorns. The thin vines swayed slightly as if they were not under any force. Running quickly, the little tree that couldn't bear the child's weight didn't move at all, and the man had already climbed to the top.Get up and find that the height is not enough, inhale and squat down and jump again, grab the thick pine branch in front of you and circle around for a circle, use your waist to soar into the air, step firmly on the high branch, and raise the height of 20 meters with one movement, and the vision becomes clear .

In front of it is a small waterfall, surrounded by green, like hands slightly covering the top, even if it is not easy to find it in the air, it is the destination of the man's trip.After finding the right direction, he came to the bottom of the waterfall in a short while, picked a flat stone and sat down.He put down his backpack, took out the fire props, piled up the dry wood branches he picked up along the way, and lit a small fire.He bent down, stretched out his hand into the water, and grabbed a big white water fish. The fish was slippery and struggled desperately, but he couldn't get rid of his grasp.It is easy to disembowel and cut open the belly, scrub it clean, string it on a wooden stick and put it on a fire.With lunch settled, he washed his hands, took out another envelope from his backpack, opened it, and looked carefully.


I haven't seen you for a month, how are you? I still haven't gained anything since I haven't returned.Life in the wild is not easy. Be careful when you are out alone. If you have any difficulties, come back at any time.Knowing that you are worried about your daughter's recent situation, I will write to you as scheduled to inform you.Feifei is still asleep and shows no signs of waking up.I bathed her every day, scented her to soothe her mind, and tried to prepare a new fragrant medicine to see if she could awaken her consciousness.Although you are working hard, you should not expect too much, and attach a recent photo to talk about your missing daughter.

In addition, Jiang Hongyan came to borrow the manuscript again the day before yesterday. Although I was not happy, thinking of my family's entrustment, he finally got what he wanted.In the past few days, I have dreamed of Jiashuang every night, and it was him who was boned and turned into blood bones and woke up never to be the same again. After waking up, my heart ached like twists and turns.For more than a year, only you and I still miss him. I have the great task of inheriting the bones, and I can't stay away from the bones. I have to try my best to teach Dorje the bone cutting knife technique, hoping to complete the important task of inheritance as soon as possible.The boy's savvy is generally good, but he is still hardworking, and he has made some achievements in the past year.But my heart is attached to my family, and I always look forward to his return. I have reservations about teaching saber techniques, but I know it's wrong but I can't control myself. In your opinion, what should I do?

In order to find your family, you haven't returned home all year. Feifei is your own daughter, and you don't care about her.No matter how guilty I am in my heart, I should let it go after a long time.Come back, even if it's just to take a look and talk to me, it's better than suffering alone in the woods.If Jia Shuang knows that you despise yourself, you will blame me for ruining the bones.

Looking forward to returning, I really miss it!

Fang Lijuan"

Pulling out the photo in the envelope, the man caressed the peaceful sleeping face of the little girl in the photo, with a loving smile on her face.But soon, he was replaced by a sad look, and he said to himself: "Feifei, wait a little longer, and come back when Dad finds Uncle Feng."

This man was exactly Ah Hua who had been looking for the Feng family for a whole year.At the beginning, he rescued everyone from the crypt, but he never saw Feng Jiashuang after the evisceration. His life and death remained a mystery.When a person who has lived together for many years suddenly disappears, ordinary people will feel sad and try their best to find it.But Feng Jiashuang is far from that simple to Ah Hua.

The initial meeting was just a transaction, Feng Jiashuang carves out the bones for their father and daughter, and Ah Hua stays to take care of the housework to repay the debt.In Ah Hua's mind, Feng Jiashuang is a powerful villain, a cold-blooded monster with no skin and no emotions of ordinary people.The mouth is full of precious bone species, and they love him in every possible way because he is a warm jade bone, which is extremely rare.He only regarded Feng Jiashuang as a creditor and served him wholeheartedly.Living together in the same place but seemingly in harmony with each other, the weather-beaten Ahua has never given his sincerity.He looked coldly at Feng Jiashuang's bone removal, and angrily reprimanded Feng Jiashuang for disregarding human life. The difference in identity and nature has become a barrier for their communication.It wasn't until Feng Jiashuang slowly turned into flesh and bones in front of him, and told the whole story of their disputes in the past, that he realized that Feng Jiashuang was not ruthless, but worried about his own life, so he didn't dare to show his concern for the people around him. .Looking back on the past, it can be said that Feng Jiashuang took good care of him, but he always thought of him and guarded him with his ruthless words and actions.

Only now did Ah Hua understand what kind of person Feng Jiashuang was.But before he could recover, the man left.The fusion of flesh and blood bones, the unprecedented deboning process, everyone present knew that Feng Jiashuang was actually dead.Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance of surviving, he is no longer a human being, and he may not even be Feng Jiashuang himself. The blood and bones are so cruel, and Feng Jiashuang's consciousness of only 20 years can't compete with the thousand-year-old blood and bones.With endless remorse, Ah Hua watched Feng Jiashuang disappear without a trace in front of them, disappearing into nothingness together with Iron Bones.

From then on, Hu Fei no longer mentioned Feng Jiashuang, and had nothing to do with the same vein as the bone-eviscer.If it weren't for Jiang Hongyan who often came to borrow letters to read, the house where the genius boning craftsman once lived would be forgotten, and even Fang Lijuan would not want to set foot there again.Sad people are afraid of being sad, so why isn't Ahua himself afraid of seeing things and thinking about others?Even when facing Feifei, he would think of the man with a hippie smile pretending to be a fragile heart.He resolutely insisted on searching, and he must find someone to finish.

Fang Lijuan didn't understand why he was so persistent, and Ah Hua couldn't explain it himself, he couldn't control the pace of searching.Fang Lijuan suddenly became excited after repeated persuasion to no avail. She said that Feng Jiashuang had two of his teeth, and there might be a real connection between the spiritual bones, which made Ah Hua subconsciously know that Feng Jiashuang was still alive, and supported him to continue searching.Ahua didn't think much about it at all, he just followed his instinct to step into every corner of the forest, and then tried not to let himself miss Feifei and think wildly.

A scent came, pulling Ah Hua back from his memories.He carefully put the photo back into the envelope and kept it close to his body.Take off the half-cooked fish grilled on the fire, and set up the temple of five internal organs.Over the past year, he has gained a new understanding of his inhuman identity.He can run fast without panting without getting tired, can jump two or three meters higher than ordinary people, eats messy things and never has diarrhea, and can't even die without eating or drinking. As long as he wants to, he is almost a superman.But after all, he used to be a human being, and he wanted to eat and sleep to satisfy his psychological needs.Just don't need to be too particular about it, it doesn't matter if the food is raw or cooked, just deal with it.Wait until your mouth is hungry, then cook and eat.

A Hua observes the surrounding environment while eating. The terrain here is hidden, the vegetation is dense, and no one has stepped on it. It still maintains the original ecology of the mountains and rivers.During this period of time, he searched almost all the forests near Yandi Mausoleum, and drew a map by himself to mark all the places he walked.If he hadn't checked carefully and found that the lines in a small area he drew were disconnected and unclear, and the water flow below could not find the source, he would not have noticed this almost closed waterfall at all.Looking carefully, there is a rapid stream of water rushing out of the pile of rocks above. The rocks are fixed by the intertwined roots of the towering trees so that they will not be washed down by the water. The wide canopy of the trees has also become a good barrier that hinders the line of sight.There is a water pool downstream of the waterfall with a drop of about 10 meters. Before the stream winds down, it is cut off by cobblestones, and it is divided into small water flows to irrigate the soil under the mountain.The place is beautifully laid out, the perfect escape from the world.

A Hua was taken aback, how could he think Feng Jiashuang was hiding.If he was still conscious, he would have walked out by himself long ago, so he didn't need to search hard.If the consciousness had been invaded by blood and bones, the massacre would have caused a sensation.So the only explanation for not being able to find him is that he has lost consciousness and slept somewhere, or has been...

Sighing, Ah Hua ate the cooked fish, and then bit off the raw half.kindness?During chewing, the fish meat tastes slightly sweet and has no fishy smell. It is actually more elastic than ordinary fresh sashimi, which is very delicious.He has eaten fish from lakes and lakes in the forest, but he has never tried such delicious white water fish.He couldn't help catching another fish in the water, and held up the lively fish body to examine it in the sunlight. The fish scales glowed with colorful light in the sun, and they were ordinary colorless fish scales with the back of the light in his hand.The fish is larger overall and struggles more vigorously.

Licking his lips, Ah Hua took out a knife and cooked this piece, cut it directly into sashimi, and sat by the pool to enjoy the natural flavor slowly.It was a rare and pleasant time, eating fish, listening to the melodious birdsong and the sound of running water, he lay down on the heated stones with his hands on his head and fell asleep.Suddenly, there was a strange cry, which was inconspicuous mixed with the sound of the huge water flow.If it wasn't for his extremely sensitive hearing and empty mind, he wouldn't have noticed the sound like a baby crying.The sound came from the pool of the waterfall, so it couldn’t be a baby falling into the water. Ah Hua listened carefully to it calling twice and then it became clear that it was a giant salamander.

Through the white water mist, Ah Hua soon found the jet-black salamander lying on the edge of the pool. Interestingly, two green grasses grew on the head of the ridiculously flat salamander. There were leaves and stems on it, and the leaves were small and delicate. It is round and grows on a stem, with small white flowers on the top.Under the impact of such a turbulent water flow at the bottom of the waterfall, the grass on the head of the salamander shook violently, but the leaves and flowers were not damaged at all.

Ahua became curious, and slowly crawled over the rocks in the tidal flat, trying to catch it.Unexpectedly, the giant salamander was extremely sensitive, and seemed to sense that Ahua's intentions were wrong, so he stopped screaming, flicked his tail, turned around and got into the waves, and went into the waterfall.

Hey, Ah Hua sighed regretfully, and when he was about to give up, he suddenly remembered that he is a bone bed that doesn’t need to breathe, so he can move freely even in the waterfall, so why not take the opportunity of catching fish to exercise his mobility in extreme environments.Playful, he immediately took off his underwear, left all his luggage outside, and slowly waded into the pool.Fortunately, the pool is only waist deep, and the water temperature in early autumn is a bit cooler, but it is tolerable.He took a deep breath, closed his eyes to adjust his breathing, and began to enter a meditative state, and soon his breathing weakened until it disappeared.

Pat your face and rub your eyes to adapt to the stimulation of the underwater environment.Then I plunged into the water with my eyes open, and the curtain formed by the white water foam in front of me appeared in front of my eyes.Ah Hua looked left and right, the water quality in the pool was very clear, the bottom was paved with pebbles, covered with aquatic plants, and the aquatic fish swam in it, neither dodging nor avoiding him, completely defenseless, but did not see the salamander just now.Sure enough, it went behind the waterfall.

Ahua approached the water curtain carefully, and stretched out his hand to search for the rock wall behind the waterfall, but he couldn't find any solid objects, only the water flow made his arms numb.He simply got in, while testing the front with his hand.Gradually deepening but still can't touch the towering rock wall that should be there.There is another world behind!Ahua was so excited that he immediately gave up looking for the giant salamander and turned to explore the world behind the waterfall.

Five minutes later, he successfully broke through the water mist, and his eyes went dark. There was no light in the calm water, and he was in a daze.Hurry up to get out of the water, and when the eyes adapt to the darkness, Ah Hua exclaimed, there is indeed a cave inside, the inner and outer pools are connected, separated by a waterfall, and the depth is unknown.

Going ashore, Ah Hua shook off his chicken skin, and the temperature inside the cave dropped sharply. It was cold and humid, not as bright as the sun outside.Before he had time to look at the cave with the light from outside, he heard the cry of the salamander again.Smiling secretly, he really hid here. It’s a good refuge. It’s difficult for ordinary creatures to break through the water curtain to catch it. It’s a wise choice to put the nest here.Hey, there is more than one. It seems to sense the arrival of a strange visitor. The sound of babies crying one after another sounded in the cave, which was quite scary. It turned out to be a gathering place for giant salamanders.

A giant salamander, Ahua, is still interested in playing hide-and-seek with it, but it is not so pleasant to be surrounded by a group of salamanders.Salamanders are very docile animals and will not attack humans.But the salamander just discovered has grass growing on its head. It looks strange and has different habits, so it's better to be cautious.

There is no plan to go deep into the cave for the time being, and while he is still hesitating, Ah Hua soon hears a different sound. "Ji, Ji, Ji!" Accompanied by the cry, a huge salamander emerged from the pool and slowly climbed to the shore on the other side of the pool, with a large bunch of tender green flowers and plants growing on its head, like a corolla. up, it's spectacular.

Ahua was stunned, and just by the cry, several terms sounded in his mind one after another: "grain worm" and "clear field"!He accidentally broke into Qingtian, the place where fresh energy gathers in the primeval forest of Emperor Yan's Mausoleum, the source of vitality, Qingtian!

The author has something to say: It’s the first time postpartum to update the episode, hey, it’s not easy to have a baby and raise a baby.Fully understand that sentence, it is very reasonable to raise a child to repay the mother's kindness.Too busy to die, too tired to die, anyway, it's just one word, die!

The current situation of Feng Jiashuang will be explained in the next chapter, please wait patiently.

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